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Insanely high powered entities from my storyline/ Gods and Monsters update

Hey bud, thanks I'm glad you guys are getting something out of this. I love making these creations as I feel like they have few analogues. Anyway. Its appreciated bro.

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So in my campaign, the Aspect of Light, named Diaz, turned on Thychen the Supreme Being helping to bring about the end of days. Maximus was once Diaz' mount, a Legendary Celestial Charger who refused to follow his master's disastrous plan. As Thychen watched in horror as all he was was being torn from him, he embedded a small fraction of his power and spoke into existence the Chaos Word of Light into Maximus, transforming the Charger into a new Aspect, The Aspect of Loyalty to serve as a watchdog for his corpse and a guardian of the Cosmos while Thychen attempts to recover or be saved from certain and permanent fall as the Supreme Being.

Aspect of Loyalty: Maximus

The Aspect of Silver Light, The Celestial Charger, Protector of the Cosmos.
You feel space begin to quake, softly at first but growing in intensity like the hoofbeats of a stampede. You see a spiral of silver light superimposed upon existence like an overlay, it starts small and burns ever brighter swirls of silvery gold followed by a wave of blinding light of the purest white. Like a tunnel, it points right at you. The hoofbeats get louder and finally in it’s center you see charging towards you what appears to be a riderless brown horse in silver armor, fairly mundane looking besides it’s impressive aura and the feeling of bravery filling your heart.

High Lord - Stage 5
Macro-Tiny Outsider (appears Large size generally) (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
∞/ [5000d1000 Fighter (+15,000d10 Magical Beast not included into most HD dependent statistics)+ 1,000,000, +42,875,000 ] x1000 (49,025,000,000 hp)
Initiative: Always Acts First / +10,583 (+8575 Dexterity +1000 Divine +1000 Galphshin)
Speed: Superluminal x300, Folds Space, Starflight

Armor Class: ∞/ 110,725 (+8575 Dexterity, +8575 Dodge, +8575 Deflection, + 2000 Divine/Galphshin, +1000 Luck, +2000 Circumstance, +80,000 Natural (Legendary Beast and Armor of Saras))
Flat-Footed: 93,575 Touch: 50,725

Space/Reach: 1500 ft./ Infinite
Base Attack/Grapple: +5000/+76,300


-Expression of Power+Ultima+Kinetic+Astro Effect:
∞/+76,300 ranged or melee touch, 1,250 attacks doubling each round

-Hooves and Teeth of the Charger: ∞/+76,300 Melee Touch, 1,250 attacks, each limb (3,750 Attacks total)


- Expression of Power+Ultima+Kinetic+Astro Effect:
30,000d1,000 Unblockable Divine Damage, + 20,000d1,000 Bludgeoning Piercing or Slashing Damage +5000d20 (d20s repeating for 2,000 rounds), (Average 800,000,000 damage and 1,600,000 repeating damage) Line of Sight Range x4 Perfect Weapon Speicalization, x4 Quantum Effect 18-20/ x4 Crit

-Hooves and Teeth of the Charger: ∞ damage/ 5,000d1,000 Bludgeoning and Piercing+ ∞/8575 Str +, +45,000d1,000 Expression of Power Hoof+ 7,500d20 Ultima Hoof (d20s repeating for 2,000 rounds) + Omnific Kinetic Hoof 30,000d1,000 Bludgeoning Piercing or Slashing Damage (3,520,377,300 Average damage per hit, + 6,600,000 repeating damage) x4 Quantum Effect/ X11 Unearthly Weapon Specialization, 16-20/ x11 Crit

Special Attacks: Expression of Power, Words of Chaos, The Cube of Zo, Summon Neutronium Golem

Special Abilities: Alter Reality (6000th level spells), Divine Aura (All Creation), Starflight

Special Qualities: Cosmic Consciousness (All Creation), Cosmic Firmament, DR 5,000,000/--. Divine Bonus +1000, Godly Realm, Immortality, Immunity to Natural and Magical Effects, SR 7010, Spell Reflection

