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Planescape Planescape: Help me brainstorm factions [update: includes new factions]


First Post
[Update: Based on help from here and elsewhere, I've come up with factions for my game, which are detailed in another post below]

Well, I'll probably be using 13th age for the system, actually. But I'm in love with the 4e cosmology, and it's take on gods, elemental lords, and other powers.

I like the simplicity of the world axis. I like the dawn war. I like the increased prominence of the fey. I like angels without mouths or legs. I especially like the hints in "the plane above" that the great wheel, or something much like it, was under construction but was shattered during the dawn war.

So, I'm looking for factions to populate my version of Sigil with. Like the world axis cosmology as a whole, I want to keep the most interesting stuff while re-mixing or replacing the things that aren't interesting or while interesting, don't make sense in this new context.

I want all of my factions to:
-Be philosophers with clubs. But not metaphysicians with clubs. Factions whose philosophies are tied in closely with explaining the nature of reality (Dustmen, Signers) won't serve to add much in my game, because I'm not really interested in the "universe literally shaped by belief" aspect of the setting, and those philosophies don't seem like they can do much to inspire game-appropriate action on the parts of the players. In contrast, the Harmonium, the Revolutionary League, and the Fated have philosophies that inspire actions on behalf of PCs or NPCs that will lead to an interesting game.

-Be connected to the major players of the planes. My biggest critique of the factions of 2e planescape is that they weren't very connected to the politics of the larger planar milieu. I want factions that involve themselves in the war between heaven and hell (or the cold war between the abyss and hell). I want the Sigil of my Planescape to be something like the setting of a cold-war spy movie, a proxy political battleground for spies of unclear allegiance, full of plots that don't understand until the end. And I want the factions to be tied closely into this.

-Have all the classic trappings of factions: An official name, a nickname, a factol, a headquarters, and a place in the civic administration of Sigil.

So what are your thoughts? Which factions work, with or without tweaks? Which don't, and what other factions might replace them?
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Follower of the Way
I feel like both the Godsmen and the Sensates should translate relatively well. Both of them, at least as I was exposed to them in Planescape: Torment, seemed to have a particular...ethos to them, being more about setting specific goals for its members.

The Godsmen seem like a good on-again, off-again ally of the Astral Sea. They do get into the "you can shape reality yourself" thing, but more heavily emphasize creation, invention, and self-improvement. The Sensates strike me as effectively the ideal Feywild-linked group, all about experiences and the fullness of life, the "bright reflection" of the world etc. You might want to tweak it a little bit to reflect that fey link, but otherwise it seems pretty good as-is.

I feel like something should be done with the Sons of Mercy, since they've got a lot of neat backstory, but I'm not sure exactly how it should be done.

Tony Vargas

I especially like the hints in "the plane above" that the great wheel, or something much like it, was under construction but was shattered during the dawn war.
Yeah, I wondered about that. Was the Lattice of Heaven the Great Wheel? Or is the Great Wheel what Erathis &co will eventually construct to replace it? Or is it both, and time is cyclical? ;)


First Post
I'm definitely going for "something very close to, but not exactly like, the great wheel". I'll be using the term "Wheel of Heaven" in my game.

I'm opening the game with Expedition to the Demonweb Pits--but I feel like the demonic pact at the center of that adventure is a bit weak--so I'm replacing with an attempt by the most powerful demon lords to replicate the wheel of heaven in the plane below--and in doing so, co-opt the power that the gods bound up in the original.

Them being demons, this attempt at cooperation and order is doomed to fail even without the PC's help--but that doesn't mean the PC's won't stick their noses in things anyway.


I think the Athar could be an interesting faction with the 4E cosmology. After all, the gods didn't even create the universe - they are literally just "big monsters". Don't say that too loud, though...

For the Dusties, remember that the dead in the 4E cosmology (are thought to) go out of the universe altogether, for the most part. If that can't inspire some "universal death" spin I don't know what can.

Also, bear in mind that the "Great Wheel" is nothing more than a bunch of places linked by portals. Nothing stops those places being linked by portals in the World Axis setting - and some folk might even believe that this actually represents how things are rightly seen as being ordered!

