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Dreams of Erthe



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 13​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 7​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 6​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 7​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​

Game Session Date: 11 November 2023

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"Excuse me," said a scruffy-looking man in the marketplace, "but is your name Wakuren by any chance?"

Wakuren looked down at the man, noting the tattered cloak he wore over his shabby clothing. He didn't recall having ever met the man before, so how he came to know his name was a mystery to the half-orc. Still, he had no reason not to answer. "I am," he admitted, curious as to where this might go.

"I thought so!" beamed the stranger. "There aren't many half-orcs wearing the mark of Holy Cal on their shield and armor!" Then he pulled a short sword out a scabbard at his hip, holding it out before him. "Forgive me: my name is Benningham, and I wonder if I might get you to bless my blade? Y'see, I've got a tournament t'morrow, and I'd certainly take any aid I might be able to get, and the stories of your exploits are a bit legendary around town...."

Wakuren smiled down at the man, realizing he wasn't asking specifically for a bless spell, merely for the cleric-paladin to say a few words over his blade. Taking the proffered weapon reverently in his hands, Wakuren intoned, "May this blade strike true, if the wielder be truly worthy" - that way, he thought, if the poor sod doesn't do well in his tourney he won't be able to blame Cal for his shortcomings. He returned the blade to its owner, who took it back in two hands.

"Many thanks!" gushed Benningham, turning to his side to stick the tip of the blade into the open end of the scabbard. Wakuren had pretty much stopped paying attention to the man at that point, and thus missed the hand signal he gave to others in the marketplace observing the interaction with great interest. Then, no longer pretending to stash his blade away, he spun in place and thrust forward with his weapon, the point slicing through the air straight at Wakuren.

But although Wakuren hadn't picked up the scruffy human as a threat, he heard the swish of the blade as it approached him and he brought the shield of Cal over instinctively to block the blow. The crash of metal on metal could be heard across the whole marketplace, causing conversations and haggling over prices to pause momentarily as people looked around to see what the commotion was all about.

Another man, this one astride a riding horse, kicked his mount forward as he drew his own greatsword from his back. "Look out!" Fandolph cried, shouting a warning to the crowd. "The half-orc's gone crazy - he's attacking people!" Wakuren involuntarily turned his head to see to this new threat spouting lies about him, playing right into the mercenary group's hands - for it allowed another rogue, Chutney, to dart forward and stab at the half-orc with his own short sword. He managed to catch Wakuren in the side, his blade stabbing expertly in the seam between the front and back halves of his armor. Chutney gave the blade a nasty twist before pulling it out, causing Wakuren to gasp in pain.

But there was still another ambusher yet to attack. Crouched on a rooftop across the street from Wakuren, who had just about been to enter the shop after Thurloe to pick up the magic ring the spellsword had commissioned several days ago, was an elven ranger observing his comrades' attacks with interest. He rose to his feet, aimed a notched arrow down at his target, and let fly. Wakuren, still stumbling from Chutney's successful sneak attack, was hit in the right shoulder by Krispin's arrow. And then Fandolph's horse got the fighter within range and he swung his greatsword at Wakuren, catching him in the left arm despite the half-orc's best effort to get his shield up in time to block the blow. Wakuren turned to face this new threat and was stabbed in the back of the thigh by Benningham, the mercenary sent ahead to ensure they had the right target before they pounced. "Guess I must be worthy!" he chuckled aloud.

The locals started racing away from the combat, not wanting to get involved, while two city guardsmen approached, calling out, "What's going on here, then?" They were armed with polearms held in both hands.

But they weren't the only ones to have heard the sounds of combat. Down the street, Alewyth darted back out of the wand-maker's shop she'd been visiting (and at which she'd picked up a wand of stoneskin for her upcoming trip to Talonia) and started running towards Wakuren at her best speed. Xandro and Robin, who had been out in the street nearby, followed suit. Zander, who had been looking at a series of metamagic rods, stepped out of the shop, saw the elf ranger on the rooftop aiming his next arrow down at Wakuren, and decided to put a stop to that. Calling out the arcane syllables needed to cast the spell, the elf sorcerer cast an Elobar's black tentacles spell that caused thick, rubbery appendages to rise up from the rooftop and wrap themselves around Krispin. The ranger swore in surprise, his shot having been ruined by the sudden and unexpected attack. He tried freeing himself from the black tentacles, to no avail. From his perch on his master's shoulder, Petey snorted his approval.

But Chutney found another opening in Wakuren's defenses and stabbed forward with his blade again. The half-orc was a fairly accomplished combatant, but these three-on-one odds weren't helping him any. Fortunately, just as he recognized the opening chords to Robin's song of inspirational courage, Thurloe kicked open the door to the shop, his new ring of comfort on his left ring finger and his bastard sword Spellslicer gripped tightly in his right. Gleaming in his golden celestial armor - purchased that very morning before heading over to pick up his ring - he started combat with ranged spellcraft, casting a ray of exhaustion spell at Benningham, striking the deceitful rogue in his chest.

Wakuren stepped away from his attackers and cast a greater command spell, the command "Drop!" echoing across the marketplace. Fandolph immediately dropped his greatsword, which fell to the ground beside his horse. Chutney likewise dropped his short sword, although Benningham managed to ignore the magical compulsion and kept his own blade in his hand. Instead, he used it to stab at Thurloe, who was standing between him and Wakuren. Benningham's look of determination expressed his belief that taking down Thurloe to get to the half-orc would be a simple matter, until the spellsword caught his attack on his own shield and contemptuously batted it aside.

Alewyth got within range and cast a spell of her own: calm emotions, which encompassed the two human rogues and the fighter but also Wakuren and Thurloe. Xandro was there beside her, casting a charm person spell on the fighter astride the horse, but it didn't seem to have any effect. The combatants seemed to have fallen sway to the dwarf's spell, though, for none of them continued the battle they'd started.

Zander moved up by Alewyth, casting a mage armor spell on himself and Petey before determining the fight seemed to be over already. Then Benningham seemed to snap out of it, shaking his head furiously and tightening his grip on his weapon. But before he could strike with it, Petey was in his face, stabbing the rogue in the neck with his envenomed tail. Benningham fell face-forward into the street, already snoring from the pseudodragon's poisoned stinger.

Robin caught up to the others, still playing her magical tune. Up on the rooftop, Krispin the elf managed to wriggle his way out of the constricting tentacles of Zander's spell, and leapt over to a nearby roof - one that didn't have writhing tentacles sprouting up from it. But as he saw the events down below on the street - Benningham out cold, and Chutney and Fandolph no longer attacking, plus a pair of guardsmen arriving on the side and pulling the combatants apart, the elf decided the ambush was over. That's the way it went sometimes; it would have been a good bounty, but it apparently wasn't in the cards this time. He dropped to street level, stowed away his bow, and lost himself in the crowd.

Thurloe tried hitting Chutney with his bastard sword but the guards weren't having any of it, the two of them pulling the foes apart. "They started it!" complained the spellsword. "They attacked Wakuren for no reason!" The guards looked over to the heavily-wounded half-orc - there was no hiding the fact that he'd been done a world of hurt by his numerous enemies. But Wakuren cast a cure critical wounds spell upon himself, enhancing the healing spell with a daily charge from his ring of mystic healing. Immediately, his gashes and cuts healed up and his flesh wove itself back together, although the spell did nothing to hide the bloodstains marking where his wounds had been a moment ago.

Alewyth tried casting a hold person spell upon Fandolph, but although the fighter resisted her latest spell he was apparently still under the effects of the calm emotions spell she'd cast earlier. He dropped down from his horse, looking expectantly at the two guards.

But then, before anyone else could say anything, a procession of men and horses turned the corner and marched down the streets. Six of the heavily-armored men sat upon muscular warhorses, with two other men on foot at their sides. All wore the holy symbol of Cal upon their shields and the tabards covering their armor.

"Wakuren the Half-Breed," called out one of the clerics, "you stand accused of the murder of Peter Dublinson! Lay down your weapons and surrender to the forces appointed by the High Cleric, Father Peartree. I am instructed to warn you we have been authorized the use of deadly force if you do not cooperate. If you do not surrender peacefully, you will be taken by force before the High Cleric, and you can state your version of events to him, should you survive the encounter. What say you, renegade of the Church?"

Wakuren sighed and passed his shield of Cal over to Thurloe for safe keeping, then raised his hands in surrender. "I murdered no one," he declared, "but I will come with you peacefully."

In a moment, the paladins and clerics had surrounded the area. One paladin called over for Thurloe to hand over the shield of Cal. Thurloe looked up at him, and said, "Wakuren asked me to hold it for him."

"Hand the shield over NOW, sir!" demanded the paladin, his hand on his longsword. He almost looked as if he hoped Thurloe would give him an excuse to initiate combat. But Wakuren nodded his okay, and Thurloe passed it over. "Only because Wakuren said it was okay," Thurloe said, not wanting the paladin to think the spellsword had been intimidated by him.

The group of paladins and the two clerics escorted Wakuren out of the marketplace and to the Temple of Cal. The other heroes followed, not wanting to let Wakuren out of their sight for fear of what the Cal devotees might do. Thurloe looked as if he desperately wanted to ask Wakuren a question, but dared not in front of those arresting him for suspected murder. Still, the half-orc saw the question in Thurloe's expression and told him, "No, they're not." Wakuren knew full well it still irked Thurloe that as the group's only paladin, Wakuren was the only one able to examine a person's aura for the telltale signs of evil.

Once at the temple, Wakuren was taken away and the others were directed to the courtroom where the investigation would commence. "So soon?" asked Zander.

"No point in waiting, when there are zone of truth spells at hand," Alewyth pointed out. A page directed them to a stall where they'd need to turn in their weapons if they were going to attend the trial. It worked rather like a coatroom, with the attendants writing down the name of the owner and making a list of all weapons turned over, then placing them all into a locker and closing it with a key. The owner then signed his agreement about the contents placed into the locker and was told he could come sign for his items after the trial.

"What about this?" asked Xandro, holding up his figurine of wondrous power carved in the shape of a dire tiger. "It's not technically a weapon."

"You cannot bring that into the courtroom, sir," admonished the clerk behind the counter. Xandro passed it over and it got added to the weapons in his assigned locker. Once all of that had been taken care of, they entered the courtroom through a set of double doors flanked by a pair of paladins of Cal. The back half of the room beyond was filled with two rows of pews, much like in a church, while the front half had the judge's bench on a raised platform, tables and chairs for the court reporter, the prosecutor, and the defendant, each with their own legal representative. The heroes took their places in the pews, Xandro and Robin taking one back corner and Alewyth and Zander taking the other. Thurloe opted to sit up front, to get a better view.

Before long, a quartet of individuals entered the room from a side door. Wakuren and his legal representative, a young human woman, took their seats at one table while the prosecutor and Wakuren's accuser, a stern-faced human woman of middle age, sat at their table. After a moment, the scribe entered and took his seat at the reporter's desk, a large tome open and ready to have the details of this case entered into the court records. Wakuren had been stripped of his armor and all possessions, wearing only the clothes he wore beneath his armor; presumably, he'd be given his items back after he was found not guilty of the ridiculous claim leveled against him.

A paladin entered the room and commanded everyone to rise for the appearance of the High Cleric. Father Peartree entered the courtroom and climbed the short set of steps leading to his bench, positioned in front of a 10-foot-tall statue of the All-Father Cal, leader of the deific pantheon. "Take your seats," he commanded. Father Peartree had aged considerably since the last time Wakuren had seen him, the day that he was to have graduated as a cleric of the Port Duralia Temple of Cleric. Wakuren had been set up by others in his graduating class, falsely made to look like a thieving drunkard that had resulted in the half-orc's last-minute expulsion from the temple. His hair was noticeably whiter, and the lines under his eyes deeper.

"Is the zone of truth ready for use?" Father Peartree asked, and received confirmation that all was in readiness. "If the accused would stand within the circle?" he asked, and Wakuren stood up and moved to comply - there was a circle inscribed on the floor between the prosecution and defendant tables. As soon as he stepped within, the circle began glowing with a magical radiance. "Wakuren, you have been accused of the murder of one of the clerics of this temple, Peter Dublinson. How do you plead?"

"I am not guilty," Wakuren announced without hesitation, causing the woman at the prosecutor's table to grind her teeth in disbelief and frustration. Several clerics in the courtroom had cast discern lies spells, and they nodded at the High Cleric at the accuracy of the half-orc's statement.

"Bring in the item in question," commanded Father Peartree, and a page stepped into the courtroom carrying the shield of Cal. He stood before Wakuren, holding the shield up so he could see the holy emblem of Cal inscribed on its front face.

"This is the shield of Cal, presented to Peter Dublinson on the day of his graduation. Have you seen it before?" Father Peartree asked Wakuren.

"I have."

"You have been seen carrying this shield throughout Port Duralia since your arrival in town. Do you deny this?"

"I do not."

"Naturally, the fact that you were carrying a shield that had been granted to Peter was a cause of some consternation to his parents." The woman behind the prosecution table narrowed her eyes in hatred at Wakuren; he quickly deduced this was likely Peter's mother. "At their request, divination spells were cast that indicated that Peter Dublinson was no longer among the living. Given those facts, the Dublinsons requested you be brought in for the murder of their son. Would you care to describe how you came to be in possession of Peter Dublinson's shield?"

"I would be glad to do so," replied Wakuren, determined to be on his very best behavior in front of the members of the temple who chose to believe him to be little more than a rampaging animal, by simple dint of fact that his unknown father had been a ravaging orc bandit. He explained how he and his adventuring companions had encountered a yellow musk creeper outside an abandoned mine near the town of Moon Creek, and how Peter Dublinson and a companion of his own had apparently been slain by the plant and their corpses reanimated as yellow musk zombies. Wakuren admitted that he and his companions had put the zombies to rest, but emphasized the two had already been dead long before he and his friends had first entered Moon Creek.

Father Peartree turned to his subordinate clerics, who all gave him indications that Wakuren had told the truth during his statements.

"It's a trick!" exploded Wysterna Dublinson. "The damned orc has found a way to lie his way past zone of truth spells, that's all this is! He killed my son!"

"And I imagine it was you who put a price on my head as a result?" Wakuren countered. "I had to fight off a group of bounty hunters immediately before my arrest!"

"I'm not the one on trial here, you mongrel orc!" roared Wysterna Dublinson, as behind her in the front row of pews, her husband Lloyd tried shushing her.

Father Peartree pounded his gavel on the desk before him and called for order. Wysterna's legal advisor calmed her down, and the High Cleric continued. "While it is unlikely that Wakuren has been able to bypass the zone of truth and discern lies spells cast in his direction, I will cast a commune spell, and speak with Cal's emissaries directly. We will have order in this courtroom while I make the necessary preparations." Wysterna, seething, said nothing but fired daggers at Wakuren as he resumed his seat at his legal advisor's side.

After ten minutes of preparation, which involved the lighting of several sticks of incense around his table while several acolytes chanted around him, Father Peartree indicated he was ready to cast the commune spell. "Emissaries of the All-Father Cal, God of the Air and of Healing, we your earthly servants beseech thee to aid us in our investigations by answering these questions." Then, consulting the questions he most wanted answered (of which he'd made a mental list while preparing the spell), he asked, "Did Wakuren slay Peter Dublinson?"

There was silence in the courtroom as everyone leaned forward, hardly daring to breathe while waiting for a response. The response, when it came, was a single word - as was the norm with the commune spell - but it came from an unusual source: the statue of Cal at the back of the courtroom.


"Was Peter Dublinson slain in an earlier encounter with a yellow musk creeper in the vicinity of a mine near Moon Creek?"

Again, after a suitable pause, the statue replied with a one-word answer: "YES." The sound of Wysterna's disgusted snort could be heard all across the otherwise silent courtroom.

That was really the only questions needed to be answered to clear Wakuren of the murder of his one-time classmate. Still, since the spell was still active and Father Peartree could ask up to a dozen questions, he asked several more that he wanted answered, for his own peace of mind. "Is it the will of the All-Father Cal that the shield of Cal be allowed to remain in the hands of Wakuren?"

Again a pause, then "YES."

"Does the All-Father Cal recognize Wakuren as both a cleric and a paladin of His order in good standing?" Wakuren in particular was somewhat surprised at this question, for he had long decided Cal considered him such, given that He provided the half-orc the spells for which he prayed each morning.

After a pause, the answer came: "YES."

That was all Wysterna could handle - this was a farce of some type; the High Priest obviously didn't want a scandal on his hands and was faking this charade to bury the crime! Rising from her seat, she began waving her hands around hysterically and voicing arcane words that brought forth a six-limbed monstrosity into the courtroom. With a whiff of brimstone permeating the air, the fiendish girallon roared in rage and leaped at Wakuren, sending a parallel series of claw-slashes across the half-orc's chest. Wakuren's first act was to push his legal advisor out of the way, making sure she was safe from the reach of the Hellish, four-armed monstrosity.

Thurloe was without his bastard sword, so he cast a ray of enfeeblement spell at the fiendish girallon, managing to bypass the fiend's inherent resistance to spell energies and draining the beast of some of its unholy strength. Then he turned and fled, not out of fear but in a desire to go fetch Spellslicer from the room just outside the doors to the courtroom. Pulling open the double doors, he yelled to the attendant, "I need my sword--now!" One of the paladins guarding the doors put a hand to his own sword and looked to give the spellsword a hard time for his outburst, but the other one got a look at the girallon at the front of the courtroom and verified Thurloe's need. "Get him his sword, quick!" the paladin called to the attendant.

"Mine, too!" said Xandro, who had popped out the doors behind Thurloe. He took the opportunity to cast a heroism spell on the spellsword, confident that he'd get to combat before Xandro would.

Wysterna pushed her legal advisor out of the way and cast another spell, this one a disintegrate spell directly at Wakuren, hoping to slay her son's killer one way or the other. The spell hit the half-orc and ate away at his clothing and his skin, but it failed to transform him into a pile of disparate particles as she'd hoped. But it was entirely possible the fiendish girallon would get the job done for her, after all. Pouncing at the half-orc, it slashed away with four sets of claws and bit at him with its wicked mouth of horrid fangs, then dug its claws in and wrenched them away, digging furrows through the flesh of Wakuren's chest. He collapsed to the floor immediately, in far worse shape than he'd been after the three-on-one fight against the bounty hunters he'd fought in the marketplace. If he didn't receive some sort of healing in the next few seconds, it was likely he'd be a murder victim instead of a murder suspect.

Fortunately, Alewyth had come to the realization as soon as she saw Wakuren drop. Ignoring her own safety, she leaped over the railing separating the observers from the active participants in the courtroom and laid her hands upon her friend's spurting chest, casting a heal spell upon him that immediately sealed up the gashes and rents in his wounded flesh.

Zander stood up and cast a spell of his own, but his was more of the retributive type: a chain lightning spell channeled through his ring of mystic lightning - which empowered it all the more - directed at Wysterna Dublinson and arcing over to hit the fiendish girallon. The elf had chosen his targets thusly for several reasons: first, he was aware that if his spell struck the girallon first and was fizzled away to nothingness from the beast's inherent spell resistance, there would be no arcing over to Wysterna; second, he just didn't like the close-minded spellcaster one bit, and was willing to bet he wouldn't get into any trouble for attacking her after she'd already cast spells to attack Wakuren, almost resulting in his death. Both targets writhed in pain at the sudden attack from the back of the room.

Petey leaped from Zander's shoulder and sought some rough justice of his own. His tail-stinger stabbed into the side of Wysterna's neck, but she refused to succumb to the sleep venom now coursing through her veins.

Still somewhat dazed from his close brush with death, Wakuren stood up - taking another set of gashes from a pair of sharp claws as he did so - and backed away from his fiendish attacker, casting a magic circle against evil spell upon himself. Then he bravely stood his ground, knowing full well a summoned creature couldn't even touch him when he was so protected. In the back of the room, he could hear Robin start playing her song of inspirational courage, and allowed the chords to boost his confidence even more.

The paladin in charge of keeping order in the court sprang forward, bringing his longsword to bear against the white-furred intruder in the courtroom. He grinned to see a patch of white fur stained red with blood as a result of his attack. And up on the bench, Father Peartree banged his gavel and called for order, then hurriedly cast a magic circle against evil spell on himself.

"Hurry, hurry!" demanded Thurloe as the clerk unlocked the container holding Spellslicer and the spellsword's other contraband weapons. He ignored everything else, grabbing up his familiar bastard sword and running back into the courtroom, heading down the central aisle between the two rows of pews. "Mine next!" called Xandro, pointing to which locker held his rapier Deathwhisper.

Wysterna faced off against Wakuren and cast a cone of cold spell at the killer of her beloved son Peter, no matter what anyone else had to say on the subject. She fired wildly, not caring who all she hit as long as she got the blasted half-orc. Petey stabbed her again as she did so but the venom was once again ineffective; no doubt her rage if nothing else at least temporarily provided a counter to the sleep poison. But her blast of cold energy hit not only Wakuren but her own summoned fiendish girallon, Father Peartree, Alewyth, and Wakuren's defense advisor - the paladin fighting off the girallon was fortunately blocked from the worst of the spell by the massive body of the foe he was fighting. Wakuren's counsel fell to the floor, dead; Father Peartree slumped over at his bench, possibly dead as well but at the very least knocked into unconsciousness.

With a roar, the fiendish girallon struck at Wakuren again - and frowned in puzzlement as his claws stopped just short of the half-orc's body, shielded by some sort of magical force preventing the summoned creature from touching him. Roaring in even greater fury, he tried attacking from a different angle but got the same results. Alewyth took the opportunity to cast a banishment spell at the six-limbed simian, but even though her spell made it past his natural resistance he still managed to shrug off the effects. It took another chain lightning spell from Zander Quilson to put an end to the combat; his spell dropped Wysterna in her tracks and slew the fiendish girallon as well. The woman's corpse fell to the floor, while the ape's disappeared completely, returning to the Hell from which it had been summoned. No longer with a foe to attack, Petey flew back over to his master, alighting on Zander's shoulder.

Wakuren cast a mass cure light wounds spell, once again augmented by his ring. Father Peartree rose himself back up into consciousness as a result, while wounds healed up on Wakuren and the paladin who'd helped him fight off the girallon. Alewyth, unfortunately, was out of range, and Wakuren's defender's body had taken too much damage from Wysterna's cone of cold spell for Wakuren's to be of any help - she was too far gone.

