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Critical Role LYSK: Gods and Geography of Wildemount


I did notice that Chris got his CritRole history a little mixed up. The "new" goddess is called 'Rae', which is short for Sarenrae, the Pathfinder goddess that Ashley Johnson's original character Pike was a cleric of. Chris however, said it was for Ashley's character 'Tasha'... which is doubly incorrect. Ashley's current character is named 'Yasha', not 'Tasha', and Yasha is a Path of the Zealot for Kord, the Stormlord, not Rae.

That funny, instead of coming up with a deity to fill the function of Sarenrae, they just shortened her name and ripped her off from Golarion. To be fair Paizo used a variant of D&D 3.5e rules for years profitably, so this is like returning the favour.

Sarenrae back door sneaks into mainstream D&D.

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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Per last Month's Dragon+, Kate will discuss her book in this month's Dragon+. Whether that is an official announcement or not I am not sure, but we will get more details sooner than the release of Wildemount.

True I forgot about that... yeah that book is definitely coming out in quarter 2 then.

Anyone know when that next dragon + issue drops?


That funny, instead of coming up with a deity to fill the function of Sarenrae, they just shortened her name and ripped her off from Golarion. To be fair Paizo used a variant of D&D 3.5e rules for years profitably, so this is like returning the favour.

Sarenrae back door sneaks into mainstream D&D.
Yeah, I suspect they didn't want to piss off the Critters by creating an entirely new deity, but also obviously couldn't use Sarenrae whole-cloth. I'd be curious once the book comes out whether there will be a 'used by permission' legal bit in the front of the book, insinuating WotC got permission from Paizo for adapting one of their gods for it. Or if they filed just enough stuff off of Sarenrae to act like she's "new enough" to not infringe. (I did notice Chris said she was now the goddess of "atonement", which is different not only from Sarenrae in Golarion (sun, healing, redemption), but also "Everlight" her equivalent deity in the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting (compassion, redemption).

So they might have changed her portfolio a little bit as well as changing the name just enough. And truth be told, my using 'Rae' is just me assuming that's how they are spelling it... for all we know they made an even more different spelling just to differentiate the goddess further.


Yeah, I suspect they didn't want to piss off the Critters by creating an entirely new deity, but also obviously couldn't use Sarenrae whole-cloth. I'd be curious once the book comes out whether there will be a 'used by permission' legal bit in the front of the book, insinuating WotC got permission from Paizo for adapting one of their gods for it. Or if they filed just enough stuff off of Sarenrae to act like she's "new enough" to not infringe. (I did notice Chris said she was now the goddess of "atonement", which is different not only from Sarenrae in Golarion (sun, healing, redemption), but also "Everlight" her equivalent deity in the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting (compassion, redemption).

So they might have changed her portfolio a little bit as well as changing the name just enough. And truth be told, my using 'Rae' is just me assuming that's how they are spelling it... for all we know they made an even more different spelling just to differentiate the goddess further.

I'll add that the sun thing is really Pelor's domain and compassion might fit with another deities turf, so atonement (which is just the active pursuit of redemption), what is left to make her distinct from other Dawn War Pantheon Gods.

There might be other new elements to her as well, they did not go in-depth into her in the video, so just as the Ravenqueen as Death, Winter, and so on in her Domain, Rae might have some very different aspects to her.

Side note, this Raven Queen seems to butt heads with MTOFs Raven Queen, to add even more lore confusion to the Raven Queen.

And I'm curious if the Corellion Larethian section will mention the Seldarine at all.

Also the Luxians are really, really cool, I'm guessing a race of Celestials.


Side note, this Raven Queen seems to butt heads with MTOFs Raven Queen, to add even more lore confusion to the Raven Queen.

And I'm curious if the Corellion Larethian section will mention the Seldarine at all.
Eh... a good number of deities or entities that go "cross-setting" are always slightly different from each other. The Bane in Dawn War is different than the Bane from FR, the Pelor and Kord from Dawn War are different than their Greyhawk counterparts, the Tyr in the Realms is different than the Tyr from the Norse pantheon, etc. So the fact that the Raven Queen in the MToF greater multiverse is more elvish (but is not thought of as such in either the Dawn War or Exandria settings) is no big deal.

By the same token, the Corellon of Dawn War and Exandria is a deity that is not specifically an elvish deity (although their being is still thought of in those terms) and the rest of the elvish pantheon is nowhere to be found.

That's the thing about all of these identities/objects... they keep appearing across all the different settings and have histories/backgrounds all just different enough. The Rod of Seven Parts in Greyhawk has a different background than the Rod of Seven Parts in the Realms, so trying to come up with one over-arching story for both of them is folly. But it does help make us understand why WotC considers every single realm and setting as part of a "D&D multiverse". These things keep appearing and reappearing across the settings in some form or fashion, even if they are not exactly the same in each place.


Eh... a good number of deities or entities that go "cross-setting" are always slightly different from each other. The Bane in Dawn War is different than the Bane from FR, the Pelor and Kord from Dawn War are different than their Greyhawk counterparts, the Tyr in the Realms is different than the Tyr from the Norse pantheon, etc. So the fact that the Raven Queen in the MToF greater multiverse is more elvish (but is not thought of as such in either the Dawn War or Exandria settings) is no big deal.

By the same token, the Corellon of Dawn War and Exandria is a deity that is not specifically an elvish deity (although their being is still thought of in those terms) and the rest of the elvish pantheon is nowhere to be found.

That's the thing about all of these identities/objects... they keep appearing across all the different settings and have histories/backgrounds all just different enough. The Rod of Seven Parts in Greyhawk has a different background than the Rod of Seven Parts in the Realms, so trying to come up with one over-arching story for both of them is folly. But it does help make us understand why WotC considers every single realm and setting as part of a "D&D multiverse". These things keep appearing and reappearing across the settings in some form or fashion, even if they are not exactly the same in each place.

It's still going to cause confusion in newbies without a sidebar on the subject.

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