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Gaming catchphrases, expressions, and idioms--what are yours?


Not An Evil Twin
''Uh..cocked die...?''

Usually said after rolling a ''1'' on a d20.

''Does a '1' hit/save/etc. ?''

The other thing said after rolling a ''1'' on a d20.


The other other thing said after rolling a ''1'' on a d20.

''My AC is so low that even I can't hit me!''

Used in our 1e-2e campaigns. An alternate phrasing ends ''...even God can't hit me!''


The response, usually sarcastically, to the DM question ''How many hit points do you have left?'', which normally comes after a ginormous attack from the BBEG (or after saying ''...even God can't hit me!'').

''Is there a man in [city name] who has not slept with my daughter?!?''

Frustrated response of a PC cleric whose daughter (also a PC) is notoriously promiscuous. Based on a line from ''I, Claudius'', spoken by Augustus, played by Brian Blessed (who happens to be the character model for the cleric). Phrase is now a running gag.

''Keel zem, keel zem all...''

Signature phrase of one of my NPCs, first spoken (in an awt-rageous Fronch ox-CENT) by her when she was rescued from a band of gnolls who'd enslaved and, uh...molested her. Now used more-or-less jokingly (often OOC) when someone asks ''what do we do with these [whatever] we've captured?''

''What is your quest?''

Often said jokingly, OOC, when the party meets a new PC or NPC.

''Fireball...fireball...how's that go...?''

Said usually before unleashing Hell on Earth upon the BBEG in the form of a fireball spell or some other reasonably-flashy high-damage spell. Sometimes replaced with ''...you hear the ominous sound of pages rustling...'' From Dragonlancs, of course.

''What's it gots in its pocketses...?''

Said when looting a foe, whether it actually has ''pocketses'' or not.

''...you slime...'' or just ''...sliiiiiiiiime...''

Usually spoken by my DM, when we kill one of her BBEGs, particularly if we take (in her opinion) undue advantage of a slip-up on the NPC's part.

''...my theory, which is mine and belongs to me..''

Usually said when one party member is relating his hypothesis about what's going on behind the scenes or why a thing is a the way that it is; originally from a Monty Python sketch.

''...here's a kiss for you...'''

Said by one of my characters before she blasts an enemy out of their boots. From the ZBS SF radio play ''Ruby: Adventures Of A Galactic Gumshoe'', about a tough-as-nails female private eye on an alien planet; Ruby's favorite weapon is her Smith-Hitachi Godzilla-Blaster, but I make do with a wand or spell.

''Hey, suckah! Suck on this!''

Another Ruby phrase that has worked its way into my PC's dialogue, said usually before snuffing some poor bastard's life out, via sword, arrow or zap.

''...dies of fright!'', ''...invites us all to tea!'', ''...gives us his treasure and goes off on his merry way!'', ''...lays his/her sword at our feet!'', ''...trips and impales him/herself on his/her pointed shoes!'', ''...surrenders!'' or the like.

Various attempts, usually quite desperate, by PCs to finish a phrase by the DM, regarding the next action that the BBEG will take, which generally start ''He/She turns slowly and...''. ''He/She looks up and...'', ''He/She smiles and...''. The DM usually finishes the phrase with ''...actually, make a saving throw.'', ''...what's your AC again...?'', ''...he/she points a wand/staff/rod/finger at you, speaks a word, and...save.'' or ''...draws his/her sword/axe/other weapon and attacks.''

Not so much standard catch-phrases, that last bit, but more a standardized behavior.

More later when I rememember them.

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Some more I've remembered...

"You poked your eye out!" -- Said to anybody who rolls a 1 on an attack

"Swish." -- Ditto.

"Hasaaaaaan CHOP!" -- Said when rolling a boatload of damage in melee

"I say something witty and fascinating." -- When the player has no clue what to say, but the character has a high Cha / diplomacy check.

"Iiiii ... have a Cunning Plan!" or "I have a plan so cunning you could brush your teeth with it!" or "I have a plan that's so cunning, you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel!" -- The traditional segue into launching a discussion of tactics; all stolen from Black Adder, of course.

"Better part of valor! Better part of valor!" or "Our cause is DOOMED!" -- Said when the adventure is going south. Both stolen from Baldur's Gate.

-The Gneech :cool:


First Post
Hey RUBE!!!

This is what our PC's would yell if we were seperated and needed help. Apparently back in the early days of carnivals this is the expression that would be yelled when there was trouble and they needed the other carnies as backup.


First Post
Re: Gaming Catch Phrases

provik said:
We've adopted the standard RPGA in our game store.

"We Greyhawk him." First time I had to explain Greyhawking, I went through a long and complex explanation.