Saves: Cannot Fail Saving Throws Fort+ 50,225 Ref +50,225 Will +50,225

Str ∞/ 17,100 (Str 4275 base x4 Legendary Strength) +8,575

Dex 17,100 (Dex 1165 base) +8,575

Con ∞/ 17,100 (Con 4275 base x4 Legendary Constitution) +8,575

Int 17,100 (1135 Base) +8,575

Wis 17,100 (2155 base) +8,575

Cha 17,100 (2195 base) +8,575

Skills: All Skills considered to be ∞/ Omnicompetent and Maven, all skills= 7003 + Relevant Ability Modifier, as all abilities are even, he can hit a DC 15,598 with a roll of ‘20’

(Note: I generally don’t put the lesser versions of an ability down if they have the upgraded version of the power, but it is factored for in previously established powers, Maximus has only a single Artifact Item and thusly gains 4x the base Divine Abilities or, 1 base, +1 for each Artifact liquidated (3) so 1+3=4 per point of divine bonus, or, 4000 Divine Abilities total, each Omnific power is 216 Divine Abilities, or the eqivalent of 18.5 Omnific Abilities)

Feats: Bestial Charge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Natural Attacks, Improved Natural Attack x10, Weapon Specialization: Natural Attacks, Improved Crit, Improved Crit Multiplier, Whirlwind Attack, Greater Two Weapon Fighting

Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Specialization, Epic Weapon Focus, Infinite Reflection, Legendary Archer, Epic Initiative, Greater Crit, Greater Crit Multiplier, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Perfect Three Weapon Fighting

Divine Abilities: Amaranthine Body, Amaranthine Mind, Amaranthine Soul, Amaranthine Spirit, Celerity, Divine Dodge (uncanny dodge), Eternal Freedom, Heavenly Body, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Invincibility, Legendary Beast, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Precognition, Post Cognition, Quantum Effect, Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Soul, Strong Spirit, Superior Crit, Superior Crit Multiplier

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Apostasy, Elusion, Slipstream, Perfect Weapon Focus, Perfect Weapon Specialization, Cosmic Kinetic Effect, Daunting Body, Daunting Mind, Daunting Soul, Daunting Spirit, Perfect Crit, Perfect Crit Multiplier, Soniferous (Armor), Supersonic, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Effect

Transcendental Abilities: Amaranthine, Astro Effect (6), Dead Zone, Invincibility, Perfect Defense, Transcoporeal, Transfinite, Transilient Fortitude, Transilient Reflexes, Transilient Will, Transmigration, Transmortality, Transpersonal, Transtemporal, Transversal, Equilibrium, Hypersonic, Sophism, Superluminal, Transcendent Kinetic Effect, Rectify, Ultima Effect (6), Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, Unreal

Omnific Abilities: Expression of Power, Cosmic Nullification, Infinite Strength, Infinite Constitution, Omniversal, Omnific Kinetic Effect, Omnipresent, Omnific Toughness, Superior Dominance, Space Folding, Tenth Sense, Transcendental Inspiration, Transcendental Presence, Transcendental Nescience,

Metempiric Abilities: Words of Chaos, Stymie the Dissolve

Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Environment: The Crystalline Eyrie of the Akasha
CR: 8,333
ECL: 10,000


Maximus is a straightforward and intense fighter. An animal to begin with, he fights now much like he did in life, but uses his incredible power with a keen mind. He is a Fighter and uses his skill in combat to best foes relying mainly in his natural attacks crushing foes with stomps and bites. His attacks are imbued with his Omnific power and he knows most enemies both can’t resist and can’t withstand his attacks, and he pounds foes out until they simply cease to exist.

He is a dutiful and merciful fighter but can easily understand the modus of other beings and will cast judgement and base his actions on that judgement. Against incarnations of primordial evil, darkness, or oblivion or obvious champions of evil, he unleashes his Por Es Ry Hei Word of Chaos annihilating them in a flash of golden lightning, if they survive, he kills them with his bare hooves, breaking them underneath his infinite strength.

