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"...like Dungeons and Dragons."

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Honestly, I think that the reference, in and of itself, is quite reasonable. The officer in question was endeavouring to paint a picture of the mans room using an evocative analogy. Chances are most people reading the article would be able to bring to mind a very clear picture that fitted with the theme of the room.

Unfortunately, in the context of the bad press that d&d has recieved over many years, many people will also draw further conclusions that are irrelevant to the issue.

I think it unlikely the officer gave any thought to the potential negativity his comments could bring to the game. The journalist herself almost certainly used the quote at least in part because of its provocativity (dunno if that's actually a word, but anyway...).

Perhaps I'm a little overly cynical, but that's the nature of journalism.


Well, it may be reasonable, but only because D&D has accumulated an amazing amount of negative press in it's twenty-odd year life--enough so that the police officer just saw some blades and other weapons and immediately thought of Dungeons and Dragons.

I get the impression that law enforcement officers really don't like gamers very much....



*glances at his wall-racks*


Good thing I'm a fairly legal and rational sort... else I would probably end up giving the hobby a bad name.


The quote from the officer could also have been the officer's negative viewpoint on D&D ... we will never know.

He could hate the game and subconsciously fixated on the medieval weaponry and not the modern firearms, OR perhaps he just made an offhand comment (which he should have not done, since a person of authority such as a police officer should be neutral).

The journalist could have also had a gripe with D&D ... and took that quote out of context and then placed it in the article for her own reasons.

The fact that it is the only quotation of note in the article, and there is only mention of one other "influence" in the accused's room (the book called excecutions) would lead one to believe that D&D had a huge impact on his life and it was this that made him mentally unstable.

It is a bad piece of reporting when all sides are not noted (although it is quite common).


hrm... I used to have a summer job makeing museum quality replicas of armour. I wonder what the newspaper would say if I went postal when they take a look at the crime scene and see 30 or 40 suits of armour sitting in the display area, a plastic skeleton in a cage hung from the celing, a bunch of imported replica weapons, and maby a dozen 20 foot high shelveing units full of half finished suits, helmets, broken armour, weapons and junk like that...


Well if it was the officer in this case, odds are he'd say

"looks just like Dungeons and Dragons .... oh and that it's a museum of antiquities"


First Post
"Hey Bubba."


"Didn't that bust look like some kinda dang old, just like... just like... out of one of those satan worshiping whatchamicalits..."

"Just like... Dungeons and Dragons?"

"Yeah Bubba, one of 'dem Say-tantic cults."



First Post
Well, I sent the author a letter. I tried to be as tactful as I could. I even used words like "unfortunate" and "please." I thought the best part of it was when I wrote:

"... The negative press that has surrounded DnD for the past 20 years is largely based on preconceived notions, false accusations and persecutory zelotry that is more medieval than anything in Mr. Gannon's basement.

So it is unfortunate that the detective is prone to negative associations about Dungeons and Dragon, but your decision to include his statement does a great deal of damage to a good thing by perpetuating a myth that exists in many people's minds (i.e. Dungeons and Dragons = evil).

Please be a little more careful in the future when printing such characterizations of role players... "

That's about as polite as I can be...:D

I hope she at least thinks about what she did, and perhaps acts more wisely next time.

I also suggested that perhaps she could write an article that attempts to dispel some of the negativity surounding DnD. We'll see....

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