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OD&D Favorite PC you have ever played?


Rotten DM
Why bring him back if he was pushing down the players???
Was he just too lovable of a character to get rid of???
My players love him. And he only pushed players when they were talking to long and I knew the damage was going to be low. Also he would some times charge the boss monster to act like a meat shield.

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
There are a few that I have very fond memories of. Faeryl was a drow bard who made me realise that alignment changes can actually happen in a way that feels natural and logical. Started out neutral evil, got stranded on surface when her party died, found a new party to join, got shown compassion, survived another near tpk, found another party to join in and gradually learned to appreciate the ways of the surface folk. Turned neutral and was on the way to neutral good by the time the campaign ended.

Another favourite was a halfling monk with vow of poverty. Insanely powerful feat in a game where gm was stingy on magic items. Easily took on monsters that were way over their level. Finally died by falling off an airship...


Adric Silverhawk, silver elf bladesinger (2E)
Adric was a simple fighter/mage from the Dalelands, who learned the art of bladesinging. Joining his two gold elf cousins, he joined an adventuring band that wandered the Dalelands called "Six Elves and a Halfling." The name became a misnomer because two of the "elves" were half elves, and the band kept the name even after many of the original members were dead or retired. Most of the threats were bandits, cultists, and the ever-present Zentarum. Adric even faced off against a rogue band of elves who were attempting to purge humanity from "Cormanthor." After defeating a deadly dracolich and bringing its hoard back to Daggerdale, the group became well known as defenders of the Dalelands. As with many other famous adventurers, Adric's group couldn't help but make an attempt at Myth Dranor. Within they found many powerful magics, and even more powerful fiends. His later exploits expanded beyond the Dalelands to the Anauroch Desert and even one of the Seven Sisters (small asteroids that follow the moon). After decades of adventure, Adric eventually retired in the Dalelands with his amassed wealth, marrying and starting a family.

Quillion Al'Rey, gold elf wizard (3E)
Quillion was born of a minor noble house on Evermeet, whose father once adventured with his cousin Adric Silverhawk before retiring. His older brother and sister were part of an invasion by rebel elves on the Isle, and while it was unsuccessful, the House of Al'Rey was ruined in status. Quillion took up his father's spellbook and began a quest to find his siblings, not only to bring them to justice, but to understand why they would perform such treachery. He left Evermeet for Faerun, joining up with a band of adventurers named "Raven's Claw." Quillion struggled within the group, as a gold elf on Evermeet he'd grown up with the notion of elven superiority (especially the gold elves), but eventually found himself friends, including not only a human but also a dwarf.

They faced two hidden threats, the Fay'ri and the Shadowvar, who were only slowly understood. Their group was captured by the Fey'ri, where Quillion discovered that his siblings had not only joined with the Fay'ri, but his brother had a Fay'ri child. They attempted to turn Quillion to their cause, threatening and torturing his companions, but he would not bend to such evil. They were rescued by Harpers, but Quillion had lost the trust of his allies. He stayed with them out of remorse, but when approached by the Shadowvar, he was greatly tempted with their strange magics, which he could use to find and defeat the Fey'ri. In the end he could not betray his companions again, even though it meant abandoning his quest. Fate rewarded Quillion for his sacrifice, however, for not only were they able to defeat the Shadowvar, but they also found and destroyed the Fey'ri.


41st lv DM
My favorite would be Bree Burrfoot - my 5e 1/2ling Warlock (fey patron, chain pact) & her pseudo-dragon familiar "Scales".

Initially she was created as an NPC quest-giver in the 1st adventure arc of the 1st 5e campaign I ran. So, while she had some background, she didn't really have stats. Just some obvious background details + 1/2ling, female, Warlock/chain-fey/3rd lv, P.Dragon familiar, 9-10 years old, about 2.5 ft tall, super friendly, always excited, loves magic & speaks in that high speed manner wich only little girls can somehow manage. The real life template for this character, including the speech, was my friends daughter when she was that age. :)
And, even though she (and her sister) ended up accidently joining the party on the second arc, other than having str.7 & "high Cha", that's all the more stats she had. More personality & background details were learned by the players though.

