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Stargate Infinity/Guyvers/Freedom City.. all rolled into one!



February 16th 2005, on the memorial anniversary of the loss of Centurion and the other heroes during Omega’s invasion from the Terminus, the ATOM family detect strange energy emissions coming from Farside City on the Dark side of the moon. Hours later a plea for assistance comes from the Farside Council and the ATOM family head off to assist.

April 3rd 2006, The ATOM family arrange a secret meeting between the US President, and other world leaders and representatives from the Farside Council. During this discussion the discovery of a previously unknown Stargate left by the Preservers on Farside City is revealed. The Farsider Council members propose a formal alliance between their nation and earth be formed and that together they form the SG-X (Stargate Explorations) a body dedicated to exploring the stargates destinations. At first the world leaders are reluctant and the discussion descends into petty arguing and posturing with each nation wishing total control of the SG-X, however in a surprise manoeuvre the ATOM Family and Farsider Representative stun the leaders into silence by playing a recorded transmission received through the Stargate.

The Transmission plays as follows "...Is anyone there...<crackle>... can <zzz> anyone here me?... t...is ....<crackle> Centurion, I am alive..<zzzz> does anyone receive this.....<zzzz> be warned they are coming...<crackle>...OMEGA was just the first......<static>.......<a picture then shows millions of ships in orbit of a dark world, and then switches to millions of troops moving through stargates on some alien world, obviously an invasion force)..." the transmission ends.

The ATOM Family then reveal the site of Omega’s entry from the terminus was actually done through what had previously been a buried Stargate on earth! Which was destroyed in the final battle, but may not stop any future incursions due to the proximity of the gate on the moon.

April 8th 2006, In conclusion to the secret summit the worlds nations with the revelation that some immense invading race was out there in space using the stargates the preservers left behind to conquer world after world agree to form the SG-X working in unison with the Farsiders. resources are pooled in a top secret budget and a facility is built on the moon known as the SG-C (Stargate Command), Potential Candidates are then recruited and trained to form the SG Teams who will explore the Stargate seeking reconnaissance on this alien menace, technologies which may help defend earth and allies whom they could join with to face the threat. The ATOM family are assigned to the SG-C full time and coordinate its activities on Earths behalf.

June 24th 2008, with the construction of the SG-C complete and the Farsider Stargate and its attached scientists now moved to the new facility the first SG team is sent through the gate. They find themselves on the planet Loranda deep within the Lor Republic. The team is welcomed, they learn the Lor have been investigating worlds through the Star Gates for centuries and that the reason the Lor had not made official contact with earth for so long was because they felt earth was not culturally or technologically ready to be introduced to the intricacies of the universe at large. But with earths discovery and use of the Stargate this changed and the Lor agreed to send representatives of the Senate to Earth to begin diplomatic talks.

September 10th 2008, The Lor Delegation arrives on earth and diplomatic talks commence, in an alliance agreement earth agree to keep off the Lor Worlds unless permission is granted to go to them, technology exchanges are agreed and Information is shared. During this time it is discovered that the Terminus is not in fact another dimension at all but the name given to the network that makes up the Stargates. they also learn that the Lors centuries old war with the Grue Empire is as a result of this unknown menace invading worlds and that the Grue are a conquered species under the dominion of that menace. the Lor however have no more information on them and have never encountered one of them or even know what they are called only that they exist. The Lor regret however they will not be able to provide any manpower beyond a small permanent embassy at the SG-C itself, due to the war requiring all available manpower be utilised elsewhere. Nevertheless some Lor do join the SG-X with their Senates blessing. The Earth-Lor alliance is finalised, the general populace of earth however is still blissfully unaware of the stargates the empires beyond earth or the impending threat at this time.

October 3rd 2008, Utilising much of the information about the Terminus Network received from their Lor allies the SG-C sends an SG-X team to a world known as Mentarra, their they encounter a vast computer intelligence known as the "Mentor" it is believed the Mentor is leftover Preserver technology. The brief discussion introduces the SG-X team to the Star Knights and more surprisingly Centurion warmly welcomes them! who is now apparently one of their number, he agrees to return briefly to earth.