Looking down at the chaos of his courtroom, Father Peartree pounded again with his gavel and called for order. Lloyd Dublinson, who had scrambled over the railing to see to his dead wife, looked up at the High Cleric with a sad look on his face, but apparently realized his grief-stricken spouse had brought her own death upon herself.

"It is the finding of this court that Wakuren is not guilty in the death of Peter Dublinson. He will retain the shield of Cal and from this point forward, let it be known that despite never having gone through an official graduation ceremony from this temple, Wakuren is hereby a fully-recognized cleric and paladin of Cal, with this Port Duralia Temple of Cal to be considered his home temple. Court stands adjourned; have the pages bring the body of our slain defender to the resurrection room." Then he stood up and departed the courtroom for his adjoining office as his underlings moved to comply with his orders. A paladin approached Lloyd Dublinson, but the man waved him off. "I've got her," he said, scooping his dead wife's body up in his arms.

"I am sorry for the loss of your son, and now for the loss of your wife," Wakuren said to Lloyd Dublinson. Lloyd opened his mouth to say something, then just nodded and turned away.

- - -

This adventure went pretty much as I had intended - I wrote it as closure on Wakuren's status with the Port Duralia Temple of Cal where he'd been raised - but the players still managed to throw me some curves. Krispin's next action was going to be summoning a giant eagle, from which he's snipe down at Wakuren as he flew around the marketplace, but Zander's casting of an Elobar's black tentacles spell put that idea to rest. And I hadn't anticipated Alewyth taking the bounty hunters out so easily with her calm emotions spell. Fortunately, I had the clerics and paladins of Cal as a backup source of potential combat, although I had been pretty sure Logan would have Wakuren surrender peacefully as he did.

When I had Wysterna cast the summoning spell to bring forth a fiendish girallon, Logan scoffed, "What kind of temple doesn't have some sort of magical protection in place to prevent summoned monsters from running amok?" - to which I answered, "The kind that makes for a more exciting adventure!" He agreed with me on that point.

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T-shirt worn: My "Iron Man 2" T-shirt, as it depicts two men in armor (Tony and Rhodey) who should be allies but spent a time as enemies - much like Wakuren and the paladins of Cal.

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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 13​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 7​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 6​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 7​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Bat Fiercehunter, halfling ranger 4​
Croc Swiftlizard, halfling ranger 4​
Crow Straightspear, halfling ranger 4​
Mouse Quietmoon, halfling ranger 4​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​
Rose Brightpetal, halfling druid 8​
Snake Slytracker, halfling ranger 4​
Spider Greenbow, halfling ranger 4​
Squirrel Fleetfoot, halfling ranger 4​
Talon Farseeker, halfling ranger 4​

Game Session Date: DD December 2023

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After nine days out at sea, the monotony of the life of a sailor had pretty much sunken in.

Of course, at the start everything was new and unfamiliar, so it seemed exciting. The ship itself was a barge, with a lower deck much like an oversized canoe underneath for stability and two pontoons on the sides to prevent capsizing. The ship had no sails, no masts, and no rigging; it was pulled along the ocean by a pair of baleen whales, Highspray and Deepsong, who wore harnesses attached to a massive pull-chain anchored at the barge's front. As the whales couldn't bring the vessel all the way to shore without them becoming beached, it put down anchor in the harbor and the crew shuttled their new passengers over by rowboat.

One of the first things the heroes noticed was the name on the side of the vessel, although an inquiry led to the fact that halfling boats generally are not given names; the words on the side of the vessel spelled out the captain's name, Rose Brightpetal, for the halfling sailors believed it only polite to allow others to know who captained the vessel. Rose, it turned out, was a druidess and the only female among the crew; the other eight halflings were all rangers. The barge deck was mostly flat and open, with a 5-foot-tall wall along each side that had a short platform about halfway up, allowing the short halflings to see over the edge, while it still prevented anyone from falling over. There was a small building in the back, a mere five feet tall as it had been constructed for the halfling frame. Inside stood the map room, the captain's quarters, and the crew quarters, with the eight rangers sharing four hammocks on a rotating basis. Other than the puffin Rose kept as a companion, that was the whole of the ship's crew.

The heroes, for the sum they had been charged for the voyage, were expected to sleep on the deck or down in the cargo hold, but no special accommodations had been made for them - nor were they needed, for the heroes opted to sleep inside the extradimensional space of Hesperna's lamp each night, with one of their number taking turns sleeping out in the cargo hold by the lamp so they could react if anything exciting happened while the others slept.

But excitement seemed to be one thing a long ocean voyage lacked. Thurloe put the long hours to good use, mastering a few new spells from the spellbooks he'd brought with him, and Wakuren spent much of his time flying around the ship on his air element warhorse Nimbus - and even offered rides to the others looking for reprieve from the boredom of a two-month ocean voyage.

They had worked out a daily system. Everyone preferred to keep their armor on, so Wakuren and Alewyth generally cast endure elements spells on those in heavier armor to help offset lugging around the extra weight beneath the burning sun, which seemed to grow hotter and hotter each day as the barge made its way northwest. At night, rather than remove their armor, they opted to sleep in it, having figured out a lesser restoration spell in the morning worked wonders in dispelling the fatigue that came with having worn your armor all night. But, having been adventurers for several years now, they all knew an ambush could happen at any time and they wanted to be prepared for if and when it ever came. (And some of the heroes started looking forward to an ambush, just to relieve the boredom of yet another eventless day at sea.) Even Zander had gotten into the habit of casting a mage armor spell upon himself each morning, confident that it would last him well into the late afternoon, at which time he would simply apply the spell anew.

On the ninth night out at sea, Alewyth had the "sleep outside the lamp" duty and had made a rude bed of sorts on a pile of empty canvas sacks placed on a row of crates all the same size. Hesperna's lamp was lodged into a nook between two barrels, well within reach of the sleeping dwarf. But as midnight approached, so too did a group of ambushers, silently swimming up underwater behind the floating craft, its whales sleeping vertically in the ocean not far away. As they got nearer, the group split into two, half moving to one pontoon and half headed for the other. Three of them climbed aboard each pontoon at a time, spaced equally along their lengths, ready to climb up the struts holding the floats in place to the side and below the deck of the ship.

Mouse Quietmoon, standing atop the small wooden structure at the back of the barge, was the first to notice the raiders climbing up the struts, and, recognizing them, called out, "Boarders! Sahuagin from either side!"

Croc Swiftlizard and Crow Straightspear ran to the middle of either side of the vessel, each seeing a sahuagin climbing the struts with harpoons in hand. Standing upon their mid-wall ledge, they readied their short swords to repel the boarders. Bat Fiercehunter had been messing about with a fishing line at the front of the vessel and scrambled back up over the wall, running over to station himself at the fore port strut, sword ready to engage the approaching sea devil. Mouse, for his part, leaped down the ladder on the side of the structure and burst into the map room, calling out the alarm to his fellow rangers and the ship's captain in the adjoining rooms.

Down below the main deck, Alewyth slept on, oblivious to the impending raid on the halfling vessel.

The first wave of six sahuagin made it to the top of the ship's walls, three of them climbing over onto the deck unimpeded while three others traded blows with the halfling rangers guarding their approach. But down in the water, the next six sahuagin scrambled up onto the pontoons and started climbing the struts, eager to join the action.

Alewyth awoke sluggishly from a deep sleep to the sounds of battle coming from up the stairs to the upper deck. Before realizing what the situation was, she said the command word that transported herself into the extradimensional spaces of Hesperna's lamp and shouted for the others to rouse themself for combat. Up on the deck, six halflings came pouring out of the map room door and started spreading out to deal with the sahuagin raiders.

Wakuren said the words that popped him back onto the cargo hold deck and raced around to the front of the stairs, already beginning the lengthy spell incantation that would relieve him of the fatigue born of sleeping in his plate armor. He was still casting the spell when he pushed the wooden flap covering the stairs open, allowing him to see what was transpiring on the deck. The halfling rangers were fighting off a dozen or more sahuagin, wielding their short swords against the sea devils' tridents. Three of the rangers had managed to bottle-neck the invaders, holding them off at the edge of the barge, but in three places the sahaugins had made it to the deck and were spreading out. While her crew did their best to fight off the raiders, Rose turned her head to the heavens and cast a call lightning spell, the first bolt of electricity striking a sea devil on the aft port side, shocking him into temporary immobility.

Inside the lamp, Xandro grabbed Robin from the sole bedroom and they grabbed up their gear before running back to the platform from which they could exit the lamp. Saying the magic phrase, they too popped back into the cargo hold, directly behind the stairs. Running to the front of the steps, Xandro continued up with his rapier Deathwhisper in hand while Robin stayed put out of harm's way, at the bottom of the open stairs where everyone topside could hear the song of inspirational courage she started playing on her lute.

Zander and Petey were the next to exit the lamp, and they ran up to the top of the stairs behind Xandro. The elf sorcerer immediately cast a lightning bolt spell over at the aft starboard corner, catching two sea devils in the blast and slaying the pair. They fell lifelessly to the deck, the first casualties in this midnight assault. Petey flapped from his master's shoulder over to the starboard fore corner, where Croc Swiftlizard was doing his best to prevent the sahuagin climbing up that strut from boarding the barge, while another sahuagin climbed up behind the first, egging him on in their watery language. The lead sea devil made it past Croc's defensive sword and almost stepped on board, but was immediately met with a pseudodragon flying right at him. He slashed one tip of his trident across Petey's shoulder, but the determined pseudodragon didn't let that stop him - his scorpionlike tail stinger plunged into the sea devil's neck. The venom did its work, and the sound asleep sahuagin went plummeting backwards back off the barge, to plunge into the water and sink below the waves.

Below the halflings' craft, the sea devil cleric in charge of this raid saw the sinking body of her unconscious troop and figured there must be more serious resistance above than she had anticipated - it looked like she might need to lend a clawed hand to the operation. Kicking the enormous shark she rode to get it to swim in the direction she wanted, she began casting a summoning spell.

Thurloe exited the lamp and immediately cast a mage armor spell on himself, for he had decided to try getting a good night's sleep without wearing his celestial armor and he didn't want to take the time to don it properly. He raced up the steps two at a time, his bastard sword Spellslicer out and ready. Alewyth popped out behind him and struggled to keep up, as her legs were significantly shorter than those of the burly spellsword. And Wakuren climbed the steps at a leisurely pace, still concentrating on casting his lengthy lesser restoration spell.

Rose targeted another bolt of lightning to come crashing down upon the same sahuagin she'd struck before; the strike slew the sea devil where he stood. Xandro sent his rapier deep into the body of another sea devil raider, and from his vantage point - and by the light from the flickering lightning overhead - he saw a snakelike head rise up out of the ocean on a neck that just kept on coming. The summoned fiendish elasmosaurus was behind the halfling barge, paddling forward and mouth opening in anticipation of a few quick snacks plucked from the deck of the ship. Xandro was glad he could still hear Robin's tune coming up from the cargo hold, for its fear-banishing effects were greatly needed at the moment!

Zander saw the approaching aquatic dinosaur as well and realized it was a much bigger threat than the entire sahuagin raiding party as a whole. He pulled his new metamagic rod from its sheath at his belt and channeled a chain lightning spell through it, the rod empowering the blast of electricity to its maximum potential. The blast struck the elasmosaurus straight on its reptilian head, causing it to rear back in shock and surprise.

Petey stabbed at another sahuagin trying to board the vessel, hitting him with his tail spike but failing to put him to sleep. Thurloe had better luck with his particular foe, cutting a sahuagin nearly in half with his blade and discharging the lightning bolt spell he had stored in it, an additional bit of damage that wasn't the least bit needed. Then Alewyth made it up on deck, casting a magic circle against evil spell upon herself as she did so. Halflings and sahuagin sparred on the decks all around her, the nimble sailors ducking beneath the sea devils' tridents and slashing out at scaled limbs with their blades. Wakuren finished his spell and stepped in the midst of a pair of sea devils ganging up on Croc, offering himself as an additional - and more fearsome-looking - target. One sahuagin stabbed out at him with his three-pointed weapon, but the half-orc slapped the weapon away with his shield of Cal. Yet another was sparring with Thurloe, and the spellsword saw Crow fall to another sahuagin's trident, his red blood spilling across the deck.

By the light of another lightning bolt striking a sea devil, Thurloe made his way to the downed halfling and poured a healing potion down Crow's throat, while Xandro engaged with the sahuagin who had been fighting Thurloe to keep him busy while Crow sputtered and shook himself back to consciousness. "I owe you my life," Crow said to the spellsword, while Xandro's blade slew the sahuagin Thurloe had been fighting.

Alewyth cast a hold monster spell at the fiendish elasmosaurus and got a good indication that the spell had worked when the sea serpent froze up and sank beneath the waves, its paddlelike fins no longer keeping it afloat at the ocean's surface. But then the sea devil cleric cast another summoning spell, for all of a sudden a giant crocodile appeared on the fore part of the deck. It made a dash for Wakuren, catching the half-orc up in its powerful jaws and crushing him between its jagged teeth. Try as he might, Wakuren was unable to free himself from the beast's massive jaws. In the waters beside the halfling vessel, the sea devil cleric approached on the port side, peering up at the chaos on the deck to see how her forces were doing. She still rode the massive shark she had ridden upon to the assault, while the other had drifted off to the starboard side and was gobbling up the sleeping body - now corpse - of the sea devil who had succumbed to Petey's sleep venom.

With Robin's magical tune in his ears, Zander cast a scorching ray spell that killed another pair of sahuagin that had made it onto the deck. Petey continued his attacks on the sahuagin attempting to board the ship from the forward starboard side, but he failed to put any of the raiders to sleep with his venom. Alewyth saw Wakuren's predicament and cast a dismissal spell at the giant crocodile, sending it back to wherever it had been summoned; Wakuren fell to the deck with a hard knock but had the good grace not to complain, glad to have been freed from the toothy embrace. But the other summoned creature, which the dwarven priestess had thought had been dealt with, snapped out of the hold monster spell and had swum back up to the surface, its serpentine head raised high above the halfling vessel as it closed in on the ship full of tasty morsels.

Wakuren gathered himself to his feet and cast an air walk spell on himself, the better to meet the elasmosaurus before it could dart its head down and start picking off the heroes. Rising up into the air, he noticed the sea devil cleric riding the massive shark down below to his right, in the ocean waters, and the two locked eye contact, each recognizing the other as a spellcasting foe. As her forces clashed weapons against the heroes and the halflings alike - Rose had been forced to fall back rather than get eviscerated on a sahuagin trident - she cast a flame strike spell up at Wakuren, causing sheets of unholy flames to come cascading down upon him from the heavens. He grunted in pain at the attack but refused to give ground - or air, in this case.

The deck was starting to get crowded with the corpses of slain sahuagin, but by now all 20 of the invading sea devils had made it up onto the barge, although a few still clung to the struts, trying to get onto the main deck but being held off by the desperate halfling rangers denying them access. Petey was forced to break off combat when a trident caught him in the side and ripped a gash through his scales; only the reddish coloration of his scales prevented the blood seeping from his wound from standing out. He limped back over by his master, heroic thoughts of front-line combat no longer an option.

Xandro stabbed another sea devil to death with his sword as Thurloe, with none within immediate range of his sword, cast a magic missile spell that dropped one across the deck about to menace Rose. But by now the elasmosaurus was at the back of the ship, its lengthy, snakelike neck arched over the halfling building at the back of the boat and ready to pick off a sailor or two. Zander raised his metamagic rod and repeated his earlier tactic, sending a maximized chain lightning spell blasting up at the dinosaur, this time just about exploding its head from its sinuous neck. Being a summoned creature, the creature's death banished its corpse back to the Hell from which it had come, so they didn't have to worry about being crushed under its dead weight when it collapsed.

Alewyth slapped at her butterfly brooch and rose up into the air beside Wakuren. Seeing the sahuagin cleric below (and deducing she had been responsible for the flame strike the dwarven priestess had seen encompass the half-orc moments earlier), Alewyth decided to give the scaly bitch a taste of her own medicine and cast a flame strike right back at her. Wakuren followed suit with his own god's version of the spell, and a thunderstrike spell rocked down at the cleric and her shark mount, killing the latter instantly. Seeing the way the battle had gone thus far, the cleric called for a retreat, and the remaining sahuagin assault force - all three of them - leaped back over the sides of the halfling barge to flee beneath the roiling waves.

Wakuren, seeing the battle was over, cast a mass cure light wounds spell that healed up some of the wounds of those who'd sustained them; Alewyth followed suit with focused healing on those whose wounds were more than Wakuren's single spell could handle. Then they helped the halflings toss the sahuagin corpses overboard, Rose thanked the heroes for their much-needed aid, and they all returned to their bunks, the other four rangers taking up their shifts on watch. Alewyth returned to her only slightly comfortable bedding of crumpled sacks while the others resumed their rest inside Hesperna's lamp. The priestess drifted back off to sleep thinking about how much more comfortable it was sleeping on the bed inside the lamp; Hesperna might have been an insufferable night hag, but she had good taste in mattresses! Wakuren decided to remain on deck as well, thinking it might not be a bad idea to have someone on hand to leap into battle while Alewyth alerted the others, should the sahuagin decide to compound their losses by returning with reinforcements. But then he dismissed the thought, figuring the sahuagin losses had been great enough to discourage them from a second attack.

Two hours before sunrise, Wakuren found out just how wrong he could be.

Once again the alarm came from the voice of a halfling ranger on guard, this time Talon Farseeker, on duty on the roof of the building in the back of the vessel. "Kraken!" he called out at the top of his lungs, "Kraken approaching from the aft!"

Immediately, Squirrel Fleetfoot ran to awaken the other rangers from their bunks while Snake Slytracker raced down the steps to the cargo hold to awaken Alewyth, once again snoring heavily in her armor. Wakuren, asleep on the deck, had the good fortune to be a light sleeper and woke immediately from the panicked sounds of Talon's cries. His first action was to cast a freedom of movement spell on himself as he raced to the ladder on the side of the building upon which Talon stood, knowing full well the kraken would try its best to grapple those on deck - and the half-orc had no wish to be pinned and crushed in a kraken's powerful tentacles. (The giant crocodile earlier that night had been quite enough!) Once he clambered up onto the rooftop, he could see the kraken approaching from the rear of the vessel, several of its tentacles already waving in the air as if eager to snatch up any morsels it could.

"You'd best get back on deck," Wakuren advised Talon, and the halfling considered it for a mere moment before deciding it was the best course of action for him - but he insisted on getting off a strike with his sling before he leaped down onto the deck, his sling stone having struck the massive squidlike monstrosity (for it would have been quite difficult for the halfling to have missed a creature of that immense size).

"What now?" demanded Rose as she and the other members of her crew stumbled out of the map room door. By that time, Alewyth had been awakened, entered the lamp, roused the others, and cast a quick bless spell upon them; Wakuren and the halflings would just have to do without this time. But the halflings had all formed a line midway across the ship, hopefully well away from the reach of the kraken's tentacles, and with the bulk of their tiny building preventing the kraken from getting a good look at their exact locations. However, they were able to target the questing tentacles probing over the top of the building's roof with their slings, and they kept up a steady barrage. For his part, Wakuren summoned a javelin of lightning from his gauntlet of Cal and tossed it at the incoming kraken, singeing a spot on its rubbery flesh with the bolt of electricity it became mid-throw. For his efforts, he was smacked by half a dozen tentacles and the two longer arms of the kraken, each battering the half-orc's flesh but unable to get a grasp upon him thanks to his freedom of movement spell.

Rose broke off from the halfling lineup and raced to the ladder, scrambling up it just high enough to reach out a hand and touch Wakuren's ankle - which was enough of a contact between the two for her to cast her most powerful healing spell at the beleaguered cleric. He had even more powerful spells he could bring to bear if needed, but the canny druid figured he might have some powerful combat spells he could cast in their stead if she kept him healthy enough. Still, when a swinging tentacle nearly struck her, she had no choice but to slide down the length of the ladder and scramble back out of reach, for she knew she had no such magical protection as that afforded the half-orc.

Xandro and Robin exited the lamp side by side, she starting the initial chords to her song of inspirational courage at the bottom of the stairs while he continued up the steps onto the deck. Zander and Petey exited next, the elf casting a displacement spell on himself that he hoped would prevent the kraken from successfully grabbing him up in its tentacles. Petey wisely hung back, for the little pseudodragon had a firm sense of self-preservation and wouldn't be getting anywhere near the reach of those tentacles unless his master were in desperate trouble.

Thurloe exited the lamp next, and this time he wore his celestial armor, having learned from his earlier combat how much he would have preferred having it on when dealing with an ambush. And the armor had an added feature besides its lightweight construction: it allowed the spellsword to cast a fly spell, an act he put to good use as soon as he hit the bottom of the stairs to the upper deck. Grabbing Zander by the collar on his way by, he rose up past the height of the building at the back of the vessel, where he could get a good view of the kraken attacking them - and better, yet, so could the elf sorcerer. But he cast a ray of enfeeblement at the kraken, diminishing a bit of its prodigious strength, rather than let Zander have all the spellcasting glory.

But Zander rose to the occasion (as well as up into the air) by sending another maximized chain lightning spell - his final one for the day - blasting over at the kraken, who seemed surprised to be struck with so much electricity damage all at once. Alewyth, having cast a stoneskin spell on herself while inside Hesperna's lamp, cast a righteous might spell as she stomped up the steps, Sjondra in hand, and arrived on deck a full 8 feet tall. The halflings cheered at her presence, the dwarven priestess towering above them (even more so than usual) like some demigoddess of legend. They then returned their focus on sending waves of sling stones hurling up at the tentacles still trying to get a grasp upon the elusive half-orc.

But Wakuren, seeing Alewyth towering above the rooftop upon which he stood, decided that seemed like a good idea and cast his own righteous might, the original size between him and Alewyth resulting in his standing a good 12 feet tall upon the rooftop. The kraken found he still couldn't get a good grip on the half-orc with his suckered limbs and soon stopped trying to do so, contenting himself with battering the massive brute with his rubbery limbs. He might not be able to constrict the irritating foe, but he could probably bludgeon him into unconsciousness - and then he'd see how easily he could wriggle away from the kraken's grasping tentacles!

Xandro took out his Dardolian Lute and the dire elk pick he used to summon his megaloceros, and did just that - causing a massively-antlered herd beast to manifest on the rooftop alongside Wakuren. Rose groaned as the wooden planks making up the roof of her map room and quarters likewise groaned under their combined weight, half expecting it to give way at any moment. But it held, even as the dire elk shifted his weight and brought his massive rack of antlers cutting into the soft flesh of the kraken's tentacles.

