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[OOC] Anyone wanna play some Stars without Number? [Recruiting Closed]


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"Get yourself a ship, and a crew.." No wait, that's taken....

So I've been thinking about running a Stars without Number game. I've never ran or played the system, but I've read it and it familiar enough OSR stuff.

I'm thinking a crew of traders/smugglers, yeah stolen from firefly (it works well for RPG) but I'm open to a lot of ideas from players about what you want to play.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I am interested in this, although I'm not sure I can fully commit. It seems like a fun and rather simple system, and I love space games!


A suffusion of yellow
I'd be keen, I too have read it but not yet played it - what kind of posting rate are you expecting?

Okay Updated Character to Warrior Gunslinger
(original Expert is in the Spoilers)

Kore Palliaq


Spacer: Wandering Gunslinger seeking vegeance

Kore grew up on a Mining Station in orbit of a Gas Giant where he initially spent time as a hull monkey, his natural agility and smarts helping him to thrive without having to talk to too many others.
Kore’s older brother Tarvos worked security patrolling the mine bases scattered throughout the 79 moons and asteroids orbiting his homeworld.
Tarvos worried about his little brother and often called Kore in to join his patrol crew, tending the ships structural systems and helping where he could. It was during these times Kore learnt to shoot and the basics of piloting. He also got to join the drops the crews would make to Mine bases, some of them no more than a rough two man bunker on some forsaken asteroid.

It was in one such patrol through the outer moons, just as they were readying for the return league home, that Tarvos and the crew got caught unawares by a pirate attack led by Anek Ruul, the Butcher of Mimnos, one of the systems most wanted criminals. The attack was so unexpected that despite their efforts the defending crew was quickly overwhelmed.
Kore had been in the shuttle bay when the attack came and so avoided the initial blast damage. He tried what he could to do damage control, but with most of the crew lost it was too much. Pushing into the fire Kore soon came across his injured, dying brother - Tarvos ordered Kore to leave and so donning a drop suit Kore jettisoned, exerting himself to reach the surface of the nearest rock. Luckily he was able to locate an old miners bunker, where he was able to find shelter and send a distress signal.
Three days later Kore was picked up and he vowed then to hunt down and kill Anek Ruul...

Goal: To avenge his brothers death by killing the Butcher of Mimnos:Anek Ruul,

Str 14 +1 Dex 15 +1 (13+2 spacer) Con 11 Int15 +1 Wis 12 Cha 8
HP 7 Att +1
AC 15 (Ironhide)
Physical 14
Evasion 14
Mental 15

Skill Fix 0 Exert 0 Shoot 0 Survival 0

Gunslinger (Warrior Combat Focus) Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. You can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. You may add your Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.
Ironhide - adapting to the intense plasma field around his Homeworld has given his people a tough outer hide.
Wanderer: Gain Survive as a bonus skill. You can convey basic ideas in all the common languages of the sector. You can always find free transport to a de- sired destination for yourself and a small group of your friends provided any traffic goes to the place. Finding this transport takes no more than an hour, but it may not be a strictly legitimate means of travel and may require working passage.
Combat Focus You gain a free level in a combat-related focus associated with your background.
Warriors Luck - Once per scene, as an Instant ability, you can either choose to negate a successful attack roll against you or turn a missed attack roll you made into a successful hit. You can use this ability after the dice are rolled, but it cannot be used against environmental damage, effects without an attack roll, or hits on a vehicle you’re occupying.
Warrior HP You gain two extra maximum hit points at each character level.

Laser Rifle (1d10 damage), Semi auto Pistol (1d6+1), Monoblade Knife (1d6 damage), Vacc Suit, Atmofilter
Backpack: Ammunition, A cells, Compad, Survival kit, Metatool 300 cr

Spacer:Expert Specialist (Systems Maintenance)
Kore grew up on a Mining Station in orbit of a Gas Giant.
Agile and Smart, Kore learnt his trade working the outer hulls of Mining Ships where his natural technical talent thrived and he didnt have to talk to too many people. He is comfortable in a Vacc suit, happily clambering around a ships hull and he enjoyed the thrill of the shuttle drops the Mine crews would make to the scattered moons and asteroids orbiting his homeworld.

Str 14 +1 Dex 15 +1 (13+2 spacer) Con 11 Int15 +1 Wis 12 Cha 8
HP 5 Att +0 Physical 14 Evasion 14 Mental 15 AC 15 (Ironhide)
Skill Fix 1 (Specialist) Pilot 0 Program 0 Exert 0
Ironhide - adapting to the intense plasma field around his Homeworld has given his people a tough outer hide.
Specialist Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all Fix skill checks.
Expert Once per scene, you can reroll a failed skill check, taking the new roll if it’s better.
When you advance an experience level, you gain a bonus skill point that can be spent on any non-combat, non-psychic skill. You can save this point to spend later if you wish.
Last edited:


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I'm not sure about posting rate I've honestly been out of play by post for several years now, but pretty frequent would be good for me, like 1 a day maybe?


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I kickstarted Worlds Without Number just cuz even if I never play it, OMG tables and table!

So looks like we're getting enough interest. What kind of game would people be interested in playing. I know I said smuggler traders, but thinking it over I'd like to add more exploration into it, what do you guys think of that, what interests you all?


A suffusion of yellow
Smugglers out on the unexplored frontier sounds good, some stuff to salvage and mysteries to discover are always welcome :)

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