If against enemy Spellcasters, he relies on his Elusion, Invincibility and Sophism abilities coupled with his literal infinite strength to ignore most spells cast on him, he will Alter Reality to counterspell and dispel any negative debuffs cast upon him simply attempting to match whatever they threw at him or the strongest ability cast, and though not the most creative spellcaster or the most nuanced, his insane DCs and abilities make his abilities usually succeed.

He opens combat with a full charge, abrogate and cosmic nullification countering his opponent’s ability to counter abrogate, striking over a thousand times with each hoof and his bite or Whirlwind attack with a kick striking all enemies arrayed against him. He prefers to take enemies on 1 at a time, however but is a careful and efficient fighter and wont hesitate to just end combat immediately. He will summon in a stampede of horse like Neutronium Golems if needed, all with an additional 2000 Strength making them incredibly physically strong. He generally will plan for a fight using Precognition and Postcognition in conjunction to 10th and 11th sense to know a foe’s weaknesses and strengths before he commits to combat and will use his Transcendent Inspiration and Transcendent Presence to boost both himself and his Golems and any allies he may have as well. He is physically one of the most powerful Aspects and exploits this to his advantage every time.

He largely relies on his Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, and Perfect Critical and Perfect Critical Multipliers to slaughter foes directly. He uses his Astro Effect and Rectify alongside Utter Eye to ensure those destroyed by him are written out of reality itself, never to return.

He relied on his Taiha Word of Chaos and several layers of defense to keep himself safe knowing that without Infinite level power he can’t truly be killed, even if destroyed, which is difficult to pull off without 10th sense at least as he knows everything that’s about to happen, he simply just let himself be destroyed. He is a stoic and tactical fighter know knows his strengths and how to properly apply leverage, but lacks magical nuance and is vulnerable to comparable beings with powerful magic that’s able to circumvent his mighty defenses. If pressed into a situation where victory is unobtainable, or death is certain, he uses his Tatauta Word of Chaos to make both he and the enemy invulnerable to damage and attempts to negotiate, however, in the end, he is a warrior, and if truly pressed he will drop the pretenses and always fight to the death.


x10 Movement Speed, stacks with all other movement speed increases

Beast of Legend (Legendary Companion): You are of the stock of the Legendary Beasts: This gives you a x4 multiplier on your Natural AC and multiplies your overall HD by x4, giving you a bonus equal to 3x your level to base attack bonus, and gain x3 your HD in extra d10’s of health. Fort and Reflex saves increase by 3x your level going up a fast progression and Will Save going up at slow progression. However you only gain the benefit of your standard level, without the modifier, for purposes of Divine Abilities, Skills, Hp beyond d10’s, and all other level dependent effects.

Portfolios: Strength x2, Stoicism x2: Maximus is the Overdeity of Endurance. He gains the following abilities:

-Oblivious to Pain: Maximus cannot tell how injured he is easily

-Sloth’s Dex: -1000 to Dex

-Death Before Dishonor: Maximus cannot Renege on a Personal Challenge, but also will not fight those he feels are at an obvious disadvantage

-Rhino’s Cunning: -1000 to Int

-Shield of Endurance/ Endurance Ward: All Allies and yourself are immune to Strength and Constitution Drain or Damage

-Greater Scion of Endurance: +2000 to Strength and Constitution

-Enduring Brethren: +2000 to summoned allies Strength and Constitution scores.

-Instrument of Endurance: Ignore Critical Hits made against you, and Ignore Hardness and Damage Reduction

-Uncanny Kinetic Effect x4: See Below

-Enduring Soul: +Str and Con bonus to Regeneration

-Legendary Endurance: Strength and Constitution scores are doubled

-Cosmic Imperfection Disease/ Fear/ Madness: 3 items in existence can defeat Maximus’ Cosmic String

-Total Endurance: Add an opponent’s Strength and Constitution to your own until the end of combat

-Legendary Endurance: Strength and Constitution scores are quadrupled

-Transilient Fortitude: You cannot fail Fort saves (Does not stack with Invincibility)

-Enduring Presence: Allies within your Divine Aura gain Legendary Strength and Legendary Constitution

Expression of Power: Treated as an Omnific-level Effect power, creates a vibrant flash of silver white energy like starlight at Maximus’ whim as light pervades reality itself. This replaces melee and ranged attacks, avoids all mundane or magical defenses, not subject to negation though Learned Ability Immunity, Thelemic Damage Induction, Invincibility, Sophism, or similar damage blocking powers, and cannot be Abrogated or otherwise removed. Miss chances due to concealment, armor class, or other abilities work properly, multiple attacks and weapon specializations etc all work properly with this ability.

