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In search of heroes(Casting call)

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Eiroku 3 (AD 1560) Summer...
Yoshimoto Imagawa, a powerful warlord of Suruga, leads an immense army from Suruga toward Kyoto (In those days the capital of japan). Yoshimoto's ambition is to unify Japan and crown himself its sole king. On the march, the army halts on the plain of Okehazama in Owari to rest for the night. This changes Yoshimoto's - and Japan's - destiny forever.

A troop of only 2,000 soldiers, led by Nobunaga Oda, a warlord of Owari, makes a surprise attack on Yoshimoto's camp. In a desperate battle, Nobunaga's legions defeat the invaders and slay Yoshimoto. (This historical event is known as the Battle of Okehazama.)

Just as Nobunaga is exulting his victory, an arrow from one of Yoshimoto's soldiers pierces his throat. He falls to the ground in a death struggle.

A young man watches from a remote hill. His name is Samanosuke Akechi. He is marked by destiny...

One Year Later...

Strange incidents are occuring in Inabayama Castle in the Mino prefecture. Soldiers and workers are disappearing without a trace. Worried by these inexplicable events, Princess Yuki sends a plea for Samanosuke. At once, he races to the castle. But he arrives too late. Yuki has been kidnapped.

At the same time, enemy troops are attacking the castle. Leading the army - risen from certain death and astride on a fierce warhorse - is Nobunaga!

It's time for action! Samanosuke vows to rescue Yuki with the help of his partner Kunoichi Kaeda and defeat Nobunaga and his army of demon warriors.

Samanosuke Akechi
Male Human Samurai (7th);CR 7;Size M (6 ft., 5 in. tall);
HD 7d10+14; hp 84
Init +2 (+2 Dex)
Spd 20 ft. (Run x3)
AC 21 (+7 Great Armor +2 Dex +2 Guantlet)
Attack +12/+7 melee (+13/+8 Shiden/Kouen/Arashi/Katana), or +9/+4 ranged (+9/+4 Longbow/Matchlock)
Saves Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +8
Allignment: Lawful Good
Str 18 (20), Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10.
Languages Spoken: Common.
Skills and feats: Climb +6, Iaijutsu Focus +5, Intimidate +6, Jump +5, Perform +6 (Bishamon Flute), Ride +5, Search +1.5, Sense Motive +6, +1.5 Spot, and Swim +5; Soul of Honor, Soul of Loyalty, Soul of Sincerity, Strong Soul, Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Summary of Gear and Abilities
Stats at 40 Point buy (with +1 added to wisdom; gained from being a level 4 character)
Masterwork Katana (Basic Weapon)
Masterwork Great Armor (Heavy Oriental Armor)
+1 Frost Katana (Shiden Raizan)
+1 Flaming Greatsword (Kouen Enryuu)
+1 Shock Two-Bladed Sword (Arashi Shippuu)
*Guantlet of Ogre Power (+2)
*Bracers of Armor (+2)
Mighty Composite Longbow (+4)
Musket (Matchlock)
3+3+1 Feats (Normal/Bonus/Human)
40+10 Skills (Normal/Human)

Munchkin Stuff: Instead of using the normal bonus feats for being a Samurai I took whatever feats I thought made sense. This is a little munchkin-headed, but I think that since three of the feats are non-combat based it isn't really such a bad thing. I also am claiming weapon proficiency with all of my weapons listed instead of burning feats to claim so many exotic weapons. The "Guantlet of Ogre Power" is just one guantlet, instead of a pair. This guantlet can "absorb" the souls of defeated outsiders. It also functions as a bracer of armor and functions as a bracer of armor.

Starting Gold: 19,000
MW Great Armor-----1,150
MW Katana------------335
Shiden Raizan------8,335
Kouen Enryuu-------8,350
Arashi Shippuu-----8,700
MTY Comp LBow--------500
Ogre Guantlet------4,000 + 4,000
Total Debt--------16,870

Guantlet of Ogre Power: This Guantlet is an artifact belonging to the Clan of Ogre's which was subverted by the demons. This guantlet can seal the souls of defeated outsiders and regain the lost power of the Clan of Ogres. For every Hit Die a defeated outsider possessed the guantlet gains 10 soul points. When the guantlet has absorbed 25,000 soul points its power increases making it a Guantlet of Ogre Power (+4). When 50,000 soul points have been absorbed the guantlet becomes a Guantlet of Ogre Power (+6). This also affects the bracer quality.