Oh - and the Guv'ners: creation of the universe was done by the Primordials in such a way as to accord to universal rules, in defiance of the Elemental Chaos from which they came - why, exactly??


I have been summoned. And I will also summon [MENTION=2067]Kamikaze Midget[/MENTION] :)
[MENTION=17969]arscott[/MENTION] There have been a TON of threads on "fixing the factions", "planar renovation project the factions", and "new planescape factions." This is one I'm thinking of: http://forum.rpg.net/archive/index.php/t-375911.html But a google search turned up lots of relevant links. You might also try posing your question at Planewalker.com, since I know there was a subset of posters there adapting Planescape to 4e's cosmology.

One faction I used in my games was the Fatemakers, who I placed in a lightning blasted hollow in the roots of the World Tree Yggdrasil which was once the defenses of an oracle. The Fatemakers oppose the concept of destiny and believe every man or woman makes his or her own fate. Thus they're big on proving prophecies bunk, advocating for free and independent governance, foiling arranged marriages or any situation depriving others of all-important choice. Their philosophy has elements of the Athar, Fated, and Free League in it. In my games, divination specialists and clerics tended to avoid the Fatemakers.

I think any of the original factions can work in the 4e cosmology because none of the originals were tied to any particular plane. However, the 4e cosmology places greater importance on the Elemental Chaos, the Feywild, and the Shadowfell, so there are opportunities for creating new factions tied to those planes.

Good luck!

I'm A Banana

So what are your thoughts? Which factions work, with or without tweaks? Which don't, and what other factions might replace them?

I think my main question would be: which ones stand out to you, and why?

In the interest of re-inventing the wheel here, you might consider going with three factions (whichever ones sound most interesting to you) and just binding them tightly to whatever adventures you run in terms of Ally, Opposition, and Neutral.

Say you like the Sensates, the Doomguard, and the Ciphers (just to pick three that have a 4e representation already). In your Demonweb Pits adventure, the Ciphers could be allies of the demons (a group of them thinks this will bring the fiends more in line with the Cadence, and so is working to try and smooth relations and make alliances easier - the lives that will be lost is a secondary consideration), the Doomguard could be opponents (they think the demons are losing sight of the greater entropy, and them organizing would be working against the sucking nothingness that is inevitable in life), and the Sensates might be neutral ("whatever happens, it'll be something new!"). Or whatever.

This should work OK if you want one faction to wind up the villain ("Weird how the Sensates ALWAYS seem to want the things the PC's don't!"), or otherwise ("Sometimes, we're allies with the Ciphers, sometimes, we're not so much.").

But it's generally better to double-down on what you really like.


First Post
So, seeing that folks here gave me a lot of good guidance, I thought I'd share what I finally came up with. I decided I'd have 13 factions (b/c 13th age), and that none of the original 15 factions or factols would be on the list (the idea being that the Lady of Pain had specifically banned them during the faction war)--but that wasn't going to prevent me from including sects, splinter factions. I also borrowed from mimir.net, and gave each faction a rhyming couplet.

The Favored Children
Highborn seek the power inside
A quest that other folk deride[sblock]Nickname: “The Highborn”
Philosophy: Those who embrace their inborn power are destined to achieve greatness
Factol: Kriism, Kobold Sorcerer
Headquarters: The Great Gymnasium
Civic Role: Educators
Allied Factions: Society of Creation
Enemy Factions: League of Knowlege, Ring Givers, Sodkillers
Associated Planar Powers: Kord (God of Strength), Bahamut & Tiamat (Dragon Gods), Oran the Green king (Archfey)

