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Rules and Mechanics

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General Rules - A to M

Barbarian Variant: Totem Barbarian
In a barbarian-heavy campaign, you can increase the variation between barbarian characters if each barbarian tribe dedicates itself to a different totem creature, such as the bear or the jaguar. The choice of a totem must be taken at 1st level, and cannot be changed later except under extreme circumstances (such as the barbarian being adopted by another tribe).
If you use this variant, the barbarian loses one or more of the following standard class features: fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge. In place of these abilities, the barbarian gains class features as determined by his totem. All totems do not necessarily grant abilities at the same levels, nor do they all grant the same number of abilities. These class features are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise indicated.
The list of totems discussed here is by no means exhaustive. If you prefer to use other totems, you can either substitute the totem name for that of a similar creature (such as changing the Lion Totem to the Tiger Totem) or create a new set of totem abilities, using the information here as a guide.

Ape Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the ape totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • At 1st level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a climb speed equal to one-half his base land speed (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval). For instance, a human, elf, half-elf, or half-orc ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 15 feet, while a dwarf, gnome, or halfling ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 10 feet.
  • At 2nd level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
  • A 3rd level ape-totem barbarian gains Power Attack as a bonus feat.
  • At 5th level, an ape-totem barbarian's climb speed equals his base land speed.
Bear Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the bear totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • A 1st-level bear-totem barbarian gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
  • At 2nd level, a bear-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
  • A 3rd-level bear-totem barbarian gains Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.
  • Beginning at 5th level, a bear-totem barbarian gains a +4 bonus on grapple checks when raging.
Boar Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the boar totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • When raging, a 1st-level boar-totem barbarian is treated as having the Diehard feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
  • At 3rd level and higher, a boar-totem barbarian's rage lasts for 2 rounds longer than normal.
  • Beginning at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 1 point higher than the normal value. Thus, at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 2/-, and it rises by 1 point every three levels thereafter.
Dragon Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the dragon totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • A 1st-level dragon-totem barbarian gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
  • At 2nd level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saves against paralysis and sleep effects.
  • At 5th level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains the frightful presence ability. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 barbarian level + barbarian's Cha modifier.
Eagle Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the eagle totem does not gain the standard fast movement and trap sense barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • At 1st level, an eagle-totem barbarian's keen vision grants him a +2 bonus on Spot checks.
  • An eagle-totem barbarian gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Horse Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the horse totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • At 2nd level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
  • A 3rd-level horse-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks made with regard to horses and a +2 bonus on Ride checks made to ride a horse.
  • At 5th level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.
Jaguar Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the jaguar totem represents the "standard" barbarian and gains the standard barbarian class features.

Lion Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the lion totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • At 1st level, a lion-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
  • A 2nd-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Hide checks.
  • A 5th-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls whenever he charges.
Serpent Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the serpent totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • At 1st level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
  • A 2nd-level serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks.
  • At 3rd level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
  • A serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat at 5th level.
Wolf Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the wolf totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
  • A 2nd-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
  • A 5th-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Track as a bonus feat.
-Derived from OGC

Bard Variant: Divine Bard
The Divine Bard is available for play.

Bard Variant: Savage Bard
The savage bard is a warrior at heart, though his arcane powers strike fear into the enemies of his tribe. Savage bards often multi-class as barbarians to improve their combat prowess.

A savage bard must be chaotic in alignment. A savage bard who becomes nonchaotic cannot progress in levels as a bard, though he retains all his bard abilities.

Base Save Bonuses
A savage bard has good Fortitude and Will saves, but has poor Reflex saves.

Class Skills
A savage bard loses Decipher Script and Speak Language as class skills. He adds Survival to his list of class skills.

Class Features
The savage bard has all the standard bard class features, except as noted below.
A savage bard is illiterate, just as a barbarian is. An illiterate savage bard cannot use or scribe scrolls.

Remove the following spells from the savage bard's class spell list: calm emotions, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, erase, prestidigitation, read magic, sepia snake sigil, summon monster (I through VI).
Add the following spells to the savage bard's class spell list: 1st—calm animals, detect snares and pits, endure elements, summon nature's ally I; 2nd—bull's strength, pass without trace, summon nature's ally II; 3rd—snare, summon nature's ally III; 4th—insect plague, summon nature's ally IV; 5th—commune with nature, summon nature's ally V; 6th—creeping doom, reincarnate, summon nature's ally VI.
-Derived from OGC

Cloistered Cleric Variant
The Cloistered Cleric Variant is available for play.

Cooperative Crafting
Any PC may contribute to the creation of a magic item (including XP and GP and prerequisites). The gold cost may be split in any way as long as the sum total of the gold is accumulated before crafting begins. All characters involved in the creation of them, who are contributing anything beyond financial (gp) components must work together for the entire craft period. In game, this means they must all spend 1 day per 1000gp of the base price locked away creating. Outside of an adventure, or when a DM permits the use of Craft Points in an adventure, the Craft Points must be paid by all parties in full (They are not split) contributing anything beyond money. The XP cost myst be split evenly amonst all those who wish to help contribute XP. In addition the XP cost of the item increases by 20% per additional person contributing XP. If multiple people are contributing then they must pay the same amount.

Number of People Contibuting XP | XP Cost | Per person (split evenly)
1 | 100% | 100%
2 | 120% | 60%
3 | 140% | 47%
4 | 160% | 40%
5 | 180% | 36%
6 | 200% | 33%
7 | 220% | 31%
8 | 240% | 30%

NPCs must voluntarily and without compunction agree to spending XP. A judge should okay any such transaction.
-Origional Proposed by Kahuna Burger, recomposed by Erekose13.

To craft an item in between adventures, a character with the appropriate item creation feat (such as Craft Magica Arms and Armor, Brew Potion, or Craft Staff; see below) can pay one-tenth the item's market price in craft points (minimum 1 point). He must also pay material costs as normal for creating the item. For a magic item the character must also pay the normal experience point cost for crafting the item. Once the character declares that he is spending these craft points and gold pieces (and experience points, for a magic item), the items is automatically completed one day later (typically the next morning).

Though this makes it appear as if the item was created "instantly," the assumption is that the character has actually been working on it for a while, but only now got around to finishing it. The system simply assumes that characters are always working on various projects in their spare time, even while gathered around the campfire after battling goblins on their latest adventure. Thus, when the time comes, they simply spend the requisite gold and craft points, and the item is "finished" one day later.

To spend Craft points toward the creation of an alchemical, masterwork, or magic item, you must have the requisite Craft feat or assist someone who does (see Assisting, below). Crafting nonmagical armor and weapons or simple items-tools, chests, saddles, and the like-doesn't require a Craft feat. Anyone who helps with the creation of such an item can contribute craft points at the normal rate.

For nonmagical items, you must make a successful Craft check (using the DCs given in the System Reference Document) to complete the item. For a masterwork item, use the DC of the item or of the masterwork component, whichever is higher. A failed check means you waste one-half of the gold pieces and craft points required for the item, but you may try again as soon as the next day if you still have enough gold pieces and craft points to complete the item. Magic items require no skill check to complete. These skill checks must be rolled using a secure method, such as Invisible Castle.

