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Level Up (A5E) (+) Project Chronicle: Heritage and Culture

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Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
I love that you are building your setting in front of the world
Well thank you! It's definitely going to take a lot of work. And I find getting input, particularly questions or challenges to my positions, gives me a stronger motivation to understand my choices and change them when they're wrong or ill-founded. If someone asks why I've chosen to add Minotaurs to the game, for example, and I can't come up with a good reason, then either I need to work harder on making a reason or minotaurs should be removed.



Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Ahhh, you would know of the Stormborn, yes? A daring people, strange and wondrous in appearance. They look much like humans, in form and ornamentation, though tend to be slender and slightly shorter. Their skin bears a grey cast which can range from the palest of clouds to the darkest of nights, and often bear patterns of lighter tones and even blue hues across their skin. These may be flowing shapes, concentric rings, or even the jagged lines of lightning across their flesh. Their hair, like their skin, tends to range from black to near-white, but is almost always inverse to their skin tone. There is little difference in height or weight between the various genders of Stormborn, with all ranging from just under five feet in height to just over five feet in height.

Their clothing preferences tend to be light, delicate, often diaphonous fabrics, worn with simple belts or bands to keep them in place. Armor, however, is often worn quite close to the skin with thin padding, with such delicate fabrics placed atop it.

-The Chronicler-

Stormborn age much more slowly than humans. While they reach adulthood around 18-20, their lifespan can reach 200 years or more. Such Stormborn typically feel the call of the Tempest and begin to lose cohesion, rather than gain wrinkles, after 120. Slowly they fade over the years, becoming less and less substantial until they simply fade into the wind.
Size: Stormborn range from about 4'8" to about 5'4" but rarely weigh more than 50lbs, regardless of how solid they seem. Your size is medium.
Speed: Stormborn move at 30ft per round.
Tempestuous: Stormborn can use the Gust of Wind spell once per short rest. This wind is either humid, hot, or freezing, chosen at level 1. Your constitution modifier is used to determine the Saving Throw DC.
Windborne: Stormborn double all jumping distances, and land before the end of their turn, regardless of how far they've traveled. You may also ignore the effects of strong wind.
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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Tempestuous: Stormborn can use the Gust of Wind spell once per short rest. This wind is either humid, hot, or freezing, chosen at level 1.

Can this spell be used with spell slots if you have them, like the new way of doing ''gained'' spells since Tasha's?

Also, it would require to choose an ability on which to base the DC to resist the spell.

I'd maybe give them immunity to the effects of ''strong winds'' (DMG p110). Its more of a ribbon, but it would be thematic.

Strong Wind
A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall.

A strong wind in a desert can create a sandstorm that imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
I was thinking Constitution for casting stat. But you're right. Immunity to Strong Winds would be a lovely ribbon for them. Especially with their Windborne Trait which basically gives them a strength-based flight speed that ends every turn.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Sprites? Oh, I am quite familiar with their kind, indeed. Tiny lovely figures which caper and prance... or kill with ruthless efficiency. Standing no taller than two feet in height, sprites are slender, with graceful arms and long, almost spindly, fingers. Shockingly strong for their diminutive size, they are limited in how much they can carry and for how long. However their inborn magics allow them to interact with a society built for people much larger in stature.

Rarely weighing more than 15lbs, Sprites have skin tones which are largely divided into three groups. Greens, Pinks, and Blues. Their tones may range from soft pastels to saturated gem tones, to near-black. Their hair is fine, and delicate, easily damaged, and typically worn in tufts or puffs, though sprites who enjoy high positions brush their hair quite long. It holds similar tones as their skin. The eyes of a Sprite, however, are solid black, like onyxes, dark and mysterious as the deepest night.

While some Sprites wear clothing as humans do, just as many go nude, or wear the leaves and petals of delicate flowers that do not chafe their skin. There are no significant differences in dress, or size, between the genders. Any such garb, however, leaves their wings free to hum in flight. Gossamer-delicate, they can fold down behind the Sprite when not in use.

-The Chronicler-

Sprites are not born as a human is, but instead enter the world fully formed and aware, though often clueless as a child, from places of light or darkness, which influences the tone of their skin but not the tenor of their character. They rarely live more than 40 years.
Size: Sprites are all quite tiny at only 2ft in height and under 20lbs, but thanks to their wings they are treated as Small creatures.
Speed: Sprites walk at 20ft per round, but can fly and hover at 40ft.
Diminutive: Sprites eat and drink as much as a small character does. But they can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1inch. They may also choose to be treated as a tiny creature when they are not flying.
Innate Magic: Sprites can interact with objects within their reach as if they were Medium Sized, rather than Small or Tiny. This includes weapons and shields. Any such object is moved at the Sprite's direction but is not held in your hand. Treat this as having two active Mage Hand spells that use the Sprite's Strength score and have a range of 0ft.
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Did you see my post on planetouched gifts for LU? My jann (which I've since renamed to jenn) might be what you're looking for in genasi.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Il'sha-ah Cultures

Ability Score Increase:
Your Charisma score increases by 2, any two other abilities of your choice increase by 1.
Cultured: Politeness and Skullduggery go hand in hand in courtly intrigues, you gain proficiency in Deception and Persuasion.
Parlor Tricks: Minor feats of legerdemain make it easier to maintain one's appearance in any situation. You know the Prestidigitation cantrip.
Language: You know Common, the Primary Language of the region in which you grew up, and one other language of your choice at level 1.

Ability Score Increase:
Choose two ability scores to increase by 1, then increase any one ability score by 1.
Ritualism: You gain the Ritualist Feat at level 1, and know the Ceremony ritual and one other 1st level ritual spell of your choosing.
Self-Sufficient: You gain proficiency in either one Tool Proficiency of your choice and Perception, or Stealth and Sleight of Hand
Language: You know Nagse and either Common or Musarran at level 1.

Ability Score Increase:
Your Constitution score increases by 2, and two other abilities of your choice increase by 1.
Raider Training: You gain proficiency in Shortsword, Longsword, Battleaxe, Shortbow, or regional equivalents.
Raider Stealth: You may ignore disadvantage to Stealth Checks imposed by Armor.
Language: You know the Primary Language of the region in which you grew up at level 1.

Ability Score Increase: Choose two ability scores to increase by 1, then increase any one ability score by 1.
Skilled: Choose any two skills, regional languages, or vehicle proficiencies that you've learned along your travels in any combination. You also learn to play one Musical Instrument.
Wayfinder Whenever your party would become lost you may ignore that result and treat any requisite roll to find the correct path as an automatic success once per long rest.
Language: You know any two languages of your choice.

So you could have a Stormborn who grew up as a Raider in the Il'sha-ah region. You'll gain the heritage and cultural traits listed above, and then choose your Background normally. So you could make a Stormborn Raider Acolyte, for example. That may mean your Stormborn was a tribal shaman or someone who repented their violent ways and turned to a Temple or Monastery for redemption.

Just more crunch that reflects narrative.

Glad to see you going all-in on this @Steampunkette. The first book I kickstarted (and the IP that I've built my studio around) has an unapologetic amount of Dark Sun inspiration in it, so its dope to see a new setting made with this.

When I find some free time, I'll come around and throw some ideas in here. Culture and Religion building are the two things I'm best at :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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