Alewyth stomped over to the aft railing of the ship and swung an equally massive Sjondra at the nearest tentacle, momentarily squashing it flat from the force of her blow. The rangers continued their sling stone barrage, and Wakuren brough his double-sized shield of Cal crashing down onto a mass of tentacles, causing the kraken no small amount of pain. In fact, it was enough to force the kraken to come to the unpleasant decision that he'd have to cut his losses - to flee, like the sahuagin cleric and her forces who were to have brought him his tribute from this very vessel, but who had instead slunk before him in shame with tales of their failure - and escape with his own life to try again later. Just to show he meant business (and, to be completely honest, because he had been brought no tribute and was particularly hungry), he snatched up the dire elk from the vessel and crushed him in his tentacles, planning on devouring him once he got to the safety of the deep undersea. He jetted backwards from the halfling ship, already starting to sink beneath the waves to safety - when the blasted elf cast another chain lightning spell at him, one that, despite not having been maximized through Zander's metamagic rod, was nevertheless powerful enough to snuff out the kraken's life, even as the dire elk disappeared from his grasp before he could get in so much as a single bite. The kraken died with disappointment being his last thought as the dire elk vanished upon death, in the manner of all summoned creatures.

"Best climb down off of the roof before you cave it in," suggested Rose, and the 12-foot-tall Wakuren did just that. The druid cast another healing spell upon the half-orc, who once again sorely needed it after the beating he'd taken by the kraken's tentacles.

"I don't know if it's even safe to go back to sleep," complained Xandro.

"That's the way it is at sea, sometimes," offered up Spider Greenbow. "Days or weeks of boredom, followed by hours of panicked fighting. But don't worry: we're already over a week in - another two and a half weeks and we'll be stopping at an island to take on fresh water and rations. You'll get a day or two back on dry land for a break! How does that sound?"

"Not nearly as good as the fact that tomorrow night I get to sleep in a real bed," admitted Alewyth, for her shift of sleeping in the cargo hold was almost at an end.

- - -

I bought a "Jurassic Park" elasmosaurus toy for this adventure, even though it was a little too big in scale; I figured it wouldn't matter as long as I kept the stats the same. (I didn't want to increase the elasmosaurus to a larger size, since it was a summoned creature.) And although it will only be useful for three adventures, I went ahead and made a 3D, scale version of the halfling barge, complete with two full-scale baleen whales to pull it. (The whales were just flat tokens.) It made for a cool bit of "miniature terrain" for the ambushes instead of just using a flat map.

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T-shirt worn: I have a blue T-shirt with several sharks on it - they even glow in the dark if they've been exposed to sufficient light beforehand. It was a logical shirt to wear for an adventure that had a sahuagin attack, with their associated shark companions.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 13
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 7
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 6
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 7
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Bat Fiercehunter, halfling ranger 4
Croc Swiftlizard, halfling ranger 4
Crow Straightspear, halfling ranger 4
Mouse Quietmoon, halfling ranger 4
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4
Rose Brightpetal, halfling druid 8
Snake Slytracker, halfling ranger 4
Spider Greenbow, halfling ranger 4
Squirrel Fleetfoot, halfling ranger 4
Talon Farseeker, halfling ranger 4​

Game Session Date: 9 December 2023

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"Land ho!" came the cry. "Halfway Island off the port bow!"

The cry had been a long time coming. For the past month, the ship, crew, and passengers had been at sea with nothing but ocean all around them; this was their first sighting of a land mass, and small as it might be, it was a welcome sight. At first nothing more than a speck of green off to the right, as the whale-borne vessel approached, they could see a single mountain rising up out of the surrounding jungle ringing the island. As might be expected by the island's name, once they departed from it and continued on their journey to Talonia, it would be another month of ocean voyaging before they arrived at the new continent. But for now they looked forward for a few days of stretching their legs as they gathered fresh water and island fruits and sought to hunt down some fresh game.

As the halfling vessel was towed by a pair of baleen whales who'd be at risk of beaching themselves if they swam too close to the island, they entered a lagoon and the ship dropped anchor there. Then the whales were released from their tow-chains to go about their business for the next two days, Rose Brightpetal thanking them for their service thus far and wishing them a happy rest period. She and two of her crew would be staying behind on the ship for the initial trip to the island, while the other six halflings readied three of the four rowboats to head ashore. The heroes split themselves up among the three oared vessels, save for Wakuren who summoned Nimbus from the heavens and rode his air element cloud-steed to the island.

As such, he was the first to arrive at the beach just ahead, and the first to see the message that lay there in the sand. "Look," he said when the halflings pulled their rowboats onto the beach and started unloading the empty barrels they'd brought for fresh water. The half-orc pointed down at a series of stones that had been laid out on the beach, arranged to form the word "HELP" in large letters.

"This island is uninhabited, 'cept for animals," replied Mouse Quietmoon, one of the halfling rangers. "Looks like there must be a shipwreck survivor or something."

"I didn't see any signs of a shipwreck," pointed out Xandro. Indeed, the waters all around the island - at least the southeastern side of it, the side from which they had approached - had no conspicuous ships poking up from beneath the waters.

"Could have been miles out to sea," suggested Bat Fiercehunter. "Sahuagin raiders, maybe - if they'd've overcome us when they attacked us weeks ago, they'd likely have scuttled our ship, just out of sheer spite."

"We'll have to see if we can find any survivors," said Snake Slytracker. "Common law of the sea. We can give them a ride to Talonia, or back to Armaturia during our next trip, if it comes to that. But in the meantime, we need to split up and tend to the ship's needs. We'll need folks filling up barrels with fresh water, we'll need a barrel or two of fruit, and we'll want to see if we can track down a boar or two - we can have ourselves a good beach-roast tonight, and then dry the rest into jerky." Four of the six halflings immediately called "Dibs!" on the boar hunt, that apparently being the most exciting of their chores. Spider Greenbow was left with the task of gathering fruit - a task Alewyth opted to join with him - and Croc Swiftlizard was assigned with the fresh water detail. The other adventurers were offered the opportunity to join in on the boar hunt, but Wakuren spoke for the group and said they'd see if they could find any signs of the shipwreck survivors.

"They're human sized," pointed out Xandro, indicating the remnants of the footprints left on the beach sands around the stones forming the word "HELP." The winds had eroded the footprints in the days since they were left, but they were much larger than the feet of halflings, the only people known to frequent the island as a refueling station.

"Makes sense," replied Crow Straightspear. "A halfling'd probably've spelled out the word in our own language, rather than use the Common word."

"Going barefoot," pointed out Thurloe, indicating a print that still bore the imprint of distinct toes. "And there might have only been the one." He was right; there was no way to tell if the footprints had all been made by one person or several, not in their present condition.

"Pretty strong guy," added Robin, noting the size of some of the rocks used to spell out the word "HELP."

Alewyth cast a series of spells on herself - magic circle against evil, stoneskin, and magic vestment - before heading off with Spider to pick fruit. The halfling frowned in derision at her precautions, pointing out there was nothing dangerous on the island other than boars and the occasional snake, but the dwarven priestess merely replied that protection was never a foolish thing, and off they went. Wakuren mounted back up on Nimbus, intending to seek out any shipwreck survivors from an aerial view, when Zander's keen eyesight picked up something else of note on the beach. A bit of wood stuck up out of the sand; a quick bit of digging produced a piece of flat, broken board. "Part of a crate or something," he suggested. He tossed the board back down onto the beach. "Could have been washed ashore with the wreckage. Okay, let's go find any survivors. Petey, you go ahead and scout from the air with Wakuren." The pseudodragon telepathically acknowledged his master's orders and took to the air.

Using Alewyth's logic, Thurloe cast a shield spell upon himself with his wand before joining the others in trekking through the jungle. Zander cast a mage armor spell on himself as well. Wakuren had already cast his standard morning endure elements spells on himself, Xandro, and Robin, but he cast a shield of faith spell on himself as Nimbus took to the skies, just in case. Then he cast his sight downwards, looking for signs of shipwreck survivors on the ground below.

Petey was the first to spot something, although it wasn't the survivors they sought - rather, it was a group of six wild boars passing through a clearing in the jungle below. Wakuren dismissed Petey from the search for shipwreck survivors, directing the pseudodragon to go find the halflings looking for fresh pork and directing them to their prey. Petey offered to help the halflings, figuring his sleep venom could come in handy in taking down a wild boar. With a flash of reddish wings, the pseudodragon dropped from the half-orc's side and went to go find the intrepid halfling hunters.

Then another flash captured Wakuren's attention, this one a momentary flash of light. It came from the top of the mountain - "Bald Mountain," he had been told by one of the ship's crew, for the way it rose up from the jungle canopy below - and was repeated again after a few seconds. Directing Nimbus to the top of the mountain, Wakuren soon found the source of the intermittent flashing: a hand mirror that had been tied to a bit of overhanging rock jutting out from above a cave opening, secured by what looked to be strips of cloth from a torn garment. Feeling he'd found where any survivors had likely holed up, Wakuren turned Nimbus around and went to go find the others.

Zander, Thurloe, Xandro, Robin, and Croc Swiftlizard, on his way to fetching water from a nearby pool he knew of, had spread out in a line, each one still able to see the person at their side through the ever-present foliage as they slowly advanced through the jungle. Thus far, they'd only disrupted a small flock of parrots (which were good eating, according to Croc, who'd been too slow to put down his empty water barrel to bring one down with his sling) and heard the cried of nearby monkeys in the trees, when Robin was alerted by the sound of buzzing flies ahead. "Over here!" she called to the others, then stifled a scream when she pushed aside the broad leaves of a plant and saw what had attracted the flies' interest: the torn-apart carcass of a monkey.

"What could have done that?" asked Xandro, aghast. The poor monkey looked to have been ripped apart, his limbs pulled from their sockets.

"No idea," admitted Croc. "It doesn't look like he's been eaten much, either - just a few rat bites after the fact. But no rat could have done that."

Wakuren and Nimbus came landing nearby, calling out their names and stating he thought he'd found a cave where the survivors had gone. They left Croc to continue on with his water-gathering, after he pointed them in the direction of the fruit trees where Alewyth and Spider would have gone. After collecting Alewyth, the heroes entered the extradimensional interior of Hesperna's lamp and let Wakuren ferry them up to the mountain-top cave upon Nimbus. Upon reaching the cave, Wakuren dropped down from Nimbus's back and pulled out the magic lamp, placing it on the stone floor. Alewyth, who had been watching events from within the lamp using her magic headband (which allowed her to see through the gem Wakuren wore on a band across his brow), told the others they had arrived and they said the words that shunted them back out into the Material World.

Looking around in the dim light, they could see there were two main passageways leading deeper into the mountain, one to the north and the other to the east. Alewyth, Xandro, and Zander went north, while the other three took the east route. Alewyth and Wakuren each had darkvision and had no trouble seeing as the light dimmed the further they went; Zander activated a charge of his scout's headband and granted himself the same abilities.

Turning a corner to the right, the elf sorcerer saw a bedraggled-looking man lying upon a few slats of wood in the back of a long cavern. At the far end, a smaller opening to a tunnel of some sort likely looped back to the way the others had gone. Xandro tossed down his figurine of wondrous power and called out the command word, causing the statuette to expand into a living dire tiger. Xandro commanded his feline companion to guard the sleeping man from anything from the tunnel beyond and the tiger silently padded over to do as commanded.

The tunnel led to an enormous cavern, the same one Robin, Thurloe, and Wakuren had entered. Hundreds of rats skittered along the ground, among piles of white guano. Looking up, they could see an equal number of bats hanging among the stalactites, some 30 feet above them. Not wanting to startle them - for they'd been in the midst of bat swarms before and did not relish a repeat experience - Wakuren motioned for the other two to back away the way they had come. Robin had her lute out in case a song of inspirational courage would be useful, but at Wakuren's hand motion she put a hand over her strings. But then Thurloe moved up (none too quietly) and they could hear Alewyth's voice coming from the other side of the cavern, and, seeing the bats stir to wakefulness, Wakuren decided to take matters into his own hands and cast a thunder strike spell into the southern half of the cavern. The roar of thunder and a blast of holy energy rolled over the bats and rats in the southern half of the cavern, causing dead bats to drop from the cavern ceiling among the rat corpses and the odd dead beetle slain by the half-orc's spell.

Alewyth had approached the sleeping man and called out to him, but had gotten no response, when the thunder strike sent reverberations blasting into the cavern, followed by the shrieks and flapping wings of the bats who had been rudely awakened by the spell and the frantic squeaks of the rats from the northern half of the adjacent cavern. As a swarm of irritable bats headed over towards the dire tiger and a rat swarm followed beneath them along the ground, Alewyth decided her castaway needed none of that kind of attention and cast a wall of stone spell that sealed off the two caverns along the narrow passageway between. No offense to the dire tiger, but he was on his own; the dwarven priestess knew if he were to be overcome by the swarming mammals, he'd simply revert back to statuette form, none the worse for wear.

The other swarms of rats and bats headed for the exit to the west, currently occupied by three frantic adventurers. Wakuren slammed his shield down upon the backs of the first wave of rats to approach him, but was quickly engulfed by the furry bodies that followed, as the bats then swarmed all around him and the others. Thurloe and Robin soon found themselves bleeding from multiple, panicked bites from the bats seeking to flee their cavern. The dire tiger likewise had several bite wounds bleeding freely, as he swatted rats away with his paws, only to have others rush forward to take their place.

Zander heard the cries of the other three heroes and backed away from the narrow cavern where Alewyth was trying - and failing - to wake the castaway. It worried her, but she was starting to wonder if the man was somehow the victim of a dream coma, although Mogo had assured the dreamwalkers that those trapped in dream comas had been awakened all at once upon the defeat of the Nightmare King. He looked to be doing poorly, with sallow skin pulled tightly to his bones and long, tangled hair coming down around his shoulders; his shirt in tatters and his pants ragged along the bottom edges; he wore no shoes. But while Alewyth was leaning over the man and trying to shake him awake, Zander came upon the others and sent a lightning bolt blasting away at the rats and bats who had made it past the three other heroes, killing those members of their respective swarms instantly. Xandro, upon hearing Robin voice a scream, departed from Alewyth's side and came running her way, his fingers already playing the song of inspirational courage on his Dardolian Lute. Robin stepped away from the attacking mammals as best she could, and cast a sound burst spell into the rats and bats biting Wakuren. Between them, they had taken care of most of the rats; the few remaining broke off and returned to their larger cavern, hoping to hide away until these intruders left. After all, the southern half of the cavern was littered with the still-warm corpses of the rats and bats Wakuren had killed with his thunder strike spell, so it wasn't like they were hurting for food....

Thurloe backed away from the flapping swarm of bats, deciding to go check on Alewyth rather than contend with bats too many in number to deal effectively with his bastard sword Spellslicer. He cast a detect magic spell when he entered the cavern where Alewyth bent over the castaway. Worried about his appearance, the dwarf cast a heal spell upon the man, touching his narrow chest as she did so. His eyes snapped open at his touch, as she was first noticing how cold his skin was - but then, it was rather cold is this dank, narrow cavern. She could feel his ribs move as he breathed, and struggled to recall if she'd even noticed him breathing before as concerns about him being undead filled her head. But then, if he had been undead, the heal spell should have caused him considerable harm, and it seemed to have no effect, one way or another, other than waking him from his deep slumber - a sleep which even the sound of a nearby thunder strike spell could not awaken him.

Wakuren cast a mass cure light wounds spell on those bitten by the rats and bats, then entered the large cavern to see how the dire tiger fared. He'd been doing his best against the rats skittering up and biting him and the bats that flew all around him in a confusing aerial tangle, and while the piles of bodies all about him told he'd been successful at killing the handful he'd slain thus far, there were far more still about and eager for tiger blood. The tiger got a boost from Xandro and his magical tune once he got within range, and eventually enough of the mammals had been slain for the others to slink away, breaking formation to go save their own individual lives. "You want me to heal him?" Robin asked, noticing the many bleeding wounds matting the tiger's fur.

"He'll be fine," scoffed Xandro, half wondering how long the dire tiger could go without having his wounds healed up, and also realizing that no permanent harm would come of trying it out as an experiment - after all, the tiger would be back in full health the next time he activated it from its statuette form. Robin frowned, her mind telling her Xandro was right but her heart not liking to see the big cat suffer when she could do something about it. But the three left the remaining rats and bats behind, reversing their course and going back the way they'd come, the dire tiger leaving droplets of blood in a trail behind him as he walked.

The castaway stared into Alewyth's eyes with his own bloodshot pair as he pulled himself off the planks of wood upon which he slept and assumed a sitting position. Alewyth had been about to ask him how he felt, but the words died in her throat as she felt a mental pull at her mind and realized she was under some sort of magical attack. When the domination attempt failed, the castaway tried slamming his fists into the priestess, but protected as she was in heavy armor and spells, the sudden attacks came to nothing.

However, by then Zander had returned to the sleeping man's cavern and saw his attempts to strike the dwarf. Alewyth responded by casting a further protective spell - death ward - upon herself, not knowing what this man would try to do next. As Wakuren entered the chamber, the elf sorcerer cast a wall of force spell, sealing the castaway off in the back of the cavern, right next to the wall of stone Alewyth had erected moments before. Zander wasn't sure why he'd attacked her, but he wasn't going to allow him to try it again. Alewyth took a step back from the wall of force, staring at the man in confusion. He stood there, weak-looking and frail, staring back at her with a look of absolute lust in his eyes--

--and then he was gone.

Alewyth let out a gasp of surprise, for she'd been looking at his bloodshot eyes and had missed what Zander had seen just fine with his own darkvision-enhanced eyes: the castaway had moved his hands in a gesture that accompanied the casting of an invisibility spell. "He's still in there!" he called to the others, activating the remaining charges in his scout's headband to grant himself the ability to see invisibility. Sure enough, the bedraggled-looking man was still there, right where he'd been standing before disappearing from everyone else's view.

"What's going on?" Thurloe demanded. "Who is this guy?"

"He might be undead," Alewyth suggested, but explained about his nonchalance about having a heal spell cast upon him, which didn't make a very strong case towards him no longer being among the living. Little did she know it, but the vampire imprisoned behind the wall of force was not only a cleric of Rale, God of the Night, but also wore a ring of positive protection that prevented healing energy from affecting him.

"Well, if he's still in there, let's give him someone to play with," suggested Thurloe, casting a summoning spell that brought forth a fiendish monstrous scorpion in the back of the cavern sealed off with Zander's wall of force spell. The man-sized scorpion could sense the vampire's position with the fine hairs upon its legs and snapped its claws at him, but the intended victim spun about and sidestepped the attack quite easily. Wakuren snorted in frustration, for he'd been about to cast a blindness/deafness spell upon the castaway to rob him of his vision, but the half-orc couldn't cast the spell on a target he couldn't see.

"He's casting another spell!" Zander warned the others as the vampire, invisible to all but the elf, began the motions to call forth an obscuring mist. But Alewyth had been casting a spell of her own at the time, and her flame strike sent holy fire raining down upon everyone on the far side of the wall of force, killing Thurloe's demon-scorpion in the process. And then the area behind the wall of force was filled with swirling vapors, the obscuring mist spell preventing even Zander from seeing the castaway's exact whereabouts.

"This is ridiculous!" scoffed Zander. He then did several things in rapid succession: dropped the wall of force spell to allow him a straight area of effect with the invisible castaway; briefly considered that if he cast a fireball at the back wall it would definitely engulf the castaway but would very probably catch up Alewyth in its area of effect as well; decided Alewyth was a sturdy gal and could probably take it; and cast his fireball spell with wild abandon. Sure enough, the flames of his explosive spell engulfed Alewyth as well as the unseen vampire, but Zander had also been right about her ability to survive such unexpected "friendly fire." His spell also had the added effect of burning away the obscuring mist.

Or most of it, anyway - there was a small patch of mist that had somehow survived the blast. But as the elf concentrated on it, he could see it had taken on the rough shape of a man, and he realized it was their castaway, now in gaseous form.

"Is he a vampire?" Wakuren asked, puzzled, as he stared at the mist floating above the three boards the castaway had been sleeping upon when they had first encountered him.

"But then why wouldn't my heal spell have hurt him?" asked Alewyth, equally puzzled.

"Stand back," commanded Thurloe, before casting a shout spell at the floating mist, just in case. But it had no further effect upon the vampire in mist form, if that was indeed what they were facing - which made a bit of sense, as you couldn't really "kill" a vampire any deader once you'd damaged him enough to cause him to lose control over his own body cohesion.

Alewyth decided to try an experiment. Bending over, she scooped up the three planks of wood and smiled when she saw the mist mindlessly following in her wake. If this was a vampire they had been dealing with, now reduced to its mist form, it would mindlessly seek out its coffin - or what, she surmised, was all that was left of it once it had crashed against the rocks after the ship on which the vampire had been traveling had been sunk. She'd never know it for sure, but she had been absolutely right: the vampire's only bit of luck was that his coffin was washed ashore and broke upon the rocks during the moonlit hours, so he could rise up out of the smashed coffin and make his way to land before the surging waters destroyed his undead flesh. It had been all downhill from there, though, for the vampire had found himself trapped upon a small island uninhabited by any of the intelligent beings upon which he preyed, and had been reduced to surviving off the blood of monkeys of all things. That was, until the touch of a living cleric had awakened him from his daytime slumber atop the remains of his coffin; it had been all he could do to remember to fake breathing so as not to further arouse her suspicions about his nature....

But none of that mattered anymore, for when Alewyth tossed the three planks of wood over the edge of the cave opening, the mist flowed after it, directly into the sunlight - and was quickly dissolved away into nothingness.

"Weird," summed up Thurloe.

Upon returning back down to ground level, the heroes discovered the halflings had successfully downed a boar and dragged his carcass back to the beach. Crow and Mouse were hard at work digging a fire pit in the sand, while Croc busied himself with the task of gutting their fallen prey. "It'll be a feast of fresh meat tonight!" he boasted. "We'll all eat to our fill, for whatever's left over gets turned into jerky!"

"Looking forward to it," Alewyth replied with a smile, looking over at Petey, whose reptilian face somehow managed to provide an expression of pride and satisfaction. She could only guess the little pseudodragon had been more helpful than just leading the halfling hunting party to their prey, although the halfling rangers were keeping any such details to themselves. Alewyth vowed to herself not to bring the subject up, to give the rangers their due.