[b]Sample Crafted Items[/b]
Item				Market Price	Craft Cost                         _[/u][/b]
Arrows, 100*			    10 gp	5 gp, 1 craft
Acid				    10 gp	5 gp, 1 craft
Lock, simple*			    20 gp	10 gp, 2 craft
Scroll of [i]cure light wounds[/i]	    25 gp	12.5 gp, 1 xp, 2 craft
Greatsword*			    50 gp	25 gp, 5 craft
Chainmail*			   150 gp	75 gp, 15 craft
Masterwork Chainmail*		   300 gp	150 gp, 30 craft
Potion of [i]cure moderate wounds[/i]	   300 gp	150 gp, 6 xp, 30 craft
Masterwork greatsword*		   350 gp	175 gp, 35 craft
[i]+1 chainmail~[/i]			 1,000 gp	500 gp, 40 xp, 100 craft
[i]Ring of protection +1[/i]		 2,000 gp	1,000 gp, 80 xp, 200 craft
[i]+1 greatsword~[/i]			 2,000 gp	1,000 gp, 80 xp, 200 craft
[i]Wand of fireball[/i]		11,250 gp	5,625 gp, 450 xp, 1,125 craft
[i]Gloves of Dexterity +4[/i]		16,000 gp	8,000 gp, 640 xp, 1,600 craft
[i]+5 chainmail~[/i]			25,000 gp	12,500 gp, 1,000 xp, 2,500 craft
[i]+5 greatsword~[/i]			50,000 gp	25,000 gp, 2,000 xp, 5,000 craft
[i]Robe of the archmagi[/i]		75,000 gp	37,500 gp, 3,000 xp, 7,500 craft
[i]Tome of understanding +5[/i]	137,500 gp	68,750 gp, 5,500 xp, 13,750 craft
[i]Staff of power[/i]			200,000 gp	100,000 gp, 8,000 xp, 20,000 craft

*Does not require a Craft feat
~The market price and craft costs for these items assume that you
 already have the masterwork item to be enhanced

In addition to the primary crafter-who must have the appropriate Craft feat-up to three assistants can contribute craft points to the creation of the item.

Assistants who have the appropriate Craft feat contribute craft points at full normal value. For untrained assistants (those who don't have the appropriate Craft feat), each craft point contributed counts as 1/2 point of assistance.

The primary creator must contribute at least half of the craft points required to create an item.

It doesn't matter who contributes the gold piece cost that goes towards creating the itme.

Researching Original Spells
A spellcaster of any type can research original spells. Doing so costs 1000 gold pieces and 100 Craft Points per level of the spell, and requires access to a library, temple or other institute appropriate for the character (it is assumed that Orussus has the necessary institutes for all character types). After that, the character must succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 10 plus the spell's level). If the roll succeeds and the spell has been approved previously, the character learns the spell. Otherwise, the character must go through the research process again.

Spontaneous casters such as bards and sorcerers cannot exceed their spells known limit by researching a new spell. For 0 level spells, the costs are 500 gold pieces and 50 Craft Points.

Assisting in Spell Research
Characters can cooperate in spell research using the normal rules for assisting. Spellcasters are considered trained assistants, while non-spellcasters count as untrained assistants.

Training Animals
To spend Craft points toward training an animal or other creature, you must be trained in the Handle Animal skill or assist someone who does (see Assisting, below). Anyone who helps with the training can contribute craft points at the normal rate.
You must make a successful Handle Animal check (using the DCs given in the System Reference Document) to complete the training. A failed check means you waste one-half of the craft points required for the training, but you may try again as soon as the next day if you still have enough craft points to complete the training.

Assisting in Animal Training
Characters can cooperate in training animals using the normal rules for assisting, except for the purpose of rearing wild animals.

Costs of Training
Teach an Animal a Trick: 50
Train an Animal for a Purpose: 50 x the number of weeks required
Rear a Wild Animal: 250 + 50 x the animal's HD

Dire Animals and Dinosaurs (and other special animals): Above value x 1.5
Non-Animals with Int 1 or 2: Above value x 2

A 1st-level character has 150 craft points. With each class level gained, he gains a number of craft points equal to his new levelx150. A 2nd level character can have as many as 450 craft points, and so forth, all the way up to 20th-level character, who would have a total of 31,500 craft points (assuming he never spent any).

Creatures with Intelligence of 3 or higher have craft points a character whose level equals their class levels + Hit Dice. A chain devil (8 HD), for instance, has the craft points of an 8th-level character. If that chain devil gained a class level, it would gain an additional 1350 craft points.
Despite being at least reasonably intelligent, a griffon or pegasus is unlikely to be in a position to craft an item or assist another character in crafting an item. The DM must use his best judgement when determing whether a character can use its craft points.

Creatures with Intelligence of 2 or lower (or without an Intelligence score) never gain craft points.

Familiars or special mounts never gain craft points, regardless of their Intelligence or Hit Dice.

[b]Craft Points Gained by Level[/b]
Character		Craft Points			Total Craft[u]
Level			Gained				Points*[/u][/b]
 1st			  150				   150
 2nd			  300				   450
 3rd			  450				   900
 4th			  600				 1,500
 5th			  750				 2,250
 6th			  900				 3,150
 7th			1,050 				 4,200
 8th			1,200	 			 5,400
 9th			1,350	 			 6,750
10th			1,500				 8,250
11th			1,650				 9,900
12th			1,800				11,700
13th			1,950				13,650
14th			2,100				15,750
15th			2,250				18,000
16th			2,400				20,400
17th			2,550				22,950
18th			2,700				25,650
19th			2,850				28,500
20th			3,000				31,500

*Subtract any craft points already spent from this total, and add
 any craft points gained from feats.

Each time you gain an item creation feat, you gain additional craft points as noted on the table below. You don't have to spend these craft points on items appropriate to the feat - you can spend them on any item. For example, Craft Magical Arms and Armor grants a bonus of 2500 craft points, which you can use to craft weapons, armor, potions, or any other item.

The table below gives appropriate new prerequisites for all item creation feats, including those in the System Reference Document.

[b]Item Creation Feats[/b]
								  Craft Points[u]
Feat				Prerequisites				Gained[/u][/b]
Brew Potion			Caster level 3rd			1,500	
Craft Cognizance Crystal	Manifester level 3rd			1,500	
Craft Construct			Magic Arms and Armor, Wondrous Item	3,000	
Craft Dorje			Manifester level 5th			2,500	
Craft Magic Arms and Armor	Caster level 5th			2,500	
Craft Psicrown			Manifester level 12th			6,000	
Craft Psionic Arms and Armor	Manifester Level 5rd			2,500	
Craft Psionic Construct		Psionic Arms and Armor, Universal Item	3,000	
Craft Rod			Caster level 9th			4,500	
Craft Staff			Caster level 12th			6,000	
Craft Universal Item		Manifester level 3rd			1,500	
Craft Wand			Caster level 5th    			2,500	
Craft Wondrous Item 		Caster Level 3rd			1,500	
Forge Ring			Caster level 12th			6,000	
Imprint Stone			Manifester level 1st			  500	
Scribe Scroll			Caster level 1st			  500	
Scribe Tattoo			Manifester level 3rd			1,500	
Talented Crafter		Any other item creation feat		  500

-Derived from OGC

Horizon Walker
Class Skills: Knowledge (the planes) is considered a class skill for Horizon Walkers.
-Proposed by Bront

