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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] House Rules Thread (Updated: Mar 13/24)


World of Kulan DM
Revised and Variant Feats

Improved Multiweapon Fighting [General]
Updated to v.3.5 by Robert Blezard
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Multiweapon Fighting, three or more hands, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: The character's penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by 2 with both primary hand and off hands.
Normal: See Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160 of the Player’s Handbook v.3.5.
Special: The effects of Improved Multiweapon Fighting stack with Multiweapon Fighting. Thus, a character's penalties are reduced by 4 with the primary hand and by 8 with off hands with both feats combined.
A fighter may select Improved Multiweapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38, D&D PHB v.3.5).

Multidexterity [General] *
Updated and modified for v.3.5 by Robert Blezard
The character is adept at using all his hands in combat.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, three or more hands.
Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by 2. The character is neither left-handed nor right-handed. This feat effectively eliminates the need for the off-hand weapons to be light. Weapons wielded in the off-hands still add only half the character's Strength bonus to damage.
Normal: Without this feat, a character takes a -6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a -10 penalty made with its off-hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off-hand.) See Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160 of the Player’s Handbook v.3.5.
Special: This feat helps offset the penalty for fighting with multiple weapons. A fighter may select Multidexterity as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38, D&D PHB v.3.5).

Power Attack [General, Variant]
By airwalkrr
Prerequisite: Str 13.
Benefit: When making a melee attack on your turn, you can take a penalty of -5 on your attack roll and double the damage dice of the weapon you are using. The use of this feat does not double damage from any other source – such as the character’s Strength modifier, or the bonus damage from an energy weapon.
If you have the ability to make more than one attack per round, you may choose to use this feat for only one attack, some of the attacks, or all the attacks, but you must declare whether you are using it before you make each attack roll.
You cannot use this feat when taking attacks of opportunity.
Special: The bonus damage dice from Power Attack are not multiplied on a critical hit. If you score a critical hit while using this feat, calculate the damage normally, then roll the extra dice granted by Power Attack and add it to the total.
A fighter may select Power Attack as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38; D&D PHB v.3.5).

* From L&L Mythic Races
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World of Kulan DM
Multiweapon Feats

Greater Multiweapon Defense [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Multiweapon Defense, Multiweapon Fighting, three or more hands, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: When wielding two or more weapons (not including natural weapons), you gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC for each addition weapon after the primary weapon. Thus, a character wielding three weapons would have a total shield bonus of +4. This bonus cannot exceed the character's Dexterity Modifier. Thus, a multi-armed character with a Dexterity of 19 cannot have a shield bonus higher than +4.
When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +4 for each additional weapon after the primary. Thus, the same character as above would have a total shield bonus of +8 when fighting defensively. This bonus cannot exceed twice the character's Dexterity Modifier. Thus, a multi-armed character with a Dexterity of 19 cannot have a shield bonus higher than +8 when fighting defensively.
Special: This feat replaces the Greater Two-Weapon Defense feat (D&D Complete Warrior) for creatures with more than two arms.
A fighter may select Greater Multiweapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38, D&D PHB v.3.5).

Greater Multiweapon Fighting [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack the character gets with his offhand weapons, he gains a second attack with each offhand weapon, though at a -5 penalty.
Normal: See Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160 of the D&D Player’s Handbook v.3.5.
Special: A fighter may select Greater Multiweapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38, D&D PHB v.3.5).

Improved Multiweapon Defense [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Multiweapon Defense, Multiweapon Fighting, three or more hands, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When wielding two or more weapons (not including natural weapons), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC for each addition weapon after the primary weapon. Thus, a character wielding three weapons would have a total shield bonus of +2. This bonus cannot exceed the character's Dexterity Modifier. Thus, a multi-armed character with a Dexterity of 17 cannot have a shield bonus higher than +3.
When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2 for each additional weapon after the primary. Thus, the same character as above would have a total shield bonus of +4 when fighting defensively. This bonus cannot exceed twice the character's Dexterity Modifier. Thus, a multi-armed character with a Dexterity of 17 cannot have a shield bonus higher than +6 when fighting defensively.
Special: This feat replaces the Improved Two-Weapon Defense feat (D&D Complete Warrior) for creatures with more than two arms.
A fighter may select Improved Multiweapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38, D&D PHB v.3.5).

