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Pathfinder 1E EB's Second Darkness w/RoleMaster rules (plz ignore prefix) - Recruitment (need a Burglar) haha

Last thing to everyone is how much do you know of this world. Me = zero, but so far everything is contained in the modules so I haven't needed to go digging. But would like to add a bit more life to the game with languages, their unique weapons and gear and such, from other adventures.

All I know is that in Starfinder, Golarian has disappeared and nobody knows why.

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Yes, I know nothing of Golarion either! One request, can Finn have any skill in First aid, due to his study of anatomy and necromancy?


Yes, I know nothing of Golarion either! One request, can Finn have any skill in First aid, due to his study of anatomy and necromancy?

He will not only get First Aid, but also Second Aid lol - Which seems to be the ability to stitch up a wound, set a fracture, and some long term care as well.

I have gone through and matched up the Pathfinder skills with their RoleMaster equivalent because I wish to make sure everyone has some skills the game will be calling for. Mostly it was seeing the two to three calls for Gather Information checks.

Also the converting isn't so hard as there is a same basic concept to each game. The module gives me a bunch of DC to tell me how hard it is to scale a wall or persuade an NPC and in RoleMaster you do the same thing. In RM a task may be easy, hard, extremely hard etc. So this is turning out easy from a conversion standpoint.

Still aiming for WED April 4th, any other backround info anyone wishes to add please do.

And anyone wishing to jump in, take your time your character can be introduced during the Golden Goblin Tournament.



I am on schedule and have the three characters ready and am only working on what I need for you to put into the RG. Don't wish to throw to many numbers at everyone, but you will need to know things like your Health, Abilities, Spells, and Equipment.

Along with the usual height, weight, etc.

To anyone thinking of playing - As I made characters we are short someone exceptional skilled at lock picking (Jerrod can a little bit) and searching for traps. (High Perception). Hope someone wishes to join and has a roguish character in mind.


You grew up in Riddleport and have lived nowhere else. You have a good knowledge of the landscape (from your childhood), and minor knowledge of the politics of the area. (Golden Rule - Don't get caught, and you may do anything you wish in Riddleport.) Your family moved away when the Blot appeared (you were still a Gendarme at this time), and your little sister left you with a locket with a drawing of her inside.

So with your character around you can make your way through the city with little trouble and perhaps stay out of the crime bosses eyes as well.

Your fee to the tournament is already paid for and you are walking around the Golden Goblin awaiting the tournament to start.

You are on a break from research. The Cypher Lodge set you up with room at the Golden Goblin and paid for you to join the tournament, because they thought you were working to hard. Indeed you aren't as agile as you once were with your long days spent doing nothing more than reading and studying.

That hasn't stopped you from bring a few books along, which are on an interesting subject. You believe that magic was once one power and not three separate energies (as they are now). A subject most scholars find taboo (clerics and channeling spellcasters especially), so you welcomed the chance to study this "old magic" in secret.

You plan to join the tournament, but with your limited background in gambling you know you will be out early and back to reading before the night is over.

Your character has traveled far and wide in his search for that "winning score" or easy money making scheme, an off-shot of your youth. Your fortune changed in Tian Xia far to the east. There you were given the Tome of Ermokhet, written by an ancient Orisian scholar, which led to your travels into the desert.

The Tome of Ermokhet is a book of formulae, herb lore, and engineering including the construction of golems and clockwork creatures, there are even plans to make a working ornithopther. Think of it as a Davinci like book from the mind of a genius. And of course the making of a Philosopher's Stone are hidden in the pages.

Only problem with all this grand knowledge is that it takes money. Lots of money. You have come to Riddleport as that is where the boat you were on was headed. But fortune smiles on you when you discover the tournament to earn enough gold to fund your research, and you just happened to have the resources to enter.

Note: You will one day need to make a lab somewhere to create more powerful exilirs and work on other projects.

Next I will post your character sheets to post in the Rouge's Gallery, and I can answer any questions you may have about them.


Armor Type: 5 (long leather jerkin) DB: +15
Hits: 30
Favored Weapons
MELEE: dagger
RANGE: projectiles, dagger

Power Points: 1
Base Attack: +1
Spell Lists/Spells
Philosopher's Elixir: 1-Aqua Ardens
Light's Way: 1-Projected Light

nothing yet

Languages: Common, Tien, Osiriani, Varisian, Elven
Key Skills: Pick Locks, Perception, Runes, Staves/Wands
Secondary Skills: Alchemy, Bluff, Decipher Script, Knowledge(engineering)

daggers x2 w/scabbards
weapon belt, holds 2 scabbards, 3 pouches
common clothes
molotov cocktails x3
smoke bomb
long leather jerkin (long = leg greaves)
pick proof pouch
silk cordsx3 (3' each)
vial of acid
dropper vial
flask, w/water
travel biscuits (2 days)
lock picks
leather script - (waterproof case)
- Tome of Ermokhet
- Scrolls of Alhambra
vials empty x5

