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Homebrewers: Huzzah!


Moderator Emeritus
Well, I know Dungeon pretty well (have about every issue from #5 to present (with some small gaps)). . . I want examples of what yo uare talking about. :D

Actually, I bet I could come up with examples too, now that I think about it. . . probably a lot of the adventures I have NOT played over the years because they didn't make much sense to me. . .

I call them "Smedmans" because a lot of the time were written by Lisa Smedman - Cripes, did she some cool ideas executed most horrifically. :D

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Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
Psion: pretty pathetic of you to hold a vendetta for years on end eh?

RPG Create list? I think the last time I was on one of those was in 96 or 97.

And it has nothing at all whatso-ever to do with comments about scientific facts. The recent comment I made to that case is an accurate one. Do the scientific research or shut up.

As for my tastes; I find it silly of Nightfall to say he's not a zeolot like me. I would say the same of him myself. I always figured things between him and me were more in jest but it's good to know he takes it more seriously. Albeit dissapointing.

In terms of published setting I have a well known favorite. But in terms of actual favored setting I prefer my own setting of my own design.

It's funny how petty and vindictive some people can be to continue to time and time again attack someone even when totally uncalled for.

Whatever I did to you, whatever personal attack I must have made all those years ago or whatever... get over it. It obviously didn't end your life and I doubt it did any real harm.
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First Post
Rune said:
My other modification stems from my treatment of halflings in most of my games (see the sig): as children. In this setting, they are the overlords; they are the oppressors. I think this is funny as hell. This should make my brother happy; he loves halflings!

Dear god, no! I remember what your brother did with halflings last time. :D

Nice to hear from you again Rune!


The biggest difference from where I sit between Arcady and Nightfall is twofold.

One, Nightfall rarely trys to push his setting by slamming others.

Two, Nightfall has yet to claim (to my knowledge) that his setting is factualy better than any other setting... which speaks volumes, IMO. Let's face it, no setting is _better_ than any other. Period. I mean, really, the _only_ thing that matters is "Do you like it?". Heck, if you like Synnibar, go for it (although I would claim I never met you in public). If someone likes the setting, no amount of shouting "But that geography isn't probable!" is going to change their mind. Likewise, if someone doesn't like a setting, no amount of crying "But look at the yearly migration patterns of the western desert elves!" is going to make them like it.

If you want to push Kalamar, go for it Arcady, that doesn't bother me. I like Kalamar, although I prefer Loerem, and tend to push that if anything. But give a run down of the details of the settings, and don't try to lord over how "factualy superior" it is. That just sounds, to me at least, a little arrogant.

All this, of course, is IMHO.

Viking Bastard

'Be prepared for a lecture' or 'I'm too lazy to write a new shorter description and recycle old stuff'.

My Homebrew: Taken From My Story Hour (Link is in my sig).

The setting is a city named Serpent City. It is placed in the western continent of the world, which was first settled about 700 years ago by humans from the then-all-powerful Kentaarian Empire (that's sometime in the 11th century of the Kentaarian calendar). Before that the only sentinent races in the continent were gnomes and orcs. At first, both the gnomes and the orcs neither liked these new strange invaders and tried everything to stop them. The gnomes quickly changed suits after the Kentaarian army crushed and enslaved the whole orc civilization in one strike. Instead, they greeted the strangers with open arms, glad to be rid of those pesky orcs who had been tormenting them for milleniums.

Serpent City was the first city to be founded by humans in the new world. It was built from stone taken from the mountain ranges west of the city called Shadow Mountains. The spooky name comes the fact that the rocks the mountains mainly consist off are completely black. Therefor, Serpent City is nearly all completey black too.

About 400 years ago some gnome miners discovered a mysterious new blue-ish alloy in the southern mountains of the continent. The gnomes named it Thunderstone because of it's explosive qualities. The gnomes, who are known tinkers, were able to create such things as gunpowder and explosion combustion engines from this magical substance. Big markets formed around thunderstone products. When this thunderstone tech was combined with the age old human magic disciplines named Rune-Smithing (kinda lowpower magic item creation) by the tinkers of the gnome city Harrgard, such things as wargolems (big metallic warmachines, not always humanoid in form) and aircruisers (flying ships) were created which completely revelutionized the world's way of warfare, travel and trade.