October 7th 2008, Centurion along with the SG-X team return to the SG-C on the Moon he is greeted by many old friends who are glad to see he is alive. In retelling the events following his fight with OMEGA he reveals that his fight took him into the Terminus network delivering him on a world with no sun, and it was there he was able to get the images of the fleet and troops moving through the Stargate of the real enemy who he knows as the Guyvarian Empire. He tells the SG-C that they Guyvarian Empire is split into a number of ruling clans each with their own biotechnology, and those they have technology approaching that of the ancient Preservers themselves. Centurion was able to flee the world in through the Stargate before he was captured where he then found himself in the middle of a battle between the some alien species and the Guyvarians slave race the Grue, he helped the aliens defeat the Grue and was introduced to a Star Knight known as "Lore", he took Centurion through the Terminus to Mentarra where he spoke with the Mentor, at first he said that all he wanted was to return to earth but the Mentor made him see the best good he could serve his planet was out here fighting the enemies of earth and Centurion became a Star Knight shortly after.

October 10th 2008, after spending a few days secretly revisiting friends on earth Centurion returns to the SG-C on the moon and informs Earth that the Mentor and the Star Knights will help however they can but they are few in number and waging wars on thousands of worlds. He chooses a small number of SG-X team members from Earth, Farsider and Lor peoples who display the appropriate characteristics needed to return to Mentarra with him where they will become Star Knights too assigned to help defend them directly as SG-X members those chosen agree and all depart.

February 18th 2009, Those chosen to become Star Knights return through the Stargate and although they are sworn to not speak of some of the things they saw and learned they apparently are now in the possession of the advanced armour of a Star Knight and are in possession of much knowledge of the galaxy they did not previously possess.. the knowledge however is not always readily available but seems to manifest as and when it is relevant. These Star Knights are assigned to SG-X teams.

April 9th 2009, The Present Day the SG-X prepares to send teams to a number of destinations, armed with the wisdom of the Lor, the guidance of the Star Knights and the technology of the Earth, Farsiders and Lor nations.

The Guyvarian Empire was forged in war, its people once millennia ago were peaceful philosophers and artists, craftsmen and thinkers suddenly found everything changed when an event known as the Breaking occurred. A Stellar event occurred on their homeworld of Gydarra Prime historians have never been able to explain but once it passed over the world of Gydarra its people were changed. Overnight they waged war on each other and even wiped out the other sentient species on their world a race known as the Arrani entirely.

The fragmented Gyvarian populace split into twenty three clans one for each major country on their world and for a thousand years they waged war on each other, all efforts aimed towards developing new means and methods of waging war advances in weapons and armour technology advanced upon each other at an alarming rate, until eventually some thirteen hundred years after the breaking they finally reached the stars and in doing so discovered they were not alone.

Now among the stars and with the realisation there were others out there, the Guyvarians signed an uneasy truce and turned their all encompassing need to fight and conquer outwards to the rest of the galaxy.

In three hundred years they managed to conquer their home system entirely completely annihilating their two neighbouring species the Elom and the Nyvar, absorbing their technologies and resources into their own the Gyvarians were able to make huge leaps in technological advancement even developing the first primitive biotechnological bio boosters suits thanks to the innovations of the Zoa clan.

However for all their advancements the limitations of speed and distance still prevented the Guyvarians from reaching all corners of the galaxy easily. They had faster than light drives, and had recently discovered the means to enter a dimension known as Hyperspace, which shortened interstellar travel distances dramatically, but even those advancements still required weeks, months and even years for their forces to reach even the closest neighbouring systems.

Fortunate it was then that some two thousand eight hundred years ago that the Guyvarians of the Kavzar clan discovered the first Stargate on the world of Nyvarra within their own home system. And in doing so more or less overnight catapulted themselves into a position of influence and power among the remaining nineteen clans that had survived the in fighting to join their peace treaty.

Over the next few years they studied the device that they came to call the “Annulus”, which they discovered had been created by a race long since vanished known as the Preservers. And through payments and treaties with the others clans revolutionised the Guyvarians means to wage war.

Armies marched through the annulus in their thousands across thousands of worlds and against hundreds of species and over the two thousand five hundred years up until the present day they have waged constant war conquering world after world, species after species eking out their own domains. Continually they vie for power and influence against each other and the rest of the universe. A marching tide of encroaching darkness that the vast majority of the universe at large is largely unaware of.

