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The Screamer - L4W News

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Friendly Notice
From Your Local Temple of Lauto

In the event of a Zed emergency, DON'T PANIC, simply follow these procedures;

  • Move to one of the many bunkers throughout the city
  • Group together, there is safety in numbers
  • Avoid the Zed

In case of an encounter with Zed, remember the following;
  • Avoid contact at all costs
  • Severing the head, or removing the brain, will likely cease Zed activity
  • Look to a cleric of Lauto, or resident adventuring hero, for further instruction (they likely have experience with Zed.)

Thank You,

Lauto's Reapers​
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First Post


Don’t miss this spectacular musical masterpiece, soon coming to Daunton!

Hailed in and definitely not evicted from his own home lands on pain of public lecturing by his mother, this rising star has ventured across the Shifting Seas to bring you the show of an evening and an experience of a lifetime!

The mysterious newcomer is heralding in new inspiration to the city, a whole new style of music to the Transitive Isles, and a new fantastic form of art the influence of which will reach far far beyond! (within a few centuries)

Playing on outrageous instruments the likes of which have never been seen before – mostly because he just recently invented them – this marvelous artist will produce more soothing melodious massages for your ears than mayor Brunts’ maids do for his buttocks while his wife is out of town!

Be there when history is written! Be there when an Era of Entertainment begins!

When? Soon!



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Extra! Extra!

Adventurer Goes on Murderous Rampage near TURTLEDOME!
Hadarai Polemarkos, an Eladrin deserter from the Imperium Army, better known as a member of party of adventurers that challenged the Legion of Bone in TURTLEDOME!, has once again shown his stripes as a lover of chaos and evil, despiser of children, motherhood, happiness, and all that is good in this world.

Recently invited to TURTLEDOME! to answer questions regarding his thankless and homicidal behavior towards his former employer, Marco of the Dusty Quill fame, Hadarai ignored the pleas for reconciliation from his concerned fans. In the midst of their questions, the homicidal Eladrin drew his sword, engaging in a ritualistic enactment of how he intended to eviscerate anyone intending to second-guess his maltreatment of Marco's hospitality. Shortly after a humble priest begged the hard-hearted Hadarai to change his ways, the Eladrin scoffed his loyal fans. Ignoring their emotional appeals to his better nature, he again drew his sword, saying that he would slaughter any merchant, farmer, mother, or child that dared not kneel before him and offer thanks for his handling of Truths Common Folk Were Not Meant To Know. His horrified fans fled in terror for their lives.

What further horrors will this menace to society perpetrate? And why are such good-hearted people as the jovial Vaunea and charming Emral continuing to countenance his companionship? Who knows, gentle reader! Perhaps our answers lie in wait in TURTLEDOME! Two days from hence, during the BATTLE BONE!

This has been a paid advertisement.​


First Post
This is Palatino Linotype with,
The Whispers of The Street!

  • :eek: People vanishing mysteriously!
    :devil:Old gods attemting a resurgence?
    :] New premier secret society in Daunton!
    :( Apocalypse coming!


First Post
Extra! Extra!

The Sky is Falling!

Farmers near the interior of Daunton have reported seeing a ball of fire come from the sky and fly across their homesteads. During this event, it was also purported that milk was curdled, livestock fell over dead and some who stared directly at the ball were struck blind. Experts are scrambling to determine the truth of their claims and some wonder whether this new secret arcane society has summoned some despicable evil down on the island. Most have laughed off their claims as the tales of fools or a trick of swamp gasses reflecting the light. Officials have not released any word on their actions or plans for dealing with this phenomena. One thing's for certain, things have never appeared worse for our fair island, between cultists, murders, crimelords, icy islands threatening our trade routes, pirates, and the dead rising.


Extra! Extra!

Glasston to Return Soon

The Screamer is authoritatively informed that Ambassador Harold Glasston (49); eldest son and heir of the eminent Lady Glasston of Daunton, is once more on schedule to return to our fair city.
The Ambassador had intended to return from his goodwill mission to the New Allarian League three weeks ago on The Olympic; but owing to a flu, he was unable to make the voyage.
A missive that was conveyed on The Olympic was delivered to the Officia Politica two days ago, in which Amassador Glasston expressed his intent to instead travel home aboard The Siren's Call which is due to arrive in Daunton's harbour one week from now.

Librarians Struck Down With Mysterious Disease

This morning two of our Great Library's most noted minds were discovered unconscious amid the corridors of that great reservoir of knowledge. Master Librarians Peter Wordsworth (62) and Caultus Writ (56) were found by a library acolyte in the early hours.
The Screamer has been reliably informed that when the sages were woken, they acted as though they were infants; making gargling noises and crying loudly. The Master Librarians have been moved to the the Chapel of the Obolus, where is hoped that the clerics of Lauto can fathom the strange illness that has beset them.
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For the murder of Arnest Glasston and several others, arson, torture, breaking and entering, theft, kidnapping, and breach of contract

Palindrome, a human arcanist. Of average height and build. Wears overalls and frequently uses excessively foul language. Often heralded by screams and small fires.

Woe Chinua, a human mercenary fighter. Wears his hair in long braids, often matted with filth. Often intoxicated; habitually makes himself unpleasant to any ladies present.

Tander Oaksmith, a human. Purports to be a cleric, but evasive when questioned about what deity he serves. Possibly the agent of evil powers.

Atreus D'torian, a human thief. Last seen wearing a gray hooded tunic with three belts, liberally festooned with daggers.

2000 gold crowns will be paid on proof of the death or capture of these dangerous criminals. Inquire at the offices of Blorstrob, Eisenfeld & Grimm, number 3 Eisenstrasse, Daunton.
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Huge explosion rocks cliffs north of Daunton

Eyewitnesses report mocking laughter, mysterious lights

Some time in the dark hours of yesterday morning, eyewitnesses reported hearing insane, cackling laughter drifting on the wind from the cliffs above the Whiteside Barrows north of Daunton. This laughter was accompanied by unnatural glowing green lights, and was followed by an enormous explosion. Lycanio Mistval, a dock laborer who was visiting his grandmother's grave, saw the lights. "'Tweren't natch'ral, not at all," he says of the glowing lights. "Like the lights I see sometimes when I'm visiting granny. You learn real quick to run, when you see lights like that coming off of some grave, and, uh, visit granny in a different grave. Um, yeah. And the laughter! Like something not humanoid, it was, as if some horrible abomination had been released from a terrible prison after a thousand years of solitary suffering. Or like my friend Kalchis, when he finds an undiscovered, uh, ancestor's grave. Yeah."

Adventurers sent to investigate the explosion report a large, smoking crater atop the cliffs, surrounded by the corpses of a dozen bugbears in blood-red robes adorned with an occult symbol. Traces of arcane reagents on the scene indicate that the cultists may have been involved in an evil ritual at the time of the explosion. It is not known what the purpose of the alleged ritual may have been, nor whether it succeeded.

Voidrunner's Codex

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