Magical Treasure:
- Scrolls of Alhambra (cast Delving and Item Lore, each once per day)

GP: 00 CP: 00
SP: 01 TP: 00
BP: 09 IP: 00

-Hair Color:
-Eye Color:

Jerrod was orphaned at a young age during a goblinoid attack on his village and taken in by a Travelling Snakeoil Salesman named Dr. Panacea. For years he assisted Dr. Panacea in his various scams, acting as a lame or diseased beggar who was miraculously "cured".
He spent years studying transmutation and elixirs. He scoured manuscripts, studied scrolls, and eventually parted ways with Panacea and studied as an apprentice to Eastern Alchemists. His efforts have made him an expert in the nature of the human body, metals and other materials that his study focused on.

Jerrod would rather lie or talk his way out of a fight, and if need be he is adept at hurling his various concoctions, explosive, poisonous or otherwise at pursuers as he runs off. His Magnum Opus, of course, is to find or create a True Philosopher's Stone.

He "adventures" to fund his research and to uncover arcane secrets.


Philosopher's Elixir:
1-Aqua Ardens;
- Area of Effect: liquid up to 1 quart/lvl
- Castin Time: (Class 3) 2 rounds preparation/ 1 round effect
- Duration: permanent change
- Range: special (must be able to touch container liquid is in)

Adding a specially perpared powder to any fermented beverage (e.g., beer, wine, etc.) distills the fluid into pure ethyl alcohol, removing all impurities. Caster may effect one quart per level, per casting. For offensive purposes, a one-quart "Molotov Cocktail" has a splash radius of 2' and is treated as a -20 Fireball attack. If imbided in large quantity (one gallon or more), treat as a 5th level Conversion poison.

Light's Way:
1-Projected Light
- Area of Effect: two stone or wood hand-held objects used as components, reusable
- Casting Time: (Class 3), 2 rounds preapreation/ 1 round effect
- Duration: 10 min/lvl
- Range: touch

Beam of light (like a flashlight) springs forth from two treated objects. Each object is prepared and when brought together they produce the light effect. Can be seperated to end effect, but still treated till duration ends, so may be brought back together. Effective range 50'

Delving: Gives significant details about an item's construction and purpose (not specific powers)

Item Lore: Gives major abilities and powers of an item.




Armor Type: 2 (clothing) DB: +5
Hits: 22
Favored Weapons
MELEE: short sword, spear
RANGE: spear

Power Points: 2 (+1 spell adder/1st lvl only)
Base Attack: +11
Spell Lists/Spells
Spirit Mastery: 1-Sleep V, 2-Charm Kind
Linguistics: 1-Study I, 2-Text Analysis I

nothing yet

Languages: Common, Ancient Thassilonian
Key Skills: Runes, Staves/Wands
Secondary Skills: Heal, Spellcraft, Knowledges (arcana, history, planes, religion, nature)
Aura: +1 PP per level (added in)
Potent Magical Ability: +10 to Base Spell Attacks (already added in)

short sword w/scabbard
weapon belt - holds 2 scabbards, 3 pouches
clothing, common
coat, common
cloak (no hood)
backpack - holds 20lbs
couple books on loan from Cypher Lodge - light reading
candles(5) - lights 20' diameter; burns 2 hours
flint and steel - starts fire in 3 min
case: water resistant, leather
- journal - 50 pages
lantern - lights 50' diameter
oil flasks(2) - 1 pint; burns 6 hours, refillable
mirror - 6"x4" silvered
quills(5) - goose
clothing, common - extra set
coin pouch:
- iron coin: simple coin sharpened on one edge, used to cut cloth or rope
- loose coins
medical kit (small pouch containing): 20 small bandages, 10 large bandages, vial of alcohol, scapel, tweezers, scissors, 5 needles, 10' thread, small saw, and 10' twine
herb pouch: water resistant; foldable wallet-like pouch
has 20 small indiviual pouches and 5 vial slots
- arfandas(1 dose): doubles rate of healing for fractures
- aloe(3 doses): doubles healing rate for burns and minor cuts. Heals 5 hits if they result from burns.
- arnuninas(1 dose): doubles rate of healing for sprains, torn ligaments, and cartilage damage
- akbutege(3 doses): heals 1d10 hits
- draaf(1 dose): heals 1d10 hits for each of 2 consecutive rounds

Magical Treasure:
- ring: silver with cobalt stones, +1 spell adder

GP: 00 CP: 09
SP: 04 TP: 04
BP: 07 IP: 00

-Hair Color:
-Eye Color:

Brushing his brown hair back with an ink stained hand, the young man unwittingly muttered aloud as he gathered his thoughts. What is the nature of reality? How do space-time, life-blood, material objects, magic and consciousness-dreams-emotions interact? Though he had spoken to many wise people before his entrance to the academy, philosophers and priests, old women with grandchildren to laconic woodsmen, they had all, individually, seemed to follow a paradigm which was constrained in some manner, choosing certain aspects of reality as being more important while ignoring others, none seeking to explain existence as a whole!

