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Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

They do say your favourite Doctor is the one you grew up with.
I do think that's largely true, yeah, for me the Doctor is very much Sylvester McCoy, he wasn't the first Doctor I saw (that was Peter Davison, and I saw plenty of Colin Baker too), but he was the one when I actually cared about the show and was old enough to understand it (i.e. 8+). Ace remains my gold standard for a companion.

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I really think that if Eccleston had more time he would be ranked as one of, if not the, best Doctors. I thought he did great work. But I understand that his short tenure makes it really hard to rate him that high. Especially since a lot of his era was spent re-establishing the entire show, he just didn't get the opportunity to shine to his full potential.


They do say your favourite Doctor is the one you grew up with. For me that's Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. I know, that's two The Doctors. If I had to pick it's Tom Baker. But Pertwee had the jalopy, and the jiujitsu, and the biceps with the cool tats.

Anyway, I just wanted to chime in to agree with @Ruin Explorer. The Doctor as lonely space god is just not interesting. It's all too Childe Harold and Young Werther for me. I was an angsty teen once upon a time; I get the appeal of the lonely, unique, tragic hero figure. I wanted to have my angsty, no-one understands me feelings reflected and justified. Then I grew up.

The Doctor as a rebel. As a little person in a big universe just doing what he can to help. Someone who can consider the ethics of destroying the Daleks before they become the menace they are. That's an interesting character.

What I can't decide is my favourite companion. Sarah Jane Smith or Romana?

Sarah Jane does suffer a bit from damsel in distress syndrome. But for the time (early 70's) she was given a good amount of agency and competence. Sarah Jane in later appearances (e.g. her own series)

Romana was an excellent foil for the Doctor. She was his equal in every way. Hell, academically she blew him out of the water. Whereas the Doctor had the street smarts and the human warmth. Romana developed these as she went along of course.
But which Romana?

For the old companions I'll always have a soft spot for Sarah Jane but Jo Grant had that amazing coat, and Leela? "Floating down the river in a hatbox"? Discussing the relative merits of the ways one might kill someone with a knife?

I really think that if Eccleston had more time he would be ranked as one of, if not the, best Doctors. I thought he did great work. But I understand that his short tenure makes it really hard to rate him that high. Especially since a lot of his era was spent re-establishing the entire show, he just didn't get the opportunity to shine to his full potential.
Did we ever work out why he and RTD butted heads there? I think over time any kind of real animus or the like has been eliminated as a possibility, so it's got to be something very actor-y or writer-y.

But yeah I agree, I think Eccleston had the most potential of all the modern Doctors. The one I'm most vexed by is Peter Capaldi, which achieved approximately 20% of the potential I saw for him as the Doctor, if that. I think I'd rate him solidly the worst modern Doctor. That's not all on him - a bunch is on Moffat's over-stylized, excessively pleased-with-itself writing style, and even as the "worst" he's still pretty solid.


But which Romana?

Well, as a lad of about 8 or 9 I was quite determined to marry Lala Ward. As it turns out she went on to marry someone much more age appropriate.

But Romana 1 is good too.

Romana is a difficult character to consider. The Romanas were different enough in personality to feel very different to me the viewer. But it was one character with one history. And certain aspects carried through, for example the heretofore mentioned intelligence. I find it hard to draw a line.

As to other companions - I think most were good in their ways. Ace and Leela before her were both awesome action companions. Adric was a thoughtful and sensitive soul. Jo Grant was feisty and did indeed have an awesome coat (and white go-go boots!)

Even also rans like Dr. Harry (anyone else remember him?), Turlo, Tegan (she's one of my people, I have to like her) and Nyssa had their good points. Dr. Liz had potential but I don't think the writers knew what to do with a lady scientist back in 1972/3.

I have seen very little from before Jon Pertwee's time so I can't say anything about the earliest companions.

Of the New Who companions Donna is hands down the best. If there's one thing a big woobie like Childe Doctor needs it's a reality check from Donna.

@Ryujin, re. "floating down a river in a hatbox" is not sparking any memories...

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