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North Carolina Game Day -- THE AWESOME AFTERMATH!!!!


Tried to post this earlier but I seemed to have bad timing with the boards.

hello everybody. I think I've finally recovered from the late night of preparation, the terrific (yet exhausting) day of play, and the fitful sleep last night. :D

I had a great day. Rel's game was fun and fast-paced. More and more I find myself really liking cleric PCs. And thanks to Mike (Mayhawk) for playing the whipping-boy character. Someone has to fail all of those checks and make the game interesting. With my womderful rolls, I was sure to be it if not for the Elven Bard.

I really enjoyed running my game (even if the pic makes me look like I'm in misery, holding my head in hand) The players were all quick on their feet and found ways to take down creatures I wasn't sure they could handle. Bravo!

And by the sounds of it, I missed out on some other cool games. I may not have initially liked the idea of d20 Modern, but Henry's game may have opened my eyes.

Anyways, it was a blast and I'll definitely be around for the next undertaking. And I intend to make other gamers I know jealous so they'll show up as well.

PS to Jeph: I dunno about a repeat game. Sure it was fun to do, but you see, if I don't run a game next time, that means I probably get to play in two cool games... ;)

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Woo! That was more fun than bowling for slavers! A quick and dirty list of favs:

  • TempleTroll to me, as my rogue gets yanked around on the end of a saftey rope, "Halfling Yo-Yo!"
  • The tried and true "Monk knocks enemy into the burning sphere" combat tactic.
  • Injecting an orderly using mage hand.
  • Critical hit while smiting and wearing no armor, using a Magic Weaponed baton. RuinedOne, how did we not die again?
  • DMsGirl to Jeph, "Well I would help you if you were doing something useful! Oh, wait...you're saving my brother."

I can clarify a few of the people in the pictures, too:

3 & 4 are indeed myself and my lovely fiancee (NCSUCodeMonkey & theDMsGirl). 16 & 19 are Dori and David, both of whom are players in my FR game. David also graciously offered to run two Settler's matches. He told me later that it was a lot of fun, especially since he won once :D

Oh, and I also have some lost and found stuff, the most notable of which is a notebook. If anybody is missing something, please let me know and I'll try to arrange getting it back to you. I don't actually have the lost & found stuff yet, since David volunteered to lock up, but as soon as I get it I'll post more info.

We really do have to do this again! Just let me know and I'll check on space. :)


First Post
Corlon said:
ooo, the dice game

1. The guy that was sitting right next to me in the D20 modern game, he was good with machine guns...grr what's his name.

[attention hog]

Ooooh! ooh! ooh! Me! Me! Me!

[/attention hog]



First Post
Wow, that was a blast! Now that I'm awake the memories are flooding in......the memories.....the horror, the horror! :p

Better poombahs than I have already captured some of the best quotes of the day, although there wasthis one recurring one in the afternoon:


"Looks like they need some JUSTICE!"

"There's JUSTICE to be done!"

And so on, and so forth...........to bad, as Rel later explained, that poor Aggo had 'justice' confused with something else..................................... :D

Many thanks to Henry, for sealing our newly-found addiction to d20 modern. Gunz! Brainz! And a *tremendous* thank you to everyone else involved, especially Rel, SpeaksWithStone, Templetroll, Jenna3, Henry, and Drowdude for making Whispering Woodwind one of the most enjoyable sessions I've ever had. Remember kids: Bards are loathed, especially when they clash.

I feel a deep and abiding need to apologize for leveraging a legendary lizard into Whispering Woodwind where, I admit......there wasn't one before. It was just a cameo, but it was gleefuly fascinating to see the sudden change in tack. I couldn't resist. So sorry!

(heh heh heh)

And dammit, I *told* you people: It was, "Philadelphia state police! FREEZE! *BANG BANG*". I swear I didn't shoot first. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it :p

I had a blast, hope we can do this again soon!
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Henry said:
Too many moments to mention, too much fun, and in the end, so little time for new friends. Afterwards, we went to a fantastic place, the Rock-ola Cafe, and spent quite a while talking, drinking, laughing, and getting to know each other a bit. So many people I'm sorry didn't get to come, in particular Daniel (Pielorhino), and Jame Garr (Gargoyle), but with luck, I'll get to meet them, if not a Gencon then maybe at the next Gameday!

Thanks to all, and to all, a good night!

--Henry Link

I really wish I could have made it. Sounds like you guys had a blast. But I'll be at GenCon for sure and will try to make the next game day.