Multiweapon Defense [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Multiweapon Fighting, three or more hands.
Benefit: When wielding two or more weapons (not including natural weapons), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. This bonus cannot exceed the character's Dexterity Modifier. Thus, a multi-armed character with a Dexterity of 15 cannot have a shield bonus higher than +2.
When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2. This bonus cannot exceed twice the character's Dexterity Modifier. Thus, a multi-armed character with a Dexterity of 15 cannot have a shield bonus higher than +4 when fighting defensively.
Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Defense feat for creatures with more than two arms.
A fighter may select Multiweapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38, D&D PHB v.3.5).


World of Kulan DM
There are several custom spells on my Lands of Harqual thread, but I'm not sure that I'm going to move those here. More than likely they'll get moved to my current 2e -> 3e spell conversion thread here in House Rules so that I can keep all the spells together. However, that's not my first priority right now. -KF72
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World of Kulan DM
Knowledge Skill:
Areas of Knowledge for Kulan

  • Angels and celestials (angels, archons, Curnorost, eladrins, exalted magic, guardinals, positive energy, rheks, the Upper Planes)
  • Arcana (ancient mysteries, arcane symbols, constructs, cryptic phrases, ley lines, magic traditions, magical beasts, planar conjunctions, portals)
  • Architecture and engineering (aqueducts, buildings, bridges, fortifications, monuments, shipbuilding, siege engines, steamcraft, urban planning, walls)
  • Astrology and astronomy (astrological signs, eclipses, horoscopes, palm-reading, planets, stars, the moons, the Plane of Unseen Infinity [wildspace])
  • Demons, daemons and devils (demodands, baatezu, loumaras, obyriths, the Blood War, the Lower Planes, sadomasochism, tanar'ri, vile magic, yugoloths)
  • Dracology (draconic heritage, draconic history, dracovarans, dragon magic, dragons, the Balance, the dragon deities)
  • Dungeoneering (aberrations, catacombs, caverns, morlocks, oozes, ruins, spelunking, the Underearth)
  • Faerie (Afqithan, fey, folk tales, the fey deities, the Plane of Faerie, the Plane of Serenity, the Seelie Court, the Unseelie Court)
  • Geography (cartography, climate, lakes, lands, people, rivers, terrains, the ocean)
  • History (cataclysms, colonies, empires, founding of cities, kingdoms, migration, royalty, wars)
  • Local (birthdays, customs, guilds, holidays, humanoids, inhabitants, laws, legends, personalities, traditions)
  • Madness (aboleths, asylums, beholders, Elder Evils, grell, illithids, mental disorders, pseudonaturals, taint, the Far Realms, the neogi, tsochari)
  • Mathematics (axiomatic creatures, ciphers, formulas, geometry, logic, money, numbers, statistics, magic related to dimension and math)
  • Mysticism (animism, incorporeal creatures, reincarnation, shamanism, the Spirit World, warlocks and witches)
  • Nature (animals, the Balance, giants, husbandry, monstrous humanoids, plants, seasons & cycles, the Elemental Plane of Wood, weather, vermin)
  • Nobility and royalty (falconry, family trees, heraldry, lineages, mottoes, noble houses, personalities)
  • Psionics (ancient mysteries, astral constructs, cryptic phrases, mentalism magic, psionic traditions, psionic races, psychic symbols)
  • Religion (churches and temples, deities, ecclesiastic tradition, holy and unholy symbols, megaliths, mythic history, undead)
  • Sexuality (deviancy, gender, half-breeds, love, midwifery, orientation, relationships, sex, sexual magic, taboos)
  • Ships and shipping (airships, mercantile houses, sailing ships, seafaring, spelljammers, trade goods, magic related to the sea and sky)
  • The elements (air, earth, fire and water, elementals, genies, the Inner Planes, paraelementals, the Plane of Molten Skies, magic related to the elements)
  • The planes (outsiders, the Ethereal Plane, the Hinterlands, the Outer Planes, the Plane of Twilight, magic related to the planes)
  • The undead (ghosts and spectres, ghouls, liches and dracoliches, mummies, necromancy, negative energy, shadows and wraiths, skeletons and zombies, vampires, wights)
  • Time (ancient battles, ancient history, chronomancy, the Temporal Maelstrom, time dimensionals, time lords)
  • War (armor, battles, battle magic, honorbound, insignias, mercenary companies, military history, tactics, warbeasts, weapons)
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First Post
Hiya Knightfall! I'm enjoying your list of knowledge skills, really useful and well thought-out. Mind if I nick it for my own personal gain?