Also, Horizon Walkers have the option to take Terrain Mastery: Arcane as a Terrain Mastery.
Terrain Mastery - Arcane: Sometimes a Horizon Walker walks the paths arcane, exploring ancient ruins of long-forgotten civilisations, stuying ancient tomes, wondering about the arcane mysteries of the towers, and cramming all night for a test on flow diagrams for Secrets of the Six Towers. Such a Horizon Walker unlocks arcane secrets similar to those earned by other horizon walkers for their respective terrains:
Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft are Horizon Walker class skills for you, and you can use Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, and Read Magic each once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to your character level. You gain a +1 insight bonus to attacks and damage against arcane creatures.
Note: Arcane creatures are defined as creatures created or spontaneously spawned by magic and who thus originally have no ordinary terrain (such as forest), residing in ancient ruins or spreading outwards from a failed experiment. This includes most constructs, many undead, some elementals and fey, and a few magical beasts and aberrations that have in their descriptions that they were created by twisted magics. Whether or not a creature counts as arcane is up to the GM's discretion, in much the same way that whether a creature counts as 'forest' terrain could be open to discretion (for instance: a goblin who was born in a city, whose mother was a mountain goblin born in the forest and whose father was a normal goblin born in the hills who lived in the forest and then moved to the city). In any case, it never includes dragons or ordinary humanoid arcane casters. It also does not include summoned creatures unless those summoned creatures would meet the description even if they were not summoned (so a golem summoned by a Summon Golem spell would count, but not a summoned Celestial Badger or Succubus).
Summary of Arcane Creatures: = Creatures created by arcane means (most constructs/many undead), as well as those either greatly influenced by arcane terrain or whose influence helps create arcane terrain, such as some Elementals, Fey, Aberrations, Magical Beasts, or rarely other creature types. Summoned creatures do not count as arcane unless they would already count without being summoned.
-Created by Rystil Arden

The Job System
The job system is meant as an alternate source of income, for times when adventures are scarce, or for characters that are not as adventuresome as others. For every full week in real life (starting with the day the character makes a post in an appropriate downtime thread, such as the Red Dragon Inn or his shop thread), a character on a job, but not on adventure gains some benefits, usually money and some other benefits (such as Craft Points, minor favors, and the like), and 5 XP per week. Partial weeks are passed to assistants, if any. In that case, all of that week is treated as though the apprentice (or nobody, if there is no apprentice) worked that week. Most jobs have a requirement that must be fulfilled, though characters on the way to fulfill the requirements might become apprentices/assistants to another character.

Sometimes, a character on a job may want or need to abandon it for a while. Normally, that means that he gains no benefits from the job (some jobs may allow the character to gain reduced benefits). In those chases, if the character has no other assistants, he may want to hire an NPC assistant. This reduces the weekly benefits by 1/2, but other benefits (such as from sold items) are gained normally.

Obtaining a Job
A character not currently on an adventure who qualifies for a job may (note the job on his character sheet/start an appropriate (Adventure?) thread?) and notify a judge. A character becoming an apprentice or partner of another character with the same job should (note this as well/use the thread of that character?).

Jobs use the following template:
gp/week: This is the number of gold pieces a character earns for every week real time not spent adventuring. A few jobs allow the character to earn money even while on adventure, but usually at a reduced rate.
Special Payment:

You are someone to get the work done while the boss is busy saving the world.
Requirements: Must have a few of the requirements for the job OR Must be accepted by an existing character performing the job.
gp/week: One quarter of what you would gain on the job you are apprenticed for.
Special Payment: One quarterof what you would gain on the job you are apprenticed for.
Special: If you are leading the business because the master is away adventuring or otherwise absent, you gain the full weekly XP award and half the normal payment instead.

You are a craftsman, making a living on creating and selling items.
Requirements: At least 1 Craft skill at 4 ranks.
gp/week: 2.5 plus 1/4 the highest Craft skill modifier you have (ranks in Craft + Int modifier + other permanent bonuses).
Special Payment: You gain 1 Craft Point per week per rank in your highest Craft skill.
Special: You can craft, buy and sell items in a separate thread while not adventuring. You must possess artisan tools. If you do not have one yet, you must set aside at least 1/4 of your income for a workshop, which costs 500 gp to buy.
You are assumed to have a selection of common goods (simple weapons, light armor, non-masterwork items) for sale. These cost neither money nor Craft Points to maintain. Other items need to be crafted or bought first.

LABORER (simple jobs with bad pay)
You are an unskilled laborer, hauling barrels or doing similar work for meager pay.
Requirements: None
gp/week: 1.5

MAGECRAFTER (someone creating magical items)
You are a spellcaster, making a living on creating and selling magic items.
Requirements: At least 2 Item Creation feats, spellcaster level 3+
gp/week: 3.125 times the number of Item Creation feats you have.
Special Payment: You gain 6.25 Craft Points per week per Item Creation feat you possess.
Special: You can craft, buy and sell magic items of the appropriate types in a separate thread while not adventuring. If you do not have one yet, you must set aside at least 1/4 of your income for a workshop, which costs 500 gp to buy.
You are assumed to have a selection of minor magical items (0 level potions or scrolls) for sale. These cost neither money nor Craft Points to maintain. Other items need to be crafted or bought first.

You are a merchant, making a living on buying and selling items.
Requirements: Profession(Merchant) skills at 4 ranks and either Diplomacy or Appraise at 4 ranks.
gp/week: 2.5 plus 1/4 your Profession (Merchant) skill modifier (ranks in Craft + Wis modifier + other permanent bonuses).
Special Payment: You can add half your Trader PrC level to the gp/week.
Special: You can buy and sell items in a separate thread while not adventuring. You must possess a merchant scale. If you do not have one yet, you must set aside at least 1/4 of your income for a shop, which costs 500 gp to buy.
You are assumed to have a selection of mundane goods of your choice of field (simple weapons, light armor, non-masterwork items) for sale. These cost neither money nor Craft Points to maintain. Other items need to be crafted or bought first.
Last edited:

General Rules - N to Z

Paladin Option: Righteous Charge
Prerequisite: Paladin level 5
Description: When a paladin charges while not mounted and uses the Smite Evil ability, he gets a damage bonus equal to twice his paladin level.
Normal: A paladin gets a damage bonus equal to his paladin level when he smites evil.
Special: This feature replaces the paladin ability to get a Special Mount.
-Created by Animus

Paladin Variants: Paladins of other Alignments.
The Paladin of Freedom and Paladin of Tyranny variants are available to be played. The Paladin of Slaughter variant is not available for play.

Racial Paragon Classes
In most campaigns, the ideas of class and race are separate concepts. But with racial paragon classes, the line between the two becomes blurred. Racial paragons are, as their name suggests, nearly ideal examples of the strengths and abilities of the character's race. Unlike members of other classes, however, racial paragons are more than merely powerful individuals. They are strong in all the ways that their race is strong, while still vulnerable in the ways that their race is vulnerable. Beyond that, they possess powers or capabilities that supersede those of normal members of their race. While any elf might rise in power, prestige, and (in game terms) level, most do so by gaining levels in the standard character classes—only a few are so much in tune with their heritage and racial abilities that they become racial paragons.

Racial paragons rarely undergo the rigorous training or study that members of other classes commonly undertake between levels. Their experience, wisdom, and heroic abilities simply manifest in the form of superior innate racial abilities. Despite this strong association with race, racial paragons need not have specific views or special dedication to their race's beliefs or typical attitudes (although many do).

Obviously, a character can only take levels in the racial paragon class associated with his race. A human cannot take levels in dwarf paragon—only dwarves are capable of reflecting the highest virtues of dwarfhood by gaining levels in the dwarf paragon class. (Half-elves and half-orcs are an exception; see the Half-Elf Paragon and Half-Orc Paragon sections below.)

Like the fighter, the wizard, and the other standard character classes, the racial paragon classes have no prerequisites (other than being a member of the appropriate race). Paragon class levels can be taken any time a character gains a new level, even at 1st level (in which case they receive four times the normal number of skill points gained at each succeeding level). A character can multiclass freely between standard character classes, prestige classes for which he or she qualifies, and the character's appropriate racial paragon class.