At the end of the faction war, the lack of organized factions left room for the thriving of powerful individuals. Several of the individuals who thrived were Dragonborn sorcerers, Eladrin beguilers, and Tiefling warlocks. They each credited their power to their innate heritage, and as the new factions coalesced, they found themselves allied with one another.
Under the leadership of Vethalian, a haughty Eladrin Wizard, the Favored Children were unpopular for dim attitude they showed towards beings they considered their lessers. However, a young Kobold named Kriism changed that. The unassuming creature had spend years among the forgotten and downtrodden before the spark of dragon's blood that lay within him manifested. He believed that all were valuable, because everyone has some inborn power that gives them a chance at greatness. His new views have begun to reshape the attitudes of those within the faction, though have not yet made much of a dent in changing the attitudes of outsiders.
The faction's role in the administration of Sigil is to provide education. Under the leadership of Vethalian, the faction provided tutoring only to those who could pay, or who already showed great inborn ability. However, Kriism has opened a small “free school” for the city's less priviledged children, and hopes to expand.
The Heaven Builders
Wheelwrights think the planes are broke
And will rebuild them, spoke by spoke[sblock]Nickname: “The Wheelwrights”
Philosophy: The Divine plan should be seen through to completion
Factol: Dariel, Aasimar Cleric
Headquarters: The Weaver's Guildhouse
Civic Role: Crafters
Allied Factions: Sons of Mercy, Watchful Brethren
Enemy Factions: Six Fingered Hand, Somber Journeymen
Associated Planar Powers: Erathis (Goddess of Civilization), Pelor (God of the Sun), Bane (God of War)

When the world was yet young, the gods embarked upon an even grander act of creation. To forge their seventeen domains together into one grand wheel of heaven. But before the wheel was complete, the Dawn War began. In the battle between Gods and Primordials, the wheel was one of the first casualties.
Wheelwrights believe the world is in a fundamental state of disorder, and that only by completing the divine plan can it be perfected. They seek to create organization and order in every aspect of their lives, from the grand cosmology of the wheel of heaven, to an ordered society, to an ordered personal life.[/sblock]
The League of Knowledge
Shouters talk till they turn blue
Who knows if what they say is true?[sblock]Nickname: “The Shouters”
Philosophy: Information wants to be free; Debate leads to knowledge.
Factol: Kesto Brighteyes, Gnome Wizard
Headquarters: The Printworks
Civic Role: Publishers
Allied Factions: Truth Delvers, Primal Guild
Enemy Factions: Heaven Builders, Society of Creation, Six Fingered Hand
Associated Planar Powers: Ioun (Goddess of Learning), The Grandmothers (Primal Spirits of Storytelling)

The League of Knowledge exists primarily to further the spread of knowledge. They believe that if only people heard enough and read enough, they'd come around to the right way of thinking. Of course, even any two members of the League can't agree what the right way of thinking is, and they're often too busy shoving books and pamphlets at others to hear or read anything for themselves.
The Shouters control a vast building in the hives that contains most of the city's printing presses. Individual Shouters regularly publish pamphlets calling for the elimination of other factions, for the establishment of unpopular laws, or even more controversial positions. Kelso Brighteyes, the league's Factol, primarily publishes treatises that reject the very notion of divinity, holding that Gods and other powers are simply just more powerful mortals. The efforts of the League have managed to secure them more friends than enemies.[/sblock]
The Mind's Eye
Seekers concentrate their mind
Enlightnment is what they find [sblock]Nickname: “Seekers”
Philosophy: Your belief shapes your control of reality; embrace life's challenges
Factol: Ombidas, Goliath Druid
Headquarters: Hall of Speakers
Civic Role: Legislative Workers
Allied Factions: Society of Creation
Enemy Factions: ??
Associated Planar Powers: Moradin (God of Craft), Bel (Lord of the First Hell)

The Mind's Eye was the first new faction to form in the wake of the faction war. Many of the old factions focused on various ways of attaining enlightenment, though they had many different ideas of what exactly that entailed. As the faction war began, two such factions banded together to form the Mind's eye, and the remnants of several other groups joined over the course of the subsequent years.
Though the seekers have many paths to enlightenment, there is one thing they have in common: They know that one's beliefs shape one's reality. For some that is purely personal (believing in one's own success leads to success) or political (as expressed through their work for the Hall of Speakers, Sigil's Parliment), some take that to the next level by warping reality through the power of their own minds.[/sblock]
The Primal Guild
Wilders love nature, but here take note:
They cherish both lamb and the wolf at its throat [sblock]Nickname: “The Wilders”
Philosophy: Noninterference, Let nature run it's course
Factol: Caylean, Tiefling Ranger
Headquarters: The shattered temple of Khala (Former Goddess of Winter)
Civic Role: Groundskeepers
Allied Factions: Ring Givers
Enemy Factions: Heaven Builders, Six Fingered Hand
Associated Planar Powers: Various Primal Spirits, The Lady of Pain (disputed)

