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There isn't too much extra information on the MCDM wiki. He's St. Pandercost the Wroth, a saint of Salorna, whose main aspects are Nature and Order. That's about it.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
There isn't too much extra information on the MCDM wiki. He's St. Pandercost the Wroth, a saint of Salorna, whose main aspects are Nature and Order. That's about it.
Yeah, I know. There is also obsidian portal where one needs some campaign membership to see the page

Steve Gorak

Just a bit on tieflings: Tieflings aren't native to Orden. The two that have been shown in play in Orden are Mardun (played by Matt Mercer in a one-shot, from Quintessence, the elemental plane) and Judge, an illrigger of Asmodeus, who is from Alloy, the capital of Quintessence. There is a community of tieflings in Capital (the capital of Rioja and the former capital of the fallen Caelian Empire) that are refugees from the fall of Alloy. This is a different continent than Vasloria, where we are, though.

Not sure how that effects your character, or how much you want to incorporate. I can help a bit with MCDM lore, since I watch The Chain, but that is taking place in a different part of the world than this.
Thanks for this. I'm curious, what is The Chain & on which platform to you watch it?
Since my character is a newly formed Thiefling, he'll be independent from the others on that other continent.


The Chain "airs" on the MCDM Twitch channel. Actually it is on two channels. One channel is the typical multicamera shots of people sitting around the table. The other channel is maps and minis shots. mcdm and mcdm2 (I think)


The Chain "airs" on the MCDM Twitch channel. Actually it is on two channels. One channel is the typical multicamera shots of people sitting around the table. The other channel is maps and minis shots. mcdm and mcdm2 (I think)

You can watch later on YouTube, also, which is how I do it. They play Wednesday, and I believe it goes up on YouTube on Friday, because of Twitch rules. Or there's VOD on Twitch.


Did The Chain get better? I was so annoyed when, seemingly though DM fiat, Nails went nuts and ended up dead. Stopped watching after that.

He admitted the first few sessions were a bit railroad by design. But the stuff with Nails he worked out ahead of time with the player of Nails. Once Nails is resolved, things settle into a much more standard game.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I have a problem with stats. Some ability calculator allowed 17 for too small a cost.

Recalculating comes out too expensive - I'd have only CON 14 and WIS 18 the rest would be 10

I'll change things around, probably replace feats too :( sorry for the confusion


@Steve Gorak @Neurotic I've had a look over your characters. Everything seems good. I tried to send this in a DM but I'm not allowed to start a conversation with Steve.

Thanks for getting the characters together before the game.

From the stories I understand that you are both in a grove to St Pandercost. Is that grove in Bedegar? I can't find any information on it - at least not with a quick search, I'll try did a little harder over the next few days. The link you provide tells me I'm not authorised to view the content.

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