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John play: Hero for hire


BARRAKAS 21 -1484 Pre Galifar time

“My Lord! My Lord!” We are under attack from all sides!” Screams out a panicked elf with an aberrant mark on his left cheek.

“Calm yourself Caerun- What is happening?” asks Halas d’Tarkanan, The Earthshaker.

“House Cannith and Deneith are striking the docks and from the air. Elven assassins are striking from the north. We cannot defend many of these areas as people are very sick. They believe the water has been tainted- possibly by the halflings.”

“The docks? Carla is there.”

Another messenger appears. “Hextor d’Cannith has released new monstrous constructs onto the city. Several groups are down already.”

“The dock area….?” Asks Halas.

“Two of the constructs attacked Carla’s group. A building fell off the cliffs and……”

“Well?” Demands Halas as a tremor seems to sweep around the stone around them.

“She was last seen falling down the cliff. We could not spend much time looking for her in fear of the Cannith forces-“ He stops in mid sentence as the leader of the Tarkanan House stiffens and he sneers in anger. His eyes flare red and his Siberys mark grows warm. “Enough of this! Begone!”

There is a powerful magical explosion as three Aberrants face a small Cannith force protected by a few Deneith soldiers. Many are thrown to the ground. The Deneith soldiers are first to rise and look for survivors.

“The reports spoke of one gnome.” Reports one soldier.

“Yes. It was clear. Two elves and a gnome. All had influence over temperatures.”

“Then why do we have three gnomes?”

The soldiers come closer to look at the find. One gnome wears dirty and damaged leather armor. The other two, a male with dreadlocks and a female with a House Sivis dragonmark and scrolls and paperwork carried within pouches and straps.

“We will receive recommendations for freeing a House Sivis prisoner. Bring the others, their fate will be decided by the commander.”

Halas knows what needs to be done. He saw it when Carla betrayed his love and sought the arms of the time traveler. He can not defeat Cannith and the others like this. But with the artifact….. with the artifact he make a statement to houses and take as many of the house members with him as he can. And if Play dies….. so be it.

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BARRAKAS 21 -1484 Pre Galifar time

“It’s crawling with soldiers!” Exclaims the dwarf.

“If fear this is the day.” Says Play with his head down. “The day the city is destroyed by one man.”

The two of them have been trying to reach Halas’ location for the past hour. It has not been easy. They have encountered several patrols. Most are Deneith non-marked members but some were Cannith and there was even one group of elves.

The dwarf stops running. Play slows then stops. “What is it?”

The dwarf looks hard at Play. “Rumor has it there is more you know about this time than you let on.”

Play waits for any further questions then begins to move forward again. “Halas…. He is going to destroy the city and everyone within it.”

They enter the inner sanctum of Halas and Play tries to open the secret door that leads out to the catacombs below. It has recently been locked and the stone warped. “Really?!?”

Calli d’Sivis awakens to find men dressed in the colors of Deneith carrying her and either dragging or prodding other persons including Glyder Freetime. “When…. When are we? She first asks. The soldier looks down at her in pity.

“The gnome is coming to…. and very disorientated.” He stops to let her down. “She doesn’t even know the time of day.” The other soldiers stop. One kicks a prisoner harshly behind his knees. “What did you do to her you aberrant dog?” The elf, with a bloodied nose and mouth only wishes she still had a use of her heating power over metal left. She would enjoy watching the Deneith soldier dance as the chainmail near his crotch was set to a very high temperature.

Calli’s head clears and she remembers. They in 1021 and jumped in time again. This is the time of the War of the Mark. Maybe this is when they left John Play here accidently twenty years ago. (time travel can be so confusing  )

She clears her throat and thinks of a spell to use. It’s time for her and Glyder to get Play.

Once more Halas d’Tarkanan finds himself in the large underground chamber with the mysterious floating rock. He has often wondered what was within it. His power over earth and stone says there is something within but is uncertain at what it is.

He circles it a few times then goes back to a large throne – like chair he had brought down to sit and study it further. On the chair is a rod covered in cloth. The artifact that greatly empowers a dragonmark- aberrant or “true”.

“I can feel the earth’s pulse just below here. There is power within this rock and below. With this artifact, I will also become a great power and show that the Tarkanan family is not to be trifled with. Cannith, Deneith…. Or Play.” His eyes flicker in red light and his Siberys mark begins to pulse. Soon the rod and marks pulse in unison.


BARRAKAS 21 -1484 Pre Galifar time

Play takes a practice swing with his magical great club. The destruction shard within the handle should take the door down. Mason is not so certain. A thunderous crack resounds as he strikes the stone secret door. A second and third strike results in deep cracks.

