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Streets of Seilen IC Campaign


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Durene glances at Kelvin, an amused smile on his face. "How did he die? That's easy--he went to bed one morning, and didn't wake up the next day..." He opens a small drawer on the desk, and then takes out a strange, pungent smelling brown stick. Noting Kelvin's questioning glance, he says, "A cheroot. It's how the Rus smoke sweetweed. I picked up the habit from the natives back when I was helping to excavate some old Rusinian ruins..." He makes a simple pass with his hand. A tiny flame appears on the tip of his fingertip. He lights the cheroot with it, then takes a long satisfied draw. He puffs out a perfectly circular smoke-ring, which, on closer examination, takes the form of a snake, swallowing its tail... "A vice, I admit," he says with a slight smile, "but really--what isn't...?"

He takes another puff off his cheroot, then glances at Kelvin after he finishes his question. "As for that--as I said--you can't look at the book now. Not until a permanent Master is chosen. That will probably be me, though Lady Syleria seems to think otherwise..." He shuts his eyes. "I don't know if you realize this, Arestine, but Ailil has asked a very weighty thing. 'The Speaking of Words' is not a book we grant ready access to..."

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Vargo, sizing up the situation quickly, recognizes who is likely to be in the right of things, and quickly intones, "My Lady, I beseech your blessings upon those who seek to uphold Order, may their courage never falter!" He then slides off of Truth's back, and readies his crossbow. Unfortunately, for the perceptive, it is unloaded.

Translation: Vargo casts Bless upon the Jannisaries, Kaiambus, Mal, Yunalesca, and of course, himself. If possible, he'll catch the tailor in the area of effect - nothing wrong with giving the poor man a little bit of help. He then readies his crossbow.


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Yunalesca hangs back watching... seeing just where this little fiasco is going to go... and keeps Valis in check...
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Kelvin replies to Durene, "I understand although my master has his own reasons. Do you know when the permanent master will be appointed? Or perhaps, how may my master or I contact you when the book may be copied."


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Durene smiles. "We should have made a selection within a week. In fact, if you wish to attend the election, you may..." He puffs out another smoke ring--this one a circle of tiny birds. "Until then, Arestine, where are you planning on staying...?"


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Yunalesca finally reacts after sizing up the situation and decides to cast a spell to harry the trolls...

"By the strength of the soil... the power of the Earth shall consume you..." she casts Entangle(DC 15).

Yunalesca urges Valis to attack along side Mal...
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OOC: And now--it's clobberin' time!!!

The combatants' actions occur with dizzying speed. First the Ulheru Janissary slashes with his blade. In one graceful movement, the troll is cut in two. The Sleurithian slashes at the head Verhazi who manages to roll with her cut, taking only what looks like a nasty gash in its side. The Verhazi quickly takes out a wickedly curved pair of battleaxes, and attacks her. She dodges the first blow with ease, but the second one hits her off guard, knocking her into the third. The Verhazi smiles. This might not be so difficult after all...

Valis leaps forward, and downs a Verhazi. Within moments the dogman is lying supine on the street, its lifeblood oozing out of a large group of scratches. Kaiambus readies his bow, and fires, downing another one.

Mal rushes forward, sword ready. Suddenly, he feels two burning shots of pain in his back. The voice of the half-goblin whispers silkily, "Had you only insulted Ci'Nezdra's skill with the knife, he would have given you one cut. But because you also insulted the honor of the Grey Rats, his sworn parsha, you will get two, and one is from Blooddrinker..." Mal turns, but the half-goblin has already retreated--and the Verhazi he was about to attack, has turned to him, axe ready...

It's at this moment that Yunalesca casts Entagle, and Vargo casts Bless. The spell fails to work on the remaining troll, or the lead Verhazi, but the rest of the Verhazi are captured--as is Mal, unfortunately...

The remaining Janissary, enheartened by Vargo's blessing, strikes the troll, stabbing it through the stomach. As the huge beast falls, he quickly steps behind a tall Verhazi and gives it a wicked slash through the spine, downing the creature.

Mal gives a gasp. His whole body is aching with pain. Still, he can't retreat, so he might as well do something. He stabs the Verhazi before him, neatly through the neck. The creature falls back as it passes out, its weight tearing through the vines.

The remaining Verhazi takes a swing at the Sleurithian, and misses. It whimpers, pathetically.

The Ulheru quickly readies its blade and attacks. The lead Verhazi nimbly dodges out of the way, and then avoids another attack by the Sleurithian. But the Sleurithian's next attack connects with a dull thump, leaving a nasty gash on the Verhazi's arm. The Verhazi glances at the wound, notices that some bone is showing, and then makes the logical choice--it turns tail and runs. The Ulheru manages to hit with a nasty stab as it flees. Limping forward, the creature rushes away. "Just you wait, Janissaries!" it cries. "Hr'ssa Bloodfang does not forgive slights!" Valis meanwhile makes short work of the remaining one.

As he watches the creature flee, Mal feels a pain in his back.

Oh damn... he finds himself thinking numbly. I'm bleeding...
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Kaiambus quickly surveys the field of battle, looking for the dragoman, Eveiret.

OOC: I must say, he was either particularly sharp or mysteriously absent during the fight...


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Yunalesca seeing Mal in trouble... tries to rush over to him and help as best she can... without getting entangled in the process...

"Hang on Mal... I am soooo sorry..." she chants, "Spirits of the Earth bless your child with the gift to mend the wounds fof the flesh...!"

Yunalesca casts Cure Light Wounds... on Mal.
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Eveiret, who was most definitely not there a few moments ago, appears at Kaiambus's side.

"An excellent shot." he drawls. "Nothing like a little fighting to show where a man's loyalties lie..." There is a definite smile on his face.

Yunalesca casts Cure Light Wounds. Mal feels the wounds in his back knit together. While they're still rather sore, the bleeding's stopped. The Sleurithian Janissary approaches the pair. She is bleeding, but seems to be bearing her wounds well. She gives a slight bow. "I must thank you for your aid. Kelessu of the Society of the Slaying Sword is in your debt..."

In the background, the other two Janissaries are busily decapitating their opponents. "Come on now, Ial," says the Ulheru. "We don't want the Curse bringing up any of this bunch..."

The other Janissary (a younger Aguiran) scowls. "Oh, you and the Curse, Abramius." he mutters. "I've never seen it happen, despite all your swearing by it."

The so-named Abramius shrugs. "You're young yet." He pauses a moment, and stares. "I'll never forget the first time I saw it happen. I was 6, and the corpse in question was my mother..." He shudders. "Chilled my blood..."

Suddenly, a group of 20 armored men, wielding halberds approach. They are clad in fine breastplate, engraved with the sigil of Seilen, a golden sun. Their leader is a tall man, with jet black hair, and piercing gold eyes. He is broad-shouldered, and commanding, his every gesture hinting at power. A silver chain holds the scarlet cloak on his back. The other men also where such cloaks, though their's are held on by much humbler looking broaches. He glances around at the scene, a rather cruel smile coming to his face. "I heard a troubling report of fighting, and set out at once. Now, tell me, in the name of our young Primus, what happened here? The Marshal Marcus Aventinius wishes to know."
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