During this time five more clans were lost, either in battle with others or via in-fighting, one such clan the Clan Sol once even existed in the Earth system for a time on Mars, that is before a freak accident involving an asteroid wiped them out in their entirety and the Martian annulus with it. All that remains is the ruined sand covered structure that appears as a face looking outwards towards earth that was their base and a single solitary block of black stone that was once part of the destroyed annulus that to this day continues to emit strange energy emissions.

None know exactly what the breaking was, not even the Guyvarians themselves. Their have been many theories and thoughts on the matter but as time passed other concerns took precedence and their need to wage war overwhelmed their curiosity over the event that forever changed their destiny and the destinies of those their race touched.

In truth the breaking was caused by an omnipotent cosmic being known as Quirk, who out of boredom and a desire to spice up the universe for his own amusement altered the Guyvarians outlook with the sweep of a hand.

And so it is that the lives of countless trillions across thousands of worlds in a hundred systems of hundreds and hundred of species have all been changed forever as a whim of one entity.

The Guyvarian Empire is made up of 14 Ruling Clans all of whom command a number of conquered systems and species. Each of these clans is ruled by a Primus or “Prime”, beneath them are their forces the Guyvers or more specifically those of their species enhanced with their Biotechnologically enhanced Guyver Bio Booster armours. There are many types of Guyver armour with a great variety of abilities and function but the Guyvers themselves are largely the house troops of each clan the elite fighting forces and not the rank and file.

Each Ruling Clan also has a group of powerfully enhanced or mutated beings at its command called the Exarchs. The Exarchs serve as their commanders and lieutenants and lead their forces into battle. OMEGA was one such Exarch. The Exarchs themselves are not necessarily Guyvarian in origin, but are given such training and conditioning that there loyalty is beyond reproach.

Serving as the rank and file among the Guyvarian forces are those forces that make up the mainstay of the troops numbers. Namely those armies raised from among the conquered species themselves. These troops are called the “L’otar”, which in the guyvarian tongue roughly translates to “Expendables”.

The Guyvarians commonly wage war as follows, though the specific method does vary somewhat from clan to clan.
Initially a new set of coordinates is entered into the Annulus numerous destinations link to other destinations forming a vast network of possible destinations from each location. Each planet before is used as a staging point to the next.

A reconnaissance team is sent through the Annulus to gather data, resources, military strength, technology level, leadership infrastructure and so forth all data that is then used to formulate a plan to bring about the worlds fall.

Once a plan is decided an occupation fleet is despatched to the planet through space frequently taking weeks, months or even years to reach the target world. The crew on these fleets is held in stasis until their arrival at the destination, at which point the vessels descend to their pre-designated places and begin offloading the occupation force. These fleets carry the personnel and materials needed to turn the world into a held world, which will forever remain under the dominion of the Guyvarians, all these materials and personnel are either too big or too complex to go through the Annulus.

Once the fleet is despatched however then a staging force is sent, this heavily armed and armoured force, most often made up largely of L’otar heads through the Annulus with the sole task of securing a beachhead around the gateway itself. Once this is secured, then the mainstay of the forces head through and begin taking and securing key objectives as were determined during the planning stage. These objectives are frequently the capture or removal of the world’s leadership, the destruction or capture of its key military assets, the destruction of its armed forces and communications and then the occupation of key settlements. Once these objectives have been completed Guyvarian bases are set up around the world and the re-education of its populace commences. This re-education frequently lasts until the occupation fleet arrives in system, at which point the military force begins to gather up their belongings leaving only a garrison behind. The occupation force lands industrial infrastructure is put in place and the new world becomes part of the Guyvarian Empire.

Then reconnaissance teams are sent to the destinations from that worlds Annulus and the cycle continues onwards and onwards, world after world, system after system.

Most often a world will have to build a fleet in system in order to conquer other worlds in the same system as it is very rare for more than one Annulus to be found in any one star system.

