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Favorite character name


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What's your favorite name you've ever come up with for a character? Whether it is something that you feel has a particularly high level of depth, something you feel fits the character especially well, or something that just sounds downright cool...

My personal favorite is the character I'm currently playing: a halfling necromancer named Eldon Blackleaf. Almost a year ago I was sitting around telling my DM about the old Dark Dungeons tract, where a girl kills herself because her character, a thief named Black Leaf, dies. It then occurred to me that it would be great fun to name a character after that poor PC who failed to find that poison needle trap. Like most ideas that begin with the words: "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if I..." it was forgotten reasonably quickly.

However, a few months later my DM started up a Greyhawk campaign. I decided to play a wizard because I had never played one before, and I really liked the new 3e halflings so my character choice was pretty easy (halflings make great wizards:)). And since its fun to be unconventional, I decided to go with a necromancer because: a)it is a really unusual thing for a halfling, b)Necromancers have double plus style, c)I have a penchant for playing dark and tragic anti-heroes (he's Neutral BTW). I immediately liked the character, but since I'm horrible at coming up with names (I pretty much always end up stealing one from somewhere), much furrowing of the brow did ensue. Eventually I remembered that old silly idea I had about making a tribute to one of the greatest enemies of rational thinking, Jack Chick. Checking the PHB halfling entry, Black Leaf, when combined into a single word, appeared to fit the conventions for halfling surnames reasonably well, which settled that. While I was there I also checked out the male first names, and grabbed the coolest sounding one on the list, which turned out surprisingly well since Eldon just like a wizardly name to me.

Now his full title that he might give to someone is: Eldon Blackleaf Arch-magus of Stahzer of the Champions of Stahzer. The whole Arch-magus thing is mostly a personal joke to himself, since in our game he is the only surviving wizard from the ruined city of Stahzer, thus making him the most powerful by default :D (even though he only just now made level 6). the Champions of Stahzer bit is the title the party received after being at least marginally successful in saving the last survivors of the destruction of Stahzer from the minions of Iuz. Although, only one other current party member was there for that, as our fatality and player turnover rates have been annoyingly high.

Anyway, the name is my favorite because I feel it fits the character inordinately well(dark, but not too dark, and very halfling-y), its fun because of the reference to Jack Chick (and everything involving Mr. Chick is pretty laughable ;) ), and frankly it just sounds cool!:cool:

And I'm very interested to hear others favorites and associated stories!


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Well, I don't know if this one is my favorite, but it's the one that I hold closest to me, even though it is kinda... silly. It's the name after which my profile on here is named: Fayredeth Meadowstar. It's my first character's name, and naturally, he is an elf. Now, I came upon it like I do for most of my character's names: mumbling random syllables until something interesting comes out. The last one just came from combining two woodsy words to come up with an elvish name.

I know that this name goes against everything that Forrester believes ;) , and I can do better now that doesn't sound silly, but since this was the first, it's the most dear.

So there ya go!

Chimera King

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My favourite character name probably has to be Shaerijya. I came up with that nightmare of a moniker a few years ago during the character creation process.

The name remains prominent because she was the first and surprisingly, longest running, character I ever had for Mage: the Ascension. Designing her name was done mostly by typing various keys and seeing what combinations came up. I always love hearing people's interpretations of how it's pronounced. :)


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Jaron Thorntangle - halfling wizard. Nothing too creative or unusual, but typical of a halfling 2-word last name. D&D version of briarpatch. My avatar is a close match to the way he looks.

The irony gods are ever watchful so now he'll probably die a messy death.
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Na'Jyrl (nah Jee ril) l ... an elf ranger from Celene

T'lar (Tehlar) ... after reading to many Anne McCaffery books :)

Amrynn Moonshadow

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also against the virtue of Forrester's wisdom . . .

Amrynn Moonshadow, or, unfortunately, his full-full-full-hyper-noble-elf name is Lord Amrynn Moonshadow, of the Cormanthyri Llundlar Ar'Tel'Quess

Born Amrynn Llundlar (descendant of a minor noble house from the times of Myth Drannor, back in the good old FR, as evidenced by their inclusion in Myth Drannor / Cormanthyr suppliments back in the old 2e days), a gold (sun) elf full of pride and prejudice started his career in the world. Eventually, through lots of learning, and many beatings about his head from ogres and other nasties, he gets some stuff through his thick skull. Ends up falling in love with a non-gold elf, and chooses a new married surname, part to spurn his elitist elders who were against his union with a moon elf. Eventually comes to terms with both sides, and accepts his role in the world. Has no desire to try to find out if he has latent magical talent, but i'm sure his adventures will continue with him being pestered by those he loves most.

Amrynn, of course, being pronounced "Amrr - Rrynn", not "Am-Rynn". And my first name is "amar" (pronounced "uhmer"), so they are kinda close.

Kinda lame, but it works for me.


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Favorite halfling name: Lieutenant T. Redblade ("Name's T. Redblade, but you can call me sir."), a lawful neutral halfling mercenary who, alas, took two weeks to create and one session to die. The "T" stood for Thistle, but you'd never hear that from his lips!


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I played a character named Saul Mercer in a Vampire LARP for about 3 1/2 years. He rose to prominence and was widely respected in the chronicle (the Camarilla's global LARP) but got cut down by an assassin.

When the STs found out that there was an OOC grudge that caused the "hit", that some OOC knowledge was abused, and that a lot of cheating occured, they re-wrote the scene and let my PC "come back" - a little changed (and not necessarily for the better).

One other player from a game across state referred to him as "The Lazarus" for his return, and the name stuck - I found out a while later at a convention, when everyone was referring to my PC as "Lazarus Saul".

It was a really cool experience to discover that "legends" can spring up around a PC, spread by other PCs.


Kloranth Molaris Silndark - 1e psionicist (Dragon 78). I thought that it was a good name, and kinda fit his psionic nature.

Solkar De'laorta Raklos was another one I thought was pretty good. He was originally planned as a 2e half-elf mage/cleric, but he ended up being a 2e elf cleric.

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