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DDAL Jasper runs Tomb of Annihilation. season 7


Rotten DM
TOA Session 15
XP Grand Total 65,710 /4 = 16,428
Downtime 15
Renown 1
Treasure 20,000 / 4 = 5,000 GP. 6 Players avg
Pc deaths 12
Pc souls 4
Monsters killed 274 grand totals.
Day 7

Ok my watch die a 7:17 PM and so did my brain. I had 4 out 6 tpk which I had to take back. I was up to 2 Am this morning walking back. 2 people wanted their pc to stay dead and the totals reflect that.

My mistakes.

Not using the modified spell list consistently all thru the chapter 5. I would forget. Also not warning the occasional drop in about it.
I made the person casting banishment be teleport to 57. Instead I should just had him waste the spell.
Not making clear at the beginning the group were here to destroy the soul chamber.
There were other minor ones. But those were the 3 major mess ups.
We started the big baby battle around 8:20 PM. With one hag in the big E. We ended around 10:45 with 4 party members and two in area 57. So highlights. The bard got zeroed and dropped in lava. I then asked her to join my side. So I had a bard specter for a while. Once the group killed the specter the player took over the hag.

I play Mr A mean. Even did take backs. One player said even smart made mistakes. I said no. And did a few take backs. I do need to work on my spell knowledge

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Rotten DM
Saturday 07-09 Unusual Opposition.
Pc dead 12 Monsters Killed 278 total.
Ok this is known as the rocs and turtle in my shop. Mainly because one very strong group had trouble with it.
Evil DM notes. TRACK RATIONS. One main point of this module seems to be travel time and exhaustion. I had only 3 people and very weak group. And I only hit the pcs maybe 3 times. I won initiative once. So the dice hated me.
I missed the seasickness conditions. Use those. Drinking the bad coffee and fighting the result was interesting but with a very weak party, it is a coffee cake walk if the dice roll in favor of the group.
The final boss is a pushover if the dm (me) gets stupid and puts baby in the corner. And the dice hated me.
Overall I think this would be a good module for an average group. But it breaks down at either end.


Rotten DM
Friday Sep 7 DDal07-04 Fathomless Pits of Ill Intent
Pc dead 13 Monsters Killed 280 total.
Ap 4 Treasure pts 8 Renown 1 Downtime 10
I had only 3 players and a very weak group. Plus one of the players had ran thru the game so he took a back seat to the riddles. This is trap heavy with only 2 combats. I also missed only clue before the beholder and just gave them the riddle after the fact. Opps.
The group never really entered the up and down room. Use of Knock and other things got them around this room especially the Immovable rod. The beholder room is were I killed a pc. Two people stayed in the anti-magic cone. The third got hit with 3 rays. Charm, Sleep, and death. Sinn failed all 3 rolls and becomes the 42 kill since I started DMing 5E. Number 13 for TOA.

The boss battle was okay. The group spread out and took out the one monster with 2 fireballs and hurt the boss. The Lich sphere could only target 1 person who use feats, divination, and good roles to save most of the time.

This ends my running of Season 7.

Questions and comments welcomed.


Rotten DM
DDAL07-10 Session

Fire, Ash, and Burn

Day 1 to Day 3

PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 30 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 0

Begin Time 6:33 End Time 10:27

Take A Level. 10 Downtime Days. 2,000 GP

Magic Items +3 Pike Potion of Fire Resistance

I had a strong group of seven. Charlotte Bard 7 Barbarian 4 half elf. Droo Barbarian 12 Human. Rhodes Evocation Wizard 12 Tiefling. Indmu Evocation Wizard 11 High elf. Snapper Rune Knight 11 Small Tortle. Dustfinger Artificer 6 Wizard 5 human. Sive Ranger 12 Fighter 2 Wood Elf.

Chult and the world has been saved from the death curse and various fractions are meddling in the affairs of the continent. The Harpers grab Chalotte off the street and give her the mission to go to the Pit of Despair um Krahharu and take out any evil Yuan-ti who maybe summoning demons. Snapper Gauntlet foes um rivals, um friends’ hands him a bottle of lotion to seal the wound of the demon gate. No one answered the call of the Lord’s Alliance.

It takes two days to get the Ash lands and the weather and air has turn foul. Due to the fact they are down wind of an active volcano. The Non snackage make contact with the mother Cyndreth who baby Vastonash was taken by the Yuan-ti while she was watching her soaps. She will never learn if Gillian and Mary Ann were going to hook up. After some evil persuasion Rhodes gets her to take them to the danger zone. Well at least a half mile to the old house of K. She can’t get closer until they bring the wards down.

Siv finds the old sewer entrance which allows them to come out at the out house just feet from the back door. Kicking in the back door everything is peaceful, and quiet like.

