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D&D 5E Player vs Player Tournament style play


So here's a thought. DND PVP. In other words, this game would be a tournament. The players would be set up to fight each other, one on one, in a tournament style, with each fight having its own thread. Winner goes on to the next bracket, and plays against one of the winners of the other threads. Every time you win a fight, you get some gold to spend on equipment, and you level up.

They would be fights to the death, hunger games style. In other words, the fight isn't over until one of the players dies. The field would be different for each bracket, sometimes having rivers or structures or lava pits or whatnot. The DM (me) referees and makes judgement calls on what's possible and what isn't, to make it fair. I'd love to play too, but I don't think people would look at that as being fair, unless I could get another player to DM my matches.

I'd love to see it go all the way to a Level 20 Championship, but we'd need, llke, a million players to do that. I did the math. It would actually need 1,048,576 players. Yeah, not happening.

But we might be able to get enough players to do three or four brackets. I think I'll just open it up to see who's interested, and then decide on how many brackets to do once we see that.

So, character creation.

* All officially published material is good.
* UA on approval. Artificer and Mystic v3 are auto approved, as is the updated Ranger.
* Multiclassing is fine, if you get that far.
* Variant Human is fine.
* Start at level 1, standard array and starting equipment.

I will be randomizing who fights whom in the first bracket, and that'll be your place in the game, period. If you die, you die. No resurrection. If enough people want to play, perhaps at some point I'll put in teams, but we'll see.

if someone doesn't post at all during a one week period, their character forfeits their move, likely meaning they die, and I will be keeping tabs on this. This can go fairly quickly, or excruciatingly slowly, and I want it to move along. One post a week should be the absolute slowest you go. It would be better if we did a bracket a week, but we'll see.

If it's popular, the winner will go on to a new game where everyone is one level behind him (the next league, so to speak), and all the other players can make new characters at that level. And on and on until we get to level 20.

So what do y'all think? Any takers?

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We've done things similar to this before, and it was insanely fun! Plus, it's a fantastic way to playtest various character builds, and to practice character building in general. Count me in!



I ran a thing like this a few years ago on another site. Very fun but very time consuming.

Of course, I also added extra things like Challenge Matches, Expedition Matches, and a Grand Melee (all the PCs in one arena, with the final tournament brackets being determined by order of elimination from the Melee).

Edit: And yes, I'd like to give it a shot. Mountain Dwarf Wizard most likely.

Voidrunner's Codex

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