When we payed Curse of Strahd I needed a character on really short notice. As in "We start play in 30 minutes" really short notice. Rolling stats & picking class etc is easy, coming up with a character takes me longer than that.
I did however have Bree's note card in the folder. And a plausible reason for her to be present on a lonely road in the middle of nowhere....
So she got an impromptu upgrade to PC status, real stats, & knocked down to lv.1 (explained as Barovia interfering with her connection to her patron).

Since then I've played her in several attempts at PBP, a PF1 game (stated as a PF1 Summoner, almost identical to her 5e version!), and she's made 4 cameo appearances - one in the closing session of a campaign as an additional PC, once as an NPC in our ToA campaign, & twice in our current 5e game.

Currently she is back home at the Wildwood Inn safe & retired at 8th lv, about to turn 11, & excited to become Aunt Bree.
But about the character....
** Bree & her older sister Rose (also eventually a PC) were born/lived/worked in the Wildwood Inn, a roadhouse tavern/inn owned & run by their father roughly 6 hours west of the farming community known as the Downs, located in the Duchy of Karameikos.

** Every year since being taken over by Mr. Burrfoot the Wildwood has hosted an annual Bacchanal (an annual celebration observed by followers of the regions "Old Faith" & used as an excuse for drunken+ partying by others of the "New Faith). Things can get wildly out of hand & NSFW description wise.... So each year Mr. Burrfoot would send his wife & daughters into town to stay with friends for a few days. This year however circumstances were such that he couldn't. His wife had died that spring, his human friend the Ranger Evan who'd escort them to town & back was missing (the trips not generally too dangerous, but there are wild animals about who'd find a traveling family of 1/2lings, or a lone 1/2ling a tempting meal) , there were reports of bandits & goblinoids in the area, & worse; Vistani had recently cursed the town! So he made the fateful decision to keep the girls home & locked in their room after dinner until breakfast the next day..... He was most worried that Bree would try & see what was going on as she takes after him, a curious troublemaker, whereas her 18 year sister Rose is much like their mother - calm, sensible, good judgement, & had instructions to watch her little sister carefully....

** The reason the Wildwood hosts the Bacchanal is that Mr. Burrfoot has found it extremely profitable due to collecting the valuables - $/items/abandoned mounts/magic items - lost/discarded/forgotten during the night.
His investment in food/booze/& a band is a paltry sum compared to most years loot gained during the next days clean up. Even when factoring in repairs & having to return some of the items.

** What Mr. Burrfoot didn't realize was:
A) There's an ancient (and powerfull!) pseudo-dragon lairing in a small cave under his inn.
B) His youngest daughter, Bree, found a bag full of size changing pellets a few years ago after one of the parties. She thought they were candy, ate a few, and shrank/enlarged herself. Eating a few more she discovered which ones were which.... And how long the effects last.... The smallest she could shrink herself was to the size of a mouse! Wich gave her an idea! She could explore that hole in the basement wall!
Well, doing that led her into a warren of vermin tunnels & she eventually discovered the pseudo-dragons lair.
C) That his daughter had struck up a friendship with the pseudo-dragon (called "Scales" as 7 year old Bree couldn't pronounce the Draconic name). Wich eventually led to "Scales" teaching her some minor magic in exchange for her bringing him some loot from each years Bacchanal. {Fey Patron}
{Once Bree was old enough, as in like 20 yrs old or so, Scales planned to send her out on true adventures for more/bigger/better loot)
D) That of his two children, it wouldn't at all be Bree who got in trouble that night....

Bree's adventures:
Warning, long.
** (campaign 1, arc 1, sessions 1 & 2, as an NPC)
The next morning Bree woke up waay bright & early, discovered that Rose wasn't there, and Spider Climbed out the window & down stairs for pre-breakfast and a look around.
She discovered from several drunken partiers that not only was Rose not around, but that she'd been at the Bacchanal and been abducted by Satyrs!
"Dads going to be sooo mad...."
And so, by promising them choice of loot from the party, Bree rounded up several {very drunk/hungover} adventurers & set off into the North Woods to rescue her sister before her Dad realized anything was wrong.
Fortunately one of them, an Elf Ranger, knew where the Satyrs were almost certainly headed (player passed knowledge check). They could make it there, rescue Rose, & be back just in time to get breakfast started.....