It's possible for a powerful magic effect such as shapechange, reincarnate, or wish to change a character's race. If a character has already taken racial paragon levels in his original race, he can never become a paragon of another race. However, such shapechanging and form-altering magics also cause no loss of a paragon's class abilities—the class abilities gained from racial paragon levels are affected no more or less drastically than benefits gained from having levels in any other class.

Levels in racial paragon classes never result in XP penalties for multiclass characters. See below for the currently available racial Paragon classes
-Derived from OGC

Racial Paragon Option: Human Paragon
The human paragon may apply his or her spellcasting advancements to psionic classes as well.
-Created by Velmont

Ranger Option: Favored Enemy: Shapechanger
Rangers may choose Shapechanger as a favored enemy, affecting all creatures with that particular subtype. As with the normal rules for favored enemies, if a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Ranger Variant: Scent
At 4th level, the ranger can choose to either gain the Lesser Scent ability, or get an animal companion as per the normal progression.

Lesser Scent (Ex): This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.

Unlike normal Scent, however, lesser scent does not allow the creature to automatically detect scents; it must focus on the attempt, and its range is slightly smaller.

The creature can detect opponents within 20 feet by sense of smell by making a successful Search check against DC as per Table S-1. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 40 feet; if downwind, it drops to 10 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.

Table S-1: Lesser Scent
  Search DC	Smell
  -10		Troglodyte stench, skunk musk
  0		Smoke, rotting garbage
  5		Aromatic scents (burning bread, strong incense)
  10		Normal scents
  15		Subtle or vague scents
  20		Barely noticeable scent
  Search DC Modifier	Condition
 	+5		Running water between creature with scent and source of scent
  	+1		Per 10 feet of distance
  	+5		Smeller distracted

When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent.

Whenever the creature comes within 5 feet of the source, the creature pinpoints the source’s location.

A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

-Created by Gnomeworks

Ranger Variant: Urban Ranger
The Urban Ranger is available for play.

Recharging Magic Items

A staff, wand, or other charged item (like a ring of wishes) may be recharged by paying a fraction of the cost of creating the item equal to the ratio of cost per charge. The person recharging the item must meet all requirements for creating the item in question (including any feats, spells, or other requirements). You must devote time equal to 1 day per 1000gp involved. When recharging an item, you must pay an additional up front cost of 10% of the creation cost (in gp only).

For example if a Wand of Cure Light Wounds needed recharging. The wand has an initial market price of 750gp for 50 charges. Each charge then costs 7.5gp, with an up front cost of 37.5gp. If a caster were trying to recharge this wand 40 of its 50 charges, the caster would have to pay 337.5gp, 24XP, and 1 day. The caster must have Craft Wand and Cure Light Wounds available.

Another example, if a Ring of Three Wishes needed recharging. The ring has an initial market price of 97,950gp for 3 charges. Each charge costs 3825gp and 5306xp. If a caster were trying to recharge this ring 2 of its charges, the caster would have to pay 8797.5gp and 10,612xp, and 66 days. The caster must have Forge Ring and Wish or Miracle available.

Notes: Both items above mention 'Days' in LEW we use Craft Points. Substitute the appropriate number of craft points based on associated costs as per the rules.

Here are the two examples listed in recharging
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Max Charges: 50
Base Cost: 750gp
Creation Cost: 375gp + 30xp + 1 day (or some craft points)
Creation Cost per charge: 7.5gp + 0.6xp + 1 day (or some craft points)
Up Front Cost: 37.5gp
Current Charges: 10
Desired Charges: 40
Creation Cost for 40 charges: 337.5gp + 24xp + 1 day (or some craft points)

Ring of Wishes
Max Charges: 3
Base Cost: 97,950gp
Creation Cost: 11,475 gp + 15,918 XP + 98 days (or some craft points)
Creation Cost per charge: 3825gp + 5306xp + 33 days (or some craft points)
Up Front Cost: 1147.5gp
Current Charges: 1
Desired Charges: 2
Creation Cost for 2 charges: 8797.5gp + 10,612xp + 66 days (or some craft points)

- Created by Erekose13

Rogue Variant: Wilderness Rogue
The Wilderness Rogue is available for play.

Soulknife Ruling
A soulknife who uses the shape mindblade ability to alter his mindblade will maifest his mindblade in the chosen shape until and unless he uses the shape mindblade ability again to change the shape chosen.
-Created by Bront

Wizard (Conjurer) Variant: Rapid Summoning
This Conjurer variant is permitted.

Wizard (Necromancer) Variant: Undead Servant
A 1st-level necromancer using this variant can begin play with an undead servant (a
human warrior skeleton). Obtaining this servant takes 24 hours and uses up magical
materials that cost 100 gp.

This creature is a loyal servant that follows the necromancer's commands and accompanies
him on adventures if desired. If the undead servant is destroyed, the necromancer
suffers no ill effects and may replace it by performing a ceremony identical to the one
that allowed him to obtain his first servant.

At 1st level, the skeleton is completely typical, but it gains power as the necromancer
gains levels. Consult the table below for details.
Necromancer	HD	NA bonus	Str Bonus	Special
1-2		1	+0		+0		-
3-4		2	+1		+1		-
5-6		3	+1		+1		-
7-8		4	+2		+2		-
9-10		5	+2		+2		-
11-12		6	+3		+3		-
13-14		7	+3		+3		-
15-16		8	+4		+4		-
17-18		9	+4		+4		-
19-20		10	+5		+5		-
A necromancer using this variant permanently gives up the ability to obtain a familiar.
- Adapted from OGC by Animus
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Skills and New Skill Uses

Perform (Gladiatorial)
This use of the perform skill differs from the standard sub skills in a few ways.

Class Skill
In addition to those classes normally having perform as a class skill, Perform (Gladiatorial) is available as a class skill to fighters and barbarians.

Number of Performers
Attempting to use Perform (Gladiatorial) as a single performer (such as through weapon drills or sword dances) incurs a -5 penalty to the check.
Two performers working together can either use the aid another maneuver (if they are playing out a mock battle with a predetermined winner) or make opposed checks (or a series of opposed checks) to determine the outcome of a stylish and non-lethal competition.
A performer attempting to simultaneously make a gladiatorial performance and engage in a lethal battle (whether it is against another gladiator or a non-performing opponent) takes a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and to AC as she must balance effectiveness with entertainment.

A character with 5 ranks in Perform (Gladiatorial) gains a +2 bonus to intimidate checks to demoralize an opponent.

Bardic Music
As a non-auditory performance, Perform (Gladiatorial) cannot be used to activate a bardic music ability.

Circumstance Bonuses
Factors which give static bonuses to attack rolls (such as masterwork or magical weapons, weapon focus feats etc) add the same bonus to Perform (Gladiatorial) checks. Temporary or variable factors to attack rolls (such as spells, Power Attack or Two-Weapon Fighting) have no effect on the perform check.