  • Beam 30,000d1000 (30,000,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight ft. Ray, No Save
  • Blast 15,000d1000 (15,000,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight ft. Range, 12,525 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½
  • Blood 6000d1000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC 38,800) Negates
  • Breath 15,000d1000 (15,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year Cone or Line of Sight Line, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½
  • Hand 45,000d1000 (45,000,000) Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save
  • Immolation 45,000d1000 (45,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (Dc 38,800) for ½
  • Storm 6000d1000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½
  • Strike 6000d1000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 15,000d1000 (15,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year Gaze, Will Save (DC 38,800) Negates

Omnific Kinetic Effect with Astro Effect: Maximus’ hooves deal damage as if the whole universe was crashing down upon you. This deals d1000’s of Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing Damage and can be used to perform applicable combat maneuvers at a distance (Trip, Bullrush, Disarm) but cannot be used to pin or grapple foes. This stacks with the Kinetic Effect he gains from his Divine Portfolios dealing 4d1000 per hit dice they also have a large chance to eradicate foes from existence. The DM must roll eradication chances 4 times for each successful attack, Inner Eye is enough to keep safe from this ability though Evil Eye will negate the protection. Utter Eye without being abrogated or otherwise cancelled out makes this a death sentence.

  • Beam 20,000d1000 (10,000,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight Ray, No Save, 25% chance of destruction
  • Blast 10,000d1000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Mile Range, 12,525 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½, and 12.5% chance of destruction
  • Blood 5000d1000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC 38,800) Negates, 5% chance of destruction
  • Breath 10,000d1000 (10,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year Cone or Line of Sight Line, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½, and 25% chance of destruction
  • Hand 30,000d1000 (30,000,000) Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save 50% chance of destruction
  • Immolation 30,000d1000 (30,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (Dc 38,800) for ½, and 50% chance of destruction
  • Storm 5000d1000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½, 5% chance of destruction
  • Strike 5000d1000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage on each attack, 5% chance of destruction
  • Wrath 10,000d1000 (10,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year. Gaze, Will Save (DC 38,800) Negates, 25% chance of destruction