Yeah, that's not how things turned out.

They tracked the Satyr band no problem (a few minor encounters).
They snuck into the Satyr camp, explored a bit, got some treasure, & found Rose + several other NPC women from the Bacchanal in a cage. And learned the Satyrs were planning to take them into the Feywild.
They freed the prisoners - but failed the "Sneak back out of the camp" rolls. Badly.
Wich led to a running fight back towards the inn.
Eventually after a few bad evasion rolls the PCs & NPCs were trapped & outnumbered. During the fight one of the Players tossed Rose an item they'd received during the party & told her to complete a side, any side, quick. {it's Rubiks Cube, in game it's a combo Amulet of the Planes/Cubic Gate - we rolled these two items, from one person who was pickpocketed, quite randomly as loot during the party. I've got no qualms about throwing some wild items into even 1st lv games - just to see what happens. And since the rescue was session #2 I'd had a week to get an actual Rubiks Cube as a prop. :) And make a complete list of places/adventures each side/combo of sides would lead to. :) :) }
I handed the cube to one of the players rather than do it myself and influence the result & instructed them to stop as soon as 1 side was complete.
They completed a side & shunted everyone in range (the PCs, the two 1/2lings, a few satyrs, and a few of the other prisoners) to a jungle island....

** (campaign 1, arc 1, sessions 3 - ?, as an NPC)
The PCs, the two 1/2lings, a few satyrs, and a few of the other prisoners land on a jungle island somewhere near Chult and spend the next 7 or 8(?) game sessions exploring & looking for a way off the island. This is where the players learn anything in the "Backstory" section they didn't already know.
Bree the PCs (+ Rose & other NPCs) spend alot of time running about the island being chased by animals, dinos & cannibals seeking a way off.
The party refused to use the Cube to escape the island because 1) they were having fun, 2) they'd prefer not to be thrown into another random setting.

Eventually they attract a passing ship & the few remaining survivors (just the elf Ranger, the two 1/2lings & several NPCs being played by the players who'd lost character along the way) are rescued.

On the voyage home, thanks to a random encounter check, their ship encounters pirates.
As the deck is being over run by pirates the Ranger again tosses the Cube to Rose (because she was closest) & tells her to "Make it work!"
This time I have a little sand timer with me. However many sides you can complete.... Player got three.
Three locations!
All in range are rolled for randomly to see which location they go to.
Player went to 1 - this is the only location I worried about as there was only 1 player playing a proper PC. Didn't matter where the NPCs went.
Bree + 1 pirate & 1 misc. crewman/passenger went to 2 - Location to be determined....
Rose, the Cube + the rest in range went to 3 - Location to be determined....

End of Campaign #1.

A short time later..... I found myself in the Curse of Strahd campaign & rolling proper stats for Bree.
The guy who was playing the elf Ranger was DMing & two of the players from campaign #1 were involved.
We ended up playing Bree, a Pirate (fighter), & 1/2orc Barbarian - who, along with a chunk of the ship, were sucked into Barovia via the Cubic Gate.
Bree then met her 1st Teifling as player #4 came to investigate what'd just crashed into the road ahead of him.
Bree spent the next six months worth of nearly weekly game sessions (only a few weeks in-game) traipsing back & forth around Barovia meeting Hags, Werewolves, evil Druids & stick monsters, trying to help the 1/2orc (now a Revenant) catch an armored tiger, & recovering various items needed to fight Strahd. Including the Sun Sword.

