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[hypothetical] what if PCs KILLED Drizzt??!! (the burning question)


Heh, don't consider Drizzt dead for BG, he has words for you later ;).

Most likly, it's just simply that... His allies will manage him back to life (or even some of his advesaries).

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He comes back in BG2 though, so watch out...

Personally, If i was a good palidin i could justify killing Drizzt because bad things keep on popping up because he is there to stop them. So if I got rid of Drizzt, the bad things that he would stop would never happen in the first place, because they are really just plot devices.
So killing Drizzt would lower the GOOD DEED quota of Faerun, which would force the BAD DEED quota to be lowered just as much.

Its easy to think of these things when you haven't slept in a few nights... they just pop into your head...

Chimera King

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What is the benefit to a party to kill Drizzt?

Sure, you might get a fancy sword out of it and maybe a few interesting trinkets. Your reputation might stand to be bumped up a few notches in some eyes, and down in others. So, that's fine. You could accomplish the same thing by burning down the only tavern in town or handling the affairs of a prince with great tact. Is there really anything to be gained by killing a single drow elf?

Not really. Maybe if you're an ancestral avenger, then it might be worthwhile. Or if you've got something against Drizzt in particular. But honestly, it wouldn't really make a difference, I don't think, in Faerun. And you'd probably earn a few enemies, making it more trouble than it's worth.


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If you killed him man to man sword style, all fair n stuff, that would boost your rep of being one heck of a swordsmen. I haven't seen the FRCS stats for the Drow, is he a beefcake or normal?


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First of all, Drizzt is weak as hell. For all the genius and effort poured into the sample NPCs in the DMG, the fighters are at least capable of chewing up and spitting out Drizzts. A character with PC wealth of the appropriate levels should beat him. I'd figure that a party of 4 would have decent chance at levels 10-11.

What would happen if someone killed him? Probably not too much. Drizzt's primary allies have similar skills to his - they might even be useful for a dress rehersal for the attack on Drizzt. Also, they have little mobility or information gathering ability. Recently, he seems to have had relatively little contact with secondary allies/contacts. While Alustriel and Cadderly are powerful and might take in interest in Drizzt's fate, they're also busy and unlikely to take notice.

If you kill Drizzt, hide the body, and make sure no one living knows about you should do okay. It'd be just like killing anyone else, but with the added difficulty that he (and maybe his friends) will fight back effectively.

However, thus far Drizzt has only messed with the Drow. He already killed the human thieves guild that messed with his friends. No one misses them. Since he often confronts uncivilized monsters, he even helps evil groups that want to have places left to take over. He's not a significant threat against a magic oriented foe - and the most dangerous enemies of Faerun are magical. It wouldn't be worth the effort.


one of my questions that not anyone is answering is more along the lines of the actual world.

how would faerun change if one of its more famed heroes bit it?

what sort of repercussions would come up for the party who did off the drow ranger?

i know everyone hates drizzt, afterall it is more stylish to hate drizzt then it is to own a cellphone.;)


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eXodus said:
one of my questions that not anyone is answering is more along the lines of the actual world.

how would faerun change if one of its more famed heroes bit it?

Nothing would happen. One of the beauties about the roleplaying is that when heroes die, there are always more heroes willing to take up the banner and carry on the good fight.

Especially in Faerun, where you can't turn around without tripping over a level 15+ character.


First Post
probably nothing would happen to the world. Heroes die all of the time. Drizzt just happens to be a popular hero. When a villian is killed evil plots are foiled but the struggle between good and evil rage on.

So IMHO the world would stay the same.


First Post
Actually, there would be one major change. Mr. Salvatore would lose one of his primary sources of income, and WotC would sell a lot less FR books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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