Caylean, Factol of the Primal Guild, was born with his body so tainted by fiendish influence that he could neither stand nor walk. He was cured when he rejected the influence of planar powers over his existence. Though this faction is new, its roots extend to the War of Winter, a conflict early in creation in which the goddess Khala sought to bring eternal winter to the material place, and the primal spirits rose up to stop her and prevent the gods from further direct interference on the mortal plane.
The Wilders believe that the planar powers should keep to their own planes, and leave each plane to develop independently of one another, something which they refer to as their “Primal Directive”. Their attitude of non-interference makes them oddly suited as the city's gardeners: Any plant that survives more than a few days in Sigil has proved itself more than hardy enough to endure lack of sunshine or rain—the biggest remaining danger, and the one the Wilder's work hard to prevent, is the physical damage to the plants by careless citizens. Or, in the case of Sigil's ubiquitous razorvine, physical damage to careless citizens by the plants. Noninterference works in both directions.
Because Wilders champion non-interference by powers, and because the Lady of Pain holds similar philosophies (going so far as to destroy the god Aoskar when he attempted to establish himself as a Divine presence in Sigil) they Wilders sometimes try to claim association with the Lady herself. So far, the Lady of Pain has not seen fit to punish this affront.[/sblock]
The Ring Givers
Beggars' creed follows karmic track
Just give a little, and more comes back. [sblock]Nickname: “The Beggars”
Philosophy: Those who give, will in turn recieve
Factol: Jeremo the Natterer, Human Bard
Headquarters: The Jester's Palace
Civic Role: Almsgivers
Allied Factions: Sons of Mercy, Somber Journeymen
Enemy Factions: Sodkillers, Favored Children
Associated Planar Powers: Avandra (Goddess of Luck), Prince of Hearts (Archfey)

The Ring Givers believe in the unity of rings: that everything comes back upon itself eventually. Members of the faction live generously, with the belief that their generosity will be magnified and reflected back at them. Many ring-givers man the soup-kitchens and refuge-houses that the faction operates, while others go further and give away all their possessions, becoming beggars.
The Ring Givers existed as a semi-organized group before the faction war. After the war, they group became a full-fledged faction under the leadership of Jeremo the Natterer. Jeremo, styled “The Lady's Jester”, is known for his relentless and possibly insane prattle and his seemingly incredible luck. Born penniless on the streets of Sigil, Jeremo gained riches and became master of the opulent (if eerie) structure known as the Jester's Palace. Jeremo was given his position by the previous leader of the Ring-Givers, Ingwe—who presumably expects her generous gift to be returned in time.[/sblock]
The Six Fingered Hand
Slashers want the world to end
It's no wonder they've few friends [sblock]Nickname: “Slashers”
Philosophy: Planned Creation is a flawed endeavor, and the universe must be unmade.
Factol: Pereid, Human Rogue
Headquarters: The Armory
Civic Role: Weapon-makers
Allied Factions: None
Enemy Factions: Most, but especially the Heaven Builders
Associated Planar Powers: Imix the Firelord (Elemental Prince), Demogorgon (Prince of Demons), Grazzt (possibly)