- - -

This adventure went way faster than I had anticipated. I thought some of the PCs would want to get involved in the boar hunt, but everyone decided to go search for castaways (except Alewyth, who went picking fruit out of a feeling of guilt of leaving the boring task to the halfling rangers), so I ended up handwaving the hunting away, since I had no desire to run a combat between NPC halflings and NPC boars. And then, upon finding the cave, the PCs immediately split up, ensuring the rats and bats would be slain before the sleeping vampire had a chance to summon them. And then, as the final insult, my vampire cleric was pinned onto a four-square section of the cavern in which he'd been encountered. In retrospect, I probably should have given him a few more levels of cleric so he'd have had some more spells at hand, possibly with which to escape his imprisonment.

Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes. At least everyone leveled up to 14th level at the end of this adventure, so the players had something to do after our adventure time was severely cut short.

This is it for this campaign this year, as Dan, Vicki, and their boys will be away for the Christmas holiday. Our next session is scheduled for New Year's Day, when we traditionally exchange Christmas gifts between the two families after our game session.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My Duck Dynasty "Happy Happy Happy" T-shirt, given that was the general mood upon being able to spend a day or two on land after a month at sea.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 14​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 8​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 7​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 8​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 14​

Game Session Date: 1 January 2024

- - -

When the five dreamwalkers fell asleep and their dream-bodies formed in the Dreamlands, their individual moogle guides escorted them to a familiar door in the Corridor of Dreams: that of Chrysos Arkaurum's study.

"I am informed you have two avenues of research you seek to explore here in the Dreamlands," the gold dragon, currently in his alternate form of an elven scholar, said. "We have had the moogles perform some initial investigations and I think we have made some progress on both fronts."

"I can take you to the dreams of people who might have the information you seek, kupo!" replied Mogo. "Which question did you want answers to first, kupo?"

The five talked it out among themselves before Wakuren answered, "Let's see what we can find out about the 'deathborn.'"

"Biskabileon has been dreaming about what you've talked about, concerning gnomes bleeding from their faces, kupo," Mogo explained as he led the group to a specific door in the Corridor of Dreams. "He's a hermit who lives up in the mountains all alone, kupo," the moogle added.

Entering the hermit's dreams, the five dreamwalkers saw a gnome with a long, white beard standing among a group of about a dozen other gnomes. They stood in a forest clearing, and a squirrel came scrambling up to them, chattering nervously, "Strangers approach!"

Almost immediately, there was the sound of the pounding of hooves as a dozen mounted men arrived on warhorses. Ten of the men were human, wearing heavy plate mail armor and carrying lances, shields, and longswords. The other two were forest elves, dressed in hide armor and wielding longbows, and seemed to be serving as guides.

"Good gnomes," called out the leader, a man whose shield bore a familiar symbol: the royal crest of the Devlin family. "We have heard rumors of a dragon having been sighted in these parts. Do you know of the whereabouts of his lair?"

Before any of the gnomes could answer, they started to cough and choke. The white-bearded gnome looked about in puzzlement as his fellow gnomes start bleeding from their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Within half a minute, they had fallen lifelessly to the forest floor. The sole remaining gnome - apparently Biskabileon - looked up at the intruders with an expression of fear. They in turn looked down at the dead gnomes with looks of puzzlement and then at each other to make sure none of them were likewise bleeding from their faces. But when they looked back to Biskabileon, he was gone – having turned himself invisible and rapidly running off through the trees.

But Zander Quilson had seen the gnome disappear and had quickly activated his scout goggles, activating enough energy into the device to allow him to see invisible creatures. "This way!" he called, running away from the men on horses. Xandro and Wakuren followed, while Alewyth and Thurloe remained behind to question the men.

"Did you have anything to do with the deaths of these gnomes?" asked Alewyth. "I can't help but notice they all died upon your arrival."

"An arrival coinciding with your own," pointed out one of the knights.

"Why are you looking for a dragon?" interceded Thurloe, seeing this line of questioning would get them nowhere and hoping to redirect the conversation into more profitable areas.

"Dragons are a scourge about the land!" replied Garvethon Devlin, who if Thurloe's memories of his childhood history lessons were correct was the first in the line of the Devlin emperors of Armaturia. If that were indeed the case, that would put the events in this dream about a thousand years ago - about the same time the surface gnomes apparently died out on Armaturia.

Zander caught up to the fleeing Biskabileon - whose robes weren't particularly conducive to high-speed flight - and dropped a hand on the little gnome's shoulder. "We just wish to talk," he assured the gnome.

"And we know of your true form," Wakuren said. At that, Biskabileon's eyes grew wide and his eyebrows raised up behind the white hair hanging in his face, although the elf was the only one able to see them do so. "We seek to learn what caused the bleeding sickness that slew the gnomes you were with."

Biskabileon reverted to visibility and looked about him. "This...is just a dream," he surmised. He looked over at the three men standing before you. "I do not recall having seen any of you before," he accused.

"We are dreamwalkers," Xandro explained. "We have come to see what you can tell us about the 'deathborn.'"

"I am unfamiliar with the term," the little gnome - in reality, a silver dragon who had taken on a gnome form as his humanoid shape - admitted. "That was the only time I saw the disease occur in real time before me. But I went to other nearby gnome villages to warn them...and I was already too late. Everywhere I went, the gnomes had already perished."

"And it didn't affect you because you aren't really a gnome," Wakuren persisted.

"That has always been my assumption."

"But is it a disease? Or is it a curse?" asked Xandro. "Or both?"

"I cannot say. But the event has scarred me. Even now, these many years later, I always dream of the event, every time I begin to sleep...." He shook his head, as if trying to clear it of the image of his dying friends. "I live alone now, in the mountains, a simple hermit - spending my hours pondering the brief lives of the humanoid races."

"I didn't see any of the elves or humans making any spellcasting gestures," pointed out Zander. "And they seemed as surprised at the event as Biskabileon here."

"I must admit I was not looking at them," the gnome replied. "My attention was focused on my friends."

"Well, thank you, Biskabileon," said Wakuren. "You have been most helpful." The gnome simply nodded and turned away. Then, casting off his humanoid form, he resumed the form of a sleek, silver dragon and took to the skies.

"Was he, though? Helpful, I mean?" asked Xandro. "We don't really know anything more than we did before."

"We have another data point," Wakuren countered. "We've now seen three events with this 'deathborn' disease: the archaeological dig of the gnomish village; running into the svirfneblin girl in the Underdark; and now Biskabileon's encounter with the dragon hunters. In each case, there was one of more humans present: the 'round-eared elf' in the village; you and Thurloe" - and here the half-orc indicated Xandro - "and those ten men with the elven scouts."

"So you think humans are infected with some kind of gnome-killing disease?" asked Xandro.

"It's a possibility," Wakuren admitted. "Come on - let's go meet up with the others and check out that other dream. Maybe we'll have more luck learning about the Forbidden Lands."

But Mogo quickly deflated his hopes on that front. "We haven't found out a whole lot about the Forbidden Lands, kupo," admitted the moogle guide as he led his five students to the next door in the Corridor of Dreams. "But here's a dream from a drow woman on the continent of Talonia, kupo." He opened the door and stepped inside, indicating for his dreamwalking pupils to follow.

In the dreamscape, a drow woman knelt alone in the moonlight, wearing nothing but a flower in her white hair. Her arms were raised in supplication towards the moon and she seemed to be silently praying.

"Nice," observed Thurloe, checking out the nude woman. His comment earned him an elbow in the ribs from Alewyth. Fortunately, none of the dreamwalkers had taken any actions to allow the dreamer to see them yet - they were still just silent observers as her dream unfolded.

Suddenly, there came the sound of the flapping of leathery wings and a man stepped forward out of the darkness. He was a handsome male drow, dressed in clothing that wouldn't be out of the ordinary at a gathering of nobles in Armaturia.

"You have come!" the woman sighed in delight.

"I have come," agreed the man, smiling. "And you are here, waiting for me, as promised."

"I will always be here for you, My Lord," the woman replied. "For as long as you desire."

"Yes," the man agreed. "You have shown an admirable loyalty these many years. Perhaps one day, you too shall be chosen, and I can escort you into the Forbidden Lands, by my side." The woman's expression changed to one of incredulous desire, and the look did not change when the man pierced her neck with his gleaming fangs and drank his fill of her blood.

"Hey!" called Alewyth, her hand straying to her holy symbol. But Thurloe pushed it aside with his hand. "This is just a dream, remember," he advised. "Killing that vampire in her dream isn't going to do a thing to the real vampire out there in Talonia." Sighing in irritation - at her inability to save the drow woman and the fact that Thurloe was right - she sulked as the vampire sated his thirst and then stepped back into the shadows to fly away in bat form.

After his departure, Alewyth couldn't wait any longer. Stepping fully into the woman's dream, she approached her. The woman still had a dreamy look in her eyes, which only made the dwarf priestess scowl all the harder. "Does he come to you often?" she demanded.

"Weekly," the drow admitted. "My Lord knows not to take too much at once. He cares deeply for me." She sighed. "One day, I hope we will be wed."

"He mentioned the Forbidden Lands," Alewyth pushed. "Do you know where they are?"

"No," admitted the drow. "But they can be no farther than half a day from here, for My Lord to make it back to safety before the sun rises."

"Makes sense," admitted Thurloe. "So where exactly are we?"

The drow woman looked at him as if he were a simpleton. "In the city of Spiraclast, of course," she told him.

"And where is Spiraclast?" asked Xandro.

"Spiraclast is...the city. I have never been outside its confines."

"Well, you're just a bundle of information," scoffed Thurloe. He looked at the others. "This is pointless."

"Well, we do have a city name that's not too far from the Forbidden Lands," Zander pointed out. "We can ask about it when we get to Talonia."

"And we know the Forbidden Lands has at least one vampire lord in it," Wakuren added.

"Great," scoffed Thurloe. "My luck, the place is lousy with vampires and we'll have to kill Mistress Jandoval all over again before we lug her body back home."

Alewyth just shook her head. "You really are something, sometimes," she said.

"Baby, I'm something all the time!" the spellsword replied proudly.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My shark T-shirt, not because it had anything to do with these two dream sequences, but because the adventure that followed immediately took place underwater (and had a few sharks as random encounters).



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 14​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 8​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 7​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 8​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Bat Fiercehunter, halfling ranger 4​
Croc Swiftlizard, halfling ranger 4​
Crow Straightspear, halfling ranger 4​
Mouse Quietmoon, halfling ranger 4​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​
Rose Brightpetal, halfling druid 8​
Snake Slytracker, halfling ranger 4​
Spider Greenbow, halfling ranger 4​
Squirrel Fleetfoot, halfling ranger 4​
Talon Farseeker, halfling ranger 4​

Game Session Date: 1 January 2024

- - -

It was several days later, a mere handful of hours past sunrise, when once again the monotony of the ocean voyage was interrupted by an underwater denizen. What looked at first to be an elven woman with blond hair appeared on the port side of the halfling barge, perched on the wall with her weight balanced on her elbows and lower arms. "You must help us!" she called out in the Common tongue with an indescribable accent.

"Varvastor seeks our lives!" added a second one, popping up beside the first, water still flowing from her red hair.

"What would you have of me?" asked Rose Brightpetal, advancing to the two women - three, now, as another elf popped up beside the blond. The halfling druid was trying to figure out how these women were appearing at the top of her wall, for they were well away from the three curving struts that reached down to the barge's stabilizing pontoons on either side.

"We seek sanctuary!" spoke out another, this one with a distinctly greenish tone to her hair.

"Granted," announced Rose, and the women - six in all, as others popped up to the wall after having leapt out of the ocean waters below - scrambled over the top of the wall and fell to the ship's deck. The glistening scales on their piscine lower bodies identified them at once as mermaids. Thurloe's eyebrows rose in appreciation as he noted the women were all unclad. He stood on the roof at the back of the ship, where he got a good view of their guests as they clumsily tumbled onto deck - the mermaid form was not well-built for climbing over walls.

"Who is this Varvastor, and why is he after you?" asked Xandro, stepping up from the lower deck, with Robin coming behind him. Some 180 feet in the air, Wakuren - who had been riding upon his air element heavy warhorse Nimbus - noted the commotion on the deck below and had his aerial steed lower them back to the ship's wooden planks.

"Varvastor is a plesiogigan," the red-haired mermaid answered, and when that only brought looks of confusion, she added, "he is built like us, but with the upper body of a storm giant and the body of a paddle-finned dinosaur below the waist. He has merfolk delivered to him as tribute by his darfellan servitors, and we are expected to sing pleasing songs in his honor as he devours us."

"Pleasant fellow," Xandro scoffed.

"But we escaped from the darfellans and fled before we could be presented as a meal." When the heroes looked puzzled at the unfamiliar term mentioned twice now, the mermaid added, "A darfellan looks much like one of you, with the head and coloration of an orca."

"These darfellans gave chase?" asked Xandro.

"They were not far behind us," agreed the blond mermaid. Robin took that as her cue to begin playing the song of inspirational courage on her lute, expecting imminent battle. Zander, having heard the tale as well, cast a mage armor spell upon himself. Thurloe did likewise as he climbed down from the roof at the rear of the ship.

Alewyth approached the port wall of the barge. "They're here," she announced, as two dark heads popped up from the waters below. The mermaids all frantically pulled themselves along the deck with their arms, getting as far from the port wall as they could. Rose stepped up onto the footrail along the inside of the wall so the three-foot-tall halfling could see over the side of her vessel.

"Gather up!" Wakuren called to the other heroes. "I'll cast a water breathing spell on us!" The halfling crew looked over at Rose, who nodded briefly, and then they gathered up to Nimbus's side, awaiting the half-orc's spellcasting. Wakuren just frowned down at them, as he'd only been planning on casting the spell on the six heroes, as the duration of the spell was diminished by each additional person it affected.

"You have our catch on your ship!" called up one of the darfellans from the sea below. "Throw them back to us, or face the wrath of Varvastor!" Zander, Alewyth, and Xandro stepped over by Nimbus and Wakuren. Robin merely shook her head and continued singing; she had no intentions on leaping into battle in the ocean - she'd stay here on deck and continue on with her magic song.

Thurloe stepped up beside Alewyth and once the heroes were all in position, Wakuren cast his water breathing spell on the five dreamwalkers. "You men keep the ship safe!" he called down to the halfling crew, trying to assuage their feelings at not having been selected to enter battle with the darfellans in their own environment.

"I have provided sanctuary to the six young women you failed to keep a sufficient grasp upon," Rose called down to the darfellans. "You must look elsewhere for your master's next meal!"

"Varvastor will not like this!" warned one of the orca-men.

"Varvastor can learn to hunt for his own meals!" countered Wakuren, sending Nimbus flying down at one of the darfellans as the half-orc cast a shield of faith spell on himself. Behind him, the four halfling rangers on duty scrambled up onto the foot-rails and sent a volley of sling stones hurling at the orca-man closest to their position. Aft of the halflings, Xandro put a leg over the wall, lowering himself down onto the middle strut so he could walk down to the port pontoon. His rapier Deathwhisper was in his hand, ready for use.

In a coordinated attack, both darfellans threw their harpoons at Wakuren, who deflected them with his shield of Cal. The darfellans yanked back on the ropes bound to their weapons at one end and their right wrists at the other, reeling them in for another throw. But as they did so, Zander cast a scorching ray at the one the halflings had targeted, slaying him instantly. Petey launched himself from his master's shoulder and flew at the sole remaining darfellan, scorpionlike tail-stinger arching over his back to strike. While the stinger found its mark, the pseudodragon's venom was not up to the task of putting the whale-man to instant sleep.

Alewyth cast a magic circle against chaos spell on herself but then looked down and decided the combat with the remaining darfellan was already well in hand. Thurloe used his wand to cast a shield spell on himself, as always seeking to protect himself as much as possible before entering combat. Rose, looking down at the sole foe, called for her rangers to save their sling stones and ensure the mermaids were safe. And sure enough, Wakuren and Nimbus took the darfellan out with shield and hoof, then the cloud-steed flew his master back to the ship's deck. Xandro, having readied himself to dive into the ocean to fight the darfellan, found his blade was not needed after all; he started climbing back up the strut to scramble back on board. He was fine with not having been needed, for the waves were getting choppier as he watched.

That wasn't all that changed, either. The sky grew suddenly overcast, the wind kicked up, and it started to rain - a little at first, and then a great deluge as sheets of water poured down from the sky. "This isn't natural!" called out Rose, who had occasionally cast weather-altering spells of her own in the past, but had none currently prepared that could try to counter the thunderstorm that had suddenly cropped up.

"Varvastor, no doubt!" suggested Alewyth. "We'd best be ready for his arrival!"

Wakuren cast freedom of movement spells on himself, Thurloe, and Xandro. Xandro reciprocated with a heroism spell upon the same trio. Alewyth cast a prayer spell upon the group, as the winds continued whipping and the rains poured down as if from a bucket.

Ten minutes later, Varvastor made his appearance. Rising up to chest height in the pounding waves, he held a massive trident in one hand whose three prongs pierced the air above him. "I WOULD HAVE MY TRIBUTE!" he called over the sound of the storm.

"I GOT YOUR TRIBUTE RIGHT HERE!" Thurloe called back, casting a ray of exhaustion spell that struck the plesiogigan in his bare chest. He grunted under the unexpected attack, amazed that these upstarts would dare to strike a self-styled ruler of the seas.

Rose cast a call lightning spell that brought a jagged bolt of electricity down from the skies to strike Varvastor, causing his long, white hair to stand out from his head. A true storm giant would have been completely immune to the attack, but as a plesiogigan, Varvastor's immunity to electricity was gradual - it took a moment for it to take effect.

Nimbus flew down at the plesiogigan, battling the rushing winds with the expertise of one born on the Elemental Plane of Air. Wakuren cast a greater command spell, calling out "HALT!" to the plesiogigan as they advanced, but the spell had no effect. But then Varvastor cast his empty right hand forward, and from it was flung a massive lightning bolt - a chain lightning spell - that struck Wakuren full force, then arced off to strike Nimbus, Zander, Petey, Rose, and her puffin animal companion. Puffy practically exploded in a puff of burning feathers from the blast, and Rose screamed out the name of her loyal companion as he breathed his last.

In retaliation, all eight halfling rangers stepped up onto the foot-rail, slings swinging overhead, and let loose with a barrage of bullets that went striking at Varvastor like so much buckshot. Xandro copied the maneuver he'd performed when preparing to go fight the darfellans, lowering himself down upon the port pontoon with Deathwhisper in hand, while Robin tried to play the song of inspirational courage on her lute loud enough to be heard over the howling winds and pouring rain.

Zander cast a lightning bolt spell at the plesiogigan, but already his water-slick body was reconfiguring its defenses, his electrical immunity kicking in. Petey opted to remain perched on the elf's shoulder, not trusting his little wings to be able to maneuver in these high winds.

With a powerful thrust of his paddled lower limbs, Varvastor surged over towards Wakuren and Nimbus and brought his massive trident stabbing at the half-orc, nearly thrusting him from the saddle. Thurloe sought to weaken the plesiogigan's attacks even further by casting a ray of enfeeblement down at the bearded foe. The spell hit him, even further draining his strength away, but he had plenty of strength to draw from and still stood stronger than any of the heroes, even in his diminished state.

Rose brought down a final, harmless lightning bolt on Varvastor's head before turning away and tending to her fallen puffin friend, scooping his burned corpse in her hands and placing him inside the map room, where no further damage could be done to him. Later, there would be time for a burial at sea.

Wakuren, bleeding profusely from where he'd been struck by the trident's tines, knew he had to heal himself quickly or he could easily face death. He cast a cure serious wounds spell upon himself, but in so doing he held himself open to another attack from Varvastor's trident, which all but undid the healing he'd just received. Fear in his voice for the first time in a long time, the half-orc called for Nimbus to retreat, at least far enough to be out of range of the trident's reach. The cloud steed did as bid, skipping sideways over the wave-tops.

Another volley of sling stones came whistling down from the barge's side, as Xandro plunged into the ocean waters. Underwater, the storm was less visible, and he easily swam beneath the plesiogigan's gargantuan body, sliding up between his back set of paddle-fins. He stabbed up with all of his might, driving Deathwhisper's blade deep into the plesiogigan's innards. From the ship's deck, Zander cast an enervation spell down at Varvastor, weakening him even further. And then Alewyth cast a spiritual weapon spell, causing a weapon made of force energy looking very much like her own Sjondra to manifest, striking the side of the plesiogigan's head with its own.

Varvastor's retaliation was swift and effective. Charging forward through the crashing waves, he stabbed at Wakuren with his trident, nearly knocking the half-orc into unconsciousness, then sunk below the waves and snapped his teeth at Xandro, unexpectedly catching the rogue in the shoulder. Xandro cried out in pain, then panicked as water flooded his lungs before he recalled the water breathing spell was still in effect. But Wakuren had Nimbus retreat straight up this time, casting not a healing spell upon himself but an attack spell upon his tormentor: a blindness/deafness spell that successfully took the plesiogigan's sight from him. As Nimbus rose to safety, Wakuren thanked Cal and figured he'd have plenty of time to see to his own healing now that the blasted trident was no longer an issue. Varvastor was soon cut down, not only by Xandro's Deathwhisper but Thurloe's Spellslicer, once the spellsword activated the fly spell in his celestial armor to maneuver through the water as easily as he did through the air. Varvastor's belly was soon cut wide open by the two swordsmen, who had to rapidly scramble away in opposite directions when the plesiogigan's sinking corpse threatened to fall on them.

The thunderstorm took several hours to wear itself out, during which time the mermaids were safely released back into the sea. Rose waited until the sun shone once again in the sky before setting Puffy down into the ocean from the starboard pontoon, after saying a few words over him. And then, the excitement of battle over with, things returned for normal for a few days.

It was several days later that another group of elflike creatures caused a commotion aboard the halfling barge. The two whales were towing the vessel behind them as normal, when two lithe figures pulled themselves up onto the starboard pontoon, made themselves comfortable, and began singing. The heroes and crew aboard the vessel heard the song immediately, as did Wakuren and Nimbus patrolling the skies above the barge. Alewyth and Nimbus were immediately struck by the beauty of the song and began moving closer to the blue-skinned sirines sitting upon the pontoon, Alewyth walking in a daze and Nimbus flying down to the water's surface to the consternation of his half-orc rider.

Xandro was not captivated by the power of the song but recognized, with his bardic background, the magic imbued in their singing. Grabbing up the Dardolian Lute, he lowered himself down the rearmost strut on the starboard side and positioned himself at the aft end of the pontoon, beginning a countersong to try to negate the sirines' singing. Up on deck, Thurloe cast a protection from evil spell upon himself.