The remaining clans that make up the Guyvarian Empire to this day are as follows

Kavzar Clan
The Kavzar are the most powerful and influential of all the clans, having first discovered and harnessed the Annulus they grew in power and influence and to this day field the largest fighting force in their empire. They later became the sole clan in possession of their home world Gydarra.
Primus: Kronos, God of Time
Homeworld: Gydarra (The natural homeworld of the Gyvarian race).
Number of Controlled Systems: 20 (consisting of over 100 worlds).
Notable L’otar: The Grue Emprie
Guyver Types: Kavzar Warrior, Commander, Overlord, Saber, Enforcer

Lehnsherr Clan
The Lehnsherr clan are masters of Biotechnology and although it was the Zoa Clan who first discovered the means to produce Guyver Bio Booster armour it is the Lehnsherr who have made producing it such a fine art. They incorporate the abilities of many beings and creatures they conquer or annihilate into their Guyver armours and have a feared reputation as a clan who likes to take prisoners to experiment with and dissect.
Primus: Anubis, Queen of the Dead
Homeworld: Elom (In guyvarian home system)
Number of Controlled Systems: 12 (consisting of over 80 worlds).
Notable L’otar: The Gargoyle and the Khainites (a race of vampires)
Guyver Types: Warrior 2, Lifeforce, Destroyer, Crystalite

Ansharra Clan
The Ansharra Clan are a dark shadowy clan, not controlling a vast tract of space like other clans, but being by far one of the most feared and wealthy. They specialise in assassination, and espionage and are frequently hired by other clans to undertake secret missions against other clans. The Ansharra clans are masters of stealth and nanotechnology. Other than a race of mindless nanotech preserved slaves they do not keep L’otar instead they annihilate the species of any worlds they conquer fortunately they do not seem to be as expansionist as most clans and only take worlds when their numbers and resources require them.
Primus: Zagam the Archfiend and his brother Zeus rule jointly.
Homeworld: Stygia (within the Black Rift Expanse a vast nebula cloud)
Number of Controlled Systems: 3 (consisting of 9 worlds).
Notable L’otar: The Guul (a race of mindless nanotech controlled zombies)
Guyver Types: Black, Nano, Wraith, Ninja

Litari Clan
The Litari are a swift and organised clan dedicated to war, they rule with an iron fist but for the most part are fair and not cruel to those under their dominion so long as they are not given reason to be. But should their ire be raised they will crush all resistance with an iron hand as an example to all who may follow suit. The Litari are very technologically competent and slightly more advanced in some areas than the other clans thanks to the technology gained from the subjugated Zultasians.
Primus: Terminax the God of Dominion
Homeworld: Zultasia 3 (once the homeworld of the Zultasian people).
Number of Controlled Systems: 10 (consisting of over 50 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Zultasians
Guyver Types: Warrior 2, A.C.E.A.R units, Matrix, Psi, and Null

Il’Unari Clan
The Il’Unari clan is more interested in wealth and power than in waging war, its leader is extravagant and utterly without mercy. His reputation for working enslaved races to death building monuments to his glory is well known. Nevertheless the Il’unari still fields a very effective and feared fighting force albeit not as numerous as some. The Primus Ra prefers to use L’otar troops than waste his own valuable guyver units.
Primus: Ra, the Sun God
Homeworld: Abados (The natural homeworld of the Gyvarian race).
Number of Controlled Systems: 11 (consisting of over 50 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Abadosians (primitive human offshoot)
Guyver Types: Hunter, Nova, Super Nova

Shintak Clan
The Shinktak clan are feared, feared not because of their influence or their power or even their strength, but because they are masters of infiltration and intelligence gathering. Their guyvers have the ability to become invisible rendering them almost impossible to detect. They take no worlds and they leave no witnesses should they be discovered. The shintak remain safe from harm from any other clan due to the information they possess of an incriminating nature on all of them. Were the Shintak to realease what they knew to all the clans their war would almost certainly turn the Guyvarians fighting in on itself once more.
Primus: Entropy, God of Chaos
Homeworld: Unknown
Number of Controlled Systems: 2 (consisting of 3 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Unknown
Guyver Types: Void, Shadow, Gigantic Dark

Orroku Clan
The Orroku Clan are cunning and deceitful, rarely trusted by even their own kind in even the smallest of ways. The Orroku have in the past turned on ally and sided with the enemy used all manner of betrayal to their advantage. The only reason they are tolerated at all is because their strength is feared, the Orroku are competent and worthy fighters. The Primus of the Orroku Clan has never been seen in person for over five hundred years appearing only by holographic image or by proxy.
Primus: Drax, God of the Pit
Homeworld: Fetid (a horrible swamp planet)
Number of Controlled Systems: 6 (consisting of over 20 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Ophideans
Guyver Types: Warrior 3, Guyver X, Ryger