The game ended in a virtual TPK in the Amber Temple.
The pirate fled in terror through the woods being chased by vampire spawn, several newly met adventurers were killed (Bree didn't see that, but she heard them screaming & then the screams stopped... :( ), & the 1/2orc fell & did the thing were his body disappears to re-spawn a mile away.
Bree, seeing an opening for escape, while most of the vampire spawn were chasing the pirate, kicked in the afterburners (Expeditious Retreat + Dash) & bolted up a flight of stairs pausing only long enough to grab the Sun Sword hilt from among the gear dropped by the vanishing 1/2orc revenant.
Failing to find a way out of the next room & with a vampire closing in she dove into her own bag of holding (remember, she's little - less than 3ft tall) & intentionally punctured it on the advice of her pseudo-dragon familiar. Better to take a chance getting thrown into (?) than staying here & being a vampires snack....
DM ruled that 1-2: lost as per item description, 3-4: thrown out somewhere else in Barovia, 5-6: lands elsewhere - deep etherial? Astral? ??? But doesn't really matter as campaigns done. He rolled a 5. Bree survived & escaped Ravenloft. Where exactly tbd if ever needed.

After that Bree appeared in several attempts at PBP games here on EnWorld.

Bree washes ashore on a random island half drowned, minus a few lvs, & with only the WBL of a 3rd lv PF1 character.
She then plays through the 1st several books of the PF Ruins of Azlant AP.
Adopted into a newly formed colony, helps them explore the island (she's getting good at this island stuff!), befriends a tribe of Monkey Goblins, catches a baby tiger(!) {an ex-animal companion of a deceased character), & helps fend off an attack on the colony by blood drinking shape-shifters working for an Aboleth.
Just after hitting 8th lv a GENIE appears out of nowhere, tells her that it's been sent by her sister Rose to "find my sister & bring her back to me".
Bree negotiates with the Genie that it's not fair to the people she's with to just up & abandon them. If she goes, the Genie has to find someone to take her place here helping the colony against the monsters. Preferably someone who can breathe underwater.... And knows what the heck an Aboleth is!
(switching character out as pre-planned in our now defunct Sunday game on what turned out to be the last session)

And so the Genie drops Bree in the final room of I5 (Lost Tomb of Martek) where here sister finds her & her pseudo-dragon familiar shoveling loot from Marteks treasury into a bag of holding.
Martek then sends everyone home/where ever they want to go (the conclusion of a different campaign I was in, playing Rose)
The 1/2lings chose to go home to the Wildwood Inn, just before Rose got abducted by the Satyrs, so that Dad wouldn't know they'd been gone for nearly 6 months! (there IS one problem with that, well, several actually. But that's a story for another time....)

Presently both halflings are back home, safe, "retired" & beyond rich.
Mr. Burrfoot very quickly learned the truth of what happened. And although mad (mostly at himself- he could've at least Sovreign Glued their door & window shut) is still very proud that his daughters are bonified heroes (one of them helped restore the flow of the River Athis & returned life to the Desert of Desolation! The other, at not even 11 yet, has helped people across at least 3 realms) & hasn't killed either of them.
And next years Bacchanal will NOT be hosted at the Wildwood.

Bree Burrfoot will return.


Demon Prince
My favorite would be Bree Burrfoot - my 5e 1/2ling Warlock (fey patron, chain pact) & her pseudo-dragon familiar "Scales".

Initially she was created as an NPC quest-giver in the 1st adventure arc of the 1st 5e campaign I ran. So, while she had some background, she didn't really have stats. Just some obvious background details + 1/2ling, female, Warlock/chain-fey/3rd lv, P.Dragon familiar, 9-10 years old, about 2.5 ft tall, super friendly, always excited, loves magic & speaks in that high speed manner wich only little girls can somehow manage. The real life template for this character, including the speech, was my friends daughter when she was that age. :)
And, even though she (and her sister) ended up accidently joining the party on the second arc, other than having str.7 & "high Cha", that's all the more stats she had. More personality & background details were learned by the players though.

When we payed Curse of Strahd I needed a character on really short notice. As in "We start play in 30 minutes" really short notice. Rolling stats & picking class etc is easy, coming up with a character takes me longer than that.
I did however have Bree's note card in the folder. And a plausible reason for her to be present on a lonely road in the middle of nowhere....
So she got an impromptu upgrade to PC status, real stats, & knocked down to lv.1 (explained as Barovia interfering with her connection to her patron).

Since then I've played her in several attempts at PBP, a PF1 game (stated as a PF1 Summoner, almost identical to her 5e version!), and she's made 4 cameo appearances - one in the closing session of a campaign as an additional PC, once as an NPC in our ToA campaign, & twice in our current 5e game.