One of the halfling crewmembers, Mouse Quietmoon, became transfixed by the song and happily leaped over the side of the vessel, swimming over to the nearest sirine. The other three rangers on shift scrambled along the wall, calling for him to stop his foolishness, but Mouse ignored their entreaties. Further down the deck, Alewyth did likewise, ignoring the weight of her heavy armor which was sure to drag her down to the ocean's bottom depths. But upon hitting the water, she devoted her full strength to swimming over to the other sirine, exactly as the song commanded her to do.

Rose followed her crew over to the starboard wall, looking down at her swimming crewman, who by now had reached the pontoon, pulled himself up beside the sitting sirine, and received a kiss from the blue-skinned woman. A wide grin broke out upon his face, he nodded his unspoken agreement to whatever the song was compelling him to do, and then he leaped back into the water, this time swimming down to the ocean floor with all of his strength.

Nimbus flew down to the other sirine, but that close to Xandro's countersong he was able to shake his mind free from the sirine's embrace. Zander cast a mage armor spell upon himself and Petey, expecting the group would soon be entering combat with these blue women, if only to undo whatever mental sway they seemed to hold over Alewyth, who was pulling herself up onto the pontoon and receiving her own kiss. Thurloe came down the strut over by Xandro, and the bard took a moment from his countersong to cast a heroism spell upon the spellsword before effortless picking his song back up where he had left it. Thurloe then cast a shout spell over at the sirines, accidentally catching Alewyth, Wakuren, and Nimbus in its area of effect as well. His sonic spell knocked one of the sirines out and deafened the dwarven priestess, but the deadly harmonics hurt everyone in its radius, regardless of their status as friend or foe.

It now seeming as if their song had captured as many minds as it was going to, the other sirine let herself fall backwards off the pontoon, hoping to reach the relative safety of the water, but Nimbus kicked out with a hoof and knocked her senseless before she went under the ocean's surface. Up on the deck, Xandro could hear Robin starting up her own song, the tune dedicated to inspiring courage in her fellow heroes, and let his own tune stop, as there was no longer any sirine charming song to defy with the strings of his own musical instrument.

Wakuren bent over Nimbus's side and grabbed the unconscious sirine his mount had knocked out, pulling her up onto the saddle before him. He cast a cure light wounds spell that woke the sirine to sensibility, then demanded to know what was going on. "Why are you charming us? Where have our two friends gone?" For by this time, Alewyth had followed Mouse's lead and stopped fighting gravity, allowing herself to be pulled down to the ocean floor. Neither of them worried about air, for the sirines' kisses had imbued them with the ability to breathe underwater. Now they sought out what their song had promised: a rising mound upon the ocean floor where perfect bliss awaited them.

"We are merely assisting a friend," replied the sirine.

"Who? What friend?"

"A morkoth. I do not think you would recognize his name." The word was a new one to the half-orc; he'd never heard of a "morkoth" before - it was apparently some obscure sea creature.

"Help him do what?" Wakuren pressed.

"Get food," the sirine replied. "What we do is no different than when you surface-dwellers catch fish for your own meals."

"Then this morkoth is going to eat the halfling and dwarf you sent his way?"

"Of course. That is the way of the morkoth."

"What the Hell does this morkoth look like?" demanded Thurloe, holding Spellslicer in a threatening manner. He'd walked along the pontoon and menaced the sirine held on Wakuren's lap as Nimbus hovered in place.

"You would see him as a kind of octopus in the shape of a man," the sirine replied, "but he is twice your height."

"Gather up!" Wakuren called to the other heroes. "I'll cast a water breathing spell on those who would follow Alewyth and Mouse and rescue them from this morkoth!" Xandro and Thurloe were already at hand; Zander scrambled down the nearest strut, while Petey and Robin opted to stay aboard the halfling vessel. Xandro took the opportunity to cast another heroism spell, this time on Wakuren. Thurloe cast a shield spell upon himself with his wand, and then Wakuren cast his own spell, allowing the four assembled heroes the ability to breathe either air or water at will. That done, he had Nimbus plunge into the ocean, his wings now propelling him down through the water. It got darker the further down they went, but they could still see the occasional bubble trail left by Mouse and Alewyth as they swam down to their destination. With a look of determination, Thurloe, Zander, and Xandro followed suit, the spellsword snagging the other unconscious sirine on the way down and dragging her behind him by a narrow wrist.

Mouse and Alewyth, with their head start, were the first to hit the ocean floor. Just ahead rose a mound of coral, with a hole pointed their way along its bottom. This, they knew, was the gateway to the heaven promised by the sirines' song. They hesitated not a moment before plunging forward into the darkness within. They were met with an immediate wall, forcing them to turn either to the left or to the right; they had no idea as to which way was the correct way, but they were compelled to hurry to the mound's center, so they randomly went to the right. The tunnel was narrow, a mere five feet in diameter and round in cross-section, forcing them to travel in single file. Alewyth, with her greater stride, soon left Mouse Quietmoon behind.

As the heroes made their way to the ocean floor behind their charmed friends, Wakuren cast freedom of movement spells upon himself, Xandro, and Thurloe, and Xandro hit the spellsword with the last of his heroism spells for the day. Wakuren had awakened the other sirine with another cure light wounds spell, after having detected their auras and found no evil. Once they arrived at the entry hole and being told the morkoth lived in the center of the labyrinth within, Wakuren dismounted from his aerial steed - as an elemental creature, Nimbus did not need to breathe and found remaining underwater no great burden - and, after the the blue-skinned women admitted they helped the morkoth gain his meals in this fashion because he shared the flesh of the victims with them, got the sirines to promise not to eat the meat of sentient land creatures like the heroes any more, limiting themselves only to fish and other underwater animals. The sirines begrudgingly agreed, although for the life of them they couldn't see what the fuss was all about.

Wakuren, Xandro, Zander, and Thurloe stepped into the coral labyrinth and noticed there was no ambient light within. Knowing of the human inability to see well in dim lighting, Zander wordlessly passed over his everburning torch to Thurloe, who eagerly took it in his free hand. Xandro activated his goggles of night and granted himself darkvision as powerful as that of any half-orc or dwarf, while Zander did likewise using his scout's headband. Xandro went to the left, while Thurloe headed off to the right. Wakuren, however, came to a quick decision, which he voiced with his unasked opinion, "Mazes are for chumps!" and used his gauntlet of Cal to summon forth a javelin of lightning, which he used on the coral wall immediately before him. It crumbled to pieces and he stepped through the breach, now one ring closer to the center of the maze of concentric circles where the morkoth was said to live.

Before the other heroes got too far apart, Zander cast a haste spell upon three of the men seeking Alewyth and Mouse (Thurloe had already walked around a curve and was out of range), then followed Wakuren through his newly-created hole in the coral wall. Xandro sped up as he traversed his own tunnel, then skirted to a side tunnel when he saw the unmistakable form of a shark headed his way down his original path. Thurloe quickly caught up to Mouse and grabbed the halfling by the shoulder, only to have Mouse try to wrest himself free and continue on his quest. But the spellsword wasn't having any of that; as he outmatched the little ranger in size and strength, he was soon stomping down the tunnel in Alewyth's direction once again, only now with a halfling tucked helplessly under one arm. Mouse continued his struggles to free himself, to no avail.

Alewyth reached a dead end in the coral maze just behind another shark, who turned her way and started advancing. But she was more concerned with the dead end than the hungry shark; as it was not the way to the center of the maze, she spun about and retraced her steps, looking for a side passageway that might take her to her destination. The shark followed at a leisurely pace.

Wakuren used another javelin of lightning to blast his way through another wall, stepped through it, and saw the passageway ahead made another turn towards the center one circle further, so he skirted around the corner and got himself that much closer, if the smaller arcs of the tunnel passageways were any indication. At this rate, he estimated he was only about another two to four rows from the center, depending upon how big it might be. Zander took up the routine, pushing Wakuren aside and casting a lightning bolt spell at the coral wall before them, blasting a hole through it and the next one in turn. Xandro, however, was doing things the longer way, by simply speeding down the winding corridors and keeping a mental picture in his head about where exactly he was in the maze. But he too was approaching the middle of the maze, on the far left of Zander and Wakuren.

Thurloe was on the complete other side of the maze, but he managed to run into Alewyth. "There you are!"" he called out. "We've been looking for you - and this one," indicating the halfing still struggling in his arm. "Come on, snap out of it, woman!" But Alewyth ignored him, pushing her way past him to try another passageway that might lead to the center of the maze. He sighed in frustration, then stabbed Spellslicer into the trailing shark's head to help vent his irritation at the stubborn priestess, before following Alewyth's trail. If he couldn't break the charm effect, at least he could see that she came to no harm.

Using his last javelin of lightning, Wakuren smashed his way through another coral maze wall. The residual electrical energy of the blast went arcing into the open space of the maze's circular interior, where it hit a pile of junk stacked in the middle of the room. There was no other way into the room that Wakuren could see, but then he registered what his ears had just picked up - a grunt of pain coming from the trash pile.

Looking back over at the assembled chests, urns, and barrels, Wakuren was surprised when the whole lot started rising up from the floor of the room. The reason for this became apparent once he saw the room's center held a pit in its floor, and the morkoth - for surely that was what this monstrosity rising before him must be - had been blocking the pit with its body, its "treasures" somehow adhered to the top of its squidlike head.

Zander raised his metamagic rod and channeled a maximized chain lightning spell through it, enhancing its power even further with a charge from his ring of lightning strikes. The powerful burst of electricity arced over Wakuren's head and struck the morkoth straight in the center of its body - as it continued rising the elf could see a number of tentacles sprouting in the place of arms and legs - and then a strange thing happened: rather than expend itself on the morkoth, the spell's energy backtracked and retraced its path, headed straight for the sorcerer! It took all of the elf's willpower, but he managed to get the spell to dissipate before it fried him on the spot. "Don't use spells against it!" he called out to his friends, well aware that he'd almost inadvertently killed himself with his own attack spell.

An octopus slithered along the ocean floor of the corridor Xandro was traversing and he absently stabbed it through the head with Deathwhisper as he moved on, turning a corner and practically running into Zander. The elf, still shaky at how near he'd come to having his own spell reflect back upon himself, reiterated "No attack spells on the thing!" to Xandro, then added, "I have a better idea...."

Thurloe, Alewyth, and Mouse were still on the other side of the maze, running afoul of multiple dead ends and meeting up with more wandering sharks; Thurloe took one out with a scorching ray spell before it could reach the dwarven priestess, who seemed oblivious to her own safety. It seemed as if this morkoth were to be brought down, it was up to Wakuren, Xandro, and Zander. The morkoth cast a chain lightning spell of his own, which struck Wakuren in the chest and arced off to strike the elf sorcerer as well. Both cried out in pain, realizing the morkoth could pack quite a punch with its own spells. But then Wakuren entered the room fully, taking a swipe from a lengthy tentacle as he did so, and slamming the morkoth with his shield of Cal. Zander, meanwhile, cast a displacement spell on Xandro and sent him on his way. Xandro sped into the room, appearing to be several feet or so from his actual location, and ran counterclockwise around the chamber, setting himself up to be on the other side of the morkoth from Wakuren. Then, once in a flanking position, he dashed forward, stabbing deeply with his magic rapier, burying the blade to the hilt into the squidlike body of the morkoth. Wakuren once again attacked with his shield, and then Xandro finished it off with a flurry of stabs and slashes with Deathwhisper.

As the morkoth floated slowly to the floor of his own maze, Zander cautiously entered the room. Seeing their foe slain, they started pulling things from the creature's assembled bits of treasure, finding one chest full of ancient coins and another filled with black pearls. When Alewyth and Mouse - the latter still slung under Thurloe's arm - entered the central chamber, they felt their minds clear once they'd met the conditions of their charm effect.

They weren't the last ones to enter the central chamber, either. Several minutes after the morkoth had been slain, the two sirines popped up out of the hole in which he'd been hiding - said hole leading to a wider tunnel more suited to the morkoth's girth, ending in a hidden opening in the ocean floor covered by an overturned rowboat - and cried out a warning to their friend. "Look out!" one called, while the other added, "There are land-dwellers from a surface ship--" and then their voices broke off as they saw the heroes standing there in the chamber, the morkoth dead at their feet. Instinctively, they began their charming song, but Deathwhisper and Spellslicer soon put an end to that. Their heads spilled to the ocean floor, followed soon thereafter by their headless bodies.

"Shall we return to the ship?" asked Alewyth once the morkoth's treasures had been placed inside Hesperna's lamp. There were no objections, and they retraced their way through Wakuren's force-blasted shortcut through the maze.

- - -

This adventure was admittedly just an opportunity for me to use some aquatic monsters I don't normally get to use. I had forgotten the plesiogigan's immunity to electricity (shame on me - I had even created the monster as an example in Mongoose's Encyclopaedia Arcane: Crossbreeding - Flesh and Blood) until after it had already taken damage from a lightning-based spell or two, so I retroactively made its electrical immunity something it had to consciously will into existence. And in all of my many years of DMing (I started in the AD&D 1E days), this is the very first time I've ever used a morkoth. Their spell reflection is pretty nasty; had Zander not made his caster level check after having his maximized chain lightning spell thrown back at him, his full-to-the-max 50-hp sorcerer would have have taken 96 points of electrical damage, slaying him on the spot!

Joe was still home from Christmas break, so he got to run his own PC, Zander, for a change. Next session, the PCs finally step foot on Talonia for the first time, but Joe will be back at college, so Dan will be back to running Zander as well as Thurloe.

- - -

T-shirt worn: Once again, my shark T-shirt, as I don't have anything that better symbolizes an underwater adventure.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 14​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 8​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 7​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 8​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​

Game Session Date: 13 January 2024

- - -

After a two-month voyage at sea, the continent of Talonia finally appeared on the horizon, a vast swath of green extending ahead as far as anyone could see in either direction.

As per usual, the barge could not be brought all the way to the shore, for the baleen whales towing the vessel would get beached. Instead, the halfling crew had offered to ferry the heroes to shore in the rowboats, as they'd be heading to shore themselves in any case, to spend some well-earned time with family before returning on the next return voyage to Armaturia.

"When will be the next time you'll be headed back to Armaturia, after this trip?" Thurloe asked. He wanted to make sure the heroes had a way back home after they managed to track down the body of Andrea Jandoval so they could return it back to her Port Duralia home for burial.

"We'll spend a week or so here, delivering the things we ferried from Armaturia to the local tribes," Rose replied. "Then we'll stock up and make the two-month trip back, spend a week or so there, and they return here again. So, about four and a half months or so, we should be here again, readying for a return trip."

"Four and a half months, then," agreed Wakuren. "We'll look for you here." They said their goodbyes to the druidic captain of the vessel that had been their home for the last two months. Rose, in turn, thanked them for their help in fighting off the sea denizens who had attacked them during the voyage, and gave them directions on how to find the Fleetfoot tribe they sought, so they could hire a guide to take them to the Forbidden Lands. The Fleetfoot tribe had a small encampment not far away, Rose told them. "But be constantly wary of predators," she said. "Walking about in Talonia is not like walking around in your Port Duralia. Terrible monsters stalk these lands." Wakuren was tempted to point out some of the monsters they'd encountered in their home port, but opted to keep quiet, not wanting to seem argumentative.

The Fleetfoot encampment was not difficult to find, but it was not at all like the heroes had expected it to be. Instead of crude huts or hide tents, the Fleetfoot halflings dwelt in a squared-off, stone building a full ten feet tall, jutting out from the side of a low, rocky cliff. Seven heavy wooden doors were evenly spaced around the three outer sides of the building, three of them sized for humans instead of halflings. A pair of ranger sentries stood upon the top of the roof, scanning for danger; they saw the strangers approach and called down through open hatches in the roof to the inhabitants below. By the time the heroes stood just outside the building - weapons sheathed and hands out to the sides to show they were empty - the center door opened and the Fleetfoot leadership stepped out to greet their guests.

The leader was an elderly halfling woman with feathers woven into her graying hair and paint darkening the area around her eyes. "I am Peony Swiftwind and I speak for the tribe," she announced. She spoke in the same Common tongue familiar to the heroes, although with a heavy accent. Zander didn't need to use his permanent tongues spell effect to understand her words, which he saw as a good sign - perhaps the language barrier wouldn't be as bad as they had feared. But as their designated speaker for the group here in Talonia, mostly because of his magically-enhanced linguistical capabilities, he took the lead and introduced the six of them. The other female druids and the male rangers who had exited the building along with Peony - apparently the tribe's most trusted advisors - seemed intrigued by the three humans and the paleness of Zander's skin. Alewyth and Wakuren weren't of particular interest; apparently these halflings were used to seeing dwarves and orcs, and Wakuren was himself a bit surprised that his status as an orc (even a mere half-breed) did not make him stand out as a potential threat. That was a pleasant change.

"Why have you sought us out?" Peony asked.

"We have come to Talonia seeking Andrea Jandoval," Zander began, and the name was apparently known to the halflings, for they broke out in smiles and nods.

"She came here half a year or more ago," Rose replied. "One of our guides, Beetle Darkcloud, escorted her to the Forbidden Lands - or as close as any of us would ever dare approach."

"Has he returned?" asked Wakuren. "We would like to hire him to take us as far as he took Andrea."

At that, Peony's brow wrinkled in concern. "I would advise against entering the Forbidden Lands," she cautioned. "Our legends claim it is a land of ghosts. It is said those who enter never return. We cautioned Andrea against going there, but she would not be swayed."

"Neither will we," affirmed Thurloe. "We need to go to the Forbidden Lands to fetch Andrea and bring her home." He opted not to let them know the heroes had every reason to believe she was dead.

Peony nodded her head in acknowledgment that these strangers would be as stubborn as Andrea had been - apparently, this was a common human trait. "Very well," she said. "Beetle has returned from his trek and could take you back to where he left Andrea. But how would you pay for his service?"

Zander started to speak of gems and coins, but these items held no interest to the Fleetfoot tribe - they worked on a barter system. "How did Andrea pay for Beetle's service as a guide?" asked Alewyth. In answer, Peony proudly pointed out the stone structure jutting from the cliffside - a building created by the application of wall of stone spells, just as the dwarven priestess had suspected - the walls were too smooth to have been carved in place, the openings for the heavy wooden doors too regular. "I know the spell that created this dwelling," Alewyth told the druidess. "We can make you another such building, if you desire."

But Peony shook her head. "We have no desire for another such building," she replied. She conferred a moment with her advisors, slipping into the Halfling tongue, unaware that Zander's magic translated everything they said. But they were not being sneaky in speaking another language; it was just the language they spoke among themselves, and thus it came to them much quicker. Finally, Peony turned to face the heroes again, looking up at their strange faces. "There is a task you could do for us..." she said. She went on to explain the Fleetfoots raised and rode fastieth dinosaurs as riding mounts; Beetle had ridden his own such mount, Yellow-Belly, to and from the Forbidden Lands escorting Andrea to her fate. But there was a fierce predator, a swordtooth titan they called "Cunning-Devil," who had been preying upon the fastieth herd of late. "Slay Cunning-Devil for us, and I will have Beetle take you to where he left Andrea."

The heroes talked it over among themselves and readily agreed. "What's a swordtooth titan?" asked Robin.

"It's their name for a tyrannosaur," Thurloe explained. He'd been reading up on Andrea's notes during the two-month ocean voyage.

"Good, then it is decided," agreed Peony. She turned to one of her staff and told her to fetch Beetle. "I will have Beetle accompany you," she explained to the heroes. "He can show you where Cunning-Devil has attacked in the past, and he can assess your combat prowess, to determine what all he will need to get you safely to the Forbidden Lands."

Beetle, when he appeared shortly thereafter, seemed crestfallen at the thought of having to return all the way back to the Forbidden Lands, this time not with just one person but six. But he was not about to naysay his tribe's leader, and in any case, they'd have to take out Cunning-Devil beforehand, a task not necessarily a given. Maybe his return trek to the Forbidden Lands was not destined to be, after all.

"Two of our herdsmen, Finger Redsun and Hornet Briefrain, have taken the fastieths to the watering hole," Beetle informed the heroes as he climbed up upon Yellow-Belly's bare back. "If Cunning-Devil attacks, it will be there." He indicated for the six to follow him.

"What's so cunning about this tyran-- this sword-tooth titan?" asked Alewyth as they followed the mounted halfling ranger.

"He is smarter than others of his kind," Beetle replied. "We have set several traps for him: covered pits, poisoned meat - he avoids them all." As the others followed behind Beetle, Wakuren called across the planes and brought Nimbus into being. Beetle stared in amazement, partly because he'd never seen a creature seemingly composed of solidified clouds before, but also because he'd never even seen a horse before. When Nimbus rose 30 feet into the air as a rear guard, allowing Wakuren to spot for danger about them as they traveled, Beetle realized if he did end up having to escort these people to the Forbidden Lands, it wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as he had feared.

Alewyth asked how long a walk it would be to the watering hole. Upon hearing it would be less than an hour, she cast a few protective spells upon herself: magic vestment and freedom of movement, to go with the traditional morning casting of endure elements she'd gotten into the habit of casting upon awakening, now that they had reached lands along the Equator. The spell allowed her to remain in her heavy armor without worrying about getting overheated. Wakuren had also taken to casting the spell upon himself, Robin, and Xandro each morning; Thurloe had had a ring crafted that granted him the same benefit, and Zander wore no armor at all. But Zander and Thurloe each used a charge from the wand of shield to boost their own defenses, and the elf cast mage armor spells upon himself and, at Wakuren's request, Nimbus as well. Wakuren cast freedom of movement spells upon Xandro and himself, then granted the roguish bard an air walk spell for him to try out. It took Xandro a little bit of time to get used to walking through the air, but he found he liked being able to see that much farther away in the distance - in a land filled with ferocious dinosaurs, that was definitely a good thing.

Over half an hour later, the group was traveling down a forest trail when a dinosaur popped out from between the trees 20 feet or so ahead. It stopped in place, having spotted the group, and hissed in excitement. "Clawfoot!" warned Beetle, using the halfling term for a velociraptor. Thurloe wasted no time, casting a magic missile spell at the dinosaur, causing it to hiss louder in anger and sprint towards the assembled heroes. It leaped in the air, leading with the curved, sicklelike claws on its feet, as it landed at where Yellow-Belly had been when it started its jump, but the panicked dinosaur mount knew enough to flee upon sight of so deadly a predator. The velociraptor's wicked claws missed the fastieth, but it snaked out its long neck and snapped its teeth at the smaller dinosaur, drawing blood.