Ancestral Daisho: Souls sealed into the Guantlet of Ogre Power can be invested into the weapons and items of the bearer. Such souls still count towards the total power level of the Ogre Guantlet but cannot be spent on anything else. The Samurai must complete this ritual at an appropriate shrine or temple and spend one day for every 1,000 souls invested in prayer. Souls can be invested into other weapons and items based on this same table.

Weapon Bonus - Total Sacrifice - Minimum Level
-----+1----------2,000 Souls----------4th------
-----+2----------8,000 Souls----------7th------
-----+3---------18,000 Souls----------9th------
-----+4---------32,000 Souls----------11th-----
-----+5---------50,000 Souls----------13th-----
-----+6---------72,000 Souls----------14th-----
-----+7---------98,000 Souls----------15th-----
-----+8--------128,000 Souls----------16th-----
-----+9--------162,000 Souls----------17th-----
-----+10-------200,000 Souls----------18th-----

*The current weapons have a +2 modifier equivilent, but this does not count towards the total souls sealed into the guantlet. It does count towards the total sacrifice made so far. This means that 10,000 more souls must be sealed in order to increase the level of the weapon.

Feat Progression
Stunning Fist (9th), Roundabout Kick (10th), Unbalancing Strike (12th), Ambidexterity (13th), Two-Weapon Fighting (15th), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (16th), Warrior Instinct (18th), Luck of Heroes (19th).

Skill Progression
Even Levels: Iaijutsu Focus, Jump, Ride, Spot, and Swim.
Odd Levels: Climb, Intimidate, Perform (Bishamon Flute), Search, and Sense Motive.

Ability Score Progression
Str 19 (8th), Str 20 (12th), Con 15 (15th), Con 16 (20th)
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Creamsteak-Email with me details I'll see what I can work in,

Gnomeworks- What's a Caster Rifle?

No More People will be taken. All those who have already posted are in.

Gnomeworks, I would definately say that the gun itself is technology, but the more rare bullets that Gene uses are magical. Furthermore it would kindof be hard to recreate their effects with high level magic such as destruction for some of the bullets, though he would be an interesting person to play if you could recreate him for DnD. (I was thinking of playing Suzaku or Aisha myself, they're two interesting chars as well)

Taking a look at your DM/Players thread Creamsteak, maybe there are a choice of vampires you could play instead, although I think the template is a bit stronger than +2 ECL...

Edit-If Kalanyr approves, that is.
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If you would consider allowing a char from a non-fantasy, but still anime, show, then I'm probably in. I don't think that I could portray any fantasy chars well, but I know Outlaw Star like the back of my hand. However, I can't give any guarantees - life is getting quite busy out here in the IC forum. But I'll see what I can do.

I can find the abilities of somewhere around 5 or 6 (possibly more) of the different shell types, although there are 20 of them. Also remember that Caster rifles drain the lifeforce from their users. Also, ammo is difficult to find as ancient magic is becoming rarer - although in a campaign with more magic and less tech, that should be less of a prob.

Kalanyr - a Caster rifle is a semilarge rifle that fires shells that hold magical effects. There are 20 different types of shells, and each holds a different spell. Ammo is relatively rare. Also, it is difficult to use this weapon as it drains the user's lifeforce.

I can work on making Gene an Outlaw Star character. Jim would also be an interesting one to try, but his abilites would be much harder to port to a fantasy DnD setting, so I'll stick with Gene Starwind.


Sollir... I was talking about a vampire for gnomeworks psionic setting... undead Vampire Slayers own Illthids in theory, and generally Vampire Telepaths with Thrall type skills have the same degree of ownage...

Anyway... How far along is everyone? I generally think I'm done with my char for this and the psionical...


Edit: Me and Kalanyr agreed to make my guantlet give me 100 soul points per HD of outsider killed. That still requires me to kill 100 HD of outsiders to level up just one of my weapons to a +2. That sure sounds easier that 1,000 HD of outsiders, though...

Voidrunner's Codex

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