Lkanphel Clan
The Lkanphel are the allies of the Zoa clan and occupy neighbouring systems, indeed the subjugated zoanid are a protoform lifeform that is offshoot of the Zoanoids their Zoa allies use. The Lkanphel are competent biotechnologists and are capable when it comes to creating hybrid Guyver forms.
Primus: Arthena, Mother of All
Homeworld: Skara
Number of Controlled Systems: 8 (consisting of 15 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Zoanid, Gorgonath
Guyver Types: Warrior Humanform, Zoaform, Gargan

Vorkha Clan
The Vorkha Clan are a merciless clan of cold hearted warriors, who enjoy the hunt, they dwell only on frozen worlds and have rigorous unforgiving training regimes that either breed hardened survivors or kill the weak. There is no middle ground with the Vorkha who firmly believe only the strong survive. The vorkha do however have an odd tradition that is not shared by any clan. The Vorkha have a code by which they live their lives known as the Oruba, it is a warriors code and every facet of their lives is guided by it. None who have met the Vorkha know of or understand this code, which if they did could no doubt be used to their advantage in dealing with them.
Primus: Frigia, The Ice queen
Homeworld: Iceani (frozen world of blizzards and storms)
Number of Controlled Systems: 4 (consisting of 8 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Undine
Guyver Types: Blizzard, Executioner, Jytaki

Hatari Clan
The Hatari Clan are master weapon crafters and have made and fielded some of the most devastating weapons ever seen in the known universe. They create weapons of all types from Guyver Armours, hand held weapons, artillery and other weapons of mass destruction and so forth. In fact the only weapons they do not deal in are viruses, chemicals and toxins. Their skills are weapon crafters and traders have made them popular with other clans who end up relying on them to supply arms for their wars, this has led the Hatari clan to become rapidly wealthy in recent years and although currently only a minor clan they will no doubt soon be one of the most powerful.
Primus: Hephestus, God of Creation
Homeworld: Forge (an industrial world shrouded in smoke and pollution)
Number of Controlled Systems: 2 (consisting of 6 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Horga
Guyver Types: Warrior 3, Hyperion, Retriever

Jakathi Clan
The Jakathi Clan are scouts and messengers often running errands for other clans. They do not have the power, influence or resources to compete as a major clan, but have made sure that their services are valued in order to ensure their survival. The Jakathi are frequently the first through the Annulus to unknown worlds and have a fleet of deep range space vessels that scout out regions of proposed future conquest for their employers. The Jakathi are llies of the Litari and have a number of treaties and arrangements with them that they do not have with other clans.
Primus: Hermes, God of Speed
Homeworld: Phanatea
Number of Controlled Systems: 1 (consisting of 7 worlds).
Notable L’otar: Ikari
Guyver Types: Jaegger, A.C.E.A.R units, Turbo

Juro Clan
The Juro Clan are a small but up and coming warrior clan, their warriors are renowned for their ferocity and unrelenting advances. It is suspected that the Juro have access to some alien cloning method. as they seem able to replace battlefield losses at a remarkable rate. Whether this is true or not has thus far not been revealed but if it is, then the other clans will no doubt try to either obtain it for themselves or wipe out this clan before they can become a potential threat to their own positions of power. The Juros favoured tactics of invasion is via mass assault.
Primus: Ares, God of War
Homeworld: Mabiveda 4
Number of Controlled Systems: 2(consisting of 4 worlds).
Notable L’otar: none
Guyver Types: Warrior 2, Valkyrie

Glystra Clan
The Glystra Clan is a small clan but a watchful one at that, they do not openly wage war as the other clans and altogether seem to have retained much of their original peaceful outlook. Whether this is true or not is unknown but the Glystra do not seek dominion over anyone and in fact do not involve themselves in the politics of their own kind, instead being somewhat reclusive almost to the point of xenophobia. They do not welcome unwanted visitors on their world, in which they dwell in cities deep beneath the burning sands of the surface. The other clans believe the Glystra to be freaks and their peaceful ways an offence to their kind, but so long as they keep out of the way and do not make themselves a target every other clan has thus far been content to leave them alone. How it is the Glystra can be so different to their fellow Gyvarians is a mystery.
Primus: Isis, Mother of All
Homeworld: Glystra
Number of Controlled Systems: 1 (consisting of 1 world).
Notable L’otar: Glystrans
Guyver Types: Warrior 2, Biotitan