Unfortunately, the velociraptor wasn't alone - it had been the one designated to draw the prey's attention while the other four snuck up on the assembled heroes from two opposite directions. As one, they darted out from between the trees at the heroes' sides, one narrowly missing Alewyth with its snapping jaws, another biting Thurloe, and two attacking Robin from either side; she dodged one but the other one got a good bite in on her upper right arm, causing her to scream in pain.

Xandro had been in the back of the group and had dropped back down to ground level, the trees on either side of the path not having been conducive to air walking. He stepped back further, casting a heroism spell upon himself undisturbed, and gripped Deathwhisper in his hand, ready to go save his girlfriend. But Zander, also in the back of the group and thus not a target during the initial assault, cast a chain lightning spell at the velociraptor biting Robin, with arcs reaching out to strike the other four as well. Beetle and Yellow-Belly had raced forward past the initial charging velociraptor and now spun about to face them, only to see all but the one harassing Alewyth fall over, dead. The halfling's eyes bugged out at the display of such power - Andrea Jandoval had been capable of such magic herself, but she had admitted she knew only a small handful of attack spells, preferring those which aided her in her studies. But Robin, no longer under attack, pulled her lute from her back and started playing the song of inspirational courage, which was another type of magic the halfling had never before experienced. Alewyth stepped forward and cast a cure light wounds spell on Robin, while Wakuren slammed his shield of Cal into the sole remaining velociraptor's head, slaying it instantly.

Beetle gulped involuntarily. He had a sinking feeling these strangers were going to slay Cunning-Devil with no problem and he'd be heading back to the Forbidden Lands after all.

Having gotten her first taste of combat against dinosaurs in Talonia, Alewyth grabbed up one of her stoneskin scrolls and read the words aloud, protecting herself even further. Then, at Beetle's nervous urging, they continued on their journey, for the watering hole was now merely minutes away.

They found the small herd of a dozen or so fastieths happily feeding themselves on water reeds under the supervision of Finger and Hornet, each perched upon their own fastieth mount. Beetle greeted them and introduced them to the heroes, after which time Wakuren and Xandro returned to the skies, each 50 feet up and scanning for danger. But there was no sign of Cunning-Devil or any other predatory dinosaurs, merely the winding river from which the fastieths were drinking and the lake it connected to further on to the north.

Thurloe had stepped forward to get a better look at these fastieths, realizing with a disheartening understanding that even the largest of the fastieth herd was far too small to serve as a riding mount for any of the six heroes - they'd need something bigger simply to support their weight. He well knew the Forbidden Lands were far away, and he hoped they wouldn't have to be walking that whole distance! But then he heard a splashing of waves coming from the north and looked over that way, the others doing likewise. Sure enough, a massive, reptilian head was rising up out of the waters of the nearby lake, and a tyrannosaurus climbed up onto shore, this one sporting a rather stegosaurian set of jagged plates along his back.

"Cunning-Devil!" cried all three halflings at once. Zander immediately cast a bear's endurance spell upon himself, fearing he might need it if that monstrosity got within striking range of the frail elf sorcerer. Petey, on Zander's shoulder, trembled at the sight of the reptilian menace as he rose higher and higher out of the lake, water dripping down his sides. He moved with the ponderous but inevitable gait of an oncoming avalanche, headed straight for the herd of fastieths.

Alewyth stepped sideways, away from a clump of trees that had been blocking her view of the approaching monstrosity, and cast a hold monster spell at Cunning-Devil. That particular spell was an easy one to see if it had taken effect; given that Cunning-Devil's pace didn't slow even for an instant, the dwarven priestess knew it had shrugged off her spell. Wakuren cast a thunder strike spell crashing down at the massive beast, the sonic waves of his spell hitting like a thunderclap. Several of the dinosaur's scales were dislodged by the spell, to fall away like shed leaves in the fall.

Thurloe activated the fly effect of his celestial armor and rose up to a height of 40 feet, until he was towering even above the 30-foot-tall monster headed his way. But Cunning-Devil ignored him completely, instead bending forward and snapping up one of the fastieths that were scrambling over themselves to try to race down the shore to safety. He rose back up to a fully standing position, raising his head to the skies above to swallow the squealing dinosaur down his immense gullet.

Xandro ran sideway through the air to approach Wakuren, casting a heroism spell upon the half-orc, who was looking down upon their fearsome opponent as if sizing up where best to strike. Down on the ground, Zander stepped up beside Alewyth and cast a lightning bolt spell up at Cunning-Devil, as a test to see if the electrical spell would inflict any damage to the beast, for the elf had picked up indications from the dinosaur's build that he might have had an infernal origin. The bolt of electrical energy struck Cunning-Devil on his broad chest and seemed to leave a burn mark where it hit, indicating to Zander that this likely fiendish dinosaur wasn't immune to lightning-based spells. That was good to know!

Beetle sent Yellow-Belly fleeing along with the rest of the fastieth herd, Finger and Hornet right behind them. These strangers seemed powerful enough to take down the fiendish foe, or at least far more likely to do so than the halflings' thrown javelins were likely to do.

Robin dropped back away from the approaching tyrannosaur and began stroking the strings of her lute, playing her song of inspirational courage. Alewyth cast a searing light spell up at Cunning-Devil, who had finished his fastieth snack and was looking around for seconds. The dwarf's spell also seemed to have some effect upon the dinosaur, but - like Zander's lightning bolt spell earlier - seemed to have struck at less than full power.

Nimbus hovered in place, wings flapping furiously, as Wakuren cast a divine power spell upon himself before having them engage in melee combat against so large and powerful a foe. Thurloe cast a ray of exhaustion spell down at Cunning-Devil and once again it had an effect, but not the most powerful possible effect: the fiendish dinosaur was merely fatigued by the strength-sapping effects of the spell. Xandro steeled up his courage - buoyed up by the power of Robin's tune being played below - and air walked over above Cunning-Devil's head, ready to lower himself to the point where he could bring his magic rapier to bear. Down below, Zander cast a prismatic spray spell up at the massive beast, the green ray striking him and infusing him with a virulent poison. But once again, while the poison from the spell was powerful enough to kill lesser creatures, against Cunning-Devil it merely drained off a small portion of his overall vitality.

In swift retaliation, Cunning-Devil bent forward again and snapped Zander Quilson up in his mouth, Petey abandoning his master's shoulder at the last moment in a desperate act of self-preservation. The dinosaur's teeth had caught the elf's leg and were cutting through the muscle, causing Zander to cry out in agony and nearly pass out from the pain. Under such conditions, spellcasting was no longer an option; in desperation, the elf fumbled at the row of potions he kept on his belt.

Alewyth, who had been standing beside Zander when the dinosaur bit him and pulled him up into his mouth, took an involuntary step back and cast a summoning spell, bringing forth a greater earth elemental, who manifested at Cunning-Devil's feet. The elemental wasted no time in entering combat, striking out with a massive fist that came barreling into the fiendish beast's thigh.

Wakuren sent Nimbus flying around behind Cunning-Devil's head, lowering in elevation as he did so enough for the half-orc to slam the shield of Cal into the side of the dinosaur's head in passing. Thurloe tried weakening their foe even further by sending a ray of enfeeblement spell flashing down at him, but this time the spell couldn't bypass the dinosaur's inherent resistance against spell energies. But then Xandro dropped down about 20 feet, such that he was on the opposite side of Cunning-Devil's head as Wakuren and Nimbus. He stabbed forward with Deathwhisper with every ounce of strength he possessed, driving the blade deep into the dinosaur's temple.

Inside Cunning-Devil's mouth, Zander managed to get the vial he had been looking for and brought the potion of gaseous form - his very last one of that type - up to his lips. He breathed a big sigh of relief as his body dissolved into mist, his tooth-pierced leg no longer causing him intense agony now that he was no more substantial than a cloud. He rolled out of Cunning-Devil's mouth like an exhalation in winter, slowly dropping to ground level over by his frantic pseudodragon familiar.

Cunning-Devil spun about, facing Xandro, who had just pulled Deathwhisper out of the dinosaur's head in preparation for another strike. The fiendish beast snapped his jaws around the air walking rogue, but thanks to the freedom of movement spell still active around Xandro he was unable to keep him in his mouth so he could swallow him down as he'd done the fastieth.

Alewyth backed further away from Cunning-Devil, hoping her earth elemental could take him down before he got it into his head to chew on her next. The earthen creature did all he could on that front, sending boulderlike fists crashing into the fiendish dinosaur's scales. Up by the dinosaur's head, Wakuren channeled Cal's smiting energy into his shield and brought it crashing into Cunning-Devil's head, while Nimbus struck at him with his hooves and bit at him with his teeth. Thurloe dropped down even lower and brought Spellslicer to bear, swinging the bastard sword's blade into the reptile's back, over by his dorsal fins. When he did so, he discharged the vampiric touch spell he'd loaded into his sword that morning, although the spell fizzled against Cunning-Devil's resistance to spells.

Finally, with fiendish blood running down his body from several hits and the earth elemental continuing to pummel his leg until it was about ready to give out from under his great weight, Xandro brought the halflings' nemesis down with another well-placed, deep thrust of his rapier into the space by Cunning-Devil's eye. He watched as the eye rolled up under the top of the brute's eyelid, and then Xandro called a warning to those below as the fiendish tyrannosaur toppled to the side, the life finally extinguished in his massive body. Beetle gave a startled cry at the sound of Cunning-Devil's corpse crashing to the ground below, then warily helped Finger and Hornet gather the rest of the fastieths back together.

"You did it!" the halflings cried, amazed at the spectacle of Cunning-Devil's lifeless corpse splayed out where he had toppled. "This is cause for celebration!" added Hornet, sending the fastieths on their way back to the Fleetfoot encampment. Beetle and Yellow-Belly followed at a slower speed, in deference to the heroes who still had to walk on foot.

The Fleetfoot tribe had a feast in honor of the heroes that evening, consisting mostly of roast root vegetables and the meat of slain dinosaur prey, but as a special surprise, they brought out slabs of meat carved from the haunches of Cunning-Devil himself. "Feasting on his flesh will grant you a portion of his power!" enthused Peony, and Wakuren, not wanting to insult their hostess, cast a purify food and drink spell upon it as part of the "traditional half-orc giving of thanks" ritual he made up on the spot for Peony's benefit. He wasn't sure if anything bad would happen from eating the flesh of a fiendish creature, but this way they didn't have to find out.

"I will spend tomorrow in gathering provisions for our journey," promised Beetle. "The day after that, we will begin our trek to the Forbidden Lands."

"Are we going to have to walk the whole way?" demanded Thurloe.

"No," Beetle promised. "We will need to get you six mounts suitable for people of your size - the fastieths are much too small. But that is okay - I know a rancher who raises boneheads; they will be a much more suitable mount for you." "Bonehead," Thurloe knew, was the halfling term for a Pachycephalosaurus - a dinosaur they'd encountered before, when the apprentice to the gnome wizard Grimblegrack Fishmelon - who, come to think of it, must have been a dragon in gnomish form - accidentally summoned one to Armaturia, along with other more dangerous dinosaurs.

"Good," replied the spellsword. "I'm not up for that long of a walk."

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Cunning-Devil was a fiendish tyrannosaur I advanced to 36 HD. The players had a good time pitting themselves against "Godzilla without a breath weapon." And Cunning-Devil is actually a loose plot thread that will be picked up in another half-dozen adventures down the road.

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T-shirt worn: My Godzilla T-shirt with artwork in the style of a Japanese woodcarving, as it made a perfect representation of Cunning-Devil, given I used a Godzilla figure to represent him in the game.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 14
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 8
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 7
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 8
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​

Game Session Date: 13 January 2024

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The heroes began their journey to the Forbidden Lands on foot, a prospect that left Thurloe rather grumpy until told they only had to go about three hours until they'd meet up with a tribe of lizardfolk ranchers who raised boneheads, mounts of a suitable size for the full-grown human and his five similarly-sized companions. Alewyth had started them off on the right foot that morning with a heroes' feast spell, along with her traditional morning casting of the endure elements spell upon herself. (Wakuren followed suit with three castings of the latter spell, upon himself, Robin, and Xandro, for Talonia was significantly hotter than Armaturia had been.) Then, with farewells from the Fleetfoot tribe, they went on their way, led by Beetle Darkcloud and his fastieth riding mount, Yellow-Belly.

As they walked through a field of wild flowers, Zander cast mage armor and shield spells upon himself and his pseudodragon familiar, Petey, who rode upon his shoulder. Alewyth cast a magic vestment spell upon herself, after having already been ambushed by dinosaurs - velociraptors, specifically - on their first day here on the western continent. She was well aware it was best to be protected against the unexpected.

Two hours into their trek, she was glad for the extra protection her spell afforded her, for Wakuren, riding upon his air element warhorse Nimbus about 30 feet in the air, called down that there were half a dozen dinosaurs headed their way through the tall grasses. The half-orc couldn't get a good look at the approaching predators, for they were at this point merely depressions in the field as they pushed their way through the grasses, but there were definitely six of them, and they stopped about 60 feet ahead as if first catching the heroes' scent, then split up into two groups of three, each angling off so they could attack from ambush from opposite sides, much like the velociraptors - Beetle called them "clawfeet" - had done. Wanting to see for herself, Alewyth tapped the butterfly brooch she wore above her chest and a pair of butterfly wings sprouted from her back, flapping awkwardly and raising her erratically into the air. From her higher vantage, she could see the six incoming reptiles headed their way, mere disturbances through the grasses like a ship's wake on the ocean. But as the dinosaurs got closer, she and Wakuren could make them out as being very similar to velociraptors in build, only even bigger - deinonychi, as a matter of fact, what Beetle called "Carvers."

"They're coming this way," Alewyth warned the others. "Beetle, you might want to hang back - we don't want anything happening to our guide!" Beetle was only too happy to comply, bringing Yellow-Belly to the back of their little procession, which had halted once the approaching deinonychi had been spotted.

Thurloe didn't like not being able to see their foes either, so he activated the fly spell from his celestial armor and took to the air. (Not coincidentally, this also took him out of the suspected range of the denonychi's attacks.) Robin stepped back with Beetle and Yellow-Belly, plucking at the strings of her lute and beginning the words to her song of inspirational courage. Xandro stepped up in front of her, Deathwhisper in hand and ready for action. But he decided he'd let the dinosaurs come to him rather than leap into battle against an unknown enemy. Alewyth cast a prayer spell over the group.

The deinonychi came in from two opposite ends, starting to flank the heroes, but Zander was ready for them: he stepped forward and cast a prismatic spray spell, sending a rainbow of colored rays flowing out from his fingertips in a wide arc before him. The elf sorcerer's spell flowed over all six of the dinosaurs, with different effects. The first one was blasted with a bolt of electricity that fried it to ashes in an instant; the second and third were both engulfed in a flow of acid that burned them to death, their scales bubbling and the meat below them rippling and burning. The fourth deinonychus was also electrified to death, while the fifth one had its body instantly transformed into stone. The last one was first blinded, then disappeared as its body slipped through the Material World and fell onto an entirely different plane of existence. And just that quickly, the deinonychus threat was no more.

Beetle, once he was able to find his voice again, suggested they cut up flanks of meat from one of the slain dinosaurs - one killed by electricity rather than one slain by acid, preferably - as a means of trade with the lizardfolk from which they were going to try to get six bonehead mounts. "We can do you one better," Xandro said, having Wakuren pass him over Hesperna's lamp and bringing the slain deinonychus corpse into the extradimensional space with him. He returned again for the other one, then - just in case - took each of the acid-coated corpses and the petrified statue with him as well. "Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them," he opined. "And who knows? Maybe lizardfolk like a little acid with their dinosaur meat."

The halfling ranger shook his head at the powerful magic his new wards seemed to almost take for granted, then suggested they move on. "It's less than an hour to the lizardfolk arroyo," he told them.

And indeed it was. Not long after having been unsuccessfully ambushed, the group entered an area of high, stone walls with a maze of passageways cut into them over the years by flowing water - water which was now not much more than a slow-moving brook. But Beetle apparently knew his way through the maze with ease, for he took each turn with confidence and never once had to backtrack. "Here we go," he finally said, as he turned a corner and found a group of six lizardfolk looking down at him and Yellow-Belly from their perches on either side of a 20-foot-wide entrance to what Beetle knew as the outer boundary to the lizardfolk ranch. There were two lizardfolk on the right ledge and four on the left, that ledge being much wider than the other. Each upright reptile was armed with javelins and a club and held a wooden shield at the ready. When they saw Beetle and the strangers approach, they started hissing down at him.

Much to the surprise of five of the assembled heroes, Beetle started hissing right back up to them. But to Zander Quilson, who had had a permanent tongues spell cast upon him back in Armaturia, the hissing was quite understandable as a conversation in the lizardfolk's natural tongue. They greeted Beetle by name and he asked if Thassp was around.

"I'm right here," replied Thassp, riding forward on a bonehead - a two-legged dinosaur as large as a horse, with a thick skull covered in a knobby, bony plate - and speaking in the same sibilant language as his guards up on the ledges. "What can we do for you?"

"I travel with six strangers," Beetle replied. "We wish to trade for six of your boneheads, as our fastieths are much too small to support them."

"Poor luck, then," replied Thassp. "We have six boneheads, but none for trade - they're the mounts of me and my barbarians. Nocturnal predators have slain all of the others. But we'll be going on a hunting party soon, and we may be able to gather up a few more boneheads then." But then, sitting astride his own bonehead, he gave a close look to the six people Beetle had brought with him to the lizardfolk arroyo. "You have strange-looking companions, indeed. I've never seen a drow with skin so pale," he said, looking at Zander, "nor a wide one," looking over Alewyth's stocky form. Then, glancing at the three humans in puzzlement, he added, "Nor a round-ear." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully with one hand. "Do you know what they taste like?"

Beetle furrowed his own brow in puzzlement, wondering if the lizardfolk barbarian was making some kind of joke; if so, it wasn't in good taste. But before he could decide how to answer, Thassp made him an offer, again in the lizardfolk tongue. "I'll tell you what," Thassp offered. "I'll take the wide one and one of the round-ears, and the rest of you can go free."

The halfling's frown grew even deeper; surely Thassp wasn't serious? The Fleetfoot tribe had traded with Thassp's lizardfolk for many years. Up on the ledge, the six lizardfolk were giving each other puzzled looks, as if to say, "Are we really doing this?"

Beetle looked up at the mounted barbarian leader with a smile frozen on his face and started talking to his charges in Common - a language the lizardfolk apparently didn't know. "Not sure what's going on, but get ready to run!" Beetle said without moving his lips. Zander, who had understood everything said between Thassp and Beetle, added, "Their leader's planning on eating us!"

Alewyth immediately took matters into her own hands. She raised her arms and spread them across each other, casting a wall of stone across the arroyo opening, sealing off Thassp and his bonehead mount. Her magical wall was the same height as the surrounding stone - about 30 feet up - but nowhere near as thick in cross-section. But it did the job, keeping Thassp from being able to do anything to them for the moment. He called back to his troops, and at the back of the arroyo, where the other five boneheads stood in their pen, his five lizardfolk barbarian troops raced to their mounts and leaped onto their backs, riding them to the gate. There was a bit of a bottleneck as the lead rider opened the gate and the others lined up to go through.

Beetle tugged on Yellow-Belly's reins and led his fastieth around the corner, out of range of the lizardfolk sentries' javelins. "We must flee!" he called to the others, but their dander was up, not liking being betrayed by a stranger they'd been led to believe was an ally.

"Over by me!" Thurloe called to Zander and Xandro, as Robin backed away and began playing the song of inspirational courage on her lute. Xandro pulled Deathwhisper from his scabbard and stood by the spellsword, waiting for the elf to approach. But then the lizardfolk sentries, spurred on by their leader's demands, threw their first volley of javelins down at the heroes. Xandro, Thurloe, and Zander were all targeted but managed to avoid the thrown weapons, whereas one of the two thrown at Nimbus as he and Wakuren flew up and over the wall hit the flying horse. But then Zander got close enough to Thurloe for the spellsword to cast a dimension door spell that teleported the three of them and Petey up to the western sentry post, behind the two lizardfolk on duty there. And the elf cast a haste spell upon the group while the spellsword was casting his own spell.

Deathwhisper struck forward with lightning speed through the back of one of the lizardfolk sentries, its blade poking out of his stomach. When Xandro retracted the blade, the guard fell forward over the front edge of the sealed-off arroyo entrance, but he was already dead before he hit the ground some 30 feet below. Up on Nimbus's broad back, Wakuren cast a greater command spell at the four sentries on the eastern ledge, yelling the command, "Approach!" as part of the spellcasting. All four lizardfolk, dazed into compliance, started heading his way, heedless of the fact he was on a cloud-horse hovering 40 feet off the ground.

But Thassp now had a viable target he could hit, and he threw his first javelin up at Nimbus with all his considerable strength, catching the aerial steed in the belly. Behind him, his barbarian lieutenants lined up behind him, their own javelins at the ready. Down on the other side of the wall of stone, Alewyth cast an air walk spell upon herself and started climbing up the air until she too stood above the others.

Thurloe cast a slow spell down at the five barbarian riders, Thassp being too far ahead for the spellsword to be able to catch him as well within his spell's area of effect. But he purposefully did not target the boneheads they were riding, for a quick count told Thurloe there were six boneheads to be had, the exact number they'd come here to bargain for in the first place....

Xandro stabbed the other lizardfolk sentry as he spun to face the rapier-wielding rogue, slaying the scaled guard as quickly as he had the other one. About that same time, the other four sentries did their best to approach Wakuren, even if it meant walking off the side of their ledge and plummeting 30 feet to the ground below. But after having fallen in a heap, they simply dusted themselves up and did their best to leap the 40 feet of vertical distance keeping them from obeying their magical command.

In the back of the lizardfolk settlement, some of the other reptiles were gathering up their weapons and joining the fray. There were two upthrust sections of rock near the bonehead pens, which the lizardfolk rather unimaginatively referred to as "Big Rock" and "Little Rock," and two of the lesser members of the tribe were climbing up onto Big Rock to see what was going on. Four more scampered up onto the top of the bonehead fence, and from there up onto Little Rock, to do the same.

From the sentry post beside Xandro, Zander cast a chain lightning spell that struck Thassp, then arced off to hit his lieutenants as well; like Thurloe, the elf opted not to harm the pachycephalosauruses they hoped to take as their own mounts once this battle had been won. The lizardfolk cried out in pain as the electricity coursed over their bodies. Then Nimbus flew down and kicked Thassp with a hardened hoof, while Wakuren slammed him with his shield of Cal. The unified attacks nearly threw the lizardfolk leader from his mount, but he hung on at the last moment.