“Did you hear that?” asks Calli as she helps Glyder up a set of stairs.

“Follow the sound. Anything that loud has to be John.”

The fifth strike tumbles the stone warped door. Play shakes and flexes his hands and arms. “Dwarves first…..” he says in jest and in a hurry. Mason frowns at the implication but hurries through with his two short swords drawn.

Red lightning crackles under the ground from the rod and Halas. The ground nearest the floating giant boulder is swelling. “Rise! Rise and show the houses who has the true power.” The Aberrant mark glows and seems to twitch on his skin. It pulses and at times seems to grow. If he is in pain, he does not show it. The chamber is becoming incredible hot. Again, it seems to not bother him.

“STOP!” Comes a shout from the entrance to the chamber. Halas turns with burning eyes. His teeth are grinding in anger.

“You! I should have known you would survive the House purge.” Growls Halas.

Mason stands beside Play in total awe and fear. What is this place and what is Halas doing?

“Put the rod down Halas. Please put it down. You have no idea what you are about to cause. It will destroy the city.” Plays pleads.

“Knees. Get on your knees. Bow before pure power. Bow before me!” He demands.

Play can’t help but to think this is not him. He must be possessed. Most likely this rod he found and uses to strengthen his aberrant mark over the earth. Play drops to one knee. “Please- you don’t have to do this. It doesn’t have to end this way. We can escape. Begin again.”

Halas listens but holds the rod still.

“Think of Carla…..”

“YOU TOOK HER FROM ME!” He snarls and energy ripples out and causes the Dark Lantern and Stone worker pain. “First her heart then her life! That alone means you must die time traveler!” More energy that is incredibly hot ripples out and slams into the two of them. Blood bursts from the nose, mouth and ears of the dwarf. Play clutches his head as the blood boils within his body causing incredible pain. The dwarf drops as if dead and Play can only scream.

Valis d’Phiarlan pauses over the now dead body of the aberrant marked woman. There is great power here. The kind he has not felt except when facing Dragons or the Daelkyr. The elven assassin and spy pinches a blue pearl earing. In elven he whispers- “Pull back. Something is wrong here. Do not alert Cannith or the others.” A vow long ago made against an evil constructor of golems with interest in things dark will come true tonight. Hextor will die along with his creations.

“Can you feel it? The pulsing of Eberron?” Asks Halas as the earth begins to crack and steam rises then an eerie red glow. “With the power this artifact is giving me I can control even Khyber’s power!”

“You’re losing it.” Spits out Play. He tastes blood in his mouth. He looks to Mason whom doesn’t move. He may be dead. “Now you have killed Mason. YOU. You killed a fellow aberrant marked brother.”

“Do not try to trick me. I have the power here- not you.” He declares. “All it will take is one more strike on this rock and will see what lies within. It has power. I can feel it. Combined with the rod and I will become unstoppable.”

He looks at Play and smiles. He slowly reaches back. The energy seems to draw into the rod- ready to be unleashed. He swings and there is an explosion of energy.

“This looks like his work.” Says Calli as she inspects the destroyed stone work door.

“We have to hurry. The time is near. Halas d’Tarkanan is about to destroy this city and give birth to what will become Sharn.” Says Glyder with a weak voice. The gnome is a pacifist. This running around dodging or fighting BOTH true blooded and Aberrant marked panicked people is hard on him. “We need to go down to the manifest zone.”

The dust clears. Halas was knocked to one knee but remains active. A twisted and insane smile remains on his face until he looks to what is before him. The rock was but a shell. Within it is a somewhat round Adamantine globe. It floats in the air still.

Play rolls over. Dust shifts over Mason’s face. He is alive but very weak. He looks at Halas and the new object before him. He suspects what is within the ball of strong metal.

“I suspect that with the blood of Khyber I can melt that metal to reveal what is inside!” exclaims the now power crazed leader of the Tarkanan family.

Halas reaches with his rod and the rubble shifts and burns away as molten material begins to rise like a snake.

“I never imagined he would have this much power.” Says Play to no one but himself. He feels totally powerless.

“Hurry! The power of Halas is building and I can feel the next jump coming.” Says the time traveler. Glyder and Calli try to hurry down stairs built by the goblinoid nation thousands of years ago. As gnomes, they must jump or hop more than run down. They have nearly tripped several times.

The stairs and walls suddenly tremble. “What was that?!? Calls out Calli.