It struck me as a bit odd though, that shipbuilding is part of architecture and engineering, and not ships and shipping,

Secondly, insignias in the War skill, does that only relate to military ranks, or does it have some cross-over with heraldry in the Royalty and Nobility skill?


World of Kulan DM
Hiya Knightfall! I'm enjoying your list of knowledge skills, really useful and well thought-out. Mind if I nick it for my own personal gain?
Go ahead.

It struck me as a bit odd though, that shipbuilding is part of architecture and engineering, and not ships and shipping,

Secondly, insignias in the War skill, does that only relate to military ranks, or does it have some cross-over with heraldry in the Royalty and Nobility skill?
Well, there is going to be some cross-over in the areas of knowledge. It can't be helped.

The building of ships seems, to me, to be an act of engineering while the act of sailing ships is really what Ships and shipping is all about. Perhaps it should be Sailing and shipping. The insignias in War mainly relates to military ranks but could just as easily have some cross-over with heraldry.

I'm going design a revised list of skill synergies for my new skills list, but I haven't thought that far ahead. Of course, synergies across areas of knowledge might be pushing it.


First Post
I'm going design a revised list of skill synergies for my new skills list, but I haven't thought that far ahead. Of course, synergies across areas of knowledge might be pushing it.

Yeah, I think cross-knowledge synergies would be making the skill more complex than necessary.

The comment about ship-building was mainly something I thought about after watching Master and Commander where basically all of the crew know enough about craftsmanship to help rebuilding the ship after its suffered damage in a naval battle.


World of Kulan DM
Yeah, I think cross-knowledge synergies would be making the skill more complex than necessary.
One idea I just had about synergies is the idea of synergy advancement as a character gains more ranks. I thought of this thinking about Pathfinder.

Basically, if a character has more than 10 (or maybe 15) ranks in a skills that gives a synergy then that synergy goes up to +4.

The comment about ship-building was mainly something I thought about after watching Master and Commander where basically all of the crew know enough about craftsmanship to help rebuilding the ship after its suffered damage in a naval battle.
Ha! I love that movie. ;)

Hmm, 5 ranks in Profession (sailor) would definitely give a +2 synergy bonus to Knowledge (ships and shipping). You may have convinced me. I have to think about I more.

Anyway, I'm going back to bed for a while. My sinuses have cleared a little and I'm very tired. I was up until 2 a.m. last night and it's only 8:45 a.m. now. :yawn:

Kmart Kommando

First Post
Sacred Healing (variant)
Created by B. Malowany *; Renamed by Robert Blezard

Deities: Apollo, Issek, Jalivier

Granted Power: The cleric receives a +2 Sacred bonus to Healing skill checks and may use the skill upon any living creature; animal, humanoid and monstrous. Spontaneous heals cast by the cleric take only a standard action instead of a full-round action like other clerics.
normal clerics can already cast spontaneous cure spells as a standard action. It's only a fullround action if they are applying metamagics to it on the fly.

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