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D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion 5E conversion (OOC)


Starting Location

Rogues' Gallery http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...Invasion-Rogues-Gallery&p=7086655#post7086655

Ironfang Invasion IC http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?542908-Ironfang-Invasion-(IC)&p=7089147#post7089147

Our adventure begins in the small town of Phaendar, on the first day of the Market Festival. The Market Festival is a 2 day event held once every quarter, where farmers, ranchers and traders from across the Nesmian Plains gather to sell their wares. During the festival the town’s population can swell to twice its normal size, from 400 to 800 people.

The festival has ended for the day and all our adventures have headed over to the Taproot Inn for refreshments and to listen to the tales of Aubrin the Green, a retired Chernasardo Ranger-turned-Caydenite cleric.

Phaendar has existed in some form or another for 3 centuries, ever since the construction of the bridge over the Marideth River made it a stopping point on the Cheliax’s trade road to what were once the nation’s northern colonies. Rarely during that time has Phaendar’s population risen above a few hundred and very little has changed even now, despite a war for independence raging just 3 days’ march to the south. Beyond its location as a crossroads between the Nesmian Plains and the Hollow Hills, Phaendar offers little strategic value. The lack of walls make it impossible to hold; the flat land allows citizens to see armies approaching a day in advance and flee into the woods; and the river it overlooks is choked with rapids and barely navigable.

Link to Nirmathas wiki


Character Creation

As far as characters you can use the PHB, SCAG, or Volos, the main antagonist is a Hobgoblin so while you could play a Hobgoblin, Goblin, or Bugbear it would create social problems for the group. If you have a race or class you want to play from UA or 3PP just run it by me, I’m pretty open. While I don’t have a hard no-evil rule, this AP has our adventures being heroes for the most part, so an evil PC would be a really tough sell.

I’m always a fan of point buy or standard array but if you want to roll 4 drop the lowest feel free to. Variant humans, feats and multiclassing are all allowed.

As for background/back stories I would prefer to have a couple of paragraphs so I can try to use some of your character’s history in the adventure, but if you prefer to go barebones and develop the character and his/her back-story as you go that’s fine by me.
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Charwoman Gene

Sounds cool to me. I'm in a lot of games though so if this fills up I might drop out. I've got three vague ideas, and archer, a mage, and a cleric.


I am interested too, no idea what I would play at the moment but interested!

Good, I'd just play what you like, or what you would like to try. I've read the first adventure, (since it actually arrived) and have skimmed through the second and third on PDF, it doesn't seem to be an adventure that needs to have every role filled.
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Dusty Dragon

I have no idea what Ironfang Invastion is, and I'm afraid to look it up and get spoilers :p

But since you're so enthusiastically recommended... sure why not! What starting level are you thinking of?
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I have no idea what ironfang is, and I'm afraid to look it up and get spoilers :p

But since you're so enthusiastically recommended... sure why not! What starting level are you thinking of?

Iron Fang is the newest Pathfinder AP which I will be converting to 5E, as the DM I only know the outline of the AP and have read in detail the first 4 levels and have skimmed the next eight or so levels. The last 3 books in the AP are yet to be released. That is half the fun, for me as a DM, I'm guiding you and leading the adventure down a path I have no idea how it will end. In my weekly game I create my own world so this AP is all new to me.

Starting level is 1st. As the OP states, PHB, SCAG, and VOLVO's are allowed anything else run by me, and I'm open to 3PP. This brings us to four, and I have 3 people not on the forums who have expressed a desire to play. If this fills up and I have enough for a second game, I will likely go to Rise of the Runelords.


So we have four at least, and obviously the conversion will have different stats, the AP is meant to be played with four.

I prefer standard array and Point buy, but if you want to roll 4 drop the lowest, just post the results from one of the major dice rollers.

Once we get everyone signed up expect one post a day from me during the week and possibly more on the weekends.

So start posting rough drafts of your characters.


Dusty Dragon
Okay... I have a first level barbarian-hermit (a "dervish" so to speak) from that aborted game I can bring over. Standard starting equipment? What about stats? (edit, I see we posted at the same time and you answered my question! thanks)

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Dusty Dragon
Hello again

Please note - this character is imported from another game that never got off the ground... and I did want to play him (despite the stat mediocre rolls) so here he is. I obviously have to change his background somewhat, but I will wait for further details about the setting etc before I do so.