Currently she is back home at the Wildwood Inn safe & retired at 8th lv, about to turn 11, & excited to become Aunt Bree.
But about the character....
** Bree & her older sister Rose (also eventually a PC) were born/lived/worked in the Wildwood Inn, a roadhouse tavern/inn owned & run by their father roughly 6 hours west of the farming community known as the Downs, located in the Duchy of Karameikos.

** Every year since being taken over by Mr. Burrfoot the Wildwood has hosted an annual Bacchanal (an annual celebration observed by followers of the regions "Old Faith" & used as an excuse for drunken+ partying by others of the "New Faith). Things can get wildly out of hand & NSFW description wise.... So each year Mr. Burrfoot would send his wife & daughters into town to stay with friends for a few days. This year however circumstances were such that he couldn't. His wife had died that spring, his human friend the Ranger Evan who'd escort them to town & back was missing (the trips not generally too dangerous, but there are wild animals about who'd find a traveling family of 1/2lings, or a lone 1/2ling a tempting meal) , there were reports of bandits & goblinoids in the area, & worse; Vistani had recently cursed the town! So he made the fateful decision to keep the girls home & locked in their room after dinner until breakfast the next day..... He was most worried that Bree would try & see what was going on as she takes after him, a curious troublemaker, whereas her 18 year sister Rose is much like their mother - calm, sensible, good judgement, & had instructions to watch her little sister carefully....

** The reason the Wildwood hosts the Bacchanal is that Mr. Burrfoot has found it extremely profitable due to collecting the valuables - $/items/abandoned mounts/magic items - lost/discarded/forgotten during the night.
His investment in food/booze/& a band is a paltry sum compared to most years loot gained during the next days clean up. Even when factoring in repairs & having to return some of the items.

** What Mr. Burrfoot didn't realize was:
A) There's an ancient (and powerfull!) pseudo-dragon lairing in a small cave under his inn.
B) His youngest daughter, Bree, found a bag full of size changing pellets a few years ago after one of the parties. She thought they were candy, ate a few, and shrank/enlarged herself. Eating a few more she discovered which ones were which.... And how long the effects last.... The smallest she could shrink herself was to the size of a mouse! Wich gave her an idea! She could explore that hole in the basement wall!
Well, doing that led her into a warren of vermin tunnels & she eventually discovered the pseudo-dragons lair.
C) That his daughter had struck up a friendship with the pseudo-dragon (called "Scales" as 7 year old Bree couldn't pronounce the Draconic name). Wich eventually led to "Scales" teaching her some minor magic in exchange for her bringing him some loot from each years Bacchanal. {Fey Patron}
{Once Bree was old enough, as in like 20 yrs old or so, Scales planned to send her out on true adventures for more/bigger/better loot)
D) That of his two children, it wouldn't at all be Bree who got in trouble that night....

Bree's adventures:
Warning, long.
** (campaign 1, arc 1, sessions 1 & 2, as an NPC)
The next morning Bree woke up waay bright & early, discovered that Rose wasn't there, and Spider Climbed out the window & down stairs for pre-breakfast and a look around.
She discovered from several drunken partiers that not only was Rose not around, but that she'd been at the Bacchanal and been abducted by Satyrs!
"Dads going to be sooo mad...."
And so, by promising them choice of loot from the party, Bree rounded up several {very drunk/hungover} adventurers & set off into the North Woods to rescue her sister before her Dad realized anything was wrong.
Fortunately one of them, an Elf Ranger, knew where the Satyrs were almost certainly headed (player passed knowledge check). They could make it there, rescue Rose, & be back just in time to get breakfast started.....

Yeah, that's not how things turned out.

