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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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The Tower's Shard

In Clifftop, a few blocks from the famous Clifftop Adventurer's guild, lies a popular spot called The Tower's Shard. The common street wisdom is that the Tower's Shard is a brewery and inn whose owner was a rich adventurer who died in the Last War and left the establishment to his servant, a warforged named Brews.

Brews, in little need of money, runs the establishment at the behest of his former master. The tavern has loose policies on weapons, wands, and other adventuring gear, which combined with a discount for adventurers who can tell a good tale, makes the Tower's Shard a popular stop for rising adventurers who are low on coin but high on spirit and eager to pursue conversation with other adventurers.

True to his name, Brews is a master brewer, and is widely known for his Grilled Red Herring, and a special mixed drink he calls the McGuffin. Brews quite enjoys listening to tales of adventure, and he is able to sit and listen to adventurers' old war stories for hours on end and remain fascinated, a quality which endears him to the more long-winded sort of adventurers particularly. In return, Brews only asks that each newcomer introduce themselves so that their tale can be remembered by all.

Brews looks over the people gathered. "Always a strange crowd in my place."

Old Tavern: Here
New Tavern: Tower's Shard 2011
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(Quoted from old tavern thread)

When the newcomer enters, Varak looks up with attention, thinking it an old friend. It was an elf though. When she speaks her loyalties, the half-orc raises his hand to Brews. "Two drinks! A water, and whatever she wants," he says pointing to the elf. "Join me for a drink? I think we may have something in common."
(/quoted section)

At the sound of the voice, the elven huntress turned to look at the speaker- her green eyes had the vertical pupils of a cat, and the intensity of her gaze was like a palpable physical force. "Tea, or something warm will do for a drink," she called softly to the tavern staff. Dragging her heavy pack, she moved to the offered seat. "Something in common, you think?," she asked the half-orc. "That we are wild things in this warren of crafted stones? Or have you stood watch on the Gates as well?" While she had the air of a savage, it was obvious that few clues escaped her...



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MetaVoid said:
"Oh, we have kinship alright. They left us when giant empire fell to die in battles between giants and dragons. As for how, I traveled, by ship, foot and carriage. Such is the way of messengers. You go where you need to deliver."

"Well, it seems you're a man of few words, and I respect that. I won't press you if you'd rather not identify your employers. The Flame knows I spent long enough doing the bidding of those I'd rather not be identified with now."

"Your offer of employment is very kind, but I don't know that I'm ready to put myself out to pasture training newly-forged greenhorns just yet. It seems to me that experienced battle commanders will soon be needed here in the five nations. Until that time comes I intend to seek my fortune righting the small wrongs that seem to have sprung up everywhere since the inception of the Last War, and hopefully turn a profit doing so."

Crush ponders for a moment then continues, "You know I never did fight alongside spellcasters during my service in the Cyran special forces. I'd be glad to have the chance to travel with someone of your skills, should the opportunity for gainful employment present itself."

"When you're drow you quickly learn that people have already formed opinion on what drow are like and most react badly. I cannot say I blame them. It took me years to stop addressing kobolds and goblins I met as slaves and to take them seriously. Much like, I guess, humans regarding warforged, yes?"

He smiles, shock of white teeth striking on ebony skin.

"I fought in groups and alone. And I must say, I prefer having someone stronger between me and the opponent. I'd be glad to have you at my side."

OOC: yet again, nothing personal, Darksun still retains drow attitude so he's not at your side, you're on his. He's 'above' you as is 'normal'. And even this conversation wouldn't be happening 25 years ago in-game time


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"Something in common, you think?," she asked the half-orc. "That we are wild things in this warren of crafted stones? Or have you stood watch on the Gates as well?" While she had the air of a savage, it was obvious that few clues escaped her...

"In my journey from The Wastes, I met a shifter that had alliegance to the Gatekeepers." The half-orc raises his hand to touchy the spikes of his mohawk. "We fought a few battles against his enemies in The Reaches." He rotates his shoulder, and shows pops slightly out of socket. "From a battle with tainted vines," he mentions. "We both defended what we loved from horrors. His were otherworldly, mine were not."


First Post
"Ah, Ghaash'kala," Rikka said, with a respectful tip of her head. "I have seen the edges of the Wastes, just north of the mountains, but we ventured no further." She paused, and turned her gaze towards the doorway- and beyond. "If you've seen the Reaches, that was my home. The Gatekeepers have much wisdom, but so much effort is spent warding Gates that have stood for thousands of years- and there are things right now, that were born in this world and walk among us, that are just as vile in their way as any ancient horror. That is why I watch the Gates no longer. Now I hunt- both things that would see fit to break the Gates, and things of this world whose very presence disturbs the patterns of Nature..." Her husky purr of a voice trailed off, and she returned her gaze to the half-orc. "What brings you from the Wastes? Those I learned from said the Ghassh'kala were loathe to leave- are you hunting as well?"


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"Like I said," the half orc smiles, revealing yellowed, but straight teeth. "We have something in common." His smile disappears, his long incisors showing again. "Yes, I am on the hunt. A foul demon from The Wastes attacked my scouting party. I was the only to survive. I must finish my duty and hunt down this demon, to stop it's taint from affecting this land as it has my own. Only then can I return to my wife and twins."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
From one of the rooms Brews lents out comes a strapping lad in his early twenties, likely a recent veteran of the Last War. He takes a moment to nod to Brews and picks up the Inquisitor. Pointing to one article, he looks to Brews and says, "That'll be the ticket, Brews! I'll get the old Salt Town Five back together and will show them what's what. Doubt anyone here could do better than Tadrick and the Salt Town Five!" Not noting Brew's incredulous looks (an interesting feat for a warforged), "Tadrick" stomps back to his room, collects a few things, and then leaves as quickly.

Brews folds the broadsheet and then takes stock of the rest of his patrons. This 'Race of the Five Horns' seems to be open to any that can put a team together. No reason to sit around here waiting for a job when you can earn some coin less dangerously. He taps the article once, the returns to work. [sblock=Call to Adventure]There is no patron for this adventure (directly). Those interested should form a group in the tavern and then PM me when ready and then head over to Middle Dura to speak with Kavin Ballard, as indicated above. I'll create the thread then.

The addy is designed mostly for five level 4 characters. I may or may not take six, we'll see. Don't really have a preference for folks who have a PC in play or not either.

I expect the capability to post once every day and I tend to update on weekends as well. Once the race begins, replacements will be difficult to make so don't commit unless you can go the long haul. There will be no extended rest until after the race (which is not the end of the adventure).[/sblock]


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The half-elf stands up from his seat, excuses himself from his companions and walks over to Brews and takes a long look at the paper. Turning to the group of assembled individuals in that tavern.

"By the Host, this surely sounds like a grand adventure. Nothing like taking our minds off our troubles than a race around the city! Will anyone be interested in joining forces with myself, Vok Vaerhirmana? I am sure we could at least defeat that whelp" the armored Vok says, in a loud voice.

Paladin here, punching bag, secondary leader, hopefully keeps foes attention on himself :) [/sblock]

"I'm up for it. There is nothing to break the boredom of the surface as contest among the gifted. What say you, Crush, can your knee handle it?"

OOC: Dibs! Striker ranged, striker melee, take your pick, I just like to buff my aura before venturing too close :) Oh, and I love having partners that I can damage for more power who can heal themselves :) Dark Pakt Warlock

Yes, I know about damaging PCs requires permission, I'll ask IC and OOC once we start...

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