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Running adventures in systems that they were not designed for.


I am on my second Pathfinder 1e adventure path using 5e D&D. Carrion Crown was face to face pre-covid and Iron Gods is my current online fantasy grounds conversion game.

Milestone levelling works well with the AP advancement guidelines and I try to stick with equivalent monsters if they exist or close similar reskins of monsters from the few sources I have in FG for ones that I do not for my current online game.

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Golden Bee

From another forum:

The Shadow Over Kafiristan by Gareth Hanrahan
The hopheads and juicers seemed far out… And they were.

Adapting modules is often a challenge. The default version of this adventure is set in the 2010s in Afghanistan, from a British perspective. In this version, we focused on Javid, an Afghani sniper who fought the British...in 1935. So the entire first third of the module went out the window.

It still went great though! (Especially since I lost two players an hour before game time and had to switch over from my Hawaiian adventure.)

[Summary removed]
So, I mentioned that the module was adapted, and that gets rid of the last fifth of the module as well. In the original, the agents have to justify their behavior to a Department that knows full well about extraplanar entities. I was out of adventure. But the players were sharp.)
"So the only other person who knew about the plants was 'Peachey’ Carnehan, right?" Asked the tour guide PC.
The players called in favors and did some excellent investigating to find him at his manor house in Sussex. After being greeted, announced and fed, all the players had to do was convince a retired British spy to admit culpability based on specious evidence. Easy.
(That’s right, social combat! The new players hadn’t played Fate before. Unlike other systems, it’s relatively easy to improvise any kind of combat, whether social or mountaineering.)

I'm currently running Zeitgeist (PF 1e version) using Fate Core. None of us have ever played Fate before, or anything like it.

We're most of the way through the 4th adventure, and so far everyone has been loving it. I'm finding it so much more relaxing than trying to run it in Pathfinder would have been.


I really love the whole idea of this; I think I've looked at a few adventures and thought about running them in different systems, but I think what more typically happens is that I get excited about stealing a setting in general and putting it into a new game.


As mentioned upthread, DCC adventures port very easily into other D&D-esque systems - I ran three of them for our 5e campaign (Sailors on the Starless Sea, The One Who Watches From Below, and Tower of the Black Pearl - though the latter two were very heavily modified to fit our campaign). My brother also converted some of his adventures for the campaign from Castles & Crusades, IIRC.

Many years before that, I converted Expedition to Castle Ravenloft into an adventure for Mutants & Masterminds 2E. Fun, but they were a wee bit overpowered for it...


World Traveller (She/Her)
I'm super obsessed with Dragonbane now, I think you could run any sort of traditonal or gritty fantasy adventure in it without much difficulty.

Top of my to do-list would be D&D's Keep on the Borderlands or WFRP's Enemy Within campaign. (Or really anything from those games/editions in general.) Biggest obstacle would just be hombrewing new monsters, Dragonbane's Bestiary is on the smaller side but its got the basics covered.


So, I was wondering what adventures you have run in systems that they were not designed for.
I've run the original Castle Ravenloft I-6 adventure using the classic Deadlands system. In that version, Count Strahd von Zarovich was an eastern European who was so enamored with western dime novels that he has his castle moved brick-by-brick from Transylvania to Colorado. Instead of the Vistani, I had some Native Americans hired by Strahd to act like stereotypical Indians like the ones from the dime novels. It was a lot of fun having Strahd get into a fast draw competition with someone only to clutch his chest and yell out in a cheesy generic European accent, "You got me, pard'ner!"

I am about to run the Call of Cthulhu campaign A Time of Harvest which involves a group of students from Mistakonic University in fictional Arkham, Massachusetts. Instead of using the classic CoC rules, we're using Savage Worlds, and more specifically the East Texas University setting book. ETU is basically Miskatonic University in Texas anyway so it's not a stretch. A player of mine has been begging to play ETU for years now, so I'm finally granting him his wish.

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