- Created by Kahuna Burger
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General Feats - A to M

Arcane Awareness [General]
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks, ability to cast Arcane spells spontaneously, limited number of known spells.
Benefit: You can add one additional spell to your known spell list of at least one spell level lower than the highest level you can cast. The spell must be a spell you could normally add to your known spell list.
Normal: You may only have as many known spells as your class and level allows.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, choose a new spell.
-Created by Bront

Arcane Spontaneity [General]
Through practice and persistence you are able to work a single spell so well that you can channel raw magic into that form.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, Spell Mastery
Benefit: When you take this feat you can choose one spell that you know through Spell Mastery. You can now spontaneously convert a prepared arcane spell of that level or higher into the mastered spell, similar to how a cleric spontaneously casts cure spells. If you wish to apply a metamagic feat to this converted spell you must follow the rules for Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats.
Normal: Arcane casters who prepare spells cannot spontaneously cast spells.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time you take it, you must select a different spell. A wizard may select this feat as one of their wizard bonus feats.
-Created by Erekose13

Arcane Tap [General]
Through study, and hard work, you have learned how to draw energy from one of many mystical places in Enworld (The towers, a deity, any other place of mystical or religious significance, chosen when you take the feat) and empower your spells with power beyond normal training.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Geography) 1 rank, Knowledge (Religion or Arcana) 1 rank, Ability to cast Spells
Benefit: Choose a spellcasting class you belong to. Your caster level for that class increases by 4, up to your total hit dice. This increased caster level applies to determining level-dependent spell variables such as damage dice or range, and caster level checks only. It does not grant extra spells or other class abilities. If your class uses more than one caster level, you choose which one is effected when you take the feat.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing a new spellcasting class each time. The feats do not stack.
-Created by Bront

Armored Casting [General]
Through focused training and practice, you are able to adapt your somatic components while casting in light armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Light Armor Optimization, BAB +3
Benefit: When wearing light armor, decrease the arcane spell failure chance by 10%
Special: Medium armor made of mithral counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.
-Created by Erekose13

Blow of Steel [General]
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Str 13
Benefit: You may expend a use of Stunning Fist to deal 1d6 additional damage on a successful unarmed attack. This attack must be declared before the attack roll is made.
-Created by fuzzy

Channeling Fist [General]
You deal your unarmed damage when making certain touch attacks.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Ability to channel positive or negative energy.
Benefit: When making an attack to deliver an inflict wounds spell (or a cure wounds spell against an undead), you may make a normal attack to additionally deal unarmed strike damage the same round as you cast the spell.
Normal: You may only strike for unarmed damage with a touch attack spell if you wait until the following round.
Special: A character with this feat can multiclass freely between cleric and monk, though he must continue to maintain his lawful alignment to progress in monk levels.
-Created by Kahuna Burger

Dedicated Hunter[General]
As a devoted warrior and tracker of your god, you have learned use the skills of nature along with your divine gifts.
Requirements: Lay on Hands, Favored Enemy, Smite, Knowledge Religion 5, Survival 8
Benefit: You may multi-class freely between Ranger and Paladin and gain the following benefits:
- Your Ranger Levels stack with your Paladin Levels for increasing the effects of Lay on Hands.
- Your add one half your Paladin Levels (rounded up) to your Ranger Levels for qualifying for Favored Enemies. In addition, you can add your Ranger level to your Paladin level when smiting a Favored Enemy for the effect (but not the number of smites).
- You may choose to make your Special Mount your Animal Companion as well. If you do so, use the following table instead of the Special Mount or Animal Companion table. Your Special Mount is summoned once, and then stays will you till it dies. Should the mount die, die, it immediately disappears, leaving behind any equipment it was carrying. You may not summon another mount for thirty days or until you gains a paladin or ranger level level, whichever comes first, even if the mount is somehow returned from the dead. During this thirty-day period, you take a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls. After those thirty days, you can immediately summon a new mount. The effective level is your Paladin level plus your effective Druid level granted to you by the Ranger class (One-half your Ranger level). You gain the mount as soon as this effective level is 5. All powers are identical to those stated in the Animal Companion or Special Mount rules. The choice to combine your Special Mount and Animal Companion is a one time choice made when you select this feat.
[b]Special Mount Companion[/b]
Level		HD	NA	Str	Dex	Int	Special
5th		2	4	1	1	6	Empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws, Link
6th-7th		4	4	2	2	6	Devotion
8th		4	6	2	2	7	Improved Speed
9th-10th	6	6	3	3	7	Multiattack
11th		6	8	3	3	8	Command creatures of it's kind
12th-14th	8	8	4	4	8	
15th-17th	10	10	5	5	9	Spell Resistance
18th-20th	12	12	6	6	9
If you lose your Paladin abilities, this feat ceases to function until those abilities are restored. In the case of the mount, the mount leaves.
Normal: You may not return to the Paladin class once you take a level in another class, and class levels are counted normally.
-Created by Bront

Delmontes Technique: Piercing Whip [General]
You are so skilled in using a whip, that you can find chinks in almost any armor and strike there with enough force to deal damage.
Prerequisites: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip), Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: When using a whip, you can deal damage to opponents with up to +4 armor or +6 natural armor. Your damage with a whip is increased to 1d4 (1d3 for Small characters) and is lethal damage.
Normal: Without this feat, you can't deal damage with a whip to opponents with an armor bonus of +1 or higher or a natural armor bonus of +3 or higher.
-Created by GnomeWorks

Delmontes Technique: Advanced Piercing Whip [General]
You have improved your skill with a whip, that you can find chinks in any armor and strike there with enough force to deal damage.
Prerequisites: BAB +4, Delmontes Technique: Piercing Whip, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip), Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: When using a whip, you can deal damage to opponents regardless of armor or natural armor. Your damage with a whip is increased to 1d6 (1d4 for Small characters).
-Created by GnomeWorks​

Delmontes Technique: Whip Mastery [General]
You have perfected the Delmontes Technique of wielding a whip.
Prerequisites: Delmontes Technique: Advanced Piercing Whip, Delmontes Technique: Piercing Whip, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip), Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: Your damage with a whip is increased to 1d8 (1d6 for Small characters).
When using a whip, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity when making an attack due to using a whip.
When using a whip, you threaten a distance of 10 feet.
-Created by GnomeWorks​

Delmontes Technique: Returning Throw [General]
You can throw a boomerang in such a way as to make it return to you after a throw.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Quick Draw, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Boomerang)
Benefit: When you throw a boomerang, if it returns, it returns to whatever square you are in when it returns. However, you must still make an attack roll and hit AC 10 to catch it.
Normal: Without this feat, if your boomerang returns, it returns to the square from which it was thrown.
-Created by GnomeWorks

Delmontes Technique: Trick Throw [General]
You can throw a boomerang in such a way as to make it return on every throw.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Quick Draw, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Boomerang).
Benefit: When you throw a boomerang, it always returns to the square from which it was thrown, regardless of whether or not it hits its target. However, you must still make an attack roll and hit AC 10 to catch it, and you must throw a separate boomerang for each attack you have.
Normal: Without this feat, your boomerang does not return to you if you hit your target.
-Created by GnomeWorks

Delmontes Technique: Deft Catch [General]
You have learned the secret of catching boomerangs on every return.
Prerequisite: BAB +6, Delmontes Technique: Trick Throw, Delmontes Technique: Returning Throw.
Benefit: When you throw a boomerang, it always returns to you, and you do not need to make an attack roll to catch it; you do so automatically. Your damage with a boomerang increases to 1d6 (1d4 for small characters).
-Created by GnomeWorks

Delmontes Technique: Swift Throw [General]
You can throw a boomerang in such a way as to make it return fast enough for you to make multiple attacks with it.
Prerequisites: BAB +8, Delmontes Technique: Deft Catch.
Benefit: When you throw a boomerang, it returns fast enough for you to make multiple attacks with a single boomerang. Your damage with a boomerang increases to 1d8 (1d6 for small characters).
Normal: You must throw a separate boomerang with each attack you have.
-Created by GnomeWorks

Delmontes Technique: Boomerang Mastery [General]
You have mastered the art of throwing boomerangs.
Prerequisite: Delmontes Technique: Swift Throw.
Benefit: When you throw a boomerang, you no longer provoke an attack of opportunity due to using a ranged weapon. When wielding a boomerang, you threaten a range of 10 feet, and can throw your boomerang for an attack of opportunity within that range.
-Created by GnomeWorks​