“Halas is beginning to use the rod. He is about to open a portal that was encased within magical adamantine by dragons thousands of years ago. If he cracks it open- Shaarat the city will be destroyed. Combined with what he is doing to the lava flows below……” it is understood what he means- they will all die.

The heat is incredible as they near the bottom of the stairs. Red eerie light forces it way through the darkness of the underground. As they reach it they see Play and a dwarf. The dwarf lies still as Play seems to be in agony. Carefully the two gnomes peer out of the exit and see a dark robed man holding a rod. He is encased within a sphere of crackling red energy. A limb of pure unnaturally hot lava reaches up and probes a dark metal large globe that floats above the cracked ground.

“John.” Hisses Glyder. “John!”

Either he doesn’t hear him or he is too caught up in the moment.

“PLAY!” declares Calli with a magical voice that reaches Play’s hurting mind.

“Glyder! You Bastard! You left me here years ago. During the height of the damned War of the Mark!”

“Yes I know and I am deeply sorry. But we must go now.” And he reaches out with a shaky hand.

“But Halas is about to destroy everything!”

“Time can be tweaked but not changed. This needs to happen so that Sharn may be born. With the birth of Sharn comes the birth of Breland. Without Breland, the world would be a darker place.”

Play turns to him to either question his logic or his sanity but the gnome touches him while holding Calli’s hand.

The three of them disappear into time.


BARRAKAS 21 -1484 Pre Galifar time

“NO!” Screams out the frustrated aberrant leader. He watches as two unfamiliar gnomes, one a Sivis member, reaches into the room and touches a defeated John Play. In a pulse of energy and small disturbance in the dust the three of them disappear.

“I don’t know how yet- but I will have my revenge.” And he turns to his work and concentrates on the metal globe again.

Ripples appear on the surface as he begins to melt the adamantine cocoon. He doesn’t even see it but debris is beginning to shift, not from tremors but from a shift in gravity. He begins to rise as drops of molten metal fall off and drip. The drips are frozen in the air and begins to cool into pellets.

“Need more power…..” Halas concentrates and his dragonmark begins to pulse with new life. At times it seems to lift from his skin. “….more…. power…..”

“Halas…. What are you doing?!? You will destroy us all!” calls a familiar voice behind him. Without turning to look he addresses the new occupant.

“Carla….. come to see your love? He has abandoned you.”

“I came to warn you about the attacks. This is not the way. Please…. Stop it.” Carla d’Vadalis pleads.

“I am about to discover what is within this…. Stone…. Metal prison.” He says through gritted teeth.

“Play was right- you are mad.” She begins to advance into the room. Halas looks at her and sees what a mess she is. One arm seems broken. She is covered in blood, sludge and pieces of debris. One eye is swollen shut. She is missing a tooth. Her hair is matted down with blood. If it was from the fall, the Houses or both Halas no longer cares.

“PLAY!” He screams and the energy pulses wildly causing the metal to bubble and lose its shape even quicker. He gives her one more look and energy shoots out and slams into her. Wounds reopen and blood flows from dozens of places. “He did this! He took you from me. The Houses took my children but he took you.” The molten globe begins to turn slowly. Unseen by him, the ground glows and begins to puddle also. Lava’s glow shines from below. Just in check. Barely.

“That…. Damned …. Artifact….. it is driving you mad…….” Mumbles Carla as she tries to stand up right. Her boots smolder as she takes a shaky step forward. “It is …. Consuming your mind…..”

He floats freely into the air along with debris. Carla’s last step puts her into the air slowly floating towards him just before her collapsed. Mason’s body rises and begins to turn to the right….. as does everything within the chamber.

“It is power absolute! I will rule ALL the houses! Our brothers and sisters will know freedom!” He declares. I will have the power! You will return to me….”

“NO!” she says so sharply that he looks a bit stunned despite the power flowing about him as a maelstrom begins of energy, stone, metal, lava and a lone dwarf. “I was never yours! I loved you but not like that. You were my father. As your daughter I must ask you to stop before you destroy everything.” Memories of Play’s descriptions of the end of the city and war come to her mind. This is the moment.

She suddenly reaches out with her good arm and grasps the rod also. “You are like a mad dog Halas. You need to be topped…. Need to be put down. I love you……” and she calls onto her power. Vermin appears from the entrance, flaming vermin appear from cracks in the walls and floor. They are air born also- caught in the pull of the storm.

“You think you can take my power?” Halas becomes incensed with anger. “Do you have the will?”

“And then some.”

Everything seems to happen in slow motion. Energy flares as the power of the rod magnifies each of their powers. Lava begins to erupt from the shattered floor. Insects, natural and unnatural, appear. The globe trembles as the thinned walls begin to give. Halas reaches out with his free arm. He tries to push her away but scores of insects grasp and bite it. Their venom is like fire within his blood.