They tracked the Satyr band no problem (a few minor encounters).
They snuck into the Satyr camp, explored a bit, got some treasure, & found Rose + several other NPC women from the Bacchanal in a cage. And learned the Satyrs were planning to take them into the Feywild.
They freed the prisoners - but failed the "Sneak back out of the camp" rolls. Badly.
Wich led to a running fight back towards the inn.
Eventually after a few bad evasion rolls the PCs & NPCs were trapped & outnumbered. During the fight one of the Players tossed Rose an item they'd received during the party & told her to complete a side, any side, quick. {it's Rubiks Cube, in game it's a combo Amulet of the Planes/Cubic Gate - we rolled these two items, from one person who was pickpocketed, quite randomly as loot during the party. I've got no qualms about throwing some wild items into even 1st lv games - just to see what happens. And since the rescue was session #2 I'd had a week to get an actual Rubiks Cube as a prop. :) And make a complete list of places/adventures each side/combo of sides would lead to. :) :) }
I handed the cube to one of the players rather than do it myself and influence the result & instructed them to stop as soon as 1 side was complete.
They completed a side & shunted everyone in range (the PCs, the two 1/2lings, a few satyrs, and a few of the other prisoners) to a jungle island....

** (campaign 1, arc 1, sessions 3 - ?, as an NPC)
The PCs, the two 1/2lings, a few satyrs, and a few of the other prisoners land on a jungle island somewhere near Chult and spend the next 7 or 8(?) game sessions exploring & looking for a way off the island. This is where the players learn anything in the "Backstory" section they didn't already know.
Bree the PCs (+ Rose & other NPCs) spend alot of time running about the island being chased by animals, dinos & cannibals seeking a way off.
The party refused to use the Cube to escape the island because 1) they were having fun, 2) they'd prefer not to be thrown into another random setting.

Eventually they attract a passing ship & the few remaining survivors (just the elf Ranger, the two 1/2lings & several NPCs being played by the players who'd lost character along the way) are rescued.

On the voyage home, thanks to a random encounter check, their ship encounters pirates.
As the deck is being over run by pirates the Ranger again tosses the Cube to Rose (because she was closest) & tells her to "Make it work!"
This time I have a little sand timer with me. However many sides you can complete.... Player got three.
Three locations!
All in range are rolled for randomly to see which location they go to.
Player went to 1 - this is the only location I worried about as there was only 1 player playing a proper PC. Didn't matter where the NPCs went.
Bree + 1 pirate & 1 misc. crewman/passenger went to 2 - Location to be determined....
Rose, the Cube + the rest in range went to 3 - Location to be determined....

End of Campaign #1.

A short time later..... I found myself in the Curse of Strahd campaign & rolling proper stats for Bree.
The guy who was playing the elf Ranger was DMing & two of the players from campaign #1 were involved.
We ended up playing Bree, a Pirate (fighter), & 1/2orc Barbarian - who, along with a chunk of the ship, were sucked into Barovia via the Cubic Gate.
Bree then met her 1st Teifling as player #4 came to investigate what'd just crashed into the road ahead of him.
Bree spent the next six months worth of nearly weekly game sessions (only a few weeks in-game) traipsing back & forth around Barovia meeting Hags, Werewolves, evil Druids & stick monsters, trying to help the 1/2orc (now a Revenant) catch an armored tiger, & recovering various items needed to fight Strahd. Including the Sun Sword.

The game ended in a virtual TPK in the Amber Temple.
The pirate fled in terror through the woods being chased by vampire spawn, several newly met adventurers were killed (Bree didn't see that, but she heard them screaming & then the screams stopped... :( ), & the 1/2orc fell & did the thing were his body disappears to re-spawn a mile away.
Bree, seeing an opening for escape, while most of the vampire spawn were chasing the pirate, kicked in the afterburners (Expeditious Retreat + Dash) & bolted up a flight of stairs pausing only long enough to grab the Sun Sword hilt from among the gear dropped by the vanishing 1/2orc revenant.
Failing to find a way out of the next room & with a vampire closing in she dove into her own bag of holding (remember, she's little - less than 3ft tall) & intentionally punctured it on the advice of her pseudo-dragon familiar. Better to take a chance getting thrown into (?) than staying here & being a vampires snack....
DM ruled that 1-2: lost as per item description, 3-4: thrown out somewhere else in Barovia, 5-6: lands elsewhere - deep etherial? Astral? ??? But doesn't really matter as campaigns done. He rolled a 5. Bree survived & escaped Ravenloft. Where exactly tbd if ever needed.