Words of Chaos: Words used by the Akashic at the beginning of existence capable of unimaginable feats of power. These effects are treated as free actions, and have no save unless otherwise stated, Maximus generally does not talk, thusly he simply must think the words with intention in order to use these abilities.
  • Tatauta: The Akashic word of power for work, Prevail or Endurance, blocks an infinite amount of damage and protects the entire cosmos, can be reupped as an immediate action if negated (as by Infinite Effect)
  • Galphshin: The Word of Valor grants a Circle of Protection effect against all alignments at a +5000 bonus, provides complete immunity to negative morale effects, charms, compulsions, mundane or magical and grants all allies within his Divine Aura +1,000,000 base temporary HP (multiplied by HP multipliers) and a +1000 Morale bonus on all rolls, saves, checks, DCs, attack, ac, skills, caster level and damage as if it were an additional Divine Bonus though coming from a different source thusly not being subject to abilities that effect or are effected by divine bonuses.
  • Reeheeri: The word of the hunt, and the power to chase those who walk between dimensions, time, and space and even into Aravoth, Akasha, and the greater reality itself. Thychen has imparted a great trust in Maximus, relying on his power like a watchdog to watch over his corpse until the time where he can recover. As such, Maximus can know if any being attempts to reach Thychen’s body or know any thing he chooses to focus on and can immediately intercept them. This extends without limits to all beings who’s motivations may even just be slightly against the Will Divine and extends to his own motivations as well allowing Maximus to root out any being, ignore any concealment, circumstance or cover bonuses to any attacks, abilities, saves, etc, and roll or check, this also allows Maximus to chase the Watchers of Reim, and reach anywhere in the multiverse immediately as if he were folding space. Maximus must only think the word.
  • Taiha: Word of Protection, Souls, and Resurgence, this Allows Maximus’ Cosmic String, Transmortality, and Immortality to be utterly undefeatable unless the Word of Chaos: Sharn is used against it. At which point the word must be spoken (or thought) again to reapply this effect. Otherwise even if destroyed he will return to life with full hp and a free full attack as an immediate action if destroyed and even beings such as Thychen Himself can’t fully destroy Maximus
  • Por Es Ry Hei: The word of neverending Light, Diaz’ signature attack and ability before his fall from grace, now bestowed upon the Celestial Charger Maximus. Por is the word for Light, Es Ry Hei are seals put on the ability by the Supreme Being allowing it’s power to utterly cancel out the machinations of Darkness and for Maximus to affect any being regardless of power ignoring Transilient affects on Saving Throws and Dominance powers of any level. As an attack, it creates a halo of light high above and around the enemy from which they cannot escape. The halo moves relative to the enemy’s position and allows no save. It then unleashes a potent blast of holy lightning bolts down unerringly upon the foe or foes and deals d10,000s of damage to them based on their HD as per Antimatter Effect, dissolving them as their bodies are literally turned to photons, this damage is multiplied based on the enemy’s Hit Point Multiplier. This damage revisits itself every round, dealing full damage every round forever until Judgement has been deemed meted out. This damage cancels out a single layer of infinite health or Unlimited Regeneration, and as such will bypass Infinite Constitution, Invincible Shields, Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, or Transmortality. Por Es Ry Hei can be used to peel off multiple layers of defense but must be used one time for each layer of defense to be countered. Sin (SinKuRyEpSu) the word of Universal Eradication, or the Wuji Dragon’s Breath of Cleansing Light can be used to counter this effect. It also allows Light, all across Existence, in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the Light of the very multiverse itself. This ability is both active and passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again, unless used as an attack. Maximus was in essense the effect of this word being spoken with the intention of placing it on a new being, he is assumed to always be controlling the Light around him to the extent of the current universe he inhabits.

Stymie the Dissolve: Maximus holds within him the egg of time, the last drop of Thychen’s power, the very spark of his soul. Like a phylactery. As such Thychen’s Cosmos will continue on even if Thychen dies, with Maximus’s power holding the fabric of the cosmos together. If Maximus ever reaches Supreme Being status Thychen will be restored to full power creating a separate reality, a copy of Maximus’ existence where he can rule as Supreme Being once again. This also gives Maximus use of the 11th Sense Metempiric Ability but only in regards to Thychen’s Reality, and the Utter Eye Omnific power.

Apostasy: Maximus has no Alignment and is immune to all Alignment-based effects though in actions and demeanor he is Lawful Good

Alter Reality: As a Swift Action, Maximus may duplicate the effect of any spell of level 337th or lower or any Epic Spell with a DC of 15,598 or lower. All his spells deal standard damage (Thus, a simple Fireball cast by Maximus would deal 10d6 Fire Damage, but he could cast the spell theoretically many many times by turning it into an epic spell). These effects have a DC of 34,310 +Spell Level

Cosmic Consciousness: Maximus perfectly perceives the entirety of Creation at all times.

Dead Zone: Maximus can evoke a Dead Magic Zone within his Divine Aura (All Creation) that prevents the function of all magic and supernatural abilities without impeding his own abilities

Godly Realm: Maximus’ Godly Realm encompasses All Creation. Any enemy facing him from within suffers a -2000 Divine Penalty on Armor Class and all rolls as cosmic forces of unspeakable potency prevent them from harming the Protector of the Cosmos

Omnispective: Maximus Perceives the universe from all perspectives, this nullifies and counters the miss chance of interdemensional and nebulous beings.

Omniversal: All attacks are felt by all beings of your choice in your divine aura.

Superior Dominance: Opponents with 2/3ds Maximus’ hit dice fail all saves and are hit with every attack.