Indmu, “Shut DM. Only Charlotte and me were unaffected by that slow spell from the stoned fire giants.” After a brief fight the group kicks in the patio door to atrium.

Siv, “Hey Cool Skylight I wonder who manufactured it.”

Rhodes, “Looks like the Shadow Corp. And quit singing me and my shadow.”

Siv, “I am not singing!”

Rhodes, “I not singing! Who would be singing forty feet above the floor?”

Droo, “Why does your shadow move?” Two rounds and two shadow demons later the group decides to take nap before pushing on the green house. The Greenhouse has and nice fountain and equally unnice Firenewts and Barlugras.

After a good fight Droo shoves the fountain over the group descend into a wild magic area. All spells except cantrips could trigger a wild magic surge. And magical darkness….


DM, “will not allow darkvision. Only Droo has an item which push back some if. If you are not with two positions of her, you have a chance of getting lost.”

As the group comes off the stairs and goes one way, Siv is distracted by the smell of barbecue. Dustfinger kicks open a door and finds old man Granpa yelling at the group to get out his lair. Meanwhile Siv finds the cook. Eight maw demons look at him and lick their lips. He freaks out and spiderman up the wall they cooks form a food pyramid to scrape him off the wall.

Dustfinger charges Old Man Grandpa and tell him to yell at crowds. Droo, Snapper, and Charlotte run back toward the sounds of fighting. Rhodes runs towards the echo of fighting. Indmu follows Dustfinger.

Dustfinger, “I don’t cut grass Grandpa!”

Old Man Grandpa, “Do you rake leaves?”

Dustfinger, “It is not the fall.”

Old Man Grandpa, “Yes, it is. Devo says crack that whip.” He flies over the pit and yanks Dustfinger off the bridge, then belly bucks him, punches him into the space and release him to fall into the pit. Seeing Indmu has just flip him off he flies toward Indmu who runs away into the darkness.

The group finally arrive at the cook out and kill the cooks.

Rhodes finds a nice pool and takes a nice summer nap in the pool and starts snoring loudly. Having lost Grandpa Indmu lighting bolts the evil demon sound to the right which wakes Rhodes up briefly. And he slips under the pool.

Dustfinger is dusted by Old Man Grandpa.

The rest of party follow the sound of no snoring and finds the mostly dead body of Rhodes. But one healing potion and a nap takes care him.

The group wonders around Grandpa’s dungeon until finding their way back to him. The second battle of the old folk begins. Siv plays yo-yo with the pit bottom as the group find out it has an automatic return port to the bridge. With some minor, okay slightly major damage. Two rounds after Siv dies, Old Man Grandpa kicks the bucket which brings down the wards. They find the baby dragon watching soaps. She is upset that she will never know if Speed Racer wins the race.

End of Session 506


Rotten DM
Back after nearly six years. And restarted the kill count. I am planning this year if I am not running a book, to run modules I have bought but not ran.


Rotten DM
DDAL10-11 Session

A Lesson in Love

Or Landward Ho.

Day 3 to Day 18

Pc Killed 2 Monsters Killed 39 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 1

Begin Time 6:40 End Time 9:45

Magic Items Potion of Speed, Potion of Fire Giant Strength, Love’s Bite Nine Lives Stealer.

Take 2,000 gp in silver bars, 10 downtime days, and a level.

I have a very strong group of seven and on co-dm. Charlotte Bard 7 Barbarian 4 Half-Elf Harper Faction. Ferm Warlock 2 Fighter 2 Aberrant Sorcerer 12 Human Emeral Enclave Faction. Droo Barbarian 12 Human drooling Faction. Leucis Rhodes Evocation Wizard Tiefling 12. Beiric 11 Scout Rogue 5 Gloom Stalker Wood Elf. Breeze swashbuckler 16 Drow. Doc Eldritch Knight 4 Paladin 12 Water Genasi Lord’s Alliance.

Charlotte is window shopping for a new axe when she gets the call. An old elf is crashing bardic circles he sings off key and has a missing daughter. Fix the problem.

Ferm is looking for a new spell pouch when she gets the call. A 486 wizard with lost mind.

Doc gets the call about an old man crashing the free drinks at the Lord’s Alliance mini bar.

They grab their friends and bump heads over who will take the case. Charlotte will be lead on this investigation. These are stories of the Land Lubbers.


Day 1. Investigating the Wagon Wheel leads to no clue on Ralph the Wizard. The would-be bar fight between the team and crew of the Lucky Wheel by a good Prestidigitation spell which causes every one to fart loudly.


Day 2 Smelly Ralph was discovered. Smelly Ralph, “My daughter Dalnira was head guard on the ‘Breaker of the Waves. She and the gold shipment disappeared.”

Leucis,” Prestidigitation, Prestidigitation, and again till he smells better. Hey that is my spell focus. Quit chewing on it.”