Agamon said:
My Living Greyhawk group has a few catchphrases:

"We Greyhawk the bodies." - This comes from the fact that in the first year of LG, you only got any loot in the game if you stripped the bodies of your enemies down and took everything. Refers to the fact that LG is the only game that one really does this...

Interesting! The LG group I play with in the UK is also very familiar with Greyhawking the bodies. I had no idea the phrase was so widely used.


First Post
The following phrases originated in 2e campaigns, and have been repeated in virtually every game I've played or run since:

Once, while I was drawing the characters' path in the ToEE, one of my players said "Stay frosty, people, we're near the edge of the map." (Players will often say this when they see a map, whether of a dungeon, city, or continent).

After finding a Helm of Brilliance, the party was faced with a 2e iron golem (which is not damaged by fire). The Helm wearer shot the golem twice with fireballs, which harmed it not at all but badly wounded the rest of the party. As the party members begged him not to fire again, he said "He can't take much more of this!" and fired again, killing the party. The golem killed him immediately after. (The players sometimes shout this when fighting opponents with high hp/DR/SR, or when there's a "friendly fire" accident.)

In another 2e game, a friend was playing the chaotic good paladin variation from a Dragon mag article; his chosen god was Sune, the goddess of love and beauty. The module involved several elaborate traps, the first of which was a circular room with identical doors that would spin around, confusing the party, until the correct door was chosen. The player said he was going to mark each door he opened; the DM reminded him he had no chalk, ink, etc. The player said "I'll mark them with my hand lotion." The DM demanded to see his character sheet, and sure enough the player had brought some hand lotion along in order to keep his hands looking good, as his goddess taught. The DM was baffled, and when we faced the next trap, a hideous affair with shooting blades, the DM shouted "Let's see your hand lotion save you now!"
(I sometimes say this after the players have outwitted my carefully laid plans and subsequently run into even bigger trouble).


Oh, I remembered another one.

"I send in the Black Bear Birgade" or "Black Bear Birgade to the rescue!" Used when we are useing large numbers of summoned monster/fodder NPC's to soak damage for us. We once ended up summoning something rediculous like 15 black bears to distract 3 Vrocks while our 5th and 6th level characters beat a hasty retreat.


First Post
Who is your B**CH , Daddy?????

Said by one of my overly excited PCs when he finally landed the killing blow on a baddie .....I think daddy and b**ch were supposed to be switched:rolleyes:


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Our first 3E game we had a rules lawyer who used to drag things down with minutia and after awhile the rest of us grew weary of it all so my favorite expression when he went on one of his little "things" was this -


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gunter uxbridge

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From D&D games that I have played in the past...

"Nobody sh**s in the morning!" Battle cry of a priest of Lathander who insisted that everyone hold their business until after morning prayers.

"Moonbeams and pixie dust and LUBE!" - Making fun of a mage characters penchant for casting Color Spray, Glitter Dust and Grease.

"What are ya??? French?" Common reaction to elven characters.

"I boot the door!" A common expression where the character does something that pretty much lets fate take care of itself.

"I suggest powder keg." A solution that uses brute force. Taken from a game where the DM let us keep a few kegs of black powder. We used them to open stuck doors, clear out a room of evil priests, check out the mechanism of a trap...lots of good stuff.

"A screaming purple monk runs by." Used during quite points in the game. Taken from when one of our monk characters fell in a vat of acid. We pulled him out and washed off the acid with wine before hitting him with some cures. The damage to his flesh and the natural dyes from the wine led to give him an all over body tattoo. Last seen at the end of a campaign running through the woods from where his whole party was killed.

From a Star Trek Starship Combat Simulator

"Riker Effect" - Direct hit to the bridge. One officer dies. Taken from numerous episodes where Riker winds up with part of the bridge stucking out of his skull. Also knows as "Chunk-o-bridge."

"Boy Buzzer" - On a direct hit to engineering, roll d100. On a 00 the ship immediately explodes. No escape pods, no beaming off...all crew lost. I saw three Romulan Warbirds go up in flames due to this in one fight.

Larry Fitz

First Post
"When last we left our stalwart adventurers.."

Used to begin the recap each session.

"Mr. Bunny!"

A bit convoluted, but a reference to a line from an old bugs bunny cartoon, used to point out when someone comes up with a terrible idea.


A reference to sneak attack damage delivered by a small rogue on a Large opponent. It refers to a particularly piece of anatomy...

"You see a frog covered in purple polka-dots.."

A not so subtle warning that OOG is detracting too much from IG and it's time to get back on track. First used a long time ago as some horrific spotted toads began trashing the party to get the players attention back on the game...

"Page 110"
A reference to the page in the 1st ed DMG that covered dealing with troublesome players. Used when players began deliberately getting on DM's nerves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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