After that Bree appeared in several attempts at PBP games here on EnWorld.

Bree washes ashore on a random island half drowned, minus a few lvs, & with only the WBL of a 3rd lv PF1 character.
She then plays through the 1st several books of the PF Ruins of Azlant AP.
Adopted into a newly formed colony, helps them explore the island (she's getting good at this island stuff!), befriends a tribe of Monkey Goblins, catches a baby tiger(!) {an ex-animal companion of a deceased character), & helps fend off an attack on the colony by blood drinking shape-shifters working for an Aboleth.
Just after hitting 8th lv a GENIE appears out of nowhere, tells her that it's been sent by her sister Rose to "find my sister & bring her back to me".
Bree negotiates with the Genie that it's not fair to the people she's with to just up & abandon them. If she goes, the Genie has to find someone to take her place here helping the colony against the monsters. Preferably someone who can breathe underwater.... And knows what the heck an Aboleth is!
(switching character out as pre-planned in our now defunct Sunday game on what turned out to be the last session)

And so the Genie drops Bree in the final room of I5 (Lost Tomb of Martek) where here sister finds her & her pseudo-dragon familiar shoveling loot from Marteks treasury into a bag of holding.
Martek then sends everyone home/where ever they want to go (the conclusion of a different campaign I was in, playing Rose)
The 1/2lings chose to go home to the Wildwood Inn, just before Rose got abducted by the Satyrs, so that Dad wouldn't know they'd been gone for nearly 6 months! (there IS one problem with that, well, several actually. But that's a story for another time....)

Presently both halflings are back home, safe, "retired" & beyond rich.
Mr. Burrfoot very quickly learned the truth of what happened. And although mad (mostly at himself- he could've at least Sovreign Glued their door & window shut) is still very proud that his daughters are bonified heroes (one of them helped restore the flow of the River Athis & returned life to the Desert of Desolation! The other, at not even 11 yet, has helped people across at least 3 realms) & hasn't killed either of them.
And next years Bacchanal will NOT be hosted at the Wildwood.

Bree Burrfoot will return.
After taking my entire break(s) to read your adventures i have to say ONE thing and one thing only....
You took time typing this up.
My fingers would have been screamin


A suffusion of yellow
Orbril the gnome started as an energetic young gnome who was kicked out of his burrow due to his alchemy experiments blowing up too often. Wandering into town he snuck into the back of a carriage and hid amongst the luggage of another PC (who was being sent as the new ambasador to a neighbouring nation). Orbril was caught a sleep amongst the PC ambassadors lingerie and got close to being arrested except that their tavern got locked down by Fey Soldiers looking for a run away prince. Orbrils first adventure involved being teleported to the Fey lands where they become embroiled in a plot to start a war. The PCs stop it and so win the favour and friendship of the Fey Queen.This started his involvement with the nobility and politics of the nation.

Later adventures had him hunting bandits (where he lost two fingers due to torutre), an adventure where they ran away from snake headed mummies, another adventure where he found a sentient singing rock, and another where he climbed into a NPCs satchel only for that NPC to transform into a dragon and take flight.

On another adventure Orbril was on a Gryphon hunt when they came across a herd of giant carnivorous hamsters, Orbril captured and tamed two of the Hamsters which prompted him to buy a farm and begin breeding and training the hamsters as mounts and to pull his wagon. This became the nucleus of Orbrils Travelling Circus, where Orbril and others would travel from city to city, leaving hamsters at each gnome burrow they passed, performing for the public and getting involved in various intrigues including transporting a princess across enemy lines, investigating a cults attempt to raise the Naga Queen and foiling an enemy invasion (during which Orbril used fireworks to bring down an enemy airship.)

I did have breaks from Orbrils over the years, but would often come back to him, which allowed Orbril to age over those adventures until he became an elder gnome with thick grey beard, bright red nose and failing eyesight.