Zoa Clan
The Zoa Clan are masters of biotechnology and genetic manipulation, it was they who first created the Guyver bio booster armours many centuries ago, and although not a force to be contended with anymore they are nonetheless seen as a clan to be respected and honoured by the other clans in much the was as a child looks upon a kindly grandparent. The Zoa are unusual in that they do not field as many Guyver units as others and instead modify their own forms to create many genetic hybrid offshoots, in effect the zoa are no longer Gyvarians as so much as fifty or sixty hybrid forms. This has led the Zoa to be looked upon as somewhat of eccentric by the rest of the clans. The Zoa are allies with the Lkamphel Clan and have shared some of their genetic secrets with them.
Primus: Nemesis, Goddess of Anger
Homeworld: Infernal (volcanic world)
Number of Controlled Systems: 2(consisting of 3 worlds).
Notable L’otar: None
Guyver Types: Primitive, Guyver Zoanoid, Thazel

The Stargate command founded in 2006, and opened officially for business with the construction of its secret base of operations on the moons Tycho crater on the nearside of the moon, where the Farsiders Stargate was moved after the alliance between the nations of Earth and the Farsiders was signed.

The Stargate Command is currently made up of representatives that make the governing body by representing their respective peoples, the bases staff itself that handles the maintenance of the facility and its Stargate including all medical and scientific personnel responsible for studying any biological or technological elements returned to the SG-C. Then there are the bases troops commonly consisting of a mix of Lor, Farsider and human troops, for the humans these are mainly AEGIS “Max” Troops. And finally the SG-X teams themselves of which the base presently has thirty active teams.

The Governing body of the SG-C as previously mentioned is made up of representatives, typically of those actively participating allies who wish to be involved besides just providing personnel and resources.

Currently that governing body consists of the following representatives

Earth = ATOM Family (or more specifically Dr ATOM with his family advising)
Farsider = Councillor Melisaan (gifted with the power of Empathy she is a prized diplomat)
Lor Republic = Legate Isarien (a retired admiral and experienced military man and politician)
Star Knights = Centurion (the earth hero of legend who now represents the Star Knights in defending the universe)

The SG-C Council is responsible for representing their races needs but also ensuring all finds be it technology or information are shared equally, and returned to their respective peoples in the aim of using them to fend off the approaching tide of the Guyvarian Empire.

The Lor representative occasionally changes due to the Lor Republic representing the interests of some 312 member worlds or systems. However Legate Isarien has already remained in the post twice as long as any other previous candidate due to his popularity within the Republic.

The SG-C has a number of aims, all of which are of importance, more so now they are aware that time is running out. These aims are as follows.
· Discover and if possible retrieve any technologies or information that may help the SG-X member races either in their fight against the encroaching face of this new enemy or in general. No technology or information may be retrieved unlawfully, it must either be given willingly or as a result of slave or trade.
· Discover and follow up any information or technology that can be found pertaining to the Preservers, the race who built the Stargates that make up the Terminus Network.
· Thwart any attempts to harm or hinder any SG-X member world using whatever means reasonably necessary.
· Make and establish friendly contact with as many willing races as possible with a view to strengthening the alliance of races that make up the SG-X in working to fend of the encroaching threat of this alien menace.

Obviously there are numerous daily objectives and importance tends to change as events unfold, but these aims are pretty much constant in the day to day activities of the SG-X teams.

The Stargate itself is a ring composed of some super conducting alien material produced by the Preservers that the Lor refer too as Nephilium. Within the external ring is a separate ring that is capable rotating and engraved into this rings surface are 39 unique glyphs. Each glyph is capable of being used only once in conjunction with a unique point of origin. The glyphs on each gate differ and each other gate also therefore has different destinations. There are a near uncountable number of possible destinations therefore that make up the Terminus network.