Starflight: Maximus can reach any spot in the Multiverse in 1d3 minutes

Summon Neutronium Golem: 1/round Maximus may summon 5d1000 Neutronium Golems all with +2000 Strength and + 1000 hp per hit dice

Ultima Effect: (Effect repeats itself for 2000 rounds)

  • Beam 5000d20 Divine Damage, lasts for 2000 rounds stacks with multiple hits, Line of Sight ft. Ray, No Save
  • Blast 2500d20 Divine Damage, lasts for 2000 rounds stacks with multiple hits Line of Sight ft. Range, 12,525 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½
  • Blood 1250d20 Divine Damage, lasts for 2000 rounds stacks with multiple hits, Ref Save (DC 38,800) Negates
  • Breath 5000d20 Divine Damage, 12,525 ft. Cone or 50,000,000,000 Light Year Line, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½
  • Hand 7500d20 Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save
  • Immolation 7500d20 Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (Dc 38,800) for ½
  • Storm 12500d20 Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 38,800) for ½
  • Strike 1250d20 Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 2500d20 Divine Damage, 12,525 ft. Gaze, Will Save (DC 38,800) Negates

Unreal: Maximus cannot be affected by magic born of Creation

Perfect Defense: AC is at ∞

Perfect Critical: 16-20 Base Crit chance with Hooves and Bite

Perfect Critical Multiplier: x11 Damage with a Critical Hit

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: Hoof and Bite attacks deal x11 base damage

Ultimate Weapon Focus: You no longer miss with Hoof and Bite attacks

Ultimate Weapon Specialization: Gain 1 attack for every 5 points of attack bonus you have (1250 attacks per limb, 3 limbs: hoof, hoof, bite)

Equilibrium: All Stats are equal thusly all stats are at ∞

Infinite Strength: Strength is ∞

Infinte Constitution: Constitution is ∞

Omnific Toughness: You have ∞ Health, this stacks with other ∞ health bonuses

Invincibility: You can make a Fort save against any damage taken, if successful you take no damage

Amaranthine: You gain your Hit Dice x4 to your Natural Armor

Elusion: You can make a Reflex Save against an Enemy’s Attack Roll, if successful you dodge the attack taking no damage

Sophism: You can roll a Will save against an enemy’s total ECL and if successful may ignore the attack and take no damage.

Transilient Will: Can’t fail Will saves, doesn’t stack with Sophism

Transilient Fortitude: Can’t fail Fort saves, doesn’t stack with Invincibility

Transilient Reflexes: Cant fail Reflex saves, doesn’t stack with Elusion

Precognition/Postcognition: Maximus knows the plots goals motives and history of any being he encounter. Beings wishing to hide this knowledge must make a Will Save of 38,800

Utter Eye: Maximus always uses the most favorable result of a die roll, while all opponents within his Divine Aura (All Creation) use the lowest possible result for all die rolls

Space Folding
Maximus can pinch space and time to immediately move anywhere in the cosmos. This effectively makes him occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing him to target a foe without being able to be targeted himself. Seventh Sense (or higher) and Omnipresent will counter this effect.


New Artifacts:

The Armor of Saras:
The silver barding of Maximus, impenetrable, indestructible and keeping the user nearly invincible it is a gift from Diaz, former Aspect of Light imbued with ever more power as Thychen in his dying gasps rested the fate of the universe as it was on Maximus’s shoulders. The Armor is incredibly magical, a gift beyond his ability to enchant himself, and though made of extramultiversal materials native to Aravoth it appears however as plain silver, ornate but not overly so, much like masterwork barding, fit for perhaps a duke or baron. It grants the Amaranthine Transcendent Ability, boosting Natural AC by Maximus’ Hit Dice x4, 20,000, which stacks with his preexisting x4 to Nat AC, granting him 80,000 Natural AC. It also conveys this bonus (20,000) to Touch AC, Attack Rolls, and as an additional bonus to Saving Throws. It is made of superdense Katcheen, making the armor invulnerable to attack even from such materials like Kuvatchim and Strong Symmetrical Matter.


New Transcendent Abilities:


You move manifold times the speed of sound or the speed of light

Prerequisites: Supersonic, Dex 130

Your speed increases 10 fold. This increases any other speed boosts by this amount and makes all speed boosts from all sources stack, not overlap including Superluminal allowing you to move many times faster than the speed of light when used in conjunction.