“AAAAARRRGH! How dare you use your mark against a fellow Tarkanan…. Against me!” Furious beyond reason…. He now reaches into his body to fully activate his mark.

Everything goes white…. The sound so loud it cannot be heard. Then it goes grey. Unnoticed by him, Mason had floated and spun near to him. The dwarf reaches out and touches Halas…. Releasing his own aberrant dragon mark. Halas is being turned to stone.

BARRAKAS 25 -1484 Pre Galifar time

“Report.” Demands Sult d’Deneith.

“Our men- all six divisions are dead or missing. The three sergeants are missing. Cannith is like wise devastated. Hextor and Fearloss are missing. All the mages are gone. We never even found an elven body so it is unclear what has happened to the Phiarlan family. A few of the Vadalis aquatic group members were found but severely burned from the blast of super heated gases.”

“Halas…. And his people?”

“We found a few bodies on the docks and outer most areas but they were all dead, either from the explosion or from our forces.”

“And the land….?”

“We do not have the arcane or planar skills to say sir.”

“Very well. You are dismissed.” The Deneith Commander looks from the safe distance across the Dagger River. Before is a dusty leveled city. A “U” shaped blast zone from deep in the ground has dug out most of the city of Shaarat. Instead of falling back to the ground…. The debris floats in the air above the ruins. Some larger pieces seem to be hundreds and in two cases thousands of feet up. “May the Six have mercy on our souls…..”

Eyre 20, 954

The Cannith miners have been working long today. Using magic and constructs designed to tunnel they are preparing to build a secret base under Sharn. They break into a pocket of stone half filled with lose stone, rock and debris.

“What by the Maker is this?” Declares the worker.

“Shaavat ruins” answers a co-worker nonchalantly. Seeing the confusion on the digger’s control master, he explains himself. “Word has it that when Halas Tarkanan ,” both of them turn and spit onto the earth, “destroyed the city in one final act of terrorism, some buildings withstood the blast. The forse of the blast filled these foundations with debris instead of it floating into the air to creat the islands above us.”

His co-worker looks at him uncertainly. It sounds so outrageous it may be true. They begin to dig out the foundation until the digger hits something very hard.

“Now what?” Grumbles the worker. They dig by hand to clear the debris and stop in wonder. A stone hand is sticking out of the dirt. It is grasping a rod with many stones on it. Also grasping the rod is a mutated hand, perhaps a celeste or gauntlet.

“Better get the boss.”

Dravago 7, 954

Disney d’Kundarak hurries along to keep with his teacher. He is uncertain why they were sent over night to Sharn. He preferred to travel by rail. Perhaps the war has shifted once more.

Whatever they are here for, it must be important. Suzzan d’Cannith is leading them. She is a top artificer and historian for the family whom has often answered to the Twelve. Word has it, The Twelve was the ones to call for the dwarven House of wards to come immediately.

They enter a cleared pit of lose debris. In the center is a draped cloth covering something about seven feet tall. The house leaders are speaking in quiet tones that Disney cannot make out.

The cloth is removed. “This is the petrified body of Halas. He holds a rod he presumably had used to destroy the Houses that surrounded him and the city.” The Cannith historian offers. “We are uncertain of the strange hand that also grasps the rod. It seems strangely insect like.

“So much for the rumors he caused the destruction of Cyre. What do you want of me? To free him from the stone?” grumbles the dwarf.

“By the Six- NO!” she exclaims. “He would destroy Sharn or another city.” She is visibly shaken by the thought. “We need him protected at all costs just to avoid that.”

The dwarf waits impatiently.

“Your family will be in charge of him and get him at Dreadhold.”


Wroat, Breland- Barrakas 10, 999

The homeless man sits quietly in the alley avoiding the late afternoon rain. A stray cat purrs as he pats it, stroking its back and ruffling its ears and neck. He used to own three cats when he worked for the merchant house. He is slowly becoming lost in nostalgia when there is a ripple in the air and a small pop followed by grunts and angry voices.

The cat springs away and hisses from the end of the alley. The homeless man looks at his lost new friend then turns to the cause. Two gnomes lie on the body of a man dressed in black leather and wearing a face mask. He is coughing badly. He demands the gnomes to get off of him and he rolls over. He spits out blood and looks like he is dying.

The gnomes confirm it.

“He needs a healer. Jorasco would be best.” Says the female gnome.

