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Undead Origins


Pathfinder Adventure Path #176: Lost Mammoth Valley (Quest for the Frozen Flame 2 of 3)
Pathfinder 2e
Necrohusk: Necrohusks are skittering, undead monstrosities, created when a humanoid is purposefully twisted into a new creature through necromantic experimentation. Unlike fleshwarps and recipients of successful necrografts, prospective necrohusks never survive the procedure.
Creating a necrohusk is an incredibly difficult endeavor, fraught with error. Most attempts result in lumps of useless, rotten slurry or malformed undead no more cunning or dangerous than a mundane zombie. The costs in time, experimental subjects, and expensive spell components lead some would-be necromancers to conclude that the results aren’t worth the risk. Occasionally, spellcasters can harness the power of the Negative Energy Plane during the process, which lessens the monetary cost but vastly increases the danger, often producing a deadly backlash resulting in the creator’s death and a masterless necrohusk.
Among the Sutaki, only Ashen Swale and his lieutenants, Turkek and Azi, have the skill and knowledge to create necrohusks with any regularity, although Turkek’s interests often lead him away from such gruesome endeavors. Necrohusks are created from volunteers in Ashen Swale’s cult or from traitorous Sutaki whom Ashen Swale wants to punish with a ghastly fate.
Necrohusk, Skittering Undead Monstrosity, Cunning Animalistic Creature: ?
Masterless Necrohusk: ?
Loyal Necrohusk: Lieutenant Desiak was transformed into a fleshwarp by Ashen Swale’s necromantic experiments. He dines at Hearth once a week alongside his undead minion, a loyal necrohusk created from a cultist.
Undead Servitor: ?
Fallen Soldier: Sutaki wage war with them to the east, then raise the dead, using fallen soldiers to assault them.
Undead, Undead Monster: ?
Foul Undead: ?
Undead Hand: ?
Undead Guardian: ?
Undead Monstrosity: Ashen Swale’s devoted cultists meet them head on, streaming out of their barracks with steel in hand or spells on lips, accompanied by undead monstrosities crafted from past victims and corrupted wildlife.
Deep within the frigid Algid Wastes, between the Hold of Belkzen and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, the orc alchemist Mother Chot fleshwarps megafauna into loyal war beasts, half-living war machines, or undead monstrosities.
Malformed Undead: ?
Long-Horned Bison Beheaded, Long-Horned Bison Skull: ?
Beheaded: Anyone apprehended by Ashen Swale’s followers is imprisoned in one of the many 15-foot-deep oubliettes that comprise the prisoner pits. Each pit is a muddy morass partially flooded with waste and swamp water and rife with insects and disease. Upon dying, prisoners are reanimated as beheaded and impaled on a stake in the Howling Square.
Crawling Hand Swarm: Necromancers studying here practice their craft on the severed hands of prisoners, using them to create crawling hands that are then kept on the shelves. When the party touches any object in this room, the hands attack as one.
Wonoak, Dullahan: ?
Ghoul: The ghouls are the missing fishers from area B44, who were killed by the nabasu.
Haunt Final Flight: Long ago, the lea was tended by a Burning Mammoth priest. When the following abandoned their migratory route through the valley, the priest remained to ensure the spirits memorialized were respected. After a decade, griffons carried off the priest and fed him to their young, angering the spirits here.
In their sorrow over the lost priest, the spirits formed a haunt representing their collective consciousness and sorrow.
The triggering creature experiences the last moments of the priest who once tended the Lea of Honored Souls. Griffons swoop down from the sky and snatch the priest up in their claws, dealing 1d8+7 slashing damage. They’re carried southwest across the valley to a mountain peak and dropped into a nest of young griffons. As the chicks devour the priest, the character takes 1d8+7 piercing damage and 2d8 mental damage.
Haunt Footsteps of Legend: ?
Poltergeist: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton Guard: ?
Skeletal Wooly Rhinoceros: ?
Skeletal Horse: ?
Skeletal Hulk, Mindless Skeletal Hulk: ?
Skeletal Giant, Large Horned Skeleton: ?
Skeleton: ?
Plague Zombie: The plague zombie was a Mendevian deserter killed and reanimated by the necromancer.
Zombie Megaloceros: ?
Zombie Brute: [T]wo zombie brutes made from reanimated Mendevian soldiers.
Zombie Brute, Zombie Servitor: ?
Zombie Mammoth, Undead Wooly Mammoth: ?
Zombie, Mundane Zombie: ?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #177: Burning Tundra (Quest for the Frozen Flame 3 of 3)
Pathfinder 2e
Tar Zombie: The victims of a tar ooze eventually emerge from the ooze’s vast, viscous bulk to walk again as mindless zombies.
Living things consumed by the ooze slowly have their flesh digested, only for the bones and fur to be replaced with blobs of sticky tar. These unnatural zombies eventually crawl away, hungry for flesh.
A creature slain while engulfed by a tar ooze undergoes a horrifying transformation and crawls from the ooze a week later as a tar zombie.
