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From the Hebrew myth, here is the creator: Yahweh

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Now that's a good discussion . . . is it okay to game-ify the Nordic deities worshiped by some today, but not okay to game-ify the Christian/Jewish God? A discussion that would be hard to have and follow the rules here on ENWorld.

There are some differences, however. While everyone has their own opinions, their own lines they don't want crossed, traditionally Christians and Jews don't appreciate their religion being trivialized like @Obly99 is doing here with Yahweh.

The Nordic deities have a history of being seen as "myths" and stories, and the neo-pagan Norse revival is a relatively recent phenomenon. Most Norse neo-pagans, at least that I've met, don't have a problem with their deities being used in fantasy stories or games. Possibly because they have a different relationship with their deities than Christians and Jews do with theirs. However, I'm not a follower of Asatru (Norse neo-paganism), nor am I a Christian (although, raised Catholic).

But there is a reason why WotC hasn't published an updated "Deities & Demigods" with D&D versions of world mythological figures. I'm glad they stayed away from that minefield.

Using real-world religion in your stories and/or games isn't inherently wrong . . . . but it's easy to cross the line into something disrespectful, even without that being the intent.
And people did complain in those threads about some of WotC choices, like Hades being designated as Evil I'm the PHB. I doubt the 2024 revision will retain the real world pantheons.

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Big difference between a goofy popularity contest and a "Lawful Evil" writeups the Jewish God tying into antisemitic tropes.
I did not create this post to insult or offend neither Christians nor Jews. I simply retrieved a creature created nearly 10 years ago and completed it. Then if someone feels offended, there is nothing I can do about it other than saying I'm sorry but I have no intention of being told that I am anti-Semitic.



OK . . . Yahweh is one of the names of God for both Christians and Jews TODAY. Right now. To put game stats to the concept, especially as an evil deity, is pretty disrespectful.
There is a long history of game stats for RL deities. I don't think one deity should be excluded and others allowed. If your fine (and you may not be) with Norse and Greek gods (some of which are still worshipped) and many Asian gods, then Abrahamic gods should be fair game IMO.

I understand it is a sensitive topic for some, but it is a game. We just have to let go a bit IMO, it is a game.


There is a long history of game stats for RL deities. I don't think one deity should be excluded and others allowed. If your fine (and you may not be) with Norse and Greek gods (some of which are still worshipped) and many Asian gods, then Abrahamic gods should be fair game IMO.

I understand it is a sensitive topic for some, but it is a game. We just have to let go a bit IMO, it is a game. I
It's sort of like writing up the Norse God's and assigning them all to Chaotic Evil because they are Pagans.

Though you make a compelling case for not using real world deities.

Dire Bare

I did not create this post to insult or offend neither Christians nor Jews. I simply retrieved a creature created nearly 10 years ago and completed it. Then if someone feels offended, there is nothing I can do about it other than saying I'm sorry but I have no intention of being told that I am anti-Semitic.
It may not be your intent, but it is what you accomplished.


Now that's a good discussion . . . is it okay to game-ify the Nordic deities worshiped by some today, but not okay to game-ify the Christian/Jewish God? A discussion that would be hard to have and follow the rules here on ENWorld.

There are some differences, however. While everyone has their own opinions, their own lines they don't want crossed, traditionally Christians and Jews don't appreciate their religion being trivialized like @Obly99 is doing here with Yahweh.

The Nordic deities have a history of being seen as "myths" and stories, and the neo-pagan Norse revival is a relatively recent phenomenon. Most Norse neo-pagans, at least that I've met, don't have a problem with their deities being used in fantasy stories or games. Possibly because they have a different relationship with their deities than Christians and Jews do with theirs. However, I'm not a follower of Asatru (Norse neo-paganism), nor am I a Christian (although, raised Catholic).

But there is a reason why WotC hasn't published an updated "Deities & Demigods" with D&D versions of world mythological figures. I'm glad they stayed away from that minefield.

Using real-world religion in your stories and/or games isn't inherently wrong . . . . but it's easy to cross the line into something disrespectful, even without that being the intent.
And the other group of atheists, who think they are all just pretend anyway so what's the big deal with one but not the other?

Personally, I wouldn't stat out any RL deity, because it doesn't cost me anything to be respectful and there is no reason to do something I know will offend others. Heck, I'm currently working on Twilight Fables, which is based on real historical folklore, but I'm intentionally leaving out anything that would resemble a stat write-up for gods and goddesses from that folklore. Heroes? Sure. Deities? Nope.

Dire Bare

There is a long history of game stats for RL deities. I don't think one deity should be excluded and others allowed. If your fine (and you may not be) with Norse and Greek gods (some of which are still worshipped) and many Asian gods, then Abrahamic gods should be fair game IMO.

I understand it is a sensitive topic for some, but it is a game. We just have to let go a bit IMO, it is a game. I
The "It's just a game" excuse is weak. Sorry.

There is a long history of putting game stats to real-world deities and mythic figures . . . and when it crosses over into people's religious beliefs, it gets dicey quickly. We can do better.

Dire Bare

And people did complain in those threads about some of WotC choices, like Hades being designated as Evil I'm the PHB. I doubt the 2024 revision will retain the real world pantheons.
Damn! I forgot WotC included real-world deity lists in the 5E PHB. Not surprised that some folks took issue with the specifics. I agree, the 2024 books will likely not include that. Or at least I hope they won't!

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