“Lets first find out when and where we are. I have another potion you can give him while I scout around.” The male gnome with dreadlocks smiles. He gives the female a potion and a soft gentle kiss on the cheek before disappearing down the other end of the alley. She grumbles something about hoping a “Play” will appreciate this as she cradles his head and carefully feeds him the potion. It is then she spots the witness. “oh- hello.”

“Where did you come from?” he stampers as he sits more upright against the wall of the alley. He is ready to bolt much like his cat friend.

“Sharn. Where are we?”

The man is reluctant to speak but then sees her House Sivis Dragonmark. “Wroat ma’am. We are in Wroat.”

“And when?”

The man now looks at her like she is crazed. He scrambles onto his feet and flees the alley.

“There are better ways.” Offers Glyder as he walks up behind her. She turns and sees he has bought a newspaper. “Summer of 999. Based on the shop signs I would guess Wroat. How is our patient?”

“I hate you guys” mumbles Play

Calli pushes his head off of her lap and it thuds on the dirt creating a grunt and moan. “sadly…. He will live.”


Sharn, Breland- Barrakas 11, 999

“It seems like just yesterday Sharn was destroyed.” Says Play as the boat reaches the docks of Sharn.

“Correction- The birth of Sharn. It was Shaavat that was destroyed.” Calli is quick to correct.

Play rolls his rolls and shakes his head in defeat. “So why are we here this time. And I do mean ‘time’.”

“I’m not sure. Not every time jump has a special meaning. Or at least one I am aware of.”

“Great. Now what happens if I bump into myself? Does the entire universe as we know it self destruct? Do we merge into one nasty looking glob of awesomeness?”

“Headaches.” Answers Calli looking at Glyder.

“Meaning….?” Begins Play.

“We traveled through time for twenty years before we ended up back in Shaavat to pick you up. In that time I met myself. I drank and drank heavily.”

“So you changed time?”

“No. I vaguely remember it. It was in 996. It unsettled me so much I got smashed and lost something to a less than handsome gnome named Quiver. Now that brings back memories.” She lets it quietly end as she thinks about her life. It is hard to believe what she has done to set time on its correct route. She hopes their son will do well in Zilargo about 3600 years in the past. To think, her child was the very first Dragonmarked in the world…..

An hour passes as they slowly wander through the city enjoying a nice day with no one hunting them down or trying to capture and study their powers. “I hope I didn’t change the locks….” Offers Play as he enters the tower where he lives. As he enters the lift, a man selling bread notes his arrival. Soon the Citadel will know John Play is back home. He has been missing for a long time and presumed dead.

Play gets off the lift with the two gnomes at the top floor for apartments. The upper floors are owned by House Jorasco and used for treating Breland’s war veterans. Not all wounds can be healed with a touch or potion.

The door opens and Play smiles. He is home. It is obvious he has not been home in a long time however. Fruit has rotted to a hard wrinkled prune. Light dust has settled on some items while the clean spell kept others free of settlements.

“Make yourselves comfy.”

Sharn, Breland- Barrakas 14, 999

After several days of rest and more healing potions Play feels much better. His ears no longer ring and when he sneezes it is not bloody. The thought of it saddens him. Mason, Carla….. even Halas…. Such a waste. Play looks at body. The bruises are mostly gone. The aberrant mark remains.

Mother…… she is alive and he still wants to find her even after all of these years in Shaavat. Life has not been easy for him. Sometimes he wonders why he doesn’t have a bed upstairs with men whom have lost their minds or worse- identity through their service with the Breland military.

Looking about he spots something on the shelf he had forgotten about. A personal note for Kim Elderich’s daughter.

“I’m going out for some air.” Play says as he walks by the two gnomes. Calli is reading a book from his personal library. She was surprised how educated he is…. Or at least pretends to be. Glyder was either snoozing or meditating. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.

Play takes a skycoach to the tower where the Elderich family have a small mansion. He hopes she is in. He has not seen Dura is years (literally) and wanders what she is up to. He always thought she had that same mischievous mindset her grandfather has. There are no servants. The gardens in the front gate look neglected. But he spots someone in the window. Someone taller than a dwarf.

Sliding a Tonfa to his hand he goes to the door. He knocks and the door is answered shortly. Play is not prepared for what he sees. The door is answered by a human woman that is over six feet tall and very strong looking. Her square jaw suggests Eldeen heritage. “Is Dura ir’Elderich in?”

“and you are?” Demands the woman.

Play spots a strange looking warforged behind her. Gems are embedded in his shoulders and arms. “Play, John Play. A family friend.”