B]Lal Qalandar, of the Purple Lands[/B]

Barbarian, "totem" of the Bull of Battle
Background: Hermit
Level: 3
XP: 0
Race: Human (Standard)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
View attachment 82320
[Sblock=rolls]Stat rolls (unmodified) : 4D6.HIGH(3) = [3, 1, 6, 3] = 12
4D6.HIGH(3) = [3, 5, 1, 5] = 13
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 1, 4, 2] = 7
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 1, 2, 4] = 7
4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 2, 6, 5] = 16
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 4, 5, 3] = 12

[sblock=minisheet]B]Lal Qalandar[/B], Human Barbarian ("totems", hermit), level 3
HP: 25/25, Hit dice: 3/3
AC: 15
Passive Perception 13
Saves: Str: +5, Dex: +1, Con: +4, Int: -1, Wis: +1, Cha: -1
Rages remaining 2/3[/sblock]

[sblock=character sheet] Abilities:
Str: 17 (+3), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 8 (-1)

AC: 15 ("extra coverage" hobgoblin chain shirt, dex)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30
HP: 25 (12+2 +6 +5)
Hit Dice: 3d12
Proficiency Bonus: 2
Passive Perception: 13

Great axe: +5 to hit, 1d12+3 damage (when raging: 1d12+5)
Hand axe: +5 to hit, 1d6+3 damage (when raging: 1d6+5 if in melee)
Javelins: +5 to hit, 1d6 +3 damage

SAVES (* = proficiency)
* Strength +5
Dexterity: +1
* Constitution: +4
Intelligence: -1
Wisdom: +1
Charisma: -1

SKILLS (*=proficiency)
Acrobatics: +1
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: -1
*Athletics: +5
Deception: -1
History: -1
Insight: +1
Intimidation: -1
Investigation: -1
*Medicine: +3
Nature: -1
*Perception: +3
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
*Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +1
Stealth: +1
Survival: +1

Tools: herbalist's kit (hermit)
Language: Common, Yellow City Trade Tongue, Parbati, a bit of Lamarakhi (far away languages)
Weapons: simple, martial
Armor: light, medium, shields

Barbarian Features:
Unarmored defense
Ability Score Improvement: +1 to all (Human)

Hermit feature: Discovery: One with the Universe

None at this time[/sblock]

[Sblock=Equipment]Common clothes
Winter blanket (large, old pelt)
Chain shirt with extra coverage (AC 14, disadvantage on stealth), hobgoblin made
Great Axe (long hafted Tabar)
hand axe 2X
Javelin 4X
Herbalist kit
Prayer beads, engraved (his "notes")
Beggar's bowl
Mess kit (includes small tea pot)
tinder box
Rations X 10
50 feet of rope
Diary with 7 pages missing
Sack, 2
Chalk (2 pieces)
A brick of tea of the third quality
Bottle of cheap wine

MONEY: 1 gp, 8 sp, 6 cp[/sblock]

[Sblock=Background] Lal Qalandar is from a far away land, across the sea from the Sovereign Lands. Following harsh disappointments in early life, Lal retreated from the day to day world and entered a long period of meditation and fasting with a group of ascetics, leaving everything behind, even his name (Lal Qalandar means "Ruby-colored wandering holy man" - a title he eventually acquired after his red robes and lifestyle).

One day, Lal, following an intense session of meditation, suddenly perceived his deep connection to the Universe. All was interconnected. Himself, that ant roaming on his meager piece of bread, his dead relatives and long lost love, his fellow monks, that rock over there, were all one with the universe. Individuality was but an illusion.

Lal Qalander suddenly felt that the austere practices of his fellows were stifling. He was meant to live in the Universe, to fully embrace it. He wanted to preach. He wanted to help others - was that not the Universe healing itself? He also wanted to fight injustice - was that not the Universe purifying itself? Lal abandoned the group of monk and started a life of wandering - sustaining himself through petty jobs, preaching, helping the less fortunate, protecting travelers from brigands and living on the road. He took upon himself the mantle of the Dervishe - the mendicant wanderer. Through his trials and tribulation he found that his connection to the Universe deepened, and that in times of great danger he could reach a sort of spiritual ecstasy, able to wade in battle without fear, easily warding off blows and dealing terrible ones in return.

On a sea voyage, a freak storm blew the ship he was on far away. After a few months lost at sea, with strange sightings and peculiar bouts of fog, the battered ship reached the port of Tamran, to the astonishment of everyone (survivors and locals alike), especially given that Tamran was on the shore of a lake...

Lal Qalandar spent a few months in the town, learning the local language and custom. However, he felt the urge to move on and hit the road, heading west, following the river. When he reached the town of Phaendar on what, by pure luck, turned out to be mere days before a festival, Lal knew that benevolent fate had guided him there.[/sblock]

[sblock=appearance & Personality]Height: 5'6"
Weight 190 lbs
Hair: black and waivy
Eyes: dark brown
Skin: brown
Age: 37

Lal Qalandar is somewhat short but wide shouldered and barrel chested and moves confidently. He has an easy smile and friendly disposition. His skin is a dark brown, tanned by his homeland's fierce sun. He has long, dark luxurious hair that is barely tamed by a peculiar hat, and his face is bearded. He wears crimson robes, old but sturdy boots, and the pelt of some large animal to keep himself warm. He also wears a long necklace of wooden prayer beads. Beside his long hafted axe (which he calls a "tabar"), he always caries with him an ornate wooden begging bowl, which he uses to collect alms.

Life of Seclusion: Lal retreated from society following a plague that killed most of his village
Personality trait: Lal believes that the universe is one, and that all that happens is interconnected
Ideal: Self knowledge: if you know yourself, you know the universe
Bond: I entered seclusion because I loved someone I couldn't have
Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy[/sblock]
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