When the destination address has been put into the gate the wheel turns and each glyph locks in place, upon completion the gates energy forms a temporary but stable artificial wormhole, with the event horizon appearing much as a small pool of water within the open circle of the interior ring it is however a malleable surface composed of shimmering energy.

Only one gate may be open at a time and a gate may either be outgoing or incoming but not both.

The Stargate at the SG-C is one originally found and recovered by the Farsiders, they quickly discovered that in theory there would be no way to prevent an incoming wormhole from being opened and so came up with a microscopic transmitter, which would emit a unique genetic signal for each person so implanted as they traversed the wormhole. Should someone unwelcome attempt to move through the Stargate without first sending a signal or message via some other means the moment they reached the event horizon a force field would erect over the gate, with fatal results. Preventing the un-welcomed visitor(s) from gaining access to their world. As a result of this all allies and SG-X team members are implanted with these devices that are near impossible to detect except on a cellular level.

The Stargate Exploration Teams or SG-X as they are more commonly referred are the teams that go through the Stargate on missions on behalf of the SG-C.

There are currently thirty active SG-X teams, of which typically 10 will be off world at any time. Before any team goes through the Stargate however an automated probe is sent through the gate to the other side to determine whether the atmosphere and conditions are safe for the team to survive in. These probes are called small spherical floating devices with sensory spine on them called “Scriers” scriers are technology provide to the SG-C by the Mentor.

Once conditions are determined safe the team heads through the gate, once on the other side the Scrier remains with the team for the duration of the mission, both as a sensory device to determine conditions remain safe, but also as a recording device so mission logs can be recorded and referred to for later study.

Each SG-X Team is made up of six individuals, the composition of which varies, but commonly is made up as follows.

Team Commander: Responsible for making all operational and command decisions, he is responsible for team training and maintaining discipline at all times, but also in making all decisions for the team, which frequently involve the lives of all those under his command. Such individuals are often experienced military personnel with a number of years under their belts.

Heavy Weapons Expert: Typically this person is either trained in demolitions and heavy weapon use, or if super powered is the groups heavy hitter. They are frequently called upon to cover the team’s retreat through stargates on hostile worlds, so need to be capable of handling themselves in a difficult situation. In a team with a Star Knight among its number it is typically them that fill this role.

Intelligence/Communications Officer: This person is typically the SG-X teams second in command and is responsible for gathering and analysing data in order to inform the team commander of the best course of action to take. If a super powered individual then telepathic abilities are favoured and many Lor Mentat’s fill this role.

Lingual/Cultural Expert: This is most often not a military person but instead someone knowledgeable in language and cultures, able to investigate alien devices on site, or deal with diplomatic situations. Such individuals rarely turn down an assignment to an SG-X team because of the potential variety and scope of information and experiences they may receive as part of their role. It is this individuals responsibility within a team to inform

Mission Specialist: this is a catchall title that commonly encompasses anyone with Technical or scientific knowledge. Such individuals are frequently of huge practical use to an SG-X team. However other mission specialist types include Scouts, Snipers, Underwater experts, Pilots, Engineers and so forth.

Medical Specialist: Again similar to mission specialists the medical specialist is essentially a combat medic, but when immediate return to the SG-C is not always feasible they are also required to by chemists and toxicologists, expected to be able to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries as quickly and effectively as possible. For those with super powers those with healing are favoured.

All Sg-X Teams are provided with certain fixed equipment for the duration of a mission. This equipment is composed as follows. Note mission specific or specialised equipment can be requested on a mission-by-mission, case-by-case bases.

Each Super Powered Team member is provided a Morphic Molecular Bodysuit (ATOM family creation)
Each Non Super powered member is provided with an Impervium suit of Body Armour (Armour +3, Earth/Lore technology).
Each team member is provided with a Lor Blaster Rifle (+5L), the officer and intelligence officer are also provided a Lor Blaster Pistol (+5 S/L)

One Hand Held Computer (+5 to computers and any one knowledge or science check)
I weeks rations for each team member
Water purification tablets
1 First Aid Kit (Healing +3, single use)
3 two-men tents
6 Flashlights (Energy
6 Communicators Headsets (Radio Hearing/Broadcast)
1 set of Macrogoggles (Telescopic sight +5, Darkvsight)

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