When the aircruisers became the main tool of travel and trade in the world, the spires were built in many of the main trade cities. Colossal towers often up to 250-350 metres in height. They function as both multilevel docking stations and warehouses and as gigantic market places. The biggest one of them all is the the Serpent which is located in the centre of Serpent City (the city gets it current name from the construct). Like the rest of the city the Serpent is made from completely black stone, except for the huge silver dragon statue that sits upon the top of the spire and circles it's tail around the spire all the way down (a long tail, that). The idea is that the dragon sits upon it's treasure (the treasure being the spire and all the riches it holds).

But the denizes of the western lands were not so happy, because all the profits from the thunderstone went straight to the Kentaarian Emperor. One day Lord Julius Dracani and his followers of New Leiteinscheir, a city south of Serpent City and east of Thunderstone Mountains revolted against the Empire. In the course of the following year all of the Kentaarian colonies except for Gromnburg (a city north of Shadow Mountain) joined Lord Dracani in the war. The war lasted for nearly a decade, or until the old Emperor died and his son took over, who thought that the war wasn't going be won and it would be better just to let them go. And so the western world got freedom to do whatever it wanted.

Some of the southern colonies joined New Leitenscheir into the Dracani Dynasty, ruled by King Julius Dracani I and some of the northern ones (like Serpent City) followed King Kerak, but most remained independant. But Kerak quickly came corrupted by the power and craved for more, so he raised an army and marched south. Kerak's war efforts did though not go well and lost all his followers outside of Serpent City. Then he confiscated the Serpent City's Merchant Guild's aircruiser fleet to aid him in his war efforts. This decision backfired on him though because without the fleet, the guild went out of business, this didn't exactly sit well with the guildmasters so they revolted against Kerak and chopped his head off on the palace's balconies. Now the Merchant Guild controlled Serpent City and they later founded the Union of Free Cities (usually just called 'the free cities' or 'the union') with some of the neighbourhood cities (all of which are now controlled by the guild).

The players play cops in Serpent City.


arcady said:
Psion: pretty pathetic of you to hold a vendetta for years on end eh?

Oh, trust me. If there is anything I hold against you, it stems from your recent behavior. Such as your arrogance that your way is somehow objectively right and your willingness to be offended at the drop of a hat.

Do the scientific research or shut up.

Case in point. (And again, laughable coming from mister "Reality is Fuzzy.")

And FYI, I have done research on the issue to properly do wind bands and pressure cells in my own game. Likewise, I have yet to see your thesis that Kalamar is exemplary on this score and FR is bad.

And then, I'd like a demographic breakdown of who cares.

I think enough has been said on this point and it is not helpful to continue. What Tsyr said pretty succinctly sums ups my feeling.


First Post
And FYI, I have done research on the issue to properly do wind bands and pressure cells in my own game.


And here was me thinking I was being cutting edge to remember to use the weather charts from the Moonshae accessory...


And here was me thinking I was being cutting edge to remember to use the weather charts from the Moonshae accessory...

Eh... it's not hard. At least getting it to the point that is withstands enough scrutiny that the average player thinks to themselves isn't hard. I don't recall exactly where I learned about wind bands, but basically there are little belts around the globe in which the prevailing direction of the winds shifts. You should be able to find this info somewhere online.

Pressure cells are covered in as much detail as you are likely to need in the aforementioned World Builder's Guide (which was still in the distributor chan last year... I picked it up at BAMM last year after I lost my original copy) and it also has good advice on climate placement.

AFAIAC, if you go much beyond that, you are wasting effort.


Once A Fool
Kesh said:

Dear god, no! I remember what your brother did with halflings last time. :D

Nice to hear from you again Rune!

Hey, Kesh! Good to see you're still around! Are you going to have time to play in this one (I have no idea when)?

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