Extra Rage [General]
Prerequisite: Rage ability
Benefit: You can rage two more times per day.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, each time allowing you to enter a fit of rage two more times per day.
-Proposed by LiquidBlue; Adapted from the feat by Eric D. Harry, EXTRA RAGE Copyright 2001

Extra Wild Shape [General]
Prerequisite: Wild shape ability
Benefit: You may use your animal wild shape ability two more times per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, its effects stack.
-Proposed by LiquidBlue; Adapted from the feat by Eric D. Harry, EXTRA WILD SHAPE Copyright 2001

Extra Elemental Wild Shape [General]
Prerequisite: Elemental wild shape ability
Benefit: You may use your elemental wild shape ability one more time per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, its effects stack.
-Proposed by LiquidBlue; Adapted from the feat by Eric D. Harry, EXTRA WILD SHAPE Copyright 2001

Fury of the Wolverine [General]
Prerequisites: Rage ability
Benefit: Every time you suffer in the same combat damage equal or greater than half of your total hit points you instantly fly into rage.
This effect only takes place if you are currently not sleeping, dying or unconscious or the damage you received removes this condition (or all if you suffer from more than one of these conditions).
This does not decrease the number of times you can enter rage per day.
You may try to ignore this effect by making a will save DC 10+ the damage from last attack you received.
You do not gain extra benefits if you are already in rage.
Normal: You can only enter rage a number of times equal to your daily uses of this ability.
-Created by B4cchus

Improved Demoralize [General]
You can demoralize more foes from farther away.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 5 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +2
Benefits: You can demoralize at a range of 10 feet, plus five feet for each point of charisma modifier. You may choose to demoralize as many foes as are in range and who can see and hear you (though if you choose to demoralize fewer, they much be the closest foes) by taking a cumulative -2 penalty to your intimidate check for each additional foe you wish to demoralize. You make a single intimidate check, which is opposed separately by each foe's modified level check.
Normal: You can only demoralize one opponent at a time, whom you must threaten in melee combat.
-Created by Kahuna Burger

Greater Demoralize [General]
You take less time to demoralize your foes, and the effects linger.
Prerequisites: Improved Demoralize, Intimidate 9 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefits: It takes only a move action to demoralize foes in combat (though you can still only make one such check per round). Additionally, foes whom you successfully demoralize remain shaken for an additional number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.
Normal: Demoralizing in combat requires a standard action, and foes are shaken for only one round.
-Created by Kahuna Burger​

Galatea's Kiss [General]
Prerequisites: Follower of Galatea, Con 13, Performs a special ritual involving a Cleric of Galatea of at least 5th level (they may request a boon first)
Benefit: You may now breathe underwater as easily as in the air. You still need to make Swim checks as normal. If you usually breathe underwater, then you can breathe air instead.
-Created by Rystil Arden

Galatea's Embrace [General]
Prerequisites: Galatea's Kiss OR Amphibious, Con 13, Performs a special ritual involving a cleric of Galatea of at least 7th level (they may require a boon first)
Benefit: You gain the [Aquatic] subtype and a Swim speed equal to your land speed. Fins and webbing between your fingers appear when you are submerged in water. This grants all the usual benefits of a Swim speed. If you already had a Swim speed, you may gain a land speed of 30 feet if Medium or larger and 20 feet if Small or smaller. You gain legs when completely out of water to allow for this movement.
-Created by Rystil Arden

Galatea's Tongue [General]
Prerequisites: Follower of Galatea, Wis 13, Base Will Save +1, Performs a special ritual involving a cleric of Galatea of at least 7th level (they may require a boon first)
Benefit: You gain the ability to communicate with aquatic animals much like a Gnome speaks with burrowing animals, except you may activate the ability at will as a standard action. Once activated, you may speak with the animals for one minute per character level. They may simply choose to ignore you unless you also have Wild Empathy. If you do have Wild Empathy, you gain a +2 on all checks to influence aquatic animals.
-Created by Rystil Arden

Improved Subdual [General]
Benefit: When using a weapon that does normal damage for a nonlethal attack, you are not subject to the normal -4 penalty to hit.
Normal: Characters striking to subdue with normal weapons do so at -4 to hit.
Special: A fighter may choose Improved Subdual as one of his bonus fighter feats
IMPROVED SUBDUAL Copyright 2001, Rebecca Glenn, Scott Metzger
(Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
-Proposed by LiquidBlue

Incredible Resiliency
Some people are much more resilient to damage than others, and have trained their bodies to endure more.
Requirements: Toughness
Benefit: When determining hit points, someone with Incredible Resiliency is considered to have a CON score 2 points higher than their actual score. This bonus only applies when determining hit points.
Note: This feat can be selected as a fighter's bonus feat. This feat may only be selected once.
-Created by Bront

Ki Critical [General]
Prerequisites: Ki Strike (magic), BAB +8, Stunning Fist, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Critical (Unarmed)
Benefit: Your critical multiplier is increased to x3 on unarmed attacks.
-Created by Fuzzy

Leadership [General]
This feat acts just as described in the SRD, with the following exceptions:
  • A cohort can enter an adventure only if the GM approved it. The cohort is controlled by the player. The GM may restrict the cohort's action at any time.
  • Followers represent a number of non-combatants under the character's wings. They can be employees who run and guard the character's shop, followers of the church of the character, or a theatre troop who perform with the character. They will never appear in an adventure and so will never be statted.
  • Only the "Has a familiar, special mount, or animal companion", "Recruits a cohort of a different alignment", "Caused the death of a cohort" modifiers to the leadership score are applied. All other are not applied.
Cohort Creation
Cohort creation must follow all the PC creation rules with these two exceptions:
  • 25 point buy
  • NPC starting wealth of the Cohort level
The cohort can be created either by the player or a DM, at the player's discretion. This choice is made by the player. In either case, the creation must follow the creation rules above.
-Adjustments to OGC by Velmont

Light Armor Optimization [General]
Through focused training and practice, you are able to get more benefit out of light armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), BAB +1
Benefit: When wearing light armor, increase its Max Dex bonus by 1 and decrease its Armor Check penalty by 1. Increase the Armor bonus of the armor by 1 instead of reducing the Armor Check penalty if this reduction would reduce the penalty below 0.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Medium armor made of mithral counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.
-Created by IcyCool

Greater Light Armor Optimization [General]
Through focused training and practice, you are able to get more benefit out of light armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Light Armor Optimization, BAB +3
Benefit: When wearing light armor, increase its Max Dex bonus by 1 and decrease its Armor Check penalty by 1. Increase the Armor bonus of the armor by 1 instead of reducing the Armor Check penalty if this reduction would reduce the penalty below 0. These reductions and bonuses are cumulative with (stack with) those granted by Light Armor Optimization.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Medium armor made of mithral counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.
-Created by IcyCool​

Medium Armor Optimization [General]
Through focused training and practice, you are able to move more easily in medium armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), BAB +1
Benefit: When wearing medium armor, reduce its Armor Check penalty by 1 and increase the Speed in the speed column by 5ft, to a limit of their unarmored base speed. For example, a human fighter with this feat and wearing chainmail would have an adjusted speed of 25ft, but a dwarf fighter with this feat would still have a speed of 20ft. A dwarven barbarian with fast movement would have a speed of 25ft.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Heavy armor made of mithral counts as medium armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat. Medium armor made of mithral counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.
-Created by IcyCool

