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T1: A Visit to Spelding Square [Completed]

Walking Dad

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"Lead on, but I feel more like making a rest..."
Midias sighs.



Midias Sunchosen
AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 7/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, 2x Light
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Shield of Faith, Command

Effects: -

Gold: 363.5
Items got since last character update: lost 1 bolt


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"Let's take a short detour and see our friend Gillin home. And then off to see Rilithorne's apprentice!"

He slips his arm through Gillin's and they set off - for all the world like old friends at the end of a long night's drinking.

Now there's a thought.

The young mage grins.


for all the world like old friends at the end of a long night's drinking.
... for about three seconds. Then Gillin rips his arm free, spluttering with fury, and waving Mildred around sending shadows leaping in the night.

"What's this? What's this? Now there's talk of rewards you decide it's a fine time to drop old Gillin off home! Why'd old Gillin want a reward? No, just send him back to his straw mattress and his wobbly table! I might be old, but I've still got my wits! I fought the creatures too, me and Mildred! I've got the bashes and bruises to show for it, same as the rest of you! Gave as good as I got, too! Like to see you lot do the same when you're 84."

He stomps off. "I can walk fine by myself. Bring your letter and keep up. And - and you're the worst lockpick I've ever come across."


First Post
Peladus looks up to heaven and sighs. Then he heads after the irate ex-adventurer and says, "Of course you deserve a share of the treasure. How stupid of me! I promise I'll keep up."

It's noticeable, though, that he keeps his distance from the wildly waving Mildred.


The walk back across town to Rilithorne's is a bit less comfortable than it might have been, punctuated by grumbles from Gillin. "Youngsters today! Think old-timers are invisible... back in my day, we had respect for our elders!"

Around the corner from the wizard's tower, Rollfar Lightpurse excuses herself. "I don't think Rilithorne meant me. All I did was run away from the creature and run into you, and it was all over when I came back. Anyway, there are still things I need to get organised - I'm taking ship for Fallon at dawn. I... I think a friend of mine has got himself into trouble without me... As usual. We will meet again, I'm sure."

When the foot of the tower comes into view, there is light spilling from its open door. A young man in rumpled wizard's robes is leaning against the doorframe, yawning profusely and rubbing his eyes when he is not glancing along the street. He spies the adventurers coming his way and straightens up.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Eh! Vatch vhere you swing mildred please!" says Pendrake and he narrowly dodges a swing that would have brained hime well.


First Post
Peladus goes up to the sleepy young man and nods to him.

"Are you Jon Kilran? Master Rilithorne's apprentice?"

On receiving confirmation of this he hands over the letter he's been carrying.


A hint of alarm flares in the young man's eyes when he sees everyone without exception is injured. "Yes, that's me, Jon Kilran, yes," he says. He fairly snatches the parchment. The sight of his master's rune at its foot reassures him and he begins reading.

"He's gone to stay with Thyrin," he says. "He's left me in charge! He's left me in charge." By the way he first stands up straight and then glances nervously into the tower, he has mixed feelings about this news.

"The bearers of this letter... Come in, come in, you'd better come in," he says, ushering everyone through the door, which opens into a well appointed waiting room. There are comfortable couches set about a low table that sits on a fine rug. Jon closes the door, and heads for the couches, but after a few steps he stops and sniffs the air.

"Perhaps we... we should stand here, in the middle of the floor, without touching anything," he suggests.

"So, the noisy halfling girl was right! There was a creature, but you defeated it, not without some trouble. Rilithorne says he does not know what it was - Rilithorne himself! - but he fears it was even more dangerous than any of you knew... and... right, I am to note down all your names so the city knows who you are. We'll do that."

Jon sways on his feet and blinks.

"He goes on to say that the sorts of people who respond to threats to our city without thought of their own safety should be encouraged and rewarded, and I should give away the - oh, how horrible, there is a gobbet of black mucus spread here. It's hard to read. The... foolish boots and the like? Well, I like that! I made some of those myself! I suppose we have no use for them. Generous, though. Very well!"

Jon beckons everyone to follow and crosses to the side of the tower's great staircase. There is a cupboard beneath the stairs, which he opens to reveal a closet, dusty and not a little cobwebbed, lined with shelves on which sit a few pairs of footwear.

"Hmm," he says, and more or less at random picks a pair of boots made of fine leather, which he thrusts into Midias's hands. He follows this up with a second taller pair, which end up with Pendrake. The third pair are of blue leather with thick soles. He passes them to Ngikhnit, with the comment, "They'll stretch." That seems to be it for boots. Next up is a pair of what can best be described as slippers. "I made these!" he says. "Well, with a bit of help from Rilithorne. Suit an elf."

Gillin interrupts the proceedings. "I don't need a pair of shoes! Can't eat shoes! I came here for money," he says cantankerously.

"Ah," says Jon. "And you have the look of a wizard," he addresses Peladus. "I daresay you'd prefer to look over Rilithorne's scrolls or wands or such like? That can be arranged, certainly."

He fumbles around at the back of the closet and comes out with the last few objects, emptying the closet. He shakes out the first to reveal a cloak of fine weave in blue with a silver clasp. "Uh... matches the boots," he says, and passes it over to Ngikhnit. "And I made these too, as an exercise, you understand." These turn out to be a set of arm guards. "You're not wearing armor, they'll be fine for you," he informs Quozen.

"Right - that's all the 'foolish boots and the like'! Rilithorne is the greatest man I've ever known, but sometimes I wonder if he truly apprec- no, he's just very busy, and I'm tired. They are all magical. Just put them on, and I'm sure you'll work out what they do. No tricky magic words to say."

"Please, sign your names on the reverse of the parchment before you go. There will be pen and ink somewhere about. Thank you, thank you. Grandfather, come back tomorrow afternoon. Arngrim keeps the accounts and the purse strings."

He turns to Peladus, with the favouritism of fellow feeling between wizards. "But we can go through the scrolls now, if you like, if you're quick."
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