That wasn't all that Thassp did, though. He roared in a barbaric fury, the roar turning into a high-pitched screech midway, as his reptilian muzzle extended forward by a good foot or more at the same time a bony projection grew out of the back of his skull. His arms lengthened, his fingers even more so, and flaps of reptilian skin turned them into leathery wings. Within moments, Thassp the lizardfolk barbarian leader was revealed for what he had recently become: a werebeast, now in his hybrid form, somewhere between his normal lizardfolk build and that of a pteranodon. The other lizardfolk gaped at their leader, never having seen him transform in such a way before.

Alewyth wasn't overly impressed; for all she knew, this was nothing new for the lizardfolk foe. She cast a searing light spell at the werebeast, while the lizardfolk assembled on Big Rock and Little Rock threw their javelins at the easiest target, the cloud horse flying up at just about their level. Thurloe, still in flight himself, cast a ray of enfeeblement spell down at the werepteranodon, draining him of some of the hybrid strength he'd developed since being bitten by a werequetzalcoatlus some nights earlier. Then while the strains of the song of inspirational courage wafted up from the far side of the wall of stone, Xandro brought out his Dardolian Lute and his dire elk pick and added to the tune, weaving in the summoning that brought his megaloceros into being.

The dire elk manifested beside one of the rearmost mounted barbarians in the lineup, and swung his broad antlers into the reptilian foe, sweeping him from his perch upon the bonehead's back and sending him flying some 20 feet away. Over by Thassp, the four enchanted lizardfolk sentries continued with their pointless efforts to leap up to Wakuren, while the lizardfolk on Little Rock and Big Rock lowered their weapons and gaped at what they saw, for they'd had no idea Thassp had become a werebeast. Their amazement was short-lived, however, for another chain lightning spell from Zander slew them outright while causing additional damage to the barbarians who had been the spell's real targets.

Then, when another strike from Wakuren's shield of Cal snapped Thassp's neck, the lizardfolk barbarians came to an easy solution and raised their hands in surrender, throwing their weapons on the ground beside them. They were crafty and fearsome warriors in their own right, true, but they also knew when they were hopelessly outmatched. Zander understood their cries for surrender and answered them in their own tongue. They agreed to turn over the six boneheads as recompense for having attacked the strangers, all too glad to put the situation behind them and escape with their lives. After all, they told themselves, they could always hunt down more boneheads for their own use later on.

Alewyth returned to the ground level outside the arroyo entrance and cast a soften earth and stone spell upon her wall of stone, then used Sjondra to smash a hole into it wide enough for a bonehead to ride through. The six heroes each took custody of a bonehead from a grateful and apologetic lizardfolk barbarian, and then, astride their new mounts, they followed Beetle and Yellow-Belly out of the maze of narrow, stone passageways and back out into the grasslands.

"We're going to have to come up with names for our new mounts," Alewyth pointed out to the others.

"Eh," grunted Thurloe. He didn't tend to give such things much thought (which no doubt accounted for the fact that back in Armaturia, he had a horse named "Horse").

- - -

Alewyth, in keeping with her rock-based theme (she has a mule named Mica and a dire goat named Pyrite back in Armaturia), named her bonehead "Lapis." Wakuren, who had named his mule "Perseverance," opted to give his new dinosaur mount the name "Persistence." Thurloe, following his own pattern of not really giving a damn, named his bonehead "Boney." And then since Dan was running his son Joe's PC for this session (as Joe's back in college), he had Zander name his pachycephalosaurus "Pachy." That, in turn, prompted Harry to name Xandro's new steed "Ceph" and Robin's "Alosaurus." Quite the brilliant namesmiths in this campaign, I tell you.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My Godzilla T-shirt, as this was the same gaming session as the previous adventure.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 14​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 8​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 7​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 8​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​

Game Session Date: 27 January 2024

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"But what about your bonehead?" asked Alewyth.

"We can tie his reins to one of your saddles," replied Wakuren, climbing up onto the back of his air element warhorse, Nimbus. "It's not a bad idea having a bonehead as a backup mount, but I prefer the view from up in the air a bit." And with that, Nimbus ran up the air as if racing up a hill, leveling out at about 30 feet up.

"I got it," Robin offered, taking Persistence's reins and tying them to the back of her own bonehead's saddle, then mounted up, seeing the others were doing so. They'd just finished their heroes' feast breakfast that Alewyth had conjured up, and the spellcasters had already cast their first-thing-in-the-morning spells: Zander's mage armor, Alewyth's magic vestment, and the endure elements spells that made life in armor comfortable for Wakuren, Alewyth, Xandro, and Robin. Then Beetle led the way, the boneheads falling in line behind him and Wakuren keeping a lookout directly overhead. Beetle found he didn't mind having a personal bit of shade hovering above him, especially since as a creature from the Elemental Plane of Air made up of clouds, Nimbus would never feel the need to relieve himself; had it been otherwise, the halfling would probably have sought a different configuration for their aerial scout.

Things went fine for the first half hour or so; the group found themselves cresting the occasional hill, but none had enough of a slope to make it difficult going. But it was while they were traversing a fairly level section of field, with the ground dropping away up ahead in another gradual slope, that Wakuren called out a warning. "Tyrannosaurus, headed our way!" he called from above. Several seconds after his warning, the rest of the group could see the dinosaur's head rise up from the horizon ahead, then the creature's shoulders, ridiculously undersize forelimbs, and finally his powerful legs and tail. He was running at a full sprint, headed directly for the group, but he was still far enough away they wouldn't have to worry about him for a few seconds - enough to get off a few spells, in any case. Thurloe cast a shield spell upon himself from his wand, while Robin dropped back and pulled out her lute, starting the initial chords to her song of inspirational courage. At the rest of the groups' recommendation, Beetle had Yellow-Belly drop to the back of the formation, with most of the boneheads shifting over to the right to let the sprinting tyrannosaur go past.

Then another massive reptilian head crested the hill ahead, this one sporting a bony ridge behind his skull and a pair of long, curving horns spearing forward on either side of the smaller horn rising up from the end of his snout. Unlike the tyrannosaur, the triceratops ran on all fours, but he was doing his level best to catch up to the taller reptile.

"Wait a minute," Xandro said. "That's a plant-eater chasing a meat-eater - what gives?"

Wakuren urged Nimbus to a higher elevation so he could get a better look. It didn't seem logical for the tyrannosaur to be fleeing from the triceratops, nor would he have expected the herbivore to be giving chase. A more logical explanation was that both were fleeing from something even fiercer than either of them. Looking down the slope of the hill ahead, Wakuren saw the grasses moving as if by a heavy wind, although no such wind was blowing. But then he saw several figures scrambling forward - dark shapes, each the size of a large horse but low to the ground: giant ants! They had fierce-looking pincers and ran side by side, almost a dozen in all. Wakuren squinted; he thought he'd seen a humanoid figure in their midst, but he couldn't be sure - and he seemed to have disappeared in any case. "They're fleeing giant ants!" Wakuren called down to the others. "And I bet there are swarms of ants in among them as well!" That would account for the swaying grasses.

Xandro settled his bonehead mount Ceph beneath him with a reassuring pat along the side of the neck as he drew Deathwhisper out and readied it against an attack by the approaching tyrannosaurus. Zander brought his own bonehead mount, Pachy, up beside Ceph, readying to cast a prismatic spray spell at the incoming ant swarms, but to do so he'd have to wait until they got within range, and that would mean letting the tyrannosaurus and triceratops go by them first. Fortunately, the dinosaurs continued on their current trajectories, seeking merely to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the army ant swarms that could strip them to skeletons in minutes.

Wakuren got Nimbus to a height of about 100 feet up and them urged his mount forward, the better to see the approaching swarms - after all, he and Nimbus were perfectly safe this high up. Alewyth also urged Lapis forward, although doing so required some coaxing to the nervous mount. But the dwarven priestess took the time to ready a spell of her own: a hold monster should the tyrannosaurus try anything as it raced on by. She and her mount were off to the left by themselves, though, which made Thurloe nervous for them; he gripped Spellslicer tighter in his hand but opted not to ride over by her in case she found herself in trouble. The spellsword felt a hand drop onto his shoulder; looking over, it was just Xandro, casting a heroism spell upon him.

The dinosaurs advanced, as did the army ants; Zander opted to cast a wall of force spell blocking off most of the heroes from the tyrannosaurus; Alewyth and Lapis were on their own, unfortunately - they were too far away. And sure enough, even though the great dinosaur was fleeing for his very life, he was a creature of habit and instinct and the opportunity to grab a quick meal of pachycephalosaurus meat was too big a temptation to ignore. He darted forward to his right, snapping his mouth of dagger-sized teeth at the mount's back, just behind the saddle, and lifted the whole bonehead into the air without slowing his pace too much. Alewyth was flung from the saddle to fall on the ground; she'd gotten her hold monster spell off before he struck but as is occasionally the case with such spells, the intended victim was able to shrug off its effects. The triceratops continued his own frenzied panic, almost catching up to the tyrannosaurus as the larger dinosaur stopped to get a better grip on the struggling meal in his mouth.

Hearing the commotion behind them, Wakuren wheeled Nimbus around and had him charge down at the tyrannosaurus. But rather than attack the massive predator, the half-orc instead cast a freedom of movement spell upon Lapis, allowing the bonehead to wriggle out from the larger dinosaur's mouth, dropping nearly 30 feet to the ground to land beside Alewyth. Then Nimbus changed course and flew back up out of range of the tyrannosaur's snapping teeth.

As Lapis struggled back up to her feet, Alewyth activated her butterfly brooch with a touch and took to the skies herself, although her course only took her about 30 feet up in a rather erratic flightpath. Thurloe backed his mount, Boney, fully behind the protection of the wall of force, not wanting either of them to be the next on the dinosaur's dinner menu.

Xandro cast another heroism spell, this time upon himself as the army ants continued their approach. The giant ants were well within view now, and there was a dark stain of smaller bodies among the grasses ahead making a steady advance alongside them. Zander had Pachy move forward enough that the elf could cast a prismatic spray spell, sending multicolored rays out in a cone before him. Two separate clumps of army ants died of an electrical charge that burned up their bodies, while hundreds of ants nearby curled up dead from poison. Two more swarms simply vanished, swept away to another plane of existence, while other ants found themselves advancing through flames popping up out of nowhere. Another swarm petrified into little statues that got crunched underfoot soon after as the advancing larger ant soldiers trod over them.

The tyrannosaur's momentum carried him past Lapis, but there were other boneheads off to his left; he tried to snap up Persistence but slammed his head into the invisible wall of force. Not understanding what had just happened, the dimwitted beast let his forward momentum carry him on, fleeing from the oncoming ant swarms and already forgetting about eating now that he had passed the potential prey. The triceratops veered off in a slightly different course, putting some distance between himself and the tyrannosaurus as he continued to flee from the ants.

And then, surprisingly, a humanoid form popped up out of the ground, over by Zander. He appeared to be a ghost of some sort, but one twisted by horror: his skin was mostly missing and behind his eyes lay only madness. He babbled incoherently, and even Zander, who had had the tongues spell permanently enhancing his abilities to understand and speak other languages, could only pick up an occasional word or two, mostly "No!" and "Stop!" But despite neither Zander nor the pseudodragon familiar riding on his shoulder feeling any ill effects, the dinosaur beneath the elven sorcerer froze up in horrified paralysis at the sound of the allip's babbling.

Beetle had been willing to hold his ground as his powerful charges from Armaturia seemed up to dealing with the oncoming ant swarms and the dinosaurs they had fleeing before them, but at the sight of this horrible, undead creature flying up out of the ground, he lost his nerve and swung Yellow-Belly to his left. "Come - we must flee!" called the ranger, urging his fastieth mount forward - and right smack-dab into the invisible wall of force, a bit of magic with which the ranger had no prior experience. He and his mount crashed into the invisible barrier and rebounded in a heap on the ground.

Wakuren and Nimbus dove at the tyrannosaurus again, the half-orc slamming his shield of Cal into the side of his head while the aerial steed kicked out with a sharpened hoof. They didn't plan on taking the massive dinosaur down, just encouraging him to continue on his way and not get any ideas about snapping up any of the rest of their own reptilian mounts as a quick meal. Alewyth summoned a greater earth elemental to stand watch over her wounded Lapis, then rushed over to provide the creature with some much-needed healing. The massive elemental, in the meantime, strode forward and sunk into the earth as he did so, until he was no longer visible. But the elemental creature could sense every living thing scurrying over the ground above and before him, and would know when to strike from the earth below.

Thurloe leapt down from his own mount and called for Wakuren to toss him the lamp. The half-orc did so, Nimbus lowering himself to ground level for him to toss the lamp, and Thurloe caught it and started sprinting over to the paralyzed Pachy, who would be helpless against the army ants getting closer and closer. Placing a hand upon the dinosaur's flank, the spellsword said the magic word that transported the two of them into the extradimensional space inside Hesperna's lamp, where the bonehead could recover in safety.

Xandro ran up to Wakuren and bestowed the last of his heroism spells upon the half-orc, and the oncoming swarms advanced even closer. Zander cast a cone of cold at the giant ants that were beating their smaller cousins to the feast, then retreated to Boney, Thurloe's abandoned mount, and silently dismissed the wall of force that was no longer serving any purpose, for the tyrannosaur had long since fled the scene and the magical wall had been oriented such that it more or less pointed in the direction from which the army ants were approaching. But the allip was still babbling, and Zander felt Boney freeze up beneath him, another victim to the undead creature's verbal onslaught. "Not again!" he cried in dismay.

Somewhat dazed from his collision, Beetle climbed back up onto Yellow-Belly's saddle as the fastieth regained his footing. "We need to get away from these ants, or they'll overwhelm us!" he cried. "There's a river several miles away and a rope bridge we can cut behind us after we've crossed! Come on -- this way!" And with that, Yellow-Belly was off, heading almost in the same direction in which the triceratops had veered away.

Wakuren bent down from Nimbus's saddle and scooped up Hesperna's lamp from where it had fallen to the ground when Thurloe and Pachy entered it. Nimbus took to the air again, as Wakuren cast a cure critical wounds spell upon the flying allip, the healing energy causing its undead form to burst and dissipate into nothingness. Behind him, Alewyth cast a searing light spell that slew a giant ant headed for Lapis, who had regained her footing. Another giant ant went flying up into the air as the earth elemental pounded its carapace from below after it had made the mistake of trampling over the ground under which the elemental being had been hiding. It died from the blow, its corpse flying up in an arc to land nearby; its carcass would be torn apart by the army ant swarms coming up behind it, for they made no differentiation between what kinds of meat they could tear apart and bring back to the nest. Alewyth scrambled back up onto Lapis's saddle and veered her mount to follow Yellow-Belly.

Thurloe popped back out of the lamp, surprised to see he was back much farther than he had been when he had entered it. "See to Boney!" Wakuren advised him, and sure enough, Zander was crawling back off Thurloe's own mount, also frozen into immobility by the slain allip's babbling. With a sigh, Thurloe grabbed up the lamp and went to go rescue his own riding mount. Xandro, astride Ceph, saw the situation, realized their guide was fleeing, and called for the rest of the group to follow, for they'd never find their way to the Forbidden Lands on their own on this strange continent. Robin steered Alosaurus to follow, Persistence coming along for the ride at the end of his reins.

Wakuren and Nimbus rose back up into the air and looked back. Another wave of ants was approaching from farther behind, several giant ants among their number. It looked like fleeing was their best option after all, unless they wanted to stay here and fight wave after wave of the seemingly endless insects. Seeing Zander was once again without a mount, Wakuren had Nimbus fly down to just above the ground and he pulled the elf up behind him, then turned to follow Beetle and Yellow-Belly. Thurloe, when he exited the lamp once again and saw the others fleeing, scooped up the lamp, activated his celestial armor's fly spell, and took off after the others. And behind them, thousands of army ants of different sizes continued their inexorable advance, stopping only to break down the bodies of those who had fallen in the first wave.

Several miles later, the group approached a deep gorge with a river flowing at its bottom, and a rope bridge spanning the expanse. Alewyth had healed her wounded mount during the ride, and the tyrannosaurus's teeth-marks had all sealed up. Thurloe had gotten Boney back out of the lamp and was riding him once again - his armor's fly spell only lasted so long, after all - and while Pachy had also recovered from the allip's babbling, the spellsword had left him inside the lamp; hopefully he wouldn't get into too much trouble, or make too much of a mess! Zander had opted to remain seated behind Wakuren on Nimbus, although he had wriggled the other way around so he could see the ant swarms still making progress as they followed the fleeing group.

"The bridge will safely hold one rider and one mount at a time!" Beetle advised as they approached. "I wouldn't want to test it any further beyond that!" Indeed, as they got closer to the bridge, they could see the wooden planks serving as the floor were old and partially rotten, with a plank or two missing along its length. Thurloe, not trusting the bridge, activated his fly spell and rose up out of the saddle, urging Boney to cross the bridge without him. That way, if the bridge gave out, he'd be out a bonehead but could still fly across the bridge and see to his own safety.

Xandro cast an expeditious retreat spell upon Ceph, allowing the bonehead to surge forward and line up to be the second to cross. Robin continued playing her inspirational courage song on the lute; in fact, she hadn't stopped playing throughout their trek to the bridge. Nimbus did a sweep behind them, allowing Zander to cast a cone of cold spell that killed hundreds of the advancing army ants. But then another allip rose up out of the ground; they'd spotted several of the undead creatures following the ants' course, bobbing up and down above and below the earth, rather like dolphins at play out in the sea. This one also started babbling, and just that quickly Yellow-Belly froze to a halt. Unless someone took action, he'd be devoured by the army ants even now making their way closer to the departing heroes and their mounts.

Wakuren cast a wind wall spell behind them, knowing the powerful force of wind would prevent the smaller ants from being able to approach any further, although it wouldn't do anything to prevent the giant soldier ants from coming closer. Alewyth cast a magic circle against chaos spell upon herself, not sure if it would do any good but willing to give it a shot. By then, Boney and Thurloe were across the bridge and the spellsword had landed by one of the ropes keeping the bridge in place, his bastard sword Spellslicer out and ready.

Xandro and Ceph were the next to cross, and the rogue had Deathwhisper out and ready to cut the other rope once the others had crossed. The ant swarms were now almost upon the group once again, and two of the giant soldiers dashed forward, catching the hapless Lapis in their mandibles. Alewyth swatted them away with Sjondra while Robin shooed an untethered Persistence across the bridge and then followed on her own Alosaurus. Zander cast another cone of cold spell from the back of Nimbus, killing a bunch of the closest swarms and, fortunately, the allip floating above them - not always a sure thing, given the undead's incorporeal form.

Wakuren cast a magic circle against evil on Beetle, the spell temporarily undoing the effects of the allip's babbling on Yellow-Belly, allowing the fastieth to sprint forward towards the rope bridge once again; seeing that, Thurloe remained at his station by the end of the bridge, for he'd been considering flying over to rescue them by placing them inside the lamp, although that would have made it difficult for him to exit from the lamp for by that time the ants would have been upon them. Alewyth cast a mass inflict serious wounds upon the giant ants bothering Lapis and a bunch of the nearest swarms, slaying about half of them.

The ant swarms incapable of passing through the wind wall had figured out how to go around the spell's effects, and were now massing at either end of the gust, moving around the obstruction. Zander killed another bunch of the giant ants, who were much faster than their normal-sized cousins, with another cone of cold spell. But then another allip popped up out of the ground, babbling incoherently. Fortunately, there weren't many people - or mounts - within the area of effect, most of them already having crossed the bridge, and those near to the allip were able to avoid the effects of the incessant babbling.

Beetle and Yellow-Belly raced across the bridge as Nimbus crossed the gorge overhead. Wakuren cast a cure critical wounds spell at the third allip on his way across, slaying his necromantic form with the surge of positive energy. Alewyth and Lapis were the last to cross, and then Thurloe and Xandro went to work with their swords, cutting through the thick ropes holding the bridge in place. Once they were both severed, the bridge fell back towards the side they had first crossed, leaving the ants stranded on the other side of the gorge. Looking back, Beetle sighed his relief. "That was a close one!" he declared.

But they weren't free of the ants yet. To their amazement, the ants gathered at the top of the gorge and started building a bridge out of their own living bodies; the giant ants were a big help in this endeavor, standing on the side of the cliff and acting as buttresses for the bodies of the smaller ants that clung to each other and slowly extended further and further across the gap. Seeing this, Beetle called for a retreat again. "There's another branch of the river some miles ahead," he told the heroes. "It's much wider than what we just crossed over. We'll have to have our mounts swim across, but it'll be too far for the ants to be able to follow!" And with that, he sent Yellow-Belly forging ahead, the others following.

It was several miles before they saw the river branch Beetle had described just ahead, but there was a potential problem. "Sailbacks!" cried the halfling ranger in disgust, seeing a pair of dimetrodons sunning themselves by the river's edge. Fortunately, the pair didn't seem to have noticed the approaching caravan, but Beetle didn't want to have to waste time going further down the river, for he'd already picked up the sounds of the insect chatter as the next wave of army ants advanced behind them. Apparently they'd already crossed the gorge and were in fast pursuit of their escaping sources of meat.

Thurloe goaded Boney forward, Spellslicer out and ready to deal with these dimetrodons if they got in his way. Xandro cast another expeditious retreat upon Robin's bonehead, allowing her to speed ahead towards the safety of the river, as the ants scrambled forward, ever closer. The bard continued playing her song of inspirational courage, figuring the song's magical effects would be more useful than trying to keep off the dimetrodons' radar. Zander was once again riding Pachy, having taken the time to enter the lamp to fetch his bonehead mount shortly after having watched the bridge's ropes cut. Yellow-Belly was right there beside him, as they raced to the beach ahead.

Nimbus flew by a mere 10 feet above the ground, also advancing upon the two dinosaurs with the large fins rising up from their backs. Wakuren cast a blindness/deafness spell at the one on his left, hoping to take away the reptile's vision, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Thurloe tried a different tactic, casting a lightning bolt spell at the same dimetrodon, and this at least had some effect, although it didn't slay the beast outright as the spellsword had hoped it would. But then the other one lunged forward, its somewhat crocodilian build enabling it to scramble forward with an astounding speed. It bit at Lapis (who really was not having a very good day at all), drawing blood.