A villain eager for necromantic minions but unable to animate their own might create an army of tar zombies by imprisoning a tar ooze and feeding it a steady diet of victims.
Tar Zombie, Necromantic Minion: ?
Tar Zombie Snatcher: Humanoids consumed by a tar ooze become sticky warriors in the tar ooze’s mindless procession.
Although they’re probably the animated corpses of local animals, they might include one or more of Ivarsa’s scouts.
Tar Zombie Snatcher, Animated Corpse, Sticky Warrior: ?
Tar Zombie Predator: A big predator, like a smilodon or dire wolf, might lurk near a tar pit to pick off helpless creatures. When consumed and returned to unlife by a tar ooze, these tar zombie predators are just as canny and vicious.
This tar ooze was responsible for the deaths of several of Ivarsa’s followers, who now follow it as zombies.
Tar Zombie Predator, Humanoid Shape, Hideous Corpse: ?
Tar Zombie Mammoth: Because their massive size makes them difficult for tar oozes to fully digest, tar zombie mammoths tend to resemble their living forms more closely than other tar zombies.
Smaller Tar Zombie: ?
Tar Zombie Lizardfolk: ?
Tar Zombie Xulgath: ?
Tar Zombie, Unnatural Zombie: ?
Arboreal Tar Tree, Full-Fledged Autonomous Tar Tree: If the creator of the tar tree spawn dies, the tar tree spawn becomes a full-fledged, autonomous tar tree.
Arboreal Tar Tree, Stealthy Arboreal: ?
Tar Tree Spawn: A living arboreal or animated tree slain by a tar tree’s thorny branch Strike rises as a tar tree spawn after 1d4 rounds.
Undead: Demons massacred the entire garrison, leaving haunts and undead in their wake.
Undead Mendevian Soldier: ?
Undead Tree: ?
Undead Spirit: The former garrison of the castle are undead spirits who have manifested corporeal forms as a result of primal midwinter magic.
Powerful Undead Creature: ?
Baykok, Undead Remains of a Mammoth Lord Hunter: ?
Ghost: ?
Mendevian Ghost: ?
Ghostly Kellid: ?
Graveknight: The characters stumble across the corpses of Mendevian soldiers slain in the sack of Castle Grimgorge over a century ago. If this encounter takes place within 1 week of midwinter, the corpses rise as 1d4–1 (minimum 1) graveknights (Bestiary 191); otherwise, they rise from their corpses as dread wraiths (Bestiary 2 298).
Grimgorge Graveknight, Weak Graveknight, Ghostly Form, Spirit, Corpse Armored in Black Plate: ?
Haunt: Demons massacred the entire garrison, leaving haunts and undead in their wake.
Haunt Jealous Abjurer, Tortured Spirit of a Mendevian Wizard: ?
Haunt Bloodthirsty Urge: ?
Haunt Hall of Fiery Doom: Much of the garrison had mustered in this hall when they were set upon by flying demons, who collapsed the wooden roof with fire spells before snatching soldiers from the flames and lifting them high into the air to be disemboweled or simply dropped to their deaths. This scene of wanton destruction lingers in the tower to this day.
Haunt Spectral Archer, Ghostly Archer: ?
Shadow: ?
Greater Shadow: ?
Mammoth Skeleton: ?
Everburning Mammoth, Undead Burning Mammoth: ?
Spectral Hadrosaur: ?
Feral Skull Swarm: ?
Clacking Skull Swarm: Necromantic power animates the skeletal remains littering the road.
Clacking Skull Swarm, Bleached Skulls: ?
Witchfire: ?
Witchfire, Evil Spirit: ?
Wraith, Spectral Figure: ?
Dread Wraith: The characters stumble across the corpses of Mendevian soldiers slain in the sack of Castle Grimgorge over a century ago. If this encounter takes place within 1 week of midwinter, the corpses rise as 1d4–1 (minimum 1) graveknights (Bestiary 191); otherwise, they rise from their corpses as dread wraiths (Bestiary 2 298).
Dread Wraith, Spectral Figure, Mendevian Noble: ?
Zombie: ?
Zombie Mammoth: ?
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Pathfinder Beginner Box
Pathfinder 2e
Undead, Undead Creature, Living Dead: Creatures infused after death with soul-corrupting evil magic.
Ghost Commoner: ?
Ghoul: Legends say that even those who survive a ghoul attack risk contracting a fever that eventually transforms them into ghouls.
Ghoul, Flesh-Eating Undead: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton Guard, Simple Skeleton Guard: Made from bones held together by foul necromancy, skeletons can often be found haunting old dungeons and patrolling forgotten cemeteries.
Skeleton Guard, Eternally Vigilant Undead, Minion, Most Common Skeletal Minion, Foul Undead Creature: ?
Skeleton Skeletal Giant: The reanimated bones of giants make excellent necromantic thralls, and the skeletal giants made out of bull-headed minotaurs are no exception.
Skeleton Skeletal Giant, Reanimated Bones of a Giant, Necromantic Thrall, More Powerful Thrall: ?
Mindless Skeleton: ?
Wight: They arise as a result of necromantic rituals, especially violent deaths, or the sheer malevolent will of the deceased.
Wight, Undead Humanoid: ?
Zombie Shambler: ?
Zombie Shambler, Unthinking Ever-Shambling Harbinger of Death, Slow-Moving Horror, Foul Undead Creature: ?
More Powerful Undead: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Ghostly Spirit: ?
Talkative Ghost: ?
Malevolent Ghost of an Actor: ?
Evil Undead Creature: ?


Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide
Pathfinder 2e
Haunt: Haunts are spiritual hazards, usually formed when the spiritual essence of a location is imprinted with the instincts and emotions from a living being’s demise.
Haunt Bloodthirsty Urge: ?
Complex Haunt: ?
Haunt Spectral Reflection: ?
Haunt Ghostly Choir: ?
Haunt Jealous Abjurer: ?
Haunt Plummeting Doom: ?
Haunt Grasp of the Damned: ?
Haunt Eternal Flame: ?
Haunt Confounding Betrayal: ?
Haunt Flensing Blades: ?
Haunt Dance of Death: ?
Undead: If you are not undead, [wearing] the [Horns of Naraga] helm quickly saps the life from you, dealing 10d6 negative damage to you every round. If you die from this damage, you rise as an undead of an equal level in 1d4 rounds.
The black depths [of the negative energy plane] also swarm with undead, creatures doomed to a mockery of life by the interaction of their souls with the plane’s entropic energy.
Enormous Undead Abomination: For instance, after the necromancer’s living allies surrender to the PCs, she might activate a latent magic she implanted within them, killing them and merging their bodies into an enormous undead abomination.
Undead Monstrosity: For example, a previously living necromancer might rise again as an undead monstrosity bent upon destroying the PCs, or defeating an otherworldly villain’s outer shell might reveal its terrible true form.
Intelligent Undead: ?
Ghostly Undead: ?
Undead Without a Mind: ?
Incorporeal Undead: Spirit Anchor curse.
Corporeal Undead: ?
Undead Victim: The black depths [of the negative energy plane] also swarm with undead, creatures doomed to a mockery of life by the interaction of their souls with the plane’s entropic energy.
Sapient Undead: ?
Ghost: Spirit Anchor curse.
Graveknight: ?
Grim Reaper: ?
Lesser Death: ?
Skeleton: Grave Curse curse.
Zombie: Grave Curse curse.
Lich: For instance, if the ritual will grant a lich its apotheosis in 4 rounds, the heroes need to defeat the lich before then!
Malikar, Lich Master: ?
Vampire: ?
Wraith: Negative: Planes with this trait are vast, empty reaches that suck the life from the living. They tend to be lonely, haunted planes, drained of color and filled with winds carrying the moans of those who died within them. At the end of each round, a living creature takes at least minor negative environmental damage. In the strongest areas of a negative plane, they could take moderate or even major negative damage at the end of each round. This damage has the death trait, and if a living creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points by this negative damage and killed, it crumbles into ash and can become a wraith (Bestiary 335). Negative magic is enhanced, and positive magic is impeded.