Liquid Awesome
Mulkhoran said:
Better poombahs than I have already captured some of the best quotes of the day, although there wasthis one recurring one in the afternoon:


"Looks like they need some JUSTICE!"

"There's JUSTICE to be done!"

And so on, and so forth...........to bad, as Rel later explained, that poor Aggo had 'justice' confused with something else..................................... :D

I explained Aggro's "Personality Quirk" later on as we were having a late dinner at Rock-Ola. When I was making the character, I knew that you just can't bring a character's full personality to light during a single session one-shot game. So I decided to stay simple and give him one major quirk: He confused the use of the word "Justice" with the word "Killing".

If I had to pick my single favorite moment of the whole Game Day, it would have to be when we encountered the Big Evil Bad Guy in Whispering Woodwind. He was some sort of "Pirate Menace" who everybody thought was dead and he had this huge, angry, red scar running down one side of his face. I Raged, Charged and probably said something like "FEEL MY JUSTICE YOU BARD-HARBORING EVILDOER!" Then, I rolled a 20. Followed by an 18. My handaxe called for 3x damage on a crit so I collected a few nearby d6's and proceeded to roll very mediocre damage: 3, 3 and 1. "Well, that's three, six, seven points of damage. Plus three times my Strength bonus, so TWENTY-FIVE damage total!"

Mulkhoran: "What?!"

Rel: "Twenty-Five points of damage."

Mulkhoran: "You...you execute him."

Aggro the Axe: "Now your scars MATCH!"

Folks, you cannot buy that sort of fun. :D


Liquid Awesome
Henry said:

6=Jenna3's Husband Mike (don't know if he posts on the boards)
17=Rob (don't know who he posts as)
18=Rich (friend and fellow gamer of Rel, but don't know if he posts here)

A greater group of fellow gamers I could not have been introduced to on Saturday. We have GOT to do this again next year!

I can clear up a couple of these.

Mike does post on the boards as "Mayhawk" (I know it sounds phonetically like "Mayhawk" but I'm not positive about the spelling)

Rob has posted as "lordmcdeath".

Rich posts on the boards as "Speaks with Stone" (this was his character's name in our first 3E campaign).


Liquid Awesome
Quasqueton said:
I did take other shots. But with the bright light coming from the big windows on one side of the room, the other pics came out too dark to really show anything. I got lots of great silhouettes though :)

So you mean that the image of the Halfling rogue being almost engulfed by my Play-Doh (tm) Mimic and the Drow Priestess rolling a natural 1 and a natural 20 on her simultaneous saving throws vs. a pair of Flaming Spheres will be forever lost? Say it ain't so!

Out of curiosity. . . who was the youngest gamer present?

Who was the oldest gamer present?

Who drove the farthest to be there?

And just because I see a lot of threads talking about the dearth of female gamers, I want to point out that there were 3 women at this gathering.

Quasqueton [/B]

I'm not sure about our "demographic" information. I know that Jeph is 14 but the lad currently known as "Guy #20" looked fairly young. I would like to comment that, so far as I could see, none of the younger gamers acted any less mature than me. I'll leave it to the other attendees to determine if that is a Good Thing or a Bad Thing.

I'd have to guess that Templetroll was our oldest gamer present (no offense, man). ;)

I didn't get the impression that anybody drove further than Henry did. The man did come from another state after all.

I was mighty pleased to see the several ladies in attendance. My Slave Lords game was 1/3 female.

And while we're passing out the honorifics, I put forth Mayhawk as the "Gamer who had the most of his Player's Handbook highlighted." :D
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First Post
So you mean that the image of the Halfling rogue being almost engulfed by my Play-Doh (tm) Mimic and the Drow Priestess rolling a natural 1 and a natural 20 on her simultaneous saving throws vs. a pair of Flaming Spheres will be forever lost? Say it ain't so!
It ain't so. Go to the Web site. . .

. . . click on the image of your game and of Henry's game. That links to images of the battlemats.

The images of the game tables were fine, it's just the shots of the actual players that got blinded by the bright light from the windows.

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Liquid Awesome
Quasqueton said:
It ain't so. Go to the Web site. . .


. . . click on the image of your game and of Henry's game. That links to images of the battlemats.

The images of the game tables were fine, it's just the shots of the actual players that got blinded by the bright light from the windows.


Those are great!

Behold my "Mad Skillz" at creating pirate ships out of Bruegers Bagel Bakery napkins on short notice!

And, just for the record, that was the Halfling Monk getting swarmed by Ash Rats, not the Gnome Sorcerer. I'm not a complete RAT bastard you know :)p I slay me.).

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