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Pathfinder 2E I feel at peace


Started running Jade Regent converted to 2e recently and its working out nicely. Having bit trouble with figuring out how to price treasure items, but not particularly hard to make them match expected treasure of difficulty level. Overall having had good feeling about this.

Meanwhile I'm running Wrath of the Righteous in other game and up to fourth book in 1e. Its bit exhausting to always here long list of all the stacking buffs players have and watch them move and attack five times and so on. But only two books left after this and I can take my break from 1e and that is assuming players have energy to go until end, despite that they wanted to play this for mythic op stuff they are reaching the point where they are kinda getting tired of most encounters being foreseen conclusions. Still though, would be fun to visit story and do more tests on stress limits of system to see if I can create another few encounters that catches them off by surprise. It was really fun when plans align perfectly. Maybe after I have had my 1e break I'll could run low spellcasting (with mythic npcs) games eventually, that way to avoid high level buff shenanigans and see what game is like with less spells. I once had similar "low tech level, no certain classes or magic item shops at all" game and it was interesting experience when characters were forced to tank more with hp than ac.

Now if I could only chat about stuff at forum without my blood pressure rising from people arguing always about something ;D Seriously would be fun to chat more about how games have been recently, but not sure this is correct place for that, it seems people here mostly want to ask for advice or to debate something always

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I'll give it a try to talk about my current games, without looking for debate or advice (which I've already put in other threads anyway).

I have four current games (all on VTTs), so I'll give a status on each and brief thoughts.

1) Barrowmaze (5e): I'm running this for my wife and her brother - who lives a few hours away. We've taken a few weeks off (everyone's busy during the summer). It's a drop-in, very casual dungeon crawl experience. Each player is taking two characters, and I'm running a paladin NPC. No role-playing. All exploration, hack-and-slash, recovering loot, and gaining XP. It's probably the most Diablo-like game I've ever run, but we're all enjoying it for what it is.

2) Grimmsgate (5e): I started this last week, taking over from another over-worked GM who had been running Old School Essentials. The players revolted against OSR mechanics and wanted to go back to 5e, but starting at 1st level. I had played Grimmsgate in an OSR system and thought I could put it together with minimal prep. They have only explored the town, figured out the plot, and are heading to the dungeon next session. Looking ahead, I'm going to try to stitch together several short (30-ish page) adventures so no one gets bored in a mega-adventure.

3) Rime of the Frost-Maiden (5e): After completing Curse of Strahd, I moved this group into playtesting an adventure I was writing for OSR. We've taken some time off from the playtest as I've gone "back to the drawing board" to address some issues we had. In the meanwhile, they voted to play Rime of the Frost-Maiden. I did a lot of research: watching YouTube guides, downloading a DM's guide on DMs Guild, etc. It's still not perfect, and the sandbox nature of it is causing some problems with the group not being able to complete missions, getting stumped by what seems like arbitrary decisions made by the authors.

4) Abomination Vaults (PF2): After a bad experience with my first PF2 game and some good experiences as a player in PFS at an online con, I decided to try to run Abomination Vaults. I rounded up some players on ENWorld and elsewhere to give it a shot. Luckily, everyone seems pretty cool and they function fairly well together. We're about 75% completed with the first of three books. I still don't feel like I have a good system mastery, and I have to double-check the rules constantly (fortunately, I have players willing to help on that front).


Ah I see you are also type to run multiple games at same time :) I do also have 3 other games going on at same time, those two were the ones I was most eager to talk about at the moment :3 I do also have started abomination vaults, had just second session last sunday.


Ah I see you are also type to run multiple games at same time :) I do also have 3 other games going on at same time, those two were the ones I was most eager to talk about at the moment :3 I do also have started abomination vaults, had just second session last sunday.
Yes. Most of this has sprung up from the pandemic, when no one was going out or doing anything, and everyone was wanting human interaction. Not gonna lie, it's taking its toll a bit. I figure I've got a few months until I am ready for a break (at least from a few games).
Two of the 5e games are pretty consistent weekly games. The PF2 game is biweekly. The Barrowmaze game is "only when we feel like it." So it's not 4 games every week.


In addition to my take on Serpents skull for PF2E, I am still running kingmaker (pf1e), though it’s finally reaching its conclusion. I have decided I don’t like the mass combat system so I am going to swap it out for die, men, die! From REIGN and see how that goes. I am pretty worn down by the pf1e system at this point but I am looking forward to the epic conclusion!

After Kingmaker. We will be running Legacy of Fire (heavily modded and converted to 2e) instead of Age of Ashes as originally intended. Everyone is super excited and making characters already and I’m trying to find good Arabian or desert themed adventures to weave into it. So far I have Broken Chains and Against the Scarlet Triad.

Finally, I am currently making a set of tokens from magic cards, felt, and washers. We will see how it goes.


Everyone is super excited and making characters already and I’m trying to find good Arabian or desert themed adventures to weave into it. So far I have Broken Chains and Against the Scarlet Triad.
Are you wanting stuff for PF1 or are you planning to convert? I might have some ideas.


The system doesn’t matter: I’m converting to pf2e anyways.
If you want some high level stuff, take a look at Gary Gygax's Necropolis (produced for 3rd edition by Necromancer Games - though there is a 5e update on the horizon).
There's also their Coils of Set, which was originally placed in a Ptolemaic Egypt setting. (It was also written by me, so I can give you tips on converting to PF2).

The system doesn’t matter: I’m converting to pf2e anyways.
If you want some high level stuff, take a look at Gary Gygax's Necropolis (produced for 3rd edition by Necromancer Games - though there is a 5e update on the horizon).
There's also their Coils of Set, which was originally placed in a Ptolemaic Egypt setting. (It was also written by me, so I can give you tips on converting to PF2).

I've heard very good things about the Campaign Guide: Zakhara - Adventures in the Land of Fate.


I got some fancy new idea to test out on The Defiled One flayed angel (from tome of horrors) in wrath, its minor solo miniboss encounter that feels pretty fillery, but I got new idea on how I could attempt to buff this one without adding mooks for it :O I already know from my sidequest tests that solo bosses are kinda impossible to make work by regular methods, buuuut I have several Chrono Trigger final boss and XCOM 2 inspired methods I want to test ;D

The other two campaigns I'm running that I mentioned are 1-20 5e newbie homebrew campaign(Its my first and only 5e game that I started to run because recruited players who wanted to try out rpgs and because I wanted to test out running 5e. I learned that I really don't like the system or Faerun for that matter, but I do like the players so I'm gonna run this as long they want to play, currently on level 14 x'D Continuation from beginner box and curse of strahd, I'm doing dream themed elder evil shenanigans and currently on sidetrek involving minotaur pirate sorcerer with clockwork labyrinth ;p)

The other one I've left to mention is starfinder Devastation Ark continuing from Dead Suns :3 They are in about half of the second book so not super far away from ending. Devastation Ark is pretty wild and well designed so pretty excited about running it in general

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