Curse Magical Necromancy Negative
This curse prevents your soul from moving on after death.
Saving Throw DC 31 Fortitude; Effect If you die while affected, your spirit is anchored to the Material Plane, and you become a ghost or other incorporeal undead.

Curse Necromancy Magical
A grave curse punishes you for stealing from a tomb or other resting place.
Saving Throw Will save, with a high spell DC for a monster of its level (page 65); Effect You are hounded by undead creatures of the same level as the curse. Every night, you must attempt a DC 15 flat check. On a failure, an incorporeal undead manifests to hassle and harry you throughout the night, retreating before it can take much damage and often preventing you from gaining a full night’s rest. Whenever you enter a graveyard or other area where bodies are buried, you must succeed at the same flat check or a body animates as a corporeal undead (typically a skeleton or zombie) to attack you.
These undead are temporary and exist only to harry you; if you take control of the undead, move on, or otherwise avoid their attacks, incorporeal undead discorporate and corporeal undead collapse into ordinary corpses. The curse can be removed by returning the stolen items to their resting place.
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Pathfinder Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide
Pathfinder 2e
Undead: ?
Vampire, Undead Master of the Night: ?
Undead Companion: Undead Companion feat.
Stranger Form of Unlife: ?
Unusual Undead: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Terror: ?
Ghoul, Intelligent Undead: ?
Tar-Baphon, The Whispering Tyrant, Lich, Mighty Lich, Lich-King: ?
Skeleton: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampiric Parent, Vampiric Progenitor: ?
Urgathoa, The Pallid Princess, Vampire: ?
Moroi Vampire: ?
Nosferatu Vampire: ?
Strigoi Vampire: ?
Breath-Stealing Jiang-Shi Vampire, Hopping Vampire: ?
Vetalarana, Psychic Vampire: ?
Modern Vampire: ?
Zombie: ?

Prerequisites an animal companion or a familiar
Your companion is also touched by undeath, a mix of a traditional companion and a skeleton, zombie, or stranger form of unlife. Your companion gains the undead trait instead of the animal trait and gains negative healing. It otherwise uses the normal rules for an animal companion or familiar; that means it can still be affected by many conditions or effects to which most undead are immune.


Pathfinder Lost Omens: Character Guide
Pathfinder 2e
Undead: Rumors persist of undead hiding among the Crimson Reclaimer’s ranks, concealed from detection by an unknown power—supposedly those who suffered unwilling transformation into undeath at the hands of the Whispering Tyrant and his forces.
Tar-Baphon, Whispering Tyrant, Lich: ?
Graveknight: ?
Ghoul: ?
Ghost: ?
Lich: ?
Vampire: ?
Ileana Tessthake, Vampire: ?
Zombie: ?