Indeed, several of those worthies seemed to think it folly to ask such questions, emphasising that one should just accept a limited understanding. But Finn was convinced that it was worth the effort, and that progress could be made by careful study, identifying independent variables and distinguishing causation from correlation, a view shared by several Magi here at the academy.

He smiled, remembering how proud his family had been when they learnt he had been granted admission to the academy, free of charge. A tanner's son, no less! Granted, at some point the Magi would demand some service from him, but that was a thought for another day. His mother, Elphera, remarked that she could finally serve the family meal without having to answer endless questions on what fish ate, whether they had souls like humans, and what happened to them after death.

Realising the time had come for his weapons training, Finn rapidly ran to the field. He realised that his studies would take a long time, and knew the wisdom of keeping his body fit and, in this dangerous world, of learning to defend himself should his spells ever be unavailable to him. Wielding a spear would hopefully cover the case when he was in the open or attacked by a monster; while learning the shortsword was a contingency for fighting indoors or against humanoids. He drew the line at learning to fight in armour though, if he was unable to magically protect himself then disengaging and fleeing while unencumbered seemed the most prudent strategy.

He smiled at his sparring partner as he picked up his training spear. In truth, it was a welcome break for his overworked mind to be forced to focus on the immediate matter at hand. Trying to stay impassive and serious, the other student didn't return his smile, but Finn saw it in his eyes. The earnest and open young man was generally liked, though unbeknownst to him, some found him overly cerebral and logical, lacking a little in fun or creativity.


Spirit Mastery
1-Sleep V
- Area of Effect: field of vision
- Casting Time: (Class 3) 2 rounds preparation/ 1 round effect
- Duration: ---
- Range: 100'

Causes target(s) to fall into a natural sleep; the total number of levels that can be affected is 5 (e.g., 5 targets of level 1; 1 of level 4 and 1 of level 1; 2 of level 2 and 1 of level 1, etc). All target(s) must be in the caster's field of vision. The caster should asign target priority, i.e. which is the 1st potential target, the 2nd, etc.

2-Charm Kind
- Area of Effect: one target humaniod
- Casting Time: (Class 3), 2 rounds preapreation/ 1 round effect
- Duration: One hour/level
- Range: 100'

Target believes caster is a good friend.

1-Study I:
- Area of Effect: self
- Casting Time: (Class 3), 2 rounds preperation/ 1 round effect
- Duration: concentration on specific information or book (becomes permanent knowledge)
- Range: ----

Allows the caster to retain anything he reads or learns as if he had a photographic memory with total recall.

2-Text Analysis I
- Area of Effect: self
- Casting Time: (Class 3), 2 rounds preperation/ 1 round effect
- Duration: 10 min/lvl
- Range: ----

Caster can read text written in an unknown language, but only understands basic concepts from it. The caster will know what language the work is written in, and the author if he is noteworthy or the caster has seen his work before.




Armor Type: 13 (chain shirt) DB: +35 (+10 w/o shield)
Hits: 50
Favored Weapons
MELEE: brodrack, dagger, spear, unarmed strike
RANGE: dagger, spear, light crossbow

Power Points: 1
Base Attack: +0
Spell Lists/Spells
nothing yet

Adrenal Move (Strength): focus to gain +10 OB on next attack

Languages: Common, Varisian, Shoanti
Key Skills: nothing yet
Secondary Skills: Streetwise, Diplomacy, Survival, Knowledge (local)

Brodrack w/Scabbard (belt)
Dagger w/Scabbard (belt)
Weapon Belt, holds 2 scabbards, 3 pouches
common clothes
Chain Shirt
Full Shield (+25 vs. melee or missile)
Arm Greaves (Protect vs. arm crits)
Leg Greaves (Protect vs. leg crits)
Pot Helm
-Aventail (Chain neck armor, attaches to helm)
Waterskin (holds 1 pint) w/Ale (1 pint)
belt pouch: holds 12lbs
-Flint & Steel
-akbutege (3 doses), heals 1-10 hits
-ulginor (1 slice left), 1 days nutrition, tastes of cheese and spinach, keeps 1-2 months
coin purse: holds 6lbs
- loose coins

Magical Treasure:
- sister's locket: +5 to all RRs

GP: 00 CP: 05
SP: 11 TP: 08
BP: 09 IP: 00

-Hair Color:
-Eye Color:

Gunther sat in his cheap room, mending his tunic where the badge had been torn away.
After only a month, he'd been unceremoniously removed from the ranks of Riddleport's Gendarmes.
If he'd known who the boy was, he have escorted him home instead of arresting him, no matter what he'd caught the boy doing.

But that was in the past, and he had to deal with the future. His rent would run out at the end of the week, and he needed coin to pay it.

Perhaps a position might open up at the Gold Goblin after the tournament. He would have to scout out the place it see if it might suit him.


Voidrunner's Codex

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