Ralph, “In my day spell focus could stand a lot of chewing. We could chew on a spell focus for three or four levels before it went bad. About 12 days I was out collecting mushrooms when I saw an adventurer fighting a t-rex. I was able to help him. Only his hand and sword were recoverable. I though I could trade the sword at the Alliance bar. But I noticed it was my kids. How did an adventurer get my kids’ stuff.”

Breeze took the evidence. It was hand with a nice signet, and nine live stealer. The sword was checked into evidence.

Beiric, “The lab confirms it is a right hand. The signet is of a minor noble house in Port Nyanzaru. It belongs to Underbridge. The deceased name was Varg. I think we should check out the crime scene in the jungle. South east of the port.”

Co-Dm, “So you want to go to jungle to try to find the scene of the crime. Why are all you nodding your heads?”


Day 5.

Beiric, “No luck finding the t-rex we will try again tomorrow. Some one start a camp fire.”

DM, “Everyone roll initiative. T-rex show up.”

Droo, “Can we question it?”

Co-DM, “Only from its stomach.”

Charlotte, “Mr. T-Rex do you know you have a loose tooth. In my back.”

Fern, “The investigation of the stomach contents has a few coins and a silver plate belong to the captain’s table of the ‘Breaker of Waves’. No further clues.”

Beiric, “Perhaps I could track to its lair in the morning.”

Breeze, “Talk to hand. Talk to hand. I smack him with the hand.”

DM, “You me your hand.”

Breeze, “No the kid’s hand. See.” She waves the hand at the DMs. “We return to town and see if the Underbridge family knows anything.” (Inspiration rewarded).


Day 7.

Arriving at Underbridge residence in the morning the Maid Marion answers the door.

DM, “Did you put that in?”

Co-DM, “Yes”

DM, “Good job but time check. Okay.”

The Underbridge family raise and breed racing velociraptors. They are ushered into the study. Various paintings of different ships are on the wall. They are super detailed. One is named “Breaker of the Waves”. Mr. Underbridge tells the team his grand father did a painting of each ship he had an ownership in. Breaker was lost on its fifth voyage with a gold shipment. Where is when down is unknown, and locked behind the Ship Merchant files.

Breeze, “Is this your son’s hand. I have to hand to you, you do have a nice hand at art. DM I stick the hand, signet ring and sword underneath his nose.”

DM taking off glasses, “DID you just shove the rotting hand of his son underneath the father’s nose. This is how you going to announce his son is dead.” DM feels a shoulder pat from the Co-DM.

Breeze, “Yes.”

DM, “Give me back my Inspiration.” The blue foam I is returned.

The father is upset. They charm person the dad to calm him down and get no more real clues before they are thrown out.

Doc, “I know a bar and some sailors. We can take the ship and go to sea.”

Co-DM, “Did you say TAKE a ship.”

Doc, “YES.”

DM, “So you are going to take a ship. Just because all three of your minis are pirates. And when you could just hire a ship.”

Doc, “YES.” The DM gives the Co-DM a friendly pad on the shoulder and moves on.


Day 8.

As they get fifteen miles out into the bay and lose sight of land. The sea dragon turtle Aremag shakes them down for 10 GP each.

DM, “End of Part 1. And it now 8 PM. We are going to take a brief break while us DM have a quick conference.” The DMs decide to cut most of part 2.


Day 13.

Arriving on site of the wreck the team decides to use water breathing to dive on the wreck and look at the spell casters to provide the spell. Ferm and Lucia don’t have any.

Co-DM, “We say you had plenty of time to buy scrolls at the Port. How much are they?”

DM, “Grab my spell cost list and just pass it down. Mark the cost out your personal gold.” To the Co-DM, “We move this encounter to here, grab the minis.”

Swimming down to poop deck of the ship they encounter five merfolk about to enter the wreck, the party gets into diplomacy mode and only one hand joke is made which gives inspiration. Open the captain’s cabin brain leeches swarm out.

Group, “Shatter, Shatter, would fireball work.” The combat is nearly over in the first round even before the swarm of brain leeches could attack, but the first of the shatter spells blow up the rowing deck. The second shatter spells blow open the crew deck. By the end of the second round no monster remains and they loot three decks.

Hearing movement in the hold they suddenly go caution mode and send the wizard ahead. Opening the final door, a swarm of brain leeches attack and successfully hit. Implanting a BG3 type leech into Leuci’s brain. A warning voice is heard. And paid attention to.

Captain Jafray, “A hundred years ago the sea dragon turtle Aremag fell in unnatural love with my bodyguard. He attack the ship sinking and took her. I will trade you my two potions for the remain five bottles. Breeze that is my wine. Do you know how hard it is to get good wine under the sea. Fine. I will trade you two potions for the remaining four bottles of wine.”

The group decides to return to port with a brief stop in the bay.