Pathfinder Lost Omens: Gods & Magic
Pathfinder 2e
Undead: Urgathoa Major Curse.
Urgathoa, The Pallid Princess, Goddess: ?
Divine Undead Creature: ?
Arazni, Lich Queen, Undead Monstrosity: ?
Ayrzul, Immense Undead Crystalline Dragon: ?
Faceless Undead: ?
Ghoul: ?
Ghast: ?
Lacedon: ?
Geb: ?
Tar-Baphon, Whispering Tyrant: ?
Specter: Others say the first words Urgathoa spoke after returning to the Material Plane stole the breath from the lungs of those who heard them, transforming these poor creatures into wraiths and specters that shared her endless hunger.
Vampire: ?
Wraith: Others say the first words Urgathoa spoke after returning to the Material Plane stole the breath from the lungs of those who heard them, transforming these poor creatures into wraiths and specters that shared her endless hunger.

Major Curse: Urgathoa teaches you that pointless lives in slavery to death and morality are bound to end in tragedy. You develop an incurable wasting disease that leaves you clumsy 2, enfeebled 2, and unable to move except by Crawling. This disease never progresses further to kill you, but it passes to your friends and loved ones merely by sight, wasting them away unto death before your eyes and causing them to rise as undead to haunt you.


Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse
Pathfinder 2e
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Walkena, The God-King, Mummy, Undead Child-Regent God, Undead Being of Immense Power, Child-Sized God-King, Defender, Compelling Figure, Child-God, Child God, Undead God, Undead Child God, Powerful Mummy-God Tyrant: ?
Ancient Undead: ?
Restless Undead: ?
Undead Servant: It’s an open secret in Mzali that Walkena raises both his enemies and his devotees as undead servants after they die.
Undead Warrior: ?
Ghost: ?
Namorrodor: ?
Revenant: ?
Vampire: ?
Void Zombie: ?
Vrykolakas: ?
Witchfire: ?
Ochieng, Strength of the Light, Zombie Human Guardian 15: ?
Angry Ghost, Bird: Local peoples claim that long ago, a tribe of demon-worshippers sacrificed their victims here, and that the birds are the angry ghosts of the dead.
Wandering Ghoul: ?
Local Ghoul: ?
Ghoul: ?
Hungry Ghoul: ?
Spectral Haunting: ?
Zombie: Oath of the Devoted contract.

Rare Contract Divine Invested Magical Necromancy
You gain fire and mental resistance 5. When you die, you rise as an undead creature with the zombie trait (Bestiary 340) on the next round; if you are a PC, you become an NPC under Walkena’s control. Your stats remain the same, except that your alignment changes to evil. If you reach 0 Hit Points as a zombie, you are destroyed and do not rise again.
Activate [one-action] command; Frequency once per day; Effect You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves. Choose a weapon or an unarmed Strike; your chosen attack deals an extra 1d6 fire damage for the next 1 minute.
Special If you are a zombie at a time when Mzali is entirely purged of foreigners, your duty is fulfilled and you are immediately destroyed.


