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It looks like "Houses of Lastraad" has the most support for campaigns off Arrakis. Would you consider that an accurate take.

I can’t help you there. I only own the core book. Based on what’s in it, I don’t feel like a game must take place on Arrakis. There’s a bit of an assumption that will be the case, but I don’t think it would be difficult to use a different planet for the setting.

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aramis erak

Thanks for the detailed reply. As stated in the OP, I don't own Dune and did not realize it leaned into almost Fate like aspects in its form of 2d20. I was speaking of 2d20 in general, especially STA, which to my mind anyway runs pretty trad except leaning heavily into the metacurrency.

I still want to know how much support the DUNE game gives for adventures off Arrakis, tho.
I've not read the adventures - i've been busy. I'm a systems twonk, anyway.
I had Zero problems using the mechanics for off-Arrakis actions, and some (CHOAM meetings, Landsraad meetings) don't take place on Arrakis.

Hell, a significant chunk of the starter set is on Geidi Prime.

My last campaign (which was part of a playtest) had zero action even involving Arakkis; the Feud between Leto and Vladimir was a background note during some Landsraad meetings. They also bought a twisted mentat, Piter's predecessor, off Vladimir, since he had been bought by a cousin who was liquidated... The solaris were a problem; the spice was a major problem.

The corebook systems for conflicts include:
  • Personal Combat: Individuals, Melee, short range
  • Skirmish: Individuals, Melee/Ranged, short range
  • Warfare: units, melee/ranged, medium to long range
  • Espionage
  • Intrigue: Individuals. Same zone; individuals as zones
Negotiations and barter are special cases of intrigue.

And, yes, Fate-like is a good description.
Burning-Wheel influenced is another.

Like STA, the talents are just bespoke enough that it's not great for non-Dune settings without major tweaks, and char gen is very much designed to produce the range of archetypes throughout the series (plural), including both the prequel and sequel KJA+BH stuff, at least as far as I've read. (I couldn't finish Paul of Dune. I can't abide GRRM style perspective shifts every few pages.)
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aramis erak

Took a quick skim through the Houses of the Landsraad PDF.
It has the House Management rules. Since they're out, I am out from under most of the NDA.

They provide a system conceptually similar to either BECMI/Cyclopedia landholding and/or Pendragon and/or AD&D2 Birthright - The players are the leaderships, and the mechanics cover economics and improvements, and leverage the warfare rules.

It's firmly grounded in tasks, and picking the right person to make the various efforts takes some player skill (not a lot, but enough that it matters in play). In this subsystem, there's no presumption of Arrakis; if anything, it presumes anywhere else!

They appear, on a quick skim, to have rounded off a few of the burrs we found in playtest; I'd have to read in detail to be sure.

If you like the economics, it's there for you. And it's in the humble bundle, if you're not fixated on dead tree. I need to get that dead tree...

aramis erak

Skimming the Emperor's Court book, one of the included adventures is aimed at a minor (and expendable) house to serve as Judge of the Change for a fief change due to a feud, and to end the feud in any way possible. None of the houses involved save Corrino are of note in the saga.

So, yeah, @Reynard , they're really not pressing the Arrakis angle that hard, and are doing a better job than LUG got the chance to do. Yes, there are a couple hardcover campaign adventures about Arrakis. They're there for those who want them.


So, yeah, @Reynard , they're really not pressing the Arrakis angle that hard, and are doing a better job than LUG got the chance to do. Yes, there are a couple hardcover campaign adventures about Arrakis. They're there for those who wawanthem.
Thanks. The covers for the line can certainly give the impression it is Arrakis focused.


From the description the big campaign adventure Masters of Dune is a big alternative to the book/movie storyline, but it seems to involve Arrakis fairly heavily, though leaving it to deal with other factions.

