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RPG Print News–Renegade Game Studios, Exalted Funeral, and More

All the weird stuff this week and that just seems right. Sleeved bodies for transhuman mind swapping, lost teenagers and text based roleplaying, solo magician RPGs, lots of D&D 5E adventures, and a quickstart for the Heart RPG as well as models for any fantasy or sci-fi RPG. Also a mega amount of settings for Misspent Youth from doddering heroes to a world in black and white longing for...

All the weird stuff this week and that just seems right. Sleeved bodies for transhuman mind swapping, lost teenagers and text based roleplaying, solo magician RPGs, lots of D&D 5E adventures, and a quickstart for the Heart RPG as well as models for any fantasy or sci-fi RPG. Also a mega amount of settings for Misspent Youth from doddering heroes to a world in black and white longing for someone to bring it color.

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5E RPG Adventures by Gamehole Publishing
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Altered Carbon RPG GM Screen | Altered Carbon RPG by Renegade Game Studios
  • PRODUCT TYPE: GM Screen | hardcover core rulebook
  • SYSTEM: unique
  • RETAIL PRICE: $20 | $50
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs swap bodies in a transhumanist future. The human mind is digital code – Digital Human Freight – saved and stored in a Cortical Stack, advanced technology that allows anyone to “re-sleeve” their entire consciousness into a new body. The mind can also cross the cosmos in an instant, and, if you’ve got the credits and political savvy, you can re-sleeve time and again for centuries, becoming like an immortal god. Of course, if a person’s Stack is destroyed, they suffer Real Death. Campaigns can shift and change as PCs re-sleeve making long-term game play more versatile while game play dictates character advancement.
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Alice is Missing by Renegade Game Studios
  • SYSTEM: unique (very) GMless
  • PRODUCT TYPE: box set core rules
  • DESCRIPTION: Players communicate using their phones, sending text messages to each other as they unearth clues about disappearance of Alice Briarwood, a high school junior in the small town of Silent Falls. Includes a soundtrack and a structured narrative that unravels solely at the hands of the players. Played in one session with no GM.
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Seekers Beyond the Shroud Limited Funeral Edition by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: unique solo
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rules
  • DESCRIPTION: A single PC enters a world of occult societies battling for power. Magicians perform arcane rituals and seal pacts with spiritual entities from a hidden reality in an underground location in modern day London. They join different occult orders and secret societies, delve into the mysteries of Alchemy and Ritual magic, master spells and astral travel, and ultimately command a host of spirits to command power in both the physical and the spiritual worlds. Uses a free-form, skill-based character creation system. The PC explores locations generated by randomly generated events, enemies and discoveries. Includes dozens of tables and a central hub (the Omphalos, Navel of the World) visited between missions to learn new skills and spells, dabble in the secret science of Alchemy, hunt for rumors, and more. The PC’s magical explorations come at a cost and dealing with forces beyond human comprehension may lead to insanity, death or the loss of the magician’s soul.
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Misspent Youth: Sell Out With Me by Robert Bohl Games
  • SYSTEM: Misspent Youth (free eyebleed edition PDF)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: supplement
  • DESCRIPTION: A ton of new settings for Misspent Youth. So many dystopias: space, fantasy, historical drama, uplifted animals, the real world, band seeking truth and love, old broken down heroes called back into the fray, and a black and white world looking for color. Darn, now I want to check out Misspent Youth myself.
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Heart--The City Beneath Quickstart by Rowan, Rook & Decard
  • SYSTEM: streamlined Heart RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover quickstart
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs take the mantle of delvers—the strange, desperate, broken people exploring a nightmare realm obsessed with a search for an object they have fixated on. The Heart is a roiling tear of unreality beneath the elven city of Spire. Within its borders are passages to unknown places, great secrets waiting to be found, shrines to long-dead gods, and monsters unlike anything seen on the surface world. Includes: streamlined rules and five pre-generated characters with room to advance including the magic-addicted Junk Mage, the zealous Heretic, and the noble Vermissian Knight. Also includes the adventure, Drowned, which sets PCs on a quest to recover vital components from a lost settlement to defeat coral-boned monsters hell-bent on releasing salt water to flood the Church of the Moon Beneath.
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Rogueland by Caverns of Heresy
  • SYSTEM: OSR/Knave
  • PRODUCT TYPE: 36 page rule-light core rules
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs are defined by the items they carry rather than class abilities. Based on Ben Milton's Knave, with additional modifications: free-form magic, monsters, traps, treasures, and exploration. Player facing roll high d20 OSR RPG.
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Dungeon and Town Core Box | Dungeon & Town Dark Castle by Gamestart Edizioni
  • SYSTEM: Fantasy World Creator
  • PRODUCT TYPE: model terrain box set
  • RETAIL PRICE: $74.95 | $40
  • DESCRIPTION: Add terrain to your fantasy RPG with the Dungeon and Town Core Box. Includes: 150 Walls & Roofs (Wood, Stone, and Rock Walls), 50 Natural Props (Trees, Bushes, Stones), 24 Furniture Props (Tables, Beds, Shelves), 25 Environment Props (Stairs, Wagons, Portals), 40 Walls Accessories (Torches, Columns, Corners), and connecting pieces. Build a fortress to include in your fantasy RPG and lay siege to it with the Dungeon & Town Dark Castle. Includes: 6 Castle Walls, 4 Castle Towers, 1 Castle Gate + Drawbridge, 1 Royal Hall + Roof, 4 Catapults, 4 Ballista, 2 Battering-Ram, and various furniture, columns, and connecting pieces.
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Future World Creator Core Box by Gamestart Edizioni
  • SYSTEM: Future World Creator
  • PRODUCT TYPE: model terrain box set
  • RETAIL PRICE: $100
  • DESCRIPTION: Add tiles and tokens to your sci-fi RPG. Includes tiles and tokens for four locations: the city, space citadel and starship, post-apocalyptic, and alien planet.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
It's not exactly the same type of Print News. But I've been eyeing new D&D products to get in print on DMs Guild, especially the Campaign guide of Planescape 2E. But it's now in print (POD) along with the books for Planes of Law, Planes of Chaos and Planes of Conflicts!


Nice price for print/pdf combo too! Thanks for pointing this out.


Nice price for print/pdf combo too! Thanks for pointing this out.
I just recently ordered the 3 Planes books and Hellbound The Blood War. They look amazing as big thick paperback books. Already ordered the Planescape Setting book now that its available.

Most of the pricing on their print on demand titles are really reasonable. Some of the old modules are priced as low as $4-$5! At that price it becomes a no brainer to pick them up if I don't already have them.

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
I just recently ordered the 3 Planes books and Hellbound The Blood War. They look amazing as big thick paperback books. Already ordered the Planescape Setting book now that its available.

Most of the pricing on their print on demand titles are really reasonable. Some of the old modules are priced as low as $4-$5! At that price it becomes a no brainer to pick them up if I don't already have them.
Gotta agree, the pricing for their print on demand titles is really feasible. Shipping might be more in some cases!

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I think Sell Out with Me has been out for a long time. In fact if I recall, last year Robert Bohl was getting out of the business of selling games. That said, the book is awesome for MY facilitators.

I think Sell Out with Me has been out for a long time. In fact if I recall, last year Robert Bohl was getting out of the business of selling games. That said, the book is awesome for MY facilitators.

That is correct. Egg covered Robert leaving the RPG business behind in an interview with EN World. The books are still popping up for sale occasionally brand new and it fit with this week's theme so it was included.

Voidrunner's Codex

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