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The Fall of Plaguestone OOC [CLOSED]


So this is a rough background for Silvi. It could probably be a little more specific, and it might be a bit generic, but hopefully I can develop it more through play.

Background: The gnomish city of Brastlework is renowned for its endless variety, consciously engineered to counteract the tragic condition of the gnomes known as "the Bleaching" . This was the home of the Sullenwhithers, yet the members of the family were well known for Bleaching sometimes even before they began reaching for their middle ages. Members of the Sullenwhithers have often done their best to avoid their fate, none with much success, though some have managed to reach the natural end of their lives as bleachlings.

This was the family that Silvi was born into, and the prospect of Bleaching terrified her. She did not have many friends growing up in Brastlewark, as many regarded her family as practically cursed. She did not have much hope for her future. But then a curious thing happened in her adolescence. On a day she was feeling particularly down, suddenly a figure approached from behind and sat down beside her on the stone steps of the street. It was a human woman, an Iobarian with long, flowing black hair, and she was wearing a heavy looking amulet of Desna around her neck.

The woman asked the young Silvi why she was sad, and Silvi explained her predicament and feelings. The woman then explained that she had been promised by her parents to a man, a lord or warlord of some kind, when she was young. She had no desire to be married to him and so she ran away. And when the man's vassals found her, she ran again, and then again after that, and again after that. In fact, she still had to keep her eyes open because once in a while someone would try to grab her and take her back to those northern lands again, though it was less frequent than it had once been.

The woman said that years ago that she had learned that she could not put all of her dreams on hold because she was afraid of what might come one day. She had to live in the meantime. As she took her amulet from around her neck, she said that when she had seen Silvi she had felt something deep in her saying that this gnomish girl needed something from her. Maybe Desna, the Great Dreamer, could help Silvi the way she had been helped during these last years. She put her amulet in Silvi's hands and said she hoped the gnome would find her someday when she was older, somewhere far away from Brastlewark, happy and healthy.

Life after that was different, though it was hard to explain why at first. Desna was, of course, a well respected deity among gnomes, even if they sometimes kept their admiration muted due to the official Chelaxian religion of diabolicism. But that personal connection she had made meant something, and from a stranger who did not care about the Sullenwhither's "curse" . In time Silvi joined the church of Desna, but it was not in Brastlewark. She left home to find more of herself, she learned more of the power of dreams, and she began to see that perhaps dreams might hold the secret to overcoming the Bleaching. And just as she had been shown this path, she sought out other people in need in her travels. Recently this has brough her to Isger, relatively close to where she was born and grew up, and now she finds herself on a caravan bound for where was it? Almas? It did not really matter of course. It was the journey that gave her life.

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"Hey Dedrick, do you mind if I try my divine lance on you? It can't hurt... right?" ;)

Looks like your backstory got cut off on your sheet.
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Dedrick Darlamage

Dedrick grew up entirely surrounded by halflings. His mother had come to visit the shire heavy with child and under an assumed name. Shortly after giving birth had dissapeared in the dark of night. Unbeknownst to any, his father had been executed for crimes against the state. And his mother had been protecting her reputation by hiding ger involvement with a known traitor.

For his part, Dedrick felt crowded in the small confines of an already crowded halfling house. The community was at once polite, and standoffish to the young human a race whome they had little contact at the time. He was well educated, but learned early that those around him were rather gullible and had a tendency to play practical jokes on them, or trick them into doing things for him. At one point Dedrick was sent to the temple of Abadar, in hopes of reforming his behavior. He seemed to have changed while he was under the tutelage of the priests, but once returned to his home, quickly got back to his old antics, only with a few new tricks up his sleeve.

One day, an elderly halfling wizard Horral Proudfiot, the great uncle of his adoptive father, came to visit. Having been warned of Dedrick's tendency towards chaos, he observed the boy for some time and even contrived to trick Dedrick instead, giving him a ring that once worn, couldn't be removed without the word of command and which turned the wearer invisible and mute.

Dedrick thought he'd pulled off the coup of the decade at first. He wandered around the shire, playing tricks on anyone and everyone he could. It was less than a day however, before he realized that he wasn't feeling satisfied by his chaos. He wanted to be praised, or at least scolded for his antics. And it simply wasn't possible as nobody knew what, or who to blame. Most of the halflings seemed to think they'd been invaded by fey. In the end, Dedrick came back to the wizard to beg for release from his 'curse'. Horral had been expecting this, and lectured him on the importance of community and civilization. A lesson that Dedrick took to heart. After a short time of repentance, and proving that he could and would follow follow the rules set before him, Dedrick was apprenticed to Horral where he learned the arcane arts.


I have literally a diametrically opposed alignment and I think that if are sensible about it it should not be a problem. As long as you are not stabbing the party in the back or interfering with our ability to solve problems then you are just another traveller whose skills happen to come in handy when the going gets tough, right?


Yep. He's adventiring more of as a means to gain somebpower and prestige for himself. In fact, despite being evil he's motivated to do good acts to win over people's trust more than anything. This is mostly just an old character idea I've had and never really been able to play.


Some people play evil just to cause trouble, and that makes a lot of people wary of evil characters. But if you think of your character in terms of what they would be like if they were real people, well then, evil is not so cartoon and your character just becomes a deeply flawed, selfish person. That doesn't mean they can't work with others. They can even be friends.

In fact, it might be fun you made the two opposing aligned characters friends. The evil character, in spite of his inner nature, is helped to do good by the good character, who he puts up with because the good character makes him feel better by not being judged. The good character knows his friend is an naughty word, but to him that means that his friend needs guidance, not condemnation. The evil character feels better about himself (and justifies his worse actions) by hanging out with a good person.

Voidrunner's Codex

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