• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?


Also hoping to start being an indie publisher, sorta, by helping someone else get their homebrew setting into a publishable state (likely for 2024). The good and bad news is that their world is massively documented, and has been played in for decades. The first decision is how best to get it all out there - a ginormous setting book, a one-region book with some starter adventures followed up with gazetteers , a campaign book that focuses on adventurers while delivering lore on the side, "other," etc.

I'd like to do my own creative work, too, but I'm clueless about what's in demand these days, what with VTTs (not my thing), multitudinous systems and play styles, the kerfuffle with the OGL, etc. Like staring at a smorgasbord, I can't make up my mind what to start with. It all looks so good! Heartbreaker setting using a licensed system? An adventure with a licensed system? A new system? Generic system-agnostic supplement? Solo adventure? One-off RPG-adjacent game? Or maybe a card game, no, wait, a board game... I'm a train without tracks over here.

Good luck to everyone who's making it happen!

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New Publisher
I've started selling maps to other publishers....two pitches, two sales. So that's nice.

I still have a masters and minions book, initiative systems book, and two others in draft. I am considering KS one of them this year, we'll see.

Right now, I'm leaning toward selling three maps per PDF on Drivethru....and a few heist lists / ideas / plots on DMsGuild. If I can figure out how to make modules in Foundry, I'll sell the maps there also (set up with walls and lighting).

Oh, and I bought a chromebook so I can get back to working on my novel, which seems to require me NOT to be at my normal desk.


Elder Thing
We just released the second in our line of short DCC supplements and character options (after a LONG gap after the first one), and I'm preparing to launch a crowdfunding campaign for our first big DCC release: a 0 level funnel/module we playtested last Gen Con amongst other places. We have a bunch of other DCC stuff in various stages of development as well, though unfortunately we won't have anything ready by this Gen Con.

We still have some 5e Al-Qadim stuff theoretically in the pipeline, as follow-ups to our Campaign Guide, but progress on those has been pretty minimal for a while. Someday!

Vexed Vizier

Like many others, I'm working on my own system. I've been working on it for a couple years. It began as an AD&D refinement and has mutated into its own thing.

I started playtesting with my group a couple weeks ago (levels 1-6 only at the moment.) It's going well! I'm very satisfied with the core of the game and I'm amazed at how much fine-tuning there is. My guess is this will take longer than I first expected. I'm enjoying the process, though, and I'd rather do it well than do it fast.

I would love to put the first 1-3 or maybe 1-6 levels out for free by the end of the year to generate some buzz and iron out any final kinks.


Let's see:

*In mid-April I will be launching a Kickstarter to revise Filling in the Blanks and A Guide to Thieves' Guilds with the same layout as Into the Wild, and will also be funding an omnibus version of all three books combined into a single volume.
*Mid-June I hope to launch BX Advanced Bestiary, Volume 2
*Mid-September will see The Keep of the Rawhide Gang hexcrawl.
*Mid-November I'm shooting for BX Advanced Bestiary, Volume 3.

And I'll also continue to release Populated Hexes Monthly. Will begin Year 3 this summer.


Basic Action Games
I just finished the BASH! Awesome Powers Omnibus, culminating the series, now available in hardback on Drivethru, and also got Honor + Intrigue available on Drivethru in hardback as well (with a neat new cover). H+I is also coming to Fantasy Grounds.

What I have upcoming is a compilation for H+I called the Tome of Intriguing Options. It will be combining everything from Intriguing Options 1-4 along with the Duelist's Guide (and a few other extras) in one book. My intention is to do this via crowdsourcing as my next full-length book. There will also be a couple adventure modules that lean on this expansion of what the system can do as well as a monster book.


I got into Indie Publishing last year with two play aids and a Wildspace System creation guide for Spelljammer. Planning on releasing some adventures and rules options this year. About 80% complete on an adventure module for 5E that can run as a standalone adventure or as an add-on for a Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign.

Also have some ideas to put out some content supporting Free League's Forbidden Lands and Green Ronin's Fantasy AGE(2nd Edition!!)

Voidrunner's Codex

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