Members of the six-fingered hand think that the gods were wrong to create the world and its people and to bring order out of chaos. They believe that creation is fundamentally flawed, and want to see it come crashing down. The faction is internally split, though, between those who would see a new and better world built in its place, or those for whom destruction is the end goal.
The foremost among the former is the Factol Pereid. Pereid can logically and eloquently articulate the reasons why she, the listener, and the world they stand in should be wiped from existence, and spends her days conducting grand plans to end the universe. However, the hand is also open to many less savory sorts, including many demons. These Slashers just revel in petty acts of destruction that do little to achieve the end goal.
Slashers are named for their symbol, the six-fingered hand, and those with five-fingers slash their palms in a symbolic act of destruction. The scar that remains symbolizes their sixth finger. Many members of the faction, however, are born with six fingers. This suggests that they are descended from the six-fingered Demon Lord Grazzt, but the goals and motives of the faction seem too straightforward for the demon prince of treachery. The true nature of the link between the Slashers and the Dark Prince may never be known.[/sblock]
The Society of Creation
Aesthetes think there could be more
Creating art that we adore [sblock]Nickname: “The Aesthetes”
Philosophy: The purpose of existence is to expand existence
Factol: Cuatha Dananin, Half-elf Ranger
Headquarters: The Civic Festhall
Civic Role: Artists
Allied Factions: Favored Children, Heaven Builders
Enemy Factions: Sodkillers, Somber Journeymen
Associated Planar Powers: Corellon (God of Art), Titandra the Summer Queen (Archfey), Zehir (God of Darkness)

The Society of Sensation was one of the fifteen factions that ruled Sigil prior to the faction war. The Society believed that the only way to truly understand the universe was to experience it, and thus sought out new experiences and sensations. After the war, the former Factol, Erin Darkflame Montgomery, realized that to merely experience the universe was not enough—That the true understanding of the universe would not come merely for experiencing existing sensations, but rather by creating entirely new ones. When factions began to flourish on Sigil once again The society returned with renewed purpose. Because the original factions are still outlawed, the Society of Creation is technically a new faction with a new name and with Montgomory's consort as its nominal leader. But the general operation of the faction remains unchanged.[/sblock]
The Sodkillers and The Sons of Mercy
The Certain inspire a kind of woe
They'll make sure you pay what you owe
The Softies think their love is tough
But most of us can't get enough [sblock]
The Sodkillers
Nickname: “The Certain”
Philosophy: Those who do wrong deserve swift justice
Factol: Nijel Piuy, Aasimar Monk
Headquarters: The Hall of Records
Civic Role: Tax Collectors and Civil Enforcers
Allied Factions: Watchful Brethren, Heaven Builders
Enemy Factions: Sons of Mercy, Ring Givers
Associated Planar Powers: Torog (God of Torturers and Jailers), Maiden of the Moon (Archfey)

The Sons of Mercy
Nickname: “The Softies”
Philosophy: True justice is achieved through remorse and redemption
Factol: Arwyl Swan's Son,
Headquarters: The City Court
Civic Role: Legal Arbiters
Allied Factions: Watchful Brethren, Mind's Eye
Enemy Factions: Sodkillers, Primal Guild
Associated Planar Powers: Bahamut (God of Protection), Sehanine (Goddess of Love and the Hunt)

During the faction war, the faction that controlled Sigil's prison (The Mercykillers) split in two. The Mercykillers were defined by their belief in justice, but for different parts of the faction, justice meant very different things. The Sodkillers were those that believed Justice should be swift and permanent. The Sons of Mercy believe that justice must be tempered with mercy in order to teach an appropriate lesson.
After the war was over, the two splintered factions returned to Sigil, but the prison had been stormed and destroyed in the interim, and few others were eager to see the Mercykillers resume their former role. Instead, each splinter faction took up the role of a missing or destroyed faction. The Sodkillers became Sigil's tax-men and enforcers of civil law, while the Sons of Mercy took over the criminal courts and associated efforts to rehabilitate offenders. Each new faction has taken to its role with an enthusiasm that bystanders and potential targets find somewhat alarming—and as a result of the faction's new civic roles, minor civil offenses such as obstruction of traffic can merit harsher penalties than crimes like assault.[/sblock]
The Somber Journeymen
Treaders think the gods are thiefs
That dead are held back by beliefs
[sblock]Nickname: “The Treaders”
Philosophy: Death is the final destination of journey
Factol: Oridi Malefin, Tiefling Cleric
Headquarters: The Mortuary
Civic Role: Morticians
Allied Factions: Six Fingered Hand, Primal Guild
Enemy Factions: Heaven Builders, Truth Delvers
Associated Planar Powers: The Raven Queen (Goddess of Death and Fate)