Day 18.

The Dragon Turtle arises behind the stern of the ship. Mass confusion reigns.

DM, “Okay people five minutes. Call me. Co-DM watch them and listen.” Five minutes later. “why is the co-dm shivering under the table. Here DM. Here DM. I got a meat stick for you.”

Detect thoughts, locate object, and other spells are casted. With dragon turtle a thousand feet out, it does not notice.

Aremag, “Dalnira was cute. She was really cute. And strong I saw her kill thirty pirates at one time. So naturally I had to get her to guard my lair. I just had to kill nine of the sailors to convince her to go with me. She is fine.” The team discusses this, at the fact some of the spells are not working to their behalf.

Suddenly, Leucis, “I will swap places with her.” The Table looks at the mage.

DM, “Give me a minute. Co-DM, see the module had planned for them talking and deception but not this. Should we accept and roll. What do you think?”

Co-DM, “Go with it.”

The sea dragon builds an air bubble nest for the wizard who swap places with the NPC. Three days after the NPC is rescued the wizard flips off the dragon and fireballs his brain.

DM, “You don’t have to do that.”

Leucis, “No I good. I just tired of this pc and going to really get rid of it.”

DM, “Okay. Well the rest of you make back to port. Breeze is not happy the hand has finally rotten away in her pocket. And here is the loot. See you next week.”

The End.

DM Notes. Thanks, Co-DM, for bring your copy of monster manual. I still have not figure out why my laptop would not connect to the net. Read the full module and look at the changes we and the actions of the party made to it.

End of Session 508


Rotten DM
DDAL07-12 Session

In Search of secrets.

Day 18 to Day 48

Pc Killed 2 Monsters Killed 46 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 1

Begin Time 6:31 End Time 9:01

Story Awards Nightmare Warrior. Characters who go through the void and deal with facing their fears become more resistant to attacks against their dreams and fears in the future. Once per session advantage vs. frighten conditions.

Magic Item Staff of Striking

Take a level, 10 downtime days, 4,000 GP

I had a very strong group of eight. Charlotte Bard 7 Barbarian 4 Half-Elf Harper Faction. Droo Barbarian 12 Human. Vlad warlock 12 Tiefling. Swiftfeet Circle of the Land Druid 16. Sara Swashbuckler 12, Gloom Stalker Easter Bunny. Soba Samurai 16 Tiefling. Thorn Cleric 11 Dragonborn. Fern Fiend warlock 6, Fighter 2, Aberrant sorcerer the rest.

Being in search of adventure the group takes on the job offered by Van’Sheran. He has a treasure finding rock shard which had a miscast locate object on it. Now it pointing to the location of the original rock. It is deep within Chult and guard by Yuan-ti. The Yuan-ti are also restarting their worship on Dendar. A not nice god. The Emerald Enclave want a dead snake heart which had eaten an adventurer with another part of shard. They are told it was going to be a cake walk to the source.

It was. Only took thirty days. Arriving at near the location, Swiftfeet casts locate object looking for a snake heart. It is near but underneath the Yuan-ti encampment. Talking with the daycare center owner Talash, she mentions a couple of their husbands been going down into the temple to repair it. Why this require three kegs of beer, 20 pounds of wings, 10 pounds of pretzels, 4 packs of cards, and a 72-inch tv is unknown. But since they are not changing diapers anyway, no harm no foul.

Enter the temple is quick and easy but both locate object spells just spin around. Droo and Swiftfeet are concern until Sar points out they are walking down a spiral stair case. The first part of temple is paint with the life and times of Saint Bryant of Football.

Group looks at the DM. “Really?”

The temple entrance shows the life and times of Saint Dendar before he became a god. They read and laugh at the memorial plague. And laugh and the pull tab trap. Moving on to the Skull room, the second trap is triggered and the door closes behind them. Wall of Force and other spells slow the sneaky snakes and it takes Sara two whole rounds to figure out the combination of the trap. But before they move on, they take a short rest while Hero Feast is being casted by Thorn.

Moving on to the next room, the thief decides to lead the way. They look at void and the void is annoyed because everyone made their saving throw. However, a small decision has to be made. The snake heart is to west but finding rock is to the south.

Entering the Snake room the DM starts to rewrite the module or throw against the wall. A brief discussion later, they enter the main chamber.

Disturbing the poker game, the Yuan-ti are not happy people are crashing their Sunday Football and Poker get thought. Cards fly up in the air and people start slinging mud at each other. Mainly because the Land Druid thought rock to mud would be funny. Then a Wall of Stone would be any funnier. The Druid decide to quit being silly as his mom was giving him the look.

A few rounds of combat later, they start playing poker and drinking sneaky snakes root beer.

DM Note. Sorry this was not a great module even when I added five extra monsters to the final and only fight.

End of Session 510

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