Sharn, Breland- Barrakas 15, 999

“I love Sharn and its protectors. Don’t get me wrong but I do love them.” Says John Play as he collects some meats, cheese and bread from the dinner table.

“But….” Asks Calli.

“But…. Whatever do you mean?” Play sniffs a spread she made for their lunch.

Glyder quickly makes his sandwich and ducks out of this conversation.

“You are the most insufferable sarcastic ass I have ever known. That is what. Just say it- we are being watched by the government. I have seen them also.” Grumbles Calli as she puts extra meat on her bread.

“I do live in a government owned tower. Its expected.”

“Not when the guards have tripled since we arrived and there to be a lot of need for flowers and other sale items by unusually fit and alert salespeople.

“John- It doesn’t take a time traveler to know you have a strange on-off relationship with the Lanterns. Maybe you should report in. Settle it.” Says Glyder whom quickly stuffs some bread into his mouth so that he cannot possibly add anything to his statement if asked.

“I don’t know…..”

“What is there to know?”

“So you suggest I march into the Citadel, go to the head of Sharn operations, and when he asks what I have been up to say “Fighting large black lizardfolk and spent several years in the War….. War of the Mark that is.”

Calli looks down to her feet. “Yeah….. sounds crazy…. Even for you.”

“Besides- would you want the Lanterns to know about Glyder’s gifts with time travel?”

“OKAY! You have made your point.” She spits out abruptly. The reporter in her wants to do something still.

“That said….. there is someone in the Lanterns I want to talk to. But I have to do it alone.”


“He rarely leaves the Citadel. He is their primary equipment guy. His name is Cue. Awesome half-orc artificer with a talent for potions.”

The gnomes agree to wait outside as Play goes to visit his friend. An hour passes before Play comes back. He is now carrying a bag that appears very full and heavy.

“Good visit?” asks Glyder.

“Very.” Says Play while shifting the weight of the pack on his shoulder. “The Lanterns of aware I’m back and that involves two Gnomes. Calli has been identified. You have not. It’s great to be home.”

“Is that all you spoke of?” asks Glyder in some surprise.

“No. Seems there is an increase of undead activity in the sewer. Lucian is investigating it.”

“Not your problem” suggests Calli.

“One of them is a vampire that resembles a woman I killed. She is asking about me by name.” Says Play frowning. “So it is my problem.”

Sharn, Breland- Barrakas 16, 999

John has just placed all of his assorted potions into his set hiding places after restocking his travel bag. He thinks long and hard about finding his mother and how is it Whitesnake yet survives. He gets up and goes to toss the empty bag onto his bed when he notes a weight within the bag. Turning it around and over he tries to find the weight. It is something within a secret pocket inside the bag near the bottom. Before he can further investigate he hears Glyder call out from the living room.

He grabs his travel bag and weapons. Glyder said this could happen. He has little control over the time jumps. When it is time he can feel it. So Play had to be ready to travel at a moments notice. He runs out into the room and Glyder and Calli are there holding hands. Glyder reaches out to him- “It’s time.”


Eldeen- thousands of years ago-

Explosions of raw magical energy erupt within the dense forest. Creatures of all sizes hiss and snarl at the attack from above the trees. A dark shadow is seen swooping over again and another bombardment of energy.

“It is clearing a point to land !” calls out a creature with snakes on its face. Others begin to scatter into the forest as the dragon forces burnt trees to collapse.

The huge red dragon flaps its wings causing the Bearded Devils to scamper or tumble into the woods. It reaches out with a strong and powerful talon and speaks one word in a strong language and sheets of ice burst between trees cutting off the escape route for the infernal creatures. The dragon then chomps down on a fleeing devil and chews it up before spitting it out onto two other trapped devils. “This war needs to end little imps.” Declares the dragon in draconic.

“By the Six! What have you landed us in Glyder!” curses Play.

“The war between the fiends and dragons it appears.”

Play glares at him. “You need to control that power of yours…. And fast. We have no way of fighting this battle.”

“Sometimes I appear somewhere just to observe so that I can understand things better at a jump not yet made.”

Calli curses now as flaming earth blasts over their heads. “Play may be right this time. We can’t stay here.”

The three of them crawl to their left trying to avoid detection and being caught in the battle. The ground trembles as the huge red dragon lands once more with a few devils under its weight. As scaly snake bearded devils charge from the shadows the dragon flaps its wings stopping their charge. A few come from behind the dragon. Its great tail whips about like an annoyed house cat and sweeps them away painfully.

There are several toppled trees creating a barricade. The three time displaced adventurers go there for protection and concealment. Play leaps onto the fallen tree and as he begins to step off notices they are not the first to come here. Three Bearded Devils are also taking cover here.