Your House has claimed the wealth of Arrakis but can they hold onto that power when so many want to take it from them? You have already uncovered a deadly enemy, but plenty more covet what you have worked so hard to control. You are going to need allies, but who can you trust? The mysterious Bene Gesserit, the elusive Spacing Guild, or perhaps even the Emperor himself. But each faction has their own agenda, and a knife in the shadows lies behind every smile.
Continuing the alternate “What if?” scenario begun in Agents of Dune, the stakes become higher as deadly enemies seek the downfall of your House to claim Arrakis and the power of spice for themselves. The player characters must leave the desert world of Arrakis and travel across the Imperium to get the support they need to fight their enemies. As each section of the campaign can be played through in any order, it is very much up to the players to decide on the best plan of action and lead their House into glory or destruction.
Masters of Dune is an epic 166 page campaign that can be run on its own or as a continuation of the Agents of Dune boxed set. Play as the renowned House Nagara or create a new House of your own to tame Arrakis. Over the campaign’s nine explosive chapters your characters will:
  • Seek out the elusive Fremen to gain their trust and allegiance, if you can navigate their mysterious customs and rituals.
  • Engage in exciting space battles on behalf of the mysterious Guild, taking on lethal pirates in the void between worlds.
  • Visit the deadly House Harkonnen on the industrial hellscape of Giedi Prime where poison and treachery lie behind every corner.
  • Mine spice on Arrakis to quench the insatiable need of the Imperium, even though it can never be enough to satisfy the hunger of the Known Universe.
  • Discover the wisdom of the secretive Bene Gesserit if you can pass their deadly tests and prove yourself worthy of the Sisterhood’s trust.
  • Politic on Kaitain against the Emperor and the Landsraad council, where you might play one side against another if you have the cunning and skill for such deceit in the ultimate game.
  • Travel from Arrakis across the Imperium to seek new allies, resources and favors that might tip the balance of power in the universe.
The wealth of Arrakis may be yours, but you are going to have to fight to keep it. Every choice you make will determine the future of your House, for good or ill. Will you fall to ruin on the sands of Arrakis, or are you strong enough to survive and become true Masters of Dune?
While Masters of Dune is a complete adventure, you need access to the game rules to play. The Dune - Adventures in the Imperium Core Rulebook has these rules in their most complete form. However, the Agents of Dune campaign box set also contains all you need to play.


I played Dune for a bit, but it was the Last Unicorn Game version that used a lightly-modified version of the engine for their Trek games so I'm afraid I'm no help here.

Man, that was a ways back, wasn't it?
Indeed! I have the LUG Dune book, though I never gotten the chance to play it.

I also find it immensely amusing that LUG had both Trek and Dune, and here we are years later where once gain Trek and Dune are being published by one company. :D

Anon Adderlan

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This game doesn't do anything that #Smallville did far sooner and far better, and it still suffers from the same trait tagging issues other #Cortex, #Fate, and #CityOfMists games do. But if discussing what words mean is more your speed than which rules apply then these games should be right up your alley.

At least until you get to certain subsystems which move you completely out of the narrative and straight into a makeshift boardgame.

To anyone shopping, get the #HumbleBundle first, as you'll be saving hundreds even with these discounts.

aramis erak

From the description the big campaign adventure Masters of Dune is a big alternative to the book/movie storyline, but it seems to involve Arrakis fairly heavily, though leaving it to deal with other factions.
Agents of Dune (the starter set) is followed on by Masters. There is support for an Arrakis focused game.

The starter set - spoilers
The PCs are the scions and their support team of a House Minor, with a Landsraad seat. The action begins in-media-res with a ship combat.
It then goes on to several interesting and progressively introducing more mechanical options, as they're trained by House Harkonnen. Note: It does not pin down WHICH Baron Harkonnen is reigning. So, one can have it be Vladimir, or his father
They are being trained by the Harkonnen to take over Arakkis from the Harkonnen.
It then moves on to the arrival, and the initial takeover. Some situations are direct parallels to the novels situations. Some are not.

Only the last third is set on Arrakis.
Masters takes the minicampaign and continues on from it.

There is support for both Arrakis focused and Imperium focused.
The system can support either.

Voidrunner's Codex

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