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Should Magic Spells/Powers be Interruptible?

Should Magic Spells/Powers be Interruptible?

  • Si

    Votes: 32 72.7%
  • Non

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Vielleicht

    Votes: 9 20.5%


Guide of Modos
I was designing powers for Elden Ring monstrosities, picturing an epic, 60-foot lunge coupled with the swing of a flaming, one-ton axe, or something like Godrick's magical flamethrower stemming from his grafted dead-dragon-head. I realized that these powers would require multiple actions (in Modos RPG), which could invite PCs to take reactions during the casting. It's very un-Elden Ring for a PC to attack during an epic maneuver and stop the monster in its tracks; PCs usually dodge, parry, or run. Also, reactions aren't certain; the GM must allow them.

On one side, it stinks to be a wizard who must restart casting each time damage trickles in or a spell component fails. I don't remember Gandalf having trouble casting spells. And while Elden Ring bosses can be staggered, it's usually (always?) between attacks - not in the middle of one. So powers shouldn't be interruptible.

On the other side, casting spells can be a tricky affair, and executing a special move requires specific movements. Shouldn't these be subject to disruption? There's a good bit of DRPG precedent, and even CRPG precedent, for the interruption of spells and powers.

So do we really need interruption rules? Do they just slow a game down? Are they essential for keeping casters/villains in check?

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I think it's bad that there's no way for a fighter to make a wizard stop being able to cast spells (except beating them dead), but there are plenty of ways for a wizard to make a fighter stop being able to fight.

I'm not so sure about spells being "easy" to interrupt, though. It should be possible, but I don't think it should be available to every little monster you meet.

Theory of Games

Disaffected Game Warrior
Casting spells is kinda complicated. At least as complicated as doing math in your head and if you're suddenly shot with an arrow, you aint thinking about the maths anymore.

Your focus shifts. Hard. So yeah interruptions play IF you want more versimillitude? Or you can run with tough guy casters who can spellcast with a knife in their side. It's your taste, right?


Well, PF kind of did have something similar. Concentration check to cast. If you take damage, DC was 10+damage+spell level. You fail, spell fizzles, you lost slot. That's why smart move was ready action-if caster starts casting, shoot him with bow or hit him with sword. There was also casting on the defensive to avoid AOO from casting in melee.

In 5e, only reaction i can think of isn't really interrupt, it's counterspell.


Staff member
It depends on the system & setting.

But as noted, if casters can prevent martials from attacking, it’s an issue of game balance if warriors can’t reciprocate.

Thomas Shey

It depends on the system & setting.

But as noted, if casters can prevent martials from attacking, it’s an issue of game balance if warriors can’t reciprocate.

Of course it depends on what one means by "prevent from attacking" too. I know a rather lot of games where grappling a spellcaster is a real problem for them.


...I don't remember Gandalf having trouble casting spells...
Not really a good example. Gandalf is 1 of only 5 Istari (Maiar/primordial spirits sent as wizards in the form of men) in all of Middle Earth. For sure you can't easily interrupt his casting -if at all- but there's a lot of other thing you can't do to him too, that you can easily do to a mortal.

I'd say the possibility of interruption depends upon how magic is present in the setting - pervasive vs rare, innate & easily tapped into vs lengthy time apprenticing, easy to activate vs a mental or physical strain, etc. For most fantasy settings, magic is enough of a challenge for a caster that they'd be required to make a reaction/recovery if their casting is interrupted. Though there can be a lot flexibility from setting to setting with what constitutes that reaction/recovery. And for some settings, there can be some bandwidth with the severity of the interruption and the process to recover.
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