I had first thought to retire Orbril by getting him hired as the Lecturing in Alchemical Sciences by one of the Empires leading Universities. He was an acknowledged expert in alchemy who in character had written a number of books and treasties on alchemy and geology across the Empire (it was a fun quirk in the game that I’d always have Orbril collecting rocks and other alchemical supplies and noting them in his journal).
Later though he resigned from the Univeristy and as a friend of the Fey Queen attempted to retire in her realm amongst the fairies, describing himself as the lusty caliban amongst all the alluring sprites and nymphs.

I had thought that was it for Orbril as I went on to other projects and other characters. But I also got to tinkering with the mechanics of how the Gnome race worked in our games, turning them into a eusocial species where clans share a empathetic bond. Elders and in particular the Clan Matriarch tap into this bond to share ‘notions’ that help clans to coordinate there actions and act collectively to create projects that would be too large for indivudual gnomes.

In order to play test it we determined that Orbrils homeland had been overrun by Orcs and its Matriarch (Orbrils sister) had died, Orbril had to return to the mundane world and help his clan to find a new home - Orbrils last adventure was to lead a crew of gnomes with whom he had an empathetic link explore and settle an abandoned complex on an island ‘to the north’.
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41st lv DM
After taking my entire break(s) to read your adventures i have to say ONE thing and one thing only....
You took time typing this up.
My fingers would have been screamin

Thanks. Since you spent multiple breaks, I hope you were entertained.


As I've been primarily the DM for the past several decades, it's only recently, when my adult son decided to try his hands at DMing, that I've gotten the opportunity to run a PC through an entire campaign. So, as such, I've got a whole three PCs under my belt.

The first was in a homebrew "Skylanders" D&D game, built specifically to entice my then-ten-year-old nephew into tabletop gaming. I ran a humanoid crow (we just used the stats for a human) gestalt ranger/rogue named Sam Crow (after the "Sons of Anarchy" TV show - Sam was also a member in a bowman's club, the "Sons of Archery"). As this wasn't a particularly serious campaign, I ran Sam as an abject coward and punster - he was definitely, without a doubt, the "sidekick" to my nephew's "top-billing" PC, a humanoid sheep gestalt barbarian/cleric named Baabby.

My second PC was a human fighter named Jace Syngaard in a more traditional 3.5 D&D game. Syngaard was a blast to run: crude, low intelligence, irrational hatred of halflings, in it mostly for the money even though the underlying campaign plot was of a more heroic bent. But Syngaard had his softer side: a hidden daughter, the only reminder of his wife who died in childbirth, and who was a target for assassination by both a crime lord and a pit fiend (for different reasons). But Syngaard's more likely to be remembered because he had a bronze griffon figurine of wondrous power who he - naturally - named "Dick." So my players will not soon forget Syngaard's penchant for "whipping out his Dick and riding it into battle."

My current PC is in a follow-on 3.5 campaign from Syngaard's, and I play a lizardfolk barbarian/fighter named Jhasspok. All of our PCs started the campaign as slaves to the drow elves, and while the other players created PCs who had just recently been captured "off screen" at the beginning of the campaign, I made Jhasspok's back story that his egg had been stolen from the surface during a raid and he'd hatched into slavery. Thus, he'd spent his entire life (all five years of it) living as a drow slave in the Underdark. Jhasspok's incredibly naïve, with very little life experience beyond catching fish - he'd never seen the Sun or the Moon, for example. (On his first trip to the surface world in his new role as a raider, he tackled one of the other PCs to "rescue" him from what he thought was a fireball exploding in the sky, and he's pretty sure the Moon is just a Really Big Pearl and that there are streams of acid in the sky because the Really Big Pearl has been getting observably whittled away as time goes on.) Jhasspok's fun to roleplay because of that complete lack of knowledge on his part. (The other PCs have taken to explaining things to him as they reference to fish and fishing - something he does understand. So birds - something else he'd never seen before until he'd gone to the surface world - made no sense to him until they were explained away as "sky-fish.")

However, I have noticed my trend of falling into the "dumb brute" role and have made a conscious decision that for the next campaign I'll roll up an intelligent spellcaster, just to broaden my range a bit. I'm thinking a human sorcerer, cast out from his noble family and having to figure out how people actually do things with no money or servants or anything.


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