The surprised fiends exclaim in their harsh language something Play cannot understand. The two gnomes cannot vault over the tree trunks so they go wide away from the sounds of death and destruction. Three deadly looking halberds are leveled at Play and one creature continues to speak / snarl at him.

Play has not realized that they have never seen a human before thus he could be a threat- a new draconic weapon to use against them. “Point those elsewhere!” declares Play as he quickly thinks of a few ways to attack if necessary. They snarl in unison and poke in his general direction. “Fine.” Declares Play. Even as Glyder (whom speaks the fiendish language) calls to Play to not move, he attacks. The three halberds rise to intercept the Dark Lantern but he weaves through them and solidly strikes a fiend with his magical Tonfa (crit!). The gnomes are stunned. They hoped not to fight within a demon vs dragons war.

Spitting black blood and a once sharp tooth out, the leader motions to attack. Play dodges all but one blow. It burns as it embeds itself into a thigh. In response Play targets the noisiest of the fiends in hopes it is a leader barking orders and takes him down with two more strikes that hit as his other swings are blocked by the halberd. Glyder tries in to calm the fiends down using their language but it is too late. Calli pulls a predetermined scroll out of her vest and prepares to use it. Calli reads her scroll and a wind and snow seem to swirl up behind her and she reaches out and a blast of ice aimed to the side of the battle comes from her hand that is outstretched. The ground crackles from the cold and the bearded devil screams then falls – frozen inside and out.

The remaining wounded fiend sees this an knows- he backs up defensively then sprints into the dark woods.

Play lets it go to complain. “I had that demon!”

“Correction- it was a devil and just out of curiosity- do those two cuts burn?” grumbles Calli right back at him.

“Ah… yeah and bleeding really good. ….and a fiend is a fiend.” Plays attempts a feeble defense of his lack of knowledge of the creatures.

“Okay- what is done is done. We have this shelter, lets use it. Calli if you could….” And he motions to Play whom has received not one but two infernal wounds. The weapons are designed to rip up flesh so they bleed constantly and have a hint of infernal magic to make them resistant to healing.

Shortly they are still recovering and Gylder is recalling everything he can from his past visits to this time and research they are startled. The sound of combat comes closer and a burst of fire goes over their heads and shelter.



Eldeen- thousands of years ago-

The ground shudders as something lands close to their fallen tree shelter. It snorts and small flames roll out over the shelter once more. In draconic it snarls out- “what do I smell? This is no fiend….” Play barely understands the dragon and Calli is clueless. Glyder whispers to Play and Calli-

“This is a time where we don’t exist. There are dragons and fiends and only these two.”

“”Huh?!? Nooooo way. You can travel thousands of years?!?” exclaims Play in common.

A sudden explosion of bark and wood chips erupt as the dragon’s tail slams down onto the tree. It lifts it up and peers down like a survivalist looking for unknown food.

“What manner of fiend are these?!?” The dragon declares as it easily tosses aside the tree. “I sense magics on you…. And…..”

The dragon turns away quickly and circles around in a semi-circle. It is fiercely alert and obviously prepared for an attack… from the surrounding woods.

“If something startles it- can’t be good for us-“ Comments Play as he looks to the woods also. He spots several tall slender fiends with long horns and swords charging them. Their hooved feet lit the dry grass on fire as they rush forward. (think Brimolaks but stronger before de-evolution from dragon-fiend war) Another fiend teleports in from the opposite side and together they strike the dragon. As the dragon snarls and growls in pain it grasps its necklace of a blue swirled orb and mentally commands it.

“Uh-oh- time to leave guys.” Says Calli as she looks up and sees swirling dark clouds that glow from the inside as lightning grows within it. A sudden wind burst twists and uplifts smaller trees. One demon tumbles with the debris. Play grabs a root and hangs on but the two gnomes are blown away without a word or a scream.

The remaining fiends attack savagely, especially the teleporter whom stands on the dragons shoulders. Seeing the storm is coming too late to protect it, the dragon attempts to flee. This opportunity is all that was needed for the fiends to finish it off. A pain and angry howl comes from the dragon as it collapses. The winds begin to calm.

The leader stares at Play but speaks to his soldiers- “Gather any magics it has on it. Especially that orb.”

It more hopes than walks as it moves closer to Play. “What manner of draconic creation are you?”

Play, not knowing the language, shrugs and in common says- “How do you do?”

It holds the great sword up and glares at Play.


Something is forcibly entering Play’s mind and tearing into his memories.