Greater Medium Armor Optimization [General]
Through focused training and practice, you are able to move more easily in medium armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Medium Armor Optimization, BAB +3
Benefit: When wearing medium armor, reduce its Armor Check penalty by 1 and increase the Speed in the speed column by 5ft. For example, a human fighter with this feat and wearing chainmail would have an adjusted speed of 30ft, but a dwarf fighter with this feat would still have a speed of 20ft. A dwarven barbarian with fast movement would have a speed of 30ft. These bonuses are cumulative (stack with) those granted by Medium Armor Optimization.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Heavy armor made of mithral counts as medium armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat. Medium armor made of mithral counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.
-Created by IcyCool​

Metal Fist Strike [General]
Prerequisites: Simple Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Gauntlets), Weapon Focus (Spiked Gauntlets), Flurry of Blows.
Benefit: You may treat the Spiked Gauntlet as a special monk weapon. In addition, you may use your unarmed strike damage instead of your spiked gauntlet damage while still benefiting from the spiked gauntlet's enhancements and special materials.
Normal: When attacking with spiked gauntlets, you do base 1d4 damage as a medium character.
-Created by IcyCool

Metal Fist Mastery [General]
Prerequisites: Metal Fist Strike
Benefit: You may add your unarmed strike damage to your spiked gauntlet damage while still benefiting from the spiked gauntlet's enhancements and special materials.
Special: You must have at least one hand free to use this feat.
Normal: When attacking with spiked gauntlets, you do base 1d4 damage as a medium character, and do not add your unarmed strike damage.
-Created by IcyCool​

Mighty Punch [General]
You know how to put your full weight behind a punch.
Prerequisite: Str 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.
Benefit: When making an attack with both hands free, you can treat your unarmed strikes as if coming from a one-handed weapon being used with two-hands.
Mighty Punch cannot be used in conjunction with a flurry of blows or when making an when using an off-hand attack such as with Two Weapon Fighting or Multiweapon Fighting.
Mighty Punch cannot be used when grappling.
Normal: You treat your unarmed attacks as a light weapon.
-Created by GPEKO

Mounted Cleave [General]
Str 13+, Power Attack, Cleave, Mounted Combat, Ride-by attack, 5 Ranks Ride skill
Benefit: If you gain an opportunity to cleave while charging on a mount, you may instead continue your charge into another opponent in line with your current charge. This attack is considered a charge in every respect, and all feats and bonuses involved in the charge work as normal (Spirited Charge, Ride-by Attack, Lance charging damage bonus, etc.). You may not exceed your normal movement restrictions on a charge. You can use this ability as often as you may normally cleave (once with normal cleave, as many times as otherwise legally available with Great Cleave).
Special: A fighter may select Mounted Cleave as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Example: Sir Joe charges a goblin 20' away on his horse, and kills it with his attack. He may continue to charge the second goblin 10' directly in line of his charge. If the goblin was 40' behind the first one, he could not charge since he would be moving farther than his allowable charge distance. Likewise, he could not charge a goblin that would require him to change the direction of his charge.
- Created by Bront
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General Feats - N to Z

Natural Talent [General]
A particular skill just comes naturally to you.
Benefit: Choose one skill when you take this feat. You gain a +2 bonus to the skill, and the skill costs 1 point per rank to purchase, regardless of what type of skill it is for your current class. Rank limits for class or cross class skills still apply, and this does not make the skill a class skill. Previously spent skill points are not refunded.
Normal: Buying a cross class skill cost 2 skill point per rank.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a different skill.
-Created by Bront, With help from Icycool

Negative Energy Adept [General]
Prerequisites: Improved Turning, Spell Focus (Necromancy), ability to channel Negative Energy, Wizard Specialist (Necromancy)
Benefit: You may add your Mystic Theurge level to your Cleric level when determining the power of your Rebuke Undead.
Normal: Only your cleric level determines the power of your ability to rebuke undead.
-Created by Animus

Power Tap [General]
Through study, and hard work, you have learned how to draw energy from one of many places of power in Enworld (The Crystal Star, a deity, any other place of psionic or religious significance, chosen when you take the feat) and empower your spells with power beyond normal training.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Geography) 1 rank, Knowledge (Religion or Psionics) 1 rank, ability to manifest psionic powers
Benefit: Your manifester level for that class increases by 4, up to your total hit dice. This increased manifester level applies to determining level-dependent spell variables such as damage dice or range, max PP expenditure, and caster level checks only. It does not grant extra powers, PP, or other class abilities. If your class uses more than one manifester level, you choose which one is affected when you take the feat.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing a new psionic manifesting class each time. The feats do not stack.
-Created by Bront

Psionic Reserve [Psionic]
Some psions understand how to increase their Psionic Reserves as they grow more experienced.
Requirements: 5 Ranks KN: Psionics, able to manifest 2nd level powers.
Benefit: You gain 1 PP per 2 HD, rounded down.
Note: This feat may only be purchased once.
-Created by Bront

Research Specialist [General]
You have a knack for researching original spells
Prerequisites: Must have researched at least one original spell.
Benefits: You gain 1000 craft points, half of which may only be used to research original spells. In addition, spontaneous spellcasters gain an extra spell known of the level they can currently cast minus one, or lower. That spell must be a spell they researched themselves.
You gain a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks made to research original spells.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select it, you gain an additional 500 craft points. The other benefits do not stack.
A wizard may select this feat as one of her bonus feats gained at every 5th level.
-Created by Knight Otu

Slice Through [General]
You may strike your opponent when tumbling through them.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, 5 Ranks Tumble, BAB +6
Benefit: As a standard action you can make a normal melee attack against your opponent while tumbling through his square if you succeed on your tumble check. The attack happens while in the opponent's square(s), so does not gain any benefit from flanking. You must tumble in a straight line, and be able to make it through to the other side of the opponent as if tumbling normally (one-half speed). All other rules for tumbling through an opponent's square apply.
Normal: Tumble at one-half speed through an area occupied by an enemy (over, under, or around the opponent) as part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of opportunity while doing so. Failure means you stop before entering the enemy-occupied area and provoke an attack of opportunity from that enemy.
-Created by Bront, based on material by Astros

Summoning Concentration [General]
You can increase the time that your summoned creatures remain by concentrating.
Benefit: You can maintain the duration of a summon spell (such as summon monster or summon nature's ally) through concentration. As long as you concentrate on the spell, do not count time off its duration. After you stop concentrating, the normal duration resumes and the spell then terminates as normal. You cannot resume concentration, regardless of the effects of other feats that would normally allow you to do so.
SUMMONING CONCENTRATION Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
-Proposed by LiquidBlue

Talented Crafter [General]
You have an extraordinary talent for item creation.
Prerequisites: Any item creation feat.
Benefits: You gain 500 craft points, which may be used to craft items of any kind.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select it, you gain an additional 500 craft points.
A wizard may select this feat as one of her bonus feats gained at every 5th level.
-Derived from OGC

Two Blades as One [General]
You coordinate the strikes of two light weapons, bringing them down in the same spot to emulate the impact of a two handed strike.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 15, Power Attack, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
Benefit: As a full attack action or part of a charge attack, you can make a single attack (at a -2 penalty) with two light weapons for which you have the Weapon Focus feat. This attack is treated in all ways (including feat use and strength bonus to damage) as if you were striking with a single two-handed weapon with a base damage equal to the sum of both weapons. Precision based damage effects and weapon specialization damage are added only once, but magical enhancements to damage from either weapon are added together. If the weapons have different enhancement bonuses to hit, only the lesser is used in the single attack roll.
If striking a foe with damage reduction, both weapons must be able to overcome it, or the DR is applied normally (but only once) to the damage dealt.
Special: A Fighter may select Two Blades as One as one of his Fighter bonus feats.
-Created by Kahuna Burger