Pathfinder Lost Omens: World Guide
Pathfinder 2e
Undead: The war reached its terrible climax when Geb blighted the lands of Nex, starving its people and bringing it to the brink of utter defeat. Nex responded by unleashing a series of magical cataclysms that killed uncountable thousands of Geb’s citizens. Anguished at the scope of the devastation, Geb animated all of the slain as a vast undead army, which he immediately sent marching north.
Thereafter, Gebbite society gave itself wholly to necromancy. Thousands of Geb’s most fanatical followers killed themselves to bind their undead souls in service to their ghostly sovereign, swearing eternal fealty in the ultimate act of obedience.
Tar-Baphon, Whispering Tyrant, Lich-King, Lich, Old Foe, Would-Be Conqueror, Undead Lord, Terrifying New Threat, Wizard-King, Resurgent Villain, Greatest Current Threat to Avistan, Greatest Member, One-Time Oppressor, Newly Returned Threat: ?
Undead Horror: ?
Undead Soldier: ?
Undead Spellcaster: Next comes the Diaspora, an asteroid belt inhabited by angelic beings who fly on wings of light, and then follows dread Eox, ruled by undead spellcasters who were transformed by an ancient apocalypse that set fire to the planet’s atmosphere.
Undead Child, Horror: ?
Undead Wretch: ?
Undead Warrior: The Whispering Tyrant held central Avistan firmly in his skeletal fist for centuries, raising slain troops to fight as undead warriors.
Flying Undead: ?
Swimming Undead: ?
Karamorros, Powerful Undead Dragon: ?
Arazni, The Unyielding, Lich-Queen, Lich, Former Herald, Former Queen, Neutral Evil God of the Abused Dignity and Unwilling Undeath: Aroden’s former herald was slain by the Whispering Tyrant, forced into lichdom by the necromancer Geb, and escaped centuries of serving as Geb’s queen by her own cunning and tenacity.
3890 AR Geb abducts Arazni’s corpse from the Knights of Ozem, reanimates her as a lich, and forces her to become his queen.
A former herald of Aroden cruelly raised from death by Geb in retribution for repeated attacks by the paladins of Lastwall, Arazni ruled the nation for centuries before escaping Geb and his kingdom in recent years.
Arantaros, Undead Dragon: ?
Undead Guardian: ?
Rezallian, Undead Monstrosity: The temple-city of Bilith-Vel is ruled by the undead monstrosity Rezallian, a lunar dragon who was horrifically warped by the death of his liege Acavna, the Azlanti goddess of the moon and battle.
Draugr: ?
Geb, Ghost, Necromancer, Ancient Ghost Necromancer, Ghost Necromancer, Baleful Leader, Ancient Ghost Born of Anguish and Resentment, Necromancer-Lord: A despairing Geb attempts to escape Golarion in an act of ritual suicide, but soon returns as a ghost.
For an ancient ghost born of anguish and resentment, Geb currently seems more engaged with his kingdom than at any point since Nex’s disappearance.
Finally, in 632, Geb’s torment grew too strong to bear, and he ended his mortal life in an act of ritual suicide. But even in death, Geb’s hatred tethered his soul to Golarion as a ghost.
Undead Monstrosity: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Ravenous Undead: ?
Hungry Dead: ?
Ghoul, Intelligent Undead: ?
Vampire, Light-Averse Undead: ?
Insatiable Vampire: ?
Mindless Undead: By royal decree, unless specified otherwise, all mortals who die upon Geb’s soil are reanimated as mindless undead to serve as slaves in the nation’s lush fields or lavish urban mansions.
Hateful Wraith: Warped into hateful wraiths by the trauma of their civilization’s end, the Ascended Adepts who once populated Acrolan still wait within the broken temples for those who can pass the tests to ascend to the true city and battle its masters for their vast wealth.
Wraith: ?
Mummy: ?
Shade: ?
Lich: ?
Blind Zombie: ?
Zombie: ?
Rotting Ravening Zombie: ?
Graveknight: ?
Skeleton: ?
Ghast: ?
Walkena, Mummy, Animated Remains, Child-God: ?
Light-Averse Undead: ?
Ghost: ?
Thin Man, Ghostly Spirit: ?
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Pathfinder One-Shot #1: Sundered Waves
Pathfinder 2e
Giant Pirate Skeleton: This giant skeleton is humanoid in shape, made from the bones of a frost giant that Renlock found on a boat that he raided off the coast of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, far to the north.
Giant Pirate Skeleton, Large Skeleton, Massive Skeleton, Giant Skeleton, Skeleton: ?
Giant Pirate Skeleton, Devastating Foe: ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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