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Starfinder: Red Dawn (OOC/ FULL)


Our adventure will begin with our team on an assignment that they have been offered from their contact Baxter. The mission is simple the city of Fadio which lies within a large rock chasm is being attacked by hostile forces. Baxter requests that you enter the city by foot from the south and extract a holy man named Tindan. Tindan is a high ranking member of the church of The Devourer and is supposed to have information on the mystery ships that have been rumored to be appearing on the edges of the Xa-Osoro Systems outer boundaries. The Xa-Osoro System is the Pact Worlds neighboring star system.

[sblock=The Xa-Osoro System]
The Xa-Osoro System and its Radiant Imperium have existed for thousands of years, originating from the planet Azan and spreading throughout the system. The Xa-Osoro System is a binary star system that features twinned rulers: Xa the Emperess and Osoro the Emperor. The deities that make up most of the pantheon of the Xa-Osoro System’s religions are deeply connected to the celestial bodies that comprise the system; Xa the Emperess is both star and goddess, as is her husband, Osoro, and various others such as Bantosian, Uramesh, Tor, and more. Some say that the gods worshiped by the inhabitants of the Xa-Osoro System are mere projections of the life essence of these planets, moons, and stars, while others claim that each deity created its planetary namesake to foster life within the system. Whatever the case may be, the people of the Xa-Osoro System are more religious than many others even in the far-flung future of science and mechanical ingenuity, a trait that makes recent events within the system all the more tragic.

Roughly 300 years ago, a mysterious ripple in time caused much of the recorded history of the Xa-Osoro for the past millennia to abruptly vanish, as did the memories of those living through the age. These spacetime fluctuations were a mere nuisance compared to the real aftermath of this event, known as the Nova Age by mystics and scientists alike. For at some point during this Nova Age, one of Xa-Osoro’s binary stars, Osoro the Emperor, went supernova, collapsing into a black hole that dances with its empress in gravitational entropy. The entire system should have been destroyed, but much of the energy of the Emperor’s destruction was abated. Some think the energy was used up in causing dimensional breaches. Others believe the twin star the Empress saved the system from her mate’s fury. Even today, the answer is not known.

There was considerable damage, of course. Moreover, the star’s collapse sent shockwaves of strangely-tainted plasma coursing throughout the system—this viscera commonly known as Blood Space, has twisted reality as the people of the Radiant Imperium once knew it. Azan, formerly the closest planet to the suns, was consumed in pyroclastic destruction, leveling the seat of the Radiant Imperium’s power and much of its hierarchy into little more than an asteroid belt. Hordes of fiends roam Blood Space, pulled into the Material Plane via subsequent distortions in space-time, and direct content with Blood Space corrodes ships and warps mortals into horrible creatures known as the Blood Mad. In the unfortunate situations where Blood Space made direct contact with a planet or moon, that world was forever altered in some way, often for the worse. For instance, on Bantosian, Blood Space warped the moon’s atmosphere, twisting the local catfolk and devolving many off-worlders into feral-minded beasts. On Eogawa, Blood Space’s influence caused a deadly airborne version of lycanthropy to infect nearly every humanoid living on the moon, and on Ashaleth, Blood Space sped up the planet’s rotation and revolution to such extremes that it twisted into a torus planet.

In the centuries since Blood Space’s explosive arrival in the Xa-Osoro System, the people of the Radiant Imperium have tried to pick up the pieces of their lives and press forward. Several large corporations, such as 1010 Robotics, XLG, and Helix have stepped up and forged an uneasy partnership with the shattered remnants of the Radiant Imperium’s government to form a partnership dedicated to regulating the Xa-Osoro System’s citizens. New business opportunities emerge every day, and explorers from outside the system arriving in the system heralded the discovery of hyperspace technology. But even as the people of Xa-Osoro look towards a brighter tomorrow amidst the tragedy and loss of the Regicide, dark tidings loom in shadows. No longer a cohesive whole, countless factions that once festered within the Radiant Imperium see the Nova Age as an opportunity to grab at power, their squabbles preventing the once glorious empire from uniting with its full might. Additionally, the corporations that have partnered with the Radiant Imperium do so for their own benefit, often blinding the government to their dubious practices in the name of economic growth and prosperity. Shadowy schemes are born in both the dark underbellies of the Xa-Osoro System’s remaining cities and in suave sitting rooms and offices of powerful corporations. Amidst dark tidings, the people of the XaOsoro System need heroes now more than ever. [/sblock]