Two-Weapon Trip [General]
You are a master of the quarterstaff, double-axe or urgrosh, able to use the weapon more effectively than others in combat.
Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (appropriate weapon), Weapon Focus (appropriate weapon), Two-Weapon Fighting, Dex 15, Bab +1
Benefit: You can make trip attacks with a quarterstaff, double axe, or urgrosh provided you meet the prerequisites for the weapon in question. When you make trip attacks, make a melee touch attack against your target. You don’t provoke an attack of opportunity. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop your weapon to avoid being tripped.
Normal: Only weapons marked as Trip weapons or unarmed strikes can be used to make trip attacks.
Special: A fighter may select Two-Weapon Trip as one of his fighter bonus feats. This feat applies to any of the listed weapons with which you meet the prerequisites.
-Created by Erekose13
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Metamagic Feats

Energy Manipulation [Metamagic]
Benefit: You can alter a spell so that it utilizes a different energy type from the one it normally uses. This ability can only alter a spell with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptor. The spell level of an energy manipulated spell depends on the energy type being utilized.
Cold, Fire, Electricity, Acid	Base spell level + 1
Sonic				Base spell level + 2
If the original spell was not subject to spell resistance then the modified spell is also not subject to spell resistance.
Examples: Burning Hands (1st level [Fire]) changed to [Cold] is a 2nd level spell. Burning Hands changed to [Acid] is a second level spell, but is still subject to spell resistance. Burning Hands changed to Sonic is a 3rd level spell.
Acid Arrow (2nd level [Acid]) changed to [Fire] is a 3rd level spell. Acid Arrow changed to sonic is a 4rd level spell. All variations of Acid Arrow are not subject to spell resistance.
-Created by SlagMortar

Merciful Spell [Metamagic]
Wis 13
Benefit: A merciful spell deals non-lethal damage rather than lethal. If that damage was typed (such as fire, divine or force), it is still of that damage type. A merciful spell uses up a spell slot of the spell’s normal level.
-Created by Kahuna Burger/Knight Otu
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Other Feats

Academy Graduate [Background]
You are a Graduate of the Academy of the Chromatic Order and have been taught in a rigorous curriculum by the best professors in the land. This gives you an edge in certain skills.
Prerequisites: Must be a graduate of the Academy of the Chromatic Order, and must have at least 1 level in Wizard
Benefits: You get a +2 bonus to Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.
Special: This feat can be substituted for Skill Focus (Spellcraft) or Skill Focus (Knowledge – Arcana) for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of the Loremaster, the Archmage, and similar arcane Prestige classes.
-Created by Manzanita

Daryne's Imagination [General]
Prerequisite: Academy Graduate, Illusionist or Evoker, not barred from Illusion or Evocation, Int 15+
Benefits: You may now select your specialist bonus spells from either Illusion or Evocation spells. You do not receive any additional bonus spells, however. Additionally, those who wish to expose your Illusions with Divination spells (where 'expose' includes using True Seeing to see them as fakes or using Detect Magic to find the aura of Illusion, etc, but does not include using Moment of Prescience to get a bonus to the save) must succeed at a Caster Level Check DC 5 + your caster level or the spell is fooled into believing the illusion is real.

Mordrue's Lore [General]
Prerequisite: Academy Graduate, Diviner or Abjurer, not barred from Divination or Abjuration, Int 15+
Benefits:You may now select your specialist bonus spells from either Divination or Abjuration spells. You do not receive any additional bonus spells, however. Additionally, you may make any Knowledge check untrained.

Omega's Innovation [General]
Prerequisite: Academy Graduate, Enchanter or Conjurer, not barred from Enchantment or Conjuration, Int 15+
Benefits: You may now select your specialist bonus spells from either Enchantment or Conjuration spells. You do not receive any additional bonus spells, however. Additionally, you have become efficient at crafting new magic items in your spare time. You spend only 75% of normal craft points when using Item Creation feats. You still pay the full gold and XP costs.

Sice's Power [General]
Prerequisite: Academy Graduate, Transmuter or Necromancer, not barred from Transmutation or Necromancy, Int 15+
Benefits: You may now select your specialist bonus spells from either Transmutation or Necromancy spells. You do not receive any additional bonus spells, however. You gain Intimidate as a class skill. Additionally, after casting an offensive Transmutation or Necromancy spell with a visible effect on your enemies other than Fear (this includes damage, ability damage, ability drain, level drain, and adverse conditions that are immediately noticable (so polymorph would be noticable but a disease would not), you may choose to immediately make an Intimidate check against all who suffered the effects of the spell as a Move Action. If you do so, add the spell's level to the Intimidate check. If the check succeeds, the targets are also Shaken, as per the Intimidate check.
- created by Rystil Arden​

Divine Mercy [Divine]
Wis 13, turn undead ability.
Benefit: As a free action, you may spend one of your turn undead attempts to have any weapon damage you deal be non-lethal damage (in addition to its other types) for 1 round per your Wisdom bonus.
-Created by Knight Otu
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[b]Weapon		Cost	Dmg (S)	Dmg (M)	Crit	Rng Inc	Weight	Type[/b]
[i]Melee Weapons[/i]
[U]Light Martial Weapons[/U]
Shortscythe	6 gp	1d3	1d4	x4	N/A	2 lb	Piercing or Slashing
[U]One-Handed Martial Weapons[/U]
Cutlass		20 gp	1d4	1d6	18-20	N/A	3 lb	Slashing
Halfscythe	12 gp	1d4	1d6	x4	N/A	4 lb	Piercing or Slashing
[U]Two-Handed Exotic Weapons[/U]
Goblin Ranseur*	50 gp	1d6/1d4	1d8/1d6	x3	N/A	10 lb	Piercing
[i]Ranged Weapons[/i]
[U]Exotic Ranged Weapons[/U]
Boomerang *	15 gp	1d3	1d4	x2	30 ft.	1 lb.	Bludgeoning

Boomerang: The boomerang is a curved wooden stick designed specifically for throwing. The boomerang returns at the end of a character's turn during which it is thrown. To catch a returning boomerang, the thrower must be in the square from which the boomerang was thrown, and must have at least one hand free (holding nothing). The thrower makes an attack roll using the attack bonus used to make the attack against AC 10. If successful, he catches the boomerang. Failure indicates that the boomerang falls to the ground nearby, using the grenade-like weapons diagram (page 138, PH) to determine the exact position.
In addition, since it is not designed for melee, you are treated as nonproficient with it and take a –4 penalty on attack rolls if you use a boomerang as a melee weapon.
A boomerang is a light weapon.
-Created by Gnomeworks

Cutlass: The cutlass is a finesse weapon, so it can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat, but it may not be used two handed for extra damage. In all other respects, it is treated as a normal One Handed Martial weapon. All classes that are proficient in all martial weapons, as well as Rogue and Bard, are proficient with the cutlass.
-Created by DerHauptman

Halfscythe: The Halfscythe has a handle the same length as one on a longsword, but with no form of guard between the haft and the blade. The blade of a halfscythe is curved like a scythe and double edged, with the interior blade often being designed with serrated edges.
-Created by Creamsteak

Ranseur, Goblin: A goblin ranseur is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a goblin ranseur in one hand can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.
When using a goblin ranseur, you get a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).
-Created by WizWrm

Shortscythe: A shortscythe is a small curved blade affixed to a one-handed grip similar to a kukri, however, it is curved much further at first and then the blade straightens out into a sharp point. Both sides of the blade are sharp, with the interior blade commonly being serrated like a saw blade.
-Created by Creamsteak
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