Spitting a smoking spark to the ground, the leader nods his head. “Curious….. very curious.”

Play is dizzy from the incursion into his mind. All he can take from the encounter is the name- Dire Tongue.


Eldeen- thousands of years ago-

The three time travelers are under armed guards and placed in a sot filled pit. Though bruised and battered, the gnomes survived the wind burst and were easily taken by the fiends once the dragon and its ushered in storm died.

Neither Calli nor Play can speak fiendish Play suspects Glyder can. He notes how Glyder concentrates on the activity above- listening in on their conversations.

“Well?” asks Play. “What is going on?”

“They don’t know what to make of us. We are unlike anything they have seen before. Some feel we need to be destroyed immediately while others want to dissect us…. While alive. The one that took us in wants to know more about us first.”

“I don’t suppose you feel the need to get us of here back to our time yet?”

“No. I don’t see us doing much but observing with this jump.”

Calli remains quiet as stares at Play in quiet unhappiness.

“So- what is keeping us from running away?”

“Hundreds – if not thousands- of demons that know this area and time you idiot. For being so smart you talk a lot of garbage.” Snarls Calli.

Play looks at the gnomes. Calli especially. “You don’t like me do you?”

“Why should I?!? You are self-centered, irrational, impulsive and at times rude.”

“You left out my better qualities.” He says with a heart lighting smile. (lost under his mask)

“Quiet! Something is happening.” Declares Glyder. A rope made of course hair is thrown down into the pit. One by one they climb up and find themselves surrounded by what Glyder believes are the ancestors of the Vrock. Instead of feathered wings, they are batlike and the head is shaped differently.

They are brought to a tent made of recently fallen trees and brush. Several fiends stand watch at the opening. Inside, it is bare except for a torn and threaded rug, several large pillows, a tray of raw meats and some fruits on the edge of a table. On the table is a large map with several tomes. Reading these are Dire Tongue and a large snake-like woman, the ancient ancestor of a Marilith possibly.

Dire Tongue motions to sit and have food. The raw meat cannot be identified (though they are happy it cannot be human) and the fruit is aged and beginning to rot. If by age, neglect or the fiend’s very presence is not clear. Having not sat yet, Dire Tongue, in the fiendish language, requests it. Glyder nods to sit down.

“I am uncertain if you understand my position strangers. My people believe you either very dangerous or below our need to recognize. Food is a common thought with the toad men. I am more curious about what you are and how you came to be here.”

Glyder gives a quick recount of what was said to Play and Calli.

Glyder clears his throat and tries to respond. The language of the fiends is difficult for him to use. “We come far away and are lost. We wish you no harm.”

“Wish me no harm….. we have heard these very words before…. Centuries ago when the dragons first came to us as we reached the surface and began to settle.”

Glyder translates. Play listens but is checking out the weapons of everyone here and possible exits. Calli watches and listens as a Sivis gnome would.

“I believe the first dragon to venture to here was known as Drasslacktear. It was a very large dragon that was more heavily armored than his brothers- the chromatic and metallic. We called him an Iron Dragon based on the look and color of it and some of the metal allots we had long ago mastered under Eberron’s surface. But I degress…..”

With a nod, the reptilian creature slithers away leaving them alone. Glyder translates as much as he can while they wait for it to exit completely.

“The subject on hand is you. Do you understand this?”

Again Glyder speaks again. “We have no contracts with the dragons or your …. Peoples. We are looking merely to get home once more.”

“Home. Where do you call home?”

“That is complicated.”

“Oh? Enlighten me.” Declares the fiend as it pours something red into a cup.

As Glyder fumbles with his words carefully, Play decides to try something. He is wearing his psionically powered gloves. Mentally he reaches out to his hand… then his fingers to learn. Dark swirls of color move about within his mind. Images begin. He sees the two fiends talking there. He sees they are arguing and point outside of the tent. The language breaks up some but not completely. Play hears words of threats, dragons and magic. He hears of slaughter and freedom. Then he loses it as Glyder demands his attention.

“John! Stop. You are disrespecting him doing whatever you are doing.”


“The sword. It knows what you are trying to do. I not a bloody mage and I can see it is a powerful artifact. He asked me what you were trying to learn using your gloves.”

“What has…. How…. How to communicate better.” Play says quickly moving his hands away from the pillows and onto his lap.

“Keep in mind- Magic is the weapon of the dragon. Psionics are the growing power of the fiends. Don’t use either.”

Suddenly the fiend is alarmed. His large bastard sword begins to glow. “Dragons!”

“oh crap” says Glyder.

Voidrunner's Codex

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