[sblock= Ship]
Name: Solenya
Tier: 1 (55BP)
Size Category/Frame: Medium Explorer (-12 BP)
Speed: 10
Maneuverability: Good, Pilot +1, Turn 1
Drift: 1
Armor Class: 12+Pilot ranks
Target Lock: 10+Pilot ranks
Hull Points: 55
Damage Threshold: -
Critical Threshold: 11
Shields: 40

- Coilgun, long range, 4d4 damage

1 Light (forward)
1 Light (Port)
1 Light (Starboard)
1 Light (Turret)
- Coilgun (4d4 dmg, long range, 10 PCU, -6 BP)

Power Core: Pulse Grey (100 PCU, -10 BP)
Drift Engine: Signal Basic (Min PCU 75, Drift 1, -6 BP)
- Good Crew Quarters (-2 BP)
- M10 Thrusters (Speed 10, 70 PCU, -5 BP)
- Basic Shields 40 (40 shield points, Regen 1/min, 15 PCU, -5 BP)
- Budget Medium Range Sensors (+0, -3 BP)
- Mk 2 Armor (+2 AC, -6 BP)

Expansion Bays: 4
- 4x Cargo Bay

- +1 Piloting

Crew Min/Max 1/6
Crew Complement
- Captain
- Pilot
- Science Officer
- Engineer
- ?
- ? [/sblock]

Starfinder: Red Dawn IC http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?593840-Starfinder-Red-Dawn-(IC)&p=7259160#post7259160

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So at the moment I have


I’d prefer five, but I’m pretty sure we will pick up someone else once this becomes an OOC thread and we can run with four if need be.

For the start of the game, I’m going to have you already be a crew and on a job and we will pick up from there. (More info on that to come of course)

Any ideas on Class/Race/ Role on ship for your characters?

Also any ideas on what type of ship you want, with a crew of 5 a light freighter of some sort at tier one seems to make the most sense?


First Post
Human or Android Outlaw Mechanic...possibly with a little Operative multiclass.

Best role would be Science Officer (due to high Computer skill), but I'd be good at Engineering and Piloting as well.

A Light Freighter would be good for a starting PC party. If you'd like I'd even be happy to build it. I've been having loads of fun messing with the starship design rules lately. :)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Not sure what I want to play yet, although I have some ideas in my head. Intrigued by the Mechanic and Operative, although Soldier's always interesting.

I'm thinking of a human scoundrel (regardless of class) named Crash, or a ratfolk with gadgets. Depends on the others, mostly.


First Post
A sample:

(Though I think in hindsight I'd want an Explorer hull rather than a light freighter for our actual ship)

[sblock]Name: Solenya
Tier: 1 (55BP)
Size Category/Frame: Small Light Freighter (-10 BP)
Speed: 10
Maneuverability: Good, Pilot +1, Turn 1
Armor Class: 13+Pilot ranks
Target Lock: 11+Pilot ranks
Hull Points: 40
Damage Threshold: -
Critical Threshold: 8
Shields: 40

- Gyrolasers, Short range, 1d8 damage, +1 to hit (from computer), -2 to hit if fired in Forward or Aft arcs

2 Light (forward)
1 Light (Port)
- Gyrolaser (1d8 dmg, short range, broad arc, 10 PCU, -3 BP)
1 Light (Starboard)
- Gyrolaser (1d8 dmg, short range, broad arc, 10 PCU, -3 BP)

Power Core: Pulse Black (120 PCU, -12 BP)
Drift Engine: Signal Basic (Min PCU 75, Drift 1, -4 BP)
- Good Crew Quarters (-2 BP)
- S10 Thrusters (Speed 10, 50 PCU, -5 BP)
- Basic Shields 40 (40 shield points, Regen 1/min, 15 PCU, -5 BP)
- Budget Medium Range Sensors (+0, -3 BP)
- Mk 1 Duonode Computer (+1/+1, 10 PCU, -2 BP)
- Mk 2 Armor (+2 AC, -4 BP)

Expansion Bays: 3
- Cargo Bay
- Guest Quarters (4 Comfortable; 1 PCU, -1 BP)
- Escape Pods (6 pods; 2 PCU, -1 BP)

- +1 to any 2 combat rolls
- +1 Piloting

Crew Min/Max 1/6
Crew Complement
- Captain
- Pilot
- Science Officer
- Engineer
- ?
- ?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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