When mortals die, their souls travel to the Shadowfell where they begin the long walk north, to the gates of death. Some of those that pass through the gates become the exalted dead, their souls serving the gods in a glorious afterlife. But others simply disappear. The Somber Journeymen believe that the disappearance is the soul leaving the planes for somewhere else altogether, and that the gods who capture the souls of their exalted dead are trapping them in punishment. For similar reasons, the Treaders despise necromancers and all others who raise the dead through magic.[/sblock]
The Truth Delvers
Choppers learn through trial and error
With methods that inspire terror [sblock]Nickname: “The Choppers”
Philosophy: To discover the secrets of the universe, no matter the cost
Factol: Gorad Drummerhaven, Human Wizard
Headquarters: The Gatehouse (Sigil's Mental Asylum)
Civic Role: Surgeons and Madhouse-keepers
Allied Factions: Favored Children, League of Knowledge
Enemy Factions: Somber Journeymen, Sons of Mercy
Associated Planar Powers: Vecna (God of Secrets), Orcus (Demon Lord of Undeath), Dr. Mordenheim (Dreadlord)

The Choppers were founded by Gorad Drummerhaven, a noted Zoologist. Drummerhaven is noted for capturing and studying specimens that are capable of speech—and such behavior caused him to lose favor with those who believe moral scruples should temper scientific curiosity. Drummerhaven vowed to “show them all”, and gathered a group of like-minded scientists, doctors, wizards and necromancers who were eager to explore the boundaries of mortal knowledge whatever the cost.
Since the end of the Faction War, the Choppers have operated out of the Gatehouse, Sigil's Asylum for the mentally disturbed. Additionally, they've expanded the operations of the Gatehouse to treat not just the mentally ill, but the physically ill as well. Their treatment methods are, of course, unorthodox, and are often needlessly painful or traumatizing. The Chopper's goals are to understand more about the condition, not to cure the patient.
Uniquely among all the new factions, the Truth Delvers still regularly interact with the faction that preceded them. Most members of the Bleak Cabal, which once operated the Gatehouse, still live within. However, every last one of them is a patient rather than a keeper. Can the Choppers escape the same fate?[/sblock]
The Watchful Brethren
Chessmen play in their great game
But who the king is none can name [sblock]Nickname: “The Chessmen”
Philosophy: Power comes from the careful control of others
Factol: Unknown
Headquarters: The Bazaar
Civic Role: Secret Police
Allied Factions: Sons of Mercy, Sodkillers
Enemy Factions: League of Knowledge, Primal Guild
Associated Planar Powers: Prince Roland (Dreadlord), Asmodeus (God of Treachery), Grazzt (Demon Lord of intrigue)

Members of the Watchful Brethren believe that right and duty of the strong to outsmart the week. They believe that they have the tools it takes to manipulate the actions of lesser beings, and they do so regularly. They keep on thinking that until the moment that they realize they too are pawns in someone's game.
The Watchful Brethren serve as Sigil's spies and secret police. Their nominal task is to keep Sigil safe from disruptive influences (both internal and external). However, this is merely a front for their information gathering and shady dealing. It seems like, at one point or another, every faction and every planar power has gone to Chessmen seeking answers, and for this reason, It's impossible to tell which entity or entities the chessmen ultimately answer to.[/sblock]


So, seeing that folks here gave me a lot of good guidance, I thought I'd share what I finally came up with. I decided I'd have 13 factions (b/c 13th age), and that none of the original 15 factions or factols would be on the list (the idea being that the Lady of Pain had specifically banned them during the faction war)--but that wasn't going to prevent me from including sects, splinter factions. I also borrowed from mimir.net, and gave each faction a rhyming couplet.

I've never been a fan of Planescape, as the ideas behind it always fell short in the execution, but what you did here seems really interesting. Well done.

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