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Encounters with the Supernatural

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This is my favorite thread of all time. I think it needs to be resurrected...I'd also like to hear from some of our newer members on what THEIR paranormal experiences have been. Anyway, this thread is a great read...especially the black-eyed children, and the door thudder. If you haven't read through this one yet, I suggest you do so.


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I've had all kinds of strange encounters. Strange happenings under bridges where a man hung himself. Me almost getting hit by a car when I went to a neighbors house to destroy a Ouija board. A strange owl ornament staring at me. Prophetic dreams. Bringing in TV reception by just raising my hand and not getting up from my couch.

But the most strangest event to happen in my life so far was when I had a really strong sense of Deja Vu.

It was at the MWL Dining Center here at ISU. I was eating with some friends. One had brought a book about "Life Questions." It had questions like "If you had one day left to live, what would you do?" and "If you knew your friend had one day to live, what would you say to him or her?" Stuff like that.

I was glancing through this when everything just seemed to "stop" for a split second. I looked up and stared off into space. I felt like I was "stepped outside of myself" and was somebody "else"--perhaps another version of myself. Somebody seemed to ask "Is he where he is supposed to be?" This "other version" of me said, "Yes he is."

At that point, I came back to reality, but had a very strong premonition that something major was going to happen. That night I didn't sleep well. This event really disturbed me. I was worried but I didn't know why.

The First Words I heard the following morning was roommate saying "Wake up!! Wake Up!!! The World Trade Center is GONE!!!"

You can interpret my story however you want. I still don't know what to think of it.


First Post
well here's my two cents.

while i was still in college i had to drive my mother to the hospital, because the family friend had been admitted there sometime earlier. it was serious, but i didn't know how serious it was.
while i was driving to college (30 miles away). i had this image-sentence flash through my head.

"Maxie is going down the green road." a euthanism for dying.

i found out that at that exact same time, maxie had died.

freaked me out. still does to this day.

i suppose it's a form of esp no? but still scary.


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I'll just repeat what I said in this thread last year. Ouija boards are bad.

And street lamps still turn off when I walk past. :cool:


First Post
Man, this thread is just sweet...might as well add to it.

When I was a kid, I lived on a farm in northern Ontario. Every year or so one of the farmers in the area would loose a cow. The only trace would be some extreamly large feline footprints in the pasture; no blood, no hint of violence, just the footprints. This had been going on for years.
On another farm a few years later, my dad was woken up by hideous howling coming from the backyard. Being just a little lacking in the common sense department, he went to investigate armed only with a flashlight. He's not sure what he saw, but he claimed that it was the size of a large dog and had glowing red eyes. It really shook him up and it was quite some time before he'd let us go outside after dark.
Finally, I've got really good instincts when it comes to troublemakers. Now I don't mean the obvious ones, I mean the folks you wouldn't look twice at. When I was working in stores I could tell you who was a thief just by looking at them. These days I generally find myself in the middle of a fight just before the fists start flying. The bouncers at the clubs I frequent have learned to watch me and follow my lead. And yes I have seen Unbreakable.
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First Post
Kesh said:
I'll just repeat what I said in this thread last year. Ouija boards are bad.

And street lamps still turn off when I walk past. :cool:

man.... every gamer knows ouija boards and pyschics do NOT mix. Especially untrained psychics and i bet you dime to a dollar that most of those bad experiences were with people who were latently gifted or marginally gifted.

don't people watch horror movies now and again? i mean... just because....

errr.... ranting.

will stop now.

goes to take a valium....
:D :confused:


First Post
Originally posted by Andrew D. Gable
Only overtly (and even this isn't) supernatural thing that ever happened to me was once, about 7 years back now, when I woke up suddenly around 3:00 AM (for some reason, I often wake up about 3:00 AM, but that's another tale) experiencing the whole sleep paralysis deal. I saw a human figure, completely pitch black with no features (rather like a DnD shadow) standing in one corner of my room, near my closet. It just stood motionless, looking out my window, and then vanished after a few moments.

Wow, almost verbatum for me (more like 12 years ago) whats up with 3 AM any way, thats when it got me.

Sheesh! When unpleasant (seemingly) supernatural things happen at home, it is ALWAYS between midnight and 3 AM. I had a very unpleasant experience once (of course between midnight and 3 AM), but hell, as I am reading this thread in the middle of the night (a bad idea!), I won't write it down.


First Post
I have always half-believed in supernatural things. Hey - I play D&D *laugh*

However, I am also a rational person - easy to dismiss strange things on "coincidence" or "being tired"...

In 2001, I finally made an experience that confirmed my believe that there are things out there that mathemathics cannot describe:

I have battled a ghost and I won!!!

Now the long story. I have met a girl - a very sad girl, very beautiful and very lovely. It didn't take very long for us to fall in love. Her mother had died a few days before we met. Her mother had hated her - done everything possible to make her feel miserable, basically imprisoned her until she was 18, also subjugated her father who is such a kind and nice lovely man. By what I've been told her mother must have been evil and I'd say her early death was maybe God's relieve to her kin...

The first night I've slept over at my new girlfirend's was probably the worst night I've ever had. I've been struck by panic attacks several time, sometimes seeing things move just on the corner of my eye. It was horrible. I didn't catch any sleep at all. Now, I've never ever had these kinds of "imaginations" in my life before - not even as a boy!

I thought - maybe I had a bad day. Things happen. However, they happened again every night I would sleep over at my girlfriend's. As it happened the second time I no longer believed in coincidence. The ghost of her mother just would not allow my girlfriend to become happy....

But if this wasn't strange engough - things would turn worse. As night falls, huge birds of prey would be looking inside from outside of the large glass windows of my gf's living room with yellow glowing eyes - even scaring her almost to death. When taking a smoke on the balcony I was stung by a wasp twice, bitten by a spider once (That is: within 2 1/2 Month). So far, these were the only times in my live when I was stung by wasps or bitten by a spider... All three stingings occured at dusk...

I have been trained in the martial arts since age 7. Apart from physical training, martial arts trainees of my style (Kung Jung Mu Sul Hap Ki Do) learn mental discipline such as meditation. At youth our grandmaster always told us, if we had trouble coming to meditation "imagine" a waterfall. To combat the panic attacks at night I meditated visualizing a dense, light green jungle with a small - just about man sized waterfall and a very lazy tiger doing nothing all day but laying there and lazily rolling on his back and letting the warm sun shine on its belly or taking a refreshing bath in the small pond below the waterfall - afterwards shaking off his pelt so hard that the birds in the sourrounding jungle would fly off as the water hit them.

Of course, the tiger in there was a symbol of myself.

After two and a half months - early in november - the haunting stopped. Ever since then I slept peacefully at her house until we seaparated after 14 months of happiness together...

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