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Archon Basileus

First Post
Calling all players!

My profile was lost. Therefore, I'm recalling everyone without the adequate contacts! If you guys are still there and interested in the campaign, please, post here!


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Archon Basileus

First Post
[MENTION=6801450]Trogdor1992[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION] [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION]

Guys, I'm reposting the original instructions for the campaign! Please post your chars here for now!


THE GAME: Tideruler of Maran


THE GROUP: Anything from 3 to 5 players

THE SETTING: A home-brew fantasy continent named Gaelia.

The Story:

In the southern wastelands of Gaelia, the dwarven colony of Maran defied it's metropolis, vying for freedom. The Old Kingdom, as it is known in the island-continent of Gaelia, forced a blockade against Maran's naval forces, and with the support of the dwarven clan leaders of Odros, surrounded the would-be republic, submitting it by force. As hope fades away, the Freemen party of Maran decides for a desperate measure: to seek out an ancient artifact known as Tideruler. Legend says that anyone that claims Tideruler will earn the favor of the dragon-gods that once wielded it's power, bring the southern waters of Gaelia once more to life to do one's biding. That alone might break the Old Kingdom's fleet, maybe granting the end of Maran's servitude.

The players' characters are approached by a prosperous dwarven merchant named Grontar Ironsight. Claiming to be a member of the Freemen Party and a friend of all races, he hires the adventurers as a searching party for the artifact. He promises bounteous rewards and the friendship of the Republic, should they succeed, but he warns that the journey is perilous and others might be seeking Tideruler to sate their own selfish reasons. The artifact is most likely located amidst the dark mountains named the Mouths of Narosh, a chain of black peaks born from the rage of volcanoes, long ago.


The first adventure is supposed to be a presentation of Gaelia and the kingdoms, as players work their way through adventuring, dungeon-crawling, political intrigues and wars. As soon as we begin, the game will open up to become a sandbox campaign. In it, several factions will compete to obtain supremacy in the magical and political disputes of Gaelia - and beyond! Note that every decision will transform the world around and bring consequences as the characters grow and form alliances - or create enmities!


We will use the following books:

- Pathfinder Basic Module
- Player's Guide
- GM's Guide

Others could be included, should the need arise.


- Characters begin at level 3.
- Standard build mode (4 dice, three higher are used)
- Players may choose any of the seven original races. Others might be allowed, but you must talk to me first, so I can see how to make them fit.
- Unchained allowed.
- Initial resources as usual.
- Additional rules and books can be employed, but we must discuss it as potential need arises in character creation.

Player selection will be made by the presentation of a concept and a short backstory. We are to write a story together, so feel free to create elements and work your styles into the texts! But for now remember to keep it short and sweet!

Voidrunner's Codex

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