New Cosmic through Omnific Abilities:

Cosmic - Omnific ____ Effect

Your energy burns brighter and stronger than ever before

Prerequisite: Effect power that deals direct damage boosted to Uncanny Effect levels

Your Uncanny Mastered basic damaging effect (Fire, Wind, Ice, Atomic, Ultima, Etc) can be boosted to the next stage of power. For example Uncanny Fire Effect can for a Cosmic Ability deal d20s instead of d6s of damage changing it’s name to Uncanny Cosmic Fire Effect. For Abilities that have multiple effects associated with it, like Atomic Effect, It will take a Transcendent Ability to upgrade and once upgraded the damage of the Fire, Force, Disintegration and Wind will all increase to d20s, not to d100s as Transcendent Atomic Effect.

New Omnific Abilities:

Space Folding
You can pinch space and time to immediately move anywhere in the cosmos.
Prerequisites: Superluminal, Starflight, Dexterity ∞
Benefit: You are able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the multiverse at any time (up to a space the size of the pleroma, areas of infinite space, or areas beyond the measure of time and space such as Kuvatchim or Aravoth only allow multiverse sized areas of space to be travelled instantly in this way) this effectively makes you occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing you to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself. Seventh Sense (or higher) and Omnipresent will allow you to counter this effect.
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Question: does "The DM must roll eradication chances 4 times for each successful attack, Inner Eye is enough to keep safe from this ability though Evil Eye will negate the protection. Utter Eye without being abrogated or otherwise cancelled out makes this a death sentence." mean if it has utter eye active, the astro effect always "rolls" within the right percentage and erases the victim?

Question: does "The DM must roll eradication chances 4 times for each successful attack, Inner Eye is enough to keep safe from this ability though Evil Eye will negate the protection. Utter Eye without being abrogated or otherwise cancelled out makes this a death sentence." mean if it has utter eye active, the astro effect always "rolls" within the right percentage and erases the victim?
Not necessarily, I make Astro Effect a DM roll so it isn't effected by a user's inner eye as that makes the ability super overpowered. I allow Inner Eye to keep an opponent safe however, so if you have Inner or Evil Eye, you can't make Astro Effect instantly kill someone, but you could keep yourself safe from it.

If they're controlling their own destiny, they should be able to affect the outcome of whether or not they're erased from reality I argue.

Evil Eye negates Inner Eye, but Evil Eye Counters Evil Eye, Utter Eye is without a counter and negates the others, therefore with 3750 attacks and 4 rolls per successful hit, with your Inner Eye and Evil Eye countered, you are basically guaranteed to fail 1 of those what 14250 or so chances to fail. Thusly it's a death sentence.


Something else I'm a little confused about: Por Es Ry Hei says: "This damage cancels out a single layer of infinite health or Unlimited Regeneration, and as such will bypass Infinite Constitution, Invincible Shields, Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, or Transmortality." Does this mean if a being has, say, infinite constitution, it will instead treat them as if they had however much hp they would have without the infinite constitution ability when dealing damage?

Something else I'm a little confused about: Por Es Ry Hei says: "This damage cancels out a single layer of infinite health or Unlimited Regeneration, and as such will bypass Infinite Constitution, Invincible Shields, Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, or Transmortality." Does this mean if a being has, say, infinite constitution, it will instead treat them as if they had however much hp they would have without the infinite constitution ability when dealing damage?
I need to elaborate a bit more, the entry for that ability was getting wordy so I tried to cut it down a bit. It will neutralize that ability for your divine rank in rounds. For example, of you have infinite Con, Omnific Toughness, Transmortality and Invincible Shields, then a single blast will negate one of those abilities but only in regards to Invincibility for 1000 rounds, it does not stack with the Galphshin Word of Chaos regarding extra rounds. So if you negated infinite Con, it would remove the HP aspect but not the bonus to Fort Saves, sometimes the ability is more straightforward, like Omnific Toughness where it just gives you infinite health, so it would just negate that for the duration basically as if it got abrogated.

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