Xandro sent Ceph around Alewyth and Lapis, allowing the other dimetrodon to snap at his mount (it missed, fortunately), before Deathwhisper's blade went deep into the creature's throat, slaying it instantly. He saw Robin and her bonehead had made it to the water's edge and Alosaurus was taking her first tentative steps into the river, while Robin continued playing her song. Neither noticed the fins sticking up out of the water some distance away, heading in their direction.

Zander cast a lightning bolt spell at the remaining dimetrodon, enhancing the spell's effect with his ring of mystic lightning, the blast of electricity killing the sail-finned dinosaur. Then he and Pachy were at the water's edge, the bonehead stepping in. Beetle and Yellow-Belly were there beside him.

Wakuren spotted the sharklike fins headed toward the knee-deep dinosaurs and called out a warning. Then, sending Nimbus in their direction, he summoned a javelin of lightning from his gauntlet of Cal and sent the bolt hurtling down at the nearest of the ichthyosaurs. He caught three of the five in the blast, slaying none but hurting all three.

Warned of the danger in the waters ahead, Alewyth cast a spiritual weapon and sent the floating dwarven warhammer slamming against the head of the nearest ichthyosaur. Thurloe cast a slow spell at the school of marine reptiles, affecting two of their number. By then, Xandro and Ceph had entered the river, the ant swarms and a few giant ant soldiers right behind them. Alosaurus was deep enough now to begin to swim slowly across, kicking her powerful legs in a kind of doggy-paddling motion, her swinging tail aiding in propelling her forward.

The ichthyosaur school was still far enough away for Zander to cast a chain lightning spell at them without having to worry about any unintended side effects to his friends by casting an electrical-based spell in a body of water. The arcs struck each of the five ichthyosaurs, who likely had never encountered such magic before and weren't quite sure what to do about it. But instinct was a powerful force, and their instincts told them there was food up ahead.

Yellow-Belly paddled furiously through the water, breaking away from the slower pachycephalosauruses. But the ichthyosaurs were in their own element, and they advanced even faster. One bit at Robin's mount; drawing blood. Wakuren responded with a thunder strike spell cast ta the school, causing them even further damage and distress. But still they continued on with their attacks.

The ants were now at the edge of the river but dared not enter, but the heroes and their mounts were no longer on land and the ant swarms were no longer a concern; fighting off these prehistoric sharks was. Alewyth cast a mass inflict light wounds at the ichthyosaurs, as her spiritual warhammer continued its assaults on its original target. Thurloe cast a lightning bolt spell at three of the ichthyosaurs as Boney paddled frantically, seeking the safety of the opposite shore. Xandro and Ceph had already made it and were trudging up out of the river, water streaming off of Ceph's hide. Robin and Alosaurus made it shortly thereafter.

Another lightning bolt empowered by the elf's ring flashed off from Zander's fingertips, blasting through a trio of the hungry ichthyosaurs. Two more bit at Lapis and Boney; Wakuren cast a cure light wounds spell upon Alewyth's mount, fearing for her safety. Alewyth's spiritual warhammer continued its attacks, beating down at the offending marine denizen. Thurloe took another approach, having Boney swim away from the attacking ichthyosaur just so Thurloe could cast a dimension door spell upon the two of them. Just that quickly, they were on the far side of the river, Boney standing beside Xandro and Ceph. Lapis had to make it the slower way, but make it she did, and she pulled herself up onto the far shore, leaving the water-bound ichthyosaurs behind in the river.

Zander cast a haste spell upon himself, Pachy, and Petey, and the added speed allowed his bonehead mount to make it to the river's far side before being devoured by the ichthyosaurs. Then Wakuren and Nimbus landed beside the others. "Is everyone okay?" the half-orc asked. Alewyth was already casting healing spells upon those who needed them.

"We're all safe," Beetle informed the group. "But we're miles off course form the way I originally took Andrea."

"Is that going to be a problem?" asked Robin, stowing away her lute now that it was no longer needed.

"Well, we'll be crossing on the other side of a small mountain range than the way I would have gone, but that won't matter in the long run. We'll still be able to meet up to where we would have had we gone the other way. I just wasn't expecting the ants this early, is all."

"What do you mean?" asked Wakuren.

"The army ants work on a cycle, attacking about every 15 years or so," the halfling replied. "They're early by a couple of years. I wonder what set them off so soon?" Then he shook his head. "Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter. They can't cross the river, that's the important thing for now. Come on, let's get going." And with that he sent Yellow-Belly heading west again, back on their original heading, if off by several miles. The others fell into line and followed.

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I wrote this adventure to serve several purposes: first, I've always wanted to send swarms of army ants up against a D&D party; and secondly, this allowed me to have Beetle take the PCs a different way than he took Andrea, which handily explained why they'd be meeting up with encounters he and Andrea had never faced. (Otherwise, it would strain credulity if I had to have everything they met up with having not been there half a year ago, when Beetle led Andrea Jandoval to the Forbidden Lands.)

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T-shirt worn: My black Dalek "Exterminate!" T-shirt, as the army ants were on a mission to slay everything they met as food for their nest.
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 14
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 8
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 7
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 8
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 4​

Game Session Date: 16 March 2024

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The day began like any other now that the heroes were on the continent of Talonia: Alewyth and Wakuren cast their endure elements spells on those who depended upon them to remain comfortable in the jungle environment, and then the dwarf cast the heroes' feast spell that invigorated all who partook of it - namely, the six visitors from Armaturia, Beetle Darkcloud, their halfling guide, and Petey, Zander's pseudodragon familiar who had a particular taste for the sweet fruits and pastries. Beetle realized he'd probably end up putting on a few pounds if he were going to start each day off with such a feast, but considered it a fringe benefit of escorting this many people across the continent to the Forbidden Lands, a trip he'd personally prefer not to be making. But a promise was a promise, and so not long after the sun was up the group was on its way, Wakuren's bonehead mount once again abandoned in place of the half-orc's air element warhorse; Persistance (What a strange name for a bonehead, thought Beetle!) tied by his bridle to the saddle of Robin's own mount.

Wakuren rode directly above Beetle, who rode on his own mount Yellow-Belly, leaving the halfling guide quite glad the cloud-steed had no need for normal biological functions. But from his elevated vantage point, Wakuren was able to see potential threats from much farther away than he would be able to otherwise. Case in point: the team was traveling through fields of tall grasses, and up ahead and to the left lay the downed corpse of a tyrannosaurus. Surrounding it were a dozen or more man-sized birds, each with sharp beaks that tore at the dead dinosaur's flesh and swallowed it down. Wakuren brought Nimbus down near to ground level so he could quietly warn the others of the impending threat.

Without thinking about what she was doing, Robin pulled the lute from her back and started strumming the initial chords of the song of inspirational courage - so much for trying to sneak by the herd of axebeaks! But the five or so birds on this side of the dinosaur's corpse turned at the strange sound of the bard's music, ready to defend their prey from any who would challenge them for it. Seeing the inevitability of combat, Xandro cast a heroism spell and channeled it into Alewyth by touching her shoulder as she rode her bonehead Lapis beside him. Alewyth nodded her thanks and urged Lapis forward, casting a magic vestment spell upon herself as she did so. Beetle spurred Yellow-Belly to the back of the group's formation, the leader of the group when scouting forth but more than happy to stay in the back once combat began.

Thurloe used his wand of shield to fortify his own defenses and then passed it over to Zander so the elf could do the same. Wakuren and Nimbus rose back up about 30 feet into the air and approached the avian herd. Testing a theory, he cast a cause fear spell upon one of the closest axebeaks, wondering whether if he could get it to flee, the others might mindlessly follow. But his experiment met with little success, for although he easily broke his target's will, sending it racing away at full speed, the other axebeaks were not so quick to abandon their meal. There were four axebeaks heading over towards the dinosaur carcass, and they turned to watch their fleeing herd-member run by, but then they resumed their original course.

That suited Zander just fine, as he enjoyed watching the effects of a prismatic spray spell on large groups of foes. Riding his bonehead Pachy forward, he spread his arms wide and intoned the words of the spell, sending a rainbow of colors spreading out before him. The spell blinded the five axebeaks in front of the dead tyrannosaur and several of those behind it, and the secondary effects caused one to go insane, another to disappear through a sudden rift to another plane of existence, one to drop dead of a virulent poison that coated its body, one to get electrocuted to death, and another to be momentarily covered in a gout of flames that burned it almost to death. The spell, Zander smiled to himself, never ceased to amuse him.

Petey suddenly flew off from his master's shoulder and stabbed at the blinded axebeak whose feathers had been momentarily set ablaze. The pseudodragon's stinger penetrated past the seared feathers along the bird's neck, injecting the sleep poison common to his draconic race. The axebeak staggered for a moment and then fell over, deeply asleep. Petey landed on its sleeping form and savagely bit through its throat, rising up afterwards with a draconic smirk on his face (and no small amount of blood), as if he'd slain the axebeak entirely on his own. Zander smiled and let Petey have his moment of victory; it was well-earned.

The strains of Robin's song of courage still flowed from back where she and Beetle sat upon their respective mounts, as Xander spurred his own bonehead mount Ceph forward, his magic rapier Deathwhisper out and stabbing into a blinded axebeak's body, dropping it instantly. Thurloe, not wanting to be outdone, opted to do the same, charging and slaying another axebeak with his bastard sword Spellslicer. Alewyth cast a sound burst spell into the midst of about five of the upright raptors, wounding them but failing to bring any of them down.

Wakuren had Nimbus land in a clear space behind the axebeaks, but then happened to look over at a nearby stone carving rising up from the fields of grasses and noted the other eight or so axebeaks who had been resting in the shade of the great statue of some primitive god. That changed things: he had Nimbus quickly rise straight back up to a height of 30 feet, well out of the range of any of the avians' attacks. He cast a shield of faith upon himself for good measure, though.

Three of the axebeaks moving up to join the feast instead opted to go attack Thurloe on his bonehead Boney. The spellsword fended off the snapping beasts with his bastard sword. But the eight that had been resting in the shade all got to their feet, five of them heading over towards Thurloe and the other three taking the other way around the stone carving, headed more toward Zander and Pachy.

Zander cast an Elobar's black tentacles spell that caused dozens, if not scores, of ebony appendages to rise up among the swaying grasses, entangling the axebeaks in the area of effect. Xandro managed to slay another of the blinded avians, stabbing it into the side with his blade. Alewyth summoned forth a celestial bison to intercede with the three headed towards Zander, and that's when Wakuren, whose paladin senses told him none of these axebeaks were of an evil nature, had enough of the pointless bloodshed. "Let's go around!" he called out to the others, leading the way from 30 feet in the air. At Beetle's recommendation, they took the time to collect one of the slain axebeaks - they tasted delicious, according to the halfling - and shunt it inside the extradimensional space of Hesperna's lamp, where Alewyth stowed it in the chest the night hag had kept in her dwelling that shrunk creatures to a fraction of their size. It would be fine there until she could pray for a gentle repose spell to keep it from decomposing too quickly. Then the group took a long detour around the tyrannosaur carcass, and Zander dismissed his gripping tentacles before they crushed the life out of the axebeaks they had been entangling. The group went on their way, Beetle once again in the lead on Yellow-Belly, headed west.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful up until nearly twilight, when they heard the sound of a gong ringing, three times in a row. Looking over to their right, where a ridge of low mountains or tall hills had cut them off from the path Beetle had originally planned to take before they'd been diverted over many miles by the army ant swarms, they saw a wooden wall of vertical tree trunks cutting off a section of land surrounded by near-vertical stone cliffs; a waterfall fell from the tall hill in the back. As they watched, the massive doors in the middle of this wall, each door a good 20 feet wide and a bit more than that tall, were pulled inwards, until they were perpendicular to the rest of the palisade wall. They stopped when they met up with a stone building, the structure which housed the gong they had just heard sounding thrice. Up on top of the wall, the doors, and the stone building stood dozens of gray-skinned orcs, and down at the middle of the stone building, tied at her wrists by vines attached to sturdy poles set into the stone at her sides, stood a drow woman, struggling to free herself amid the hoots and hollers of the orcs.

Wakuren called down to his friends from his air element steed, pointing over at the orc enclave some 500 feet away. "We've got to go save her!" he cried.

"We've 'got' to do no such thing!" countered Beetle. "This has nothing to do with us, and what are you going to do, attack an entire orc army, just the six of you? Be sensible!" He doubted his words would have any effect - he'd known this group long enough to realize they were easily distracted from their overall goal, to get to the Forbidden Lands - but he held out hope that one of these days these foreigners would listen to reason.

Sadly, today was not that day. Robin immediately began playing the song of inspirational courage on her lute as four other boneheads were turned toward the orc structure and kicked into full speed. Wakuren, riding on Nimbus above them, went even faster than those stuck with ground travel.

Xandro, realizing it would take a bit of time to cross the distance, cast a heroism spell upon himself as Ceph ran forward at top speed. Alewyth recast a magic vestment spell upon herself, the one she'd cast that morning having long since expired. Thurloe used up another charge from his wand of shield for the same reason, but was far enough away from Zander that he couldn't hand it over to the elf for him to use it as well. Wakuren, traveling much faster than the others and quickly pulling far ahead, was the first to see a large hole in the ground about 200 feet away from the open doors to the orc fortress; apparently whatever had been summoned by the gong to come devour the struggling drow woman lived down there. The half-orc cast a magic circle against evil spell upon himself, just in case.

And just then, the inhabitant of the hole in the ground made himself known. Crawling slowly out of his subterranean dwelling, a massive lizard, covered in golden-yellow scales banded in a darker brown, scuttled forth, dragging his massive body forward in halting spurts of action. At his presence, a great cry came up from the orc ranks: "Kapoona! Kapoona! Kapoona!" The drow captive, looking in fear at the beast intended to devour her, struggled all the more fiercely against her bonds, but to no avail - she was bound too tightly.

Xandro, Thurloe, Alewyth, and Zander spurred their mounts on, and the dwarven priestess realized she was within range to give a hold monster spell a shot. Casting the spell, she was relieved to see the massive lizard's body freeze up, one foreleg raised to take a step forward. So the spell worked! That would give them a few moments' respite, although there was no telling how long the spell would stay in effect, as the victim's mind would immediately try to fight the spell energy and allow the creature to move freely of its own volition once more.

Thurloe got tired of being so far behind Wakuren and Nimbus and activated the fly property of his celestial armor, leaping from his bonehead's saddle and darting forward in a horizontal leap, pulling away from Boney, who kept forward at his normal pace just to be close to the other dinosaurs with which he had grown up.

Wakuren was now close enough to the giant banded lizard to check out its aura for any tell-tale signs of evil; as expected, he found none - this was just a mindless lizard, no doubt trained by the orcs to respond to the gong for some free food. Still, he wasn't about to let the drow woman be devoured; he was too far away from her to be able to read her aura, but even if she were evil to the core it wasn't right for an intelligent being to be fed to a hungry animal for the entertainment of a band of orcs. He saw that the lizard - apparently named Kapoona, judging by what the orc were chanting - had frozen in mid-stride, but he decided to try foisting a bestow curse spell upon it as well. Reaching down from Nimbus's broad back, he touched the yellowish scales and set off his spell, but it felt as if the spell failed to have any effect. He'd have to see whether his curse of indecisiveness would have any effect if and when Kapoona freed himself from the effects of Alewyth's hold monster spell.

Now the cries of "Kapoona!" broke off, as the orcs saw strangers attacking their tribal god. Calling out orders to his tribe, Durdok watched as his eight strongest barbarians and a pair of warriors went scrambling down the ladders along each side of the wall, the barbarians sprinting over to the ankylosaur pen and the warriors running to close the right-side door so the armored dinosaurs could get past and outside; right now, the doors were configured such that Kapoona couldn't enter the compound once he'd devoured his current bride.

Zander estimated he was still out of range of the orc wall, so he held the spell he wished to cast at the ready, not wanting to waste it by casting it prematurely. Plus, he wanted to wait until after Wakuren had attacked them; if the half-orc, with his paladin senses, attacked the orcs it was a fair guess he'd found them to be of an evil bent. This whole situation - setting up a drow woman (and a rather scantily-clad one at that, the elf couldn't help but notice) to be eaten by a giant lizard certainly seemed like something an evil orc tribe would do, but you never knew: maybe the drow was some famed killer or something and this was their method of capital punishment. Talonia was certainly different than the Armaturia he'd grown up in!

Robin's song of inspirational courage could still be heard as the heroes got closer to the wall, but it was starting to be a strain to hear the full tune as the winds shifted. Xandro finally got Ceph close enough to charge right by Kapoona's side, allowing the rogue to stab Deathwhisper deep into the lizard's side as he rode by. Alewyth cast another spell at it, hoping to end the fight once and for all with a slay living spell, but the magic failed to take its full effect; apparently the great beast's body was much tougher than its mind, which made perfect sense after the fact, Alewyth decided. Thurloe made do with a ray of enfeeblement spell, siphoning off a small portion of Kapoona's strength for if and when he finally got to enter battle himself.

Nimbus continued his comet-streaking trail to the orc wall, a rolling mass of thunderclouds in the shape of a horse. Sitting astride him, Wakuren was now able to sense evil emanating from all along the top of the wall - there was no longer any doubt about it, these orcs were evil to the core! Without any feelings of guilt whatsoever, the cleric/paladin of Cal cast a thunder strike spell that killed several orcs from atop the wall, sending them falling back inside the fortress or just collapsing where they stood up at the top. Several of the orcs tossed javelins his way, but at that range he was in little danger of any of them hitting.

However, Zander had watched the half-orc's attack and saw that as his go ahead to cast the spell he'd had on temporary hold. Arcane syllables spilling from his lips, he sent a chain lightning spell flying from his fingertips to strike an orc along the gate door slowly being swung back closed, slaying that orc instantly and arcing off to kill - or at least badly singe - close to a dozen others.

Lapis pulled up shortly as Kapoona suddenly returned to mobility, his lizard brain finally fighting off the hold monster spell. He snapped his great jaws at Alewyth and her mount, but they managed to dart back out of the way just in time. Xandro was there on the lizard's other side, stabbing it again with Deathwhisper as it focused its attention on Alewyth.

But Alewyth pulled Lapis far out of range of the slow-moving banded lizard and set her on a course towards the orc fortress. Seeing the one gate door now closed and the head of an ankylosaurus approaching from around the corner, her first instinct was to cast a wall of stone spell to cover the gate doors...but she realized the spell required the wall to be attached to pre-existing stone, and the fortress's walls were crafted of tree trunks. However, she could see quite well that the building behind the struggling drow captive was crafted of stone, so she cast her spell anyway, creating not a wall so much as a ramp, the width of the opening caused by the left gate being perpendicular to the rest of the wall. This prevented the ankylosaur from getting out (she didn't realize it at the time, but the orcs had eight such dinosaurs they rode out into battle, not just the one) and also stopped the left gate from being able to be closed. The end result was the orcish cavalry was now trapped inside their fortress, leaving their tribal god Kapoona to deal with his attackers on his own.

And he wasn't faring too well on that front. Zander cast a prismatic spray spell at him, coating him in a virulent poison, but the lizard was tough enough that it didn't have too much of an effect. It snapped ineffectively at Zander and his bonehead, but moved too slowly to catch either in his maw. Xandro stabbed at it again, his blade sinking deep, and Alewyth spun Lapis back around to focus on attacking the lizard, swinging Sjondra into his side in a strike that had to have broken a rib or two. Thurloe even cast a shout spell at Kapoona in passing, and while it only did a smaller amount of damage than normal it was still yet another attack that was slowly cutting the tribal god down to size.

As Thurloe turned from Kapoona and flew closer to the orc rampart, Wakuren and Nimbus were already there, dipping underneath the ramp to help the drow captive. Upon seeing the half-orc and his air element warhorse, her eyes opened wide in terror and she let out a scream. "Nia! Nia Mourta!" she cried, tugging frantically at the vines binding her wrists. Thinking she was afraid of his orcish heritage, Wakuren used the powers of his robe of blending to take on the appearance of a drow male, but Ilyraena was looking in fear not at him but at Nimbus - not only had she never seen a horse, she'd never seen any creature made up of cloud-stuff, and to her this was some sort of scaleless lizard: a zombie, in other words, and the rider therefore a manifestation of Death. Not speaking a shared language, Wakuren tried calming her with his tone if not his words, and then realized his desire not to wield weapons meant he had no way to cut the vines binding her. Instead, he was forced to untie the knots, which was made all the more difficult by how hard she'd been trying to free her wrists, which had only tightened them that much harder. But he finally got her free, grabbed her around the waist, and said the phrase that shunted the two of them inside Hesperna's lamp. (This, naturally, was an additional cause for fright to Ilyraena, unaccustomed as she was to extradimensional travel.) But Wakuren raised his empty hands to show her everything was going to be okay, then said the phrase that returned him back to the Material Plane, where he scooped up the lamp and leaped back onto Nimbus's back.

Nimbus had been partially protected by the stone ramp overhead, but he'd been subjected to javelin throws by the orc rangers up on the one wall who could still see him. Nimbus rose straight up, allowing the orc barbarian riding the closest ankylosaur and the orcs up on the wall above to get in some attacks with their weapons as they passed, but Wakuren was able to block most of them with his shield. But in rising up, he caught sight of three separate cages in the back of the fortress beside the ankylosaurus pen, and in each of these cages stood a male drow - they'd need to get rescued as well, for while the half-orc sensed waves of evil coming from the auras of the assembled orcs, he detected none from these drow.

Zander cast an enervation spell at Kapoona that all but drained the life out of the lizard; it was surely on its last legs now. It spun and made an awkward attack at Xandro, but once again it was too slow to connect. Ceph raced far enough away from Kapoona's mouth to not be in much danger, and then Xandro leaned over and stabbed the lizard again with his rapier. Alewyth and Thurloe, seeing the giant banded lizard wasn't long for this world, turned to head over to the orc fortress to see if they could be of more use there. The spellsword cast a lightning bolt spell that took out a few orcs still on the open gate, while the dwarven priestess cast a tongues spell so she could speak with what remained of the orc army. But they found Nimbus heading the other way; Wakuren used the bottom edge of his shield of Cal to bash in the top of Kapoona's skull, and the tribal god collapsed there where he stood, his tail still down the sloping passageway up from his hole.

Naturally, this had quite a demoralizing effect upon the remaining orcs - it's never a good thing to see your god slain in front of you. Alewyth, calling up to them in their own language, demanded the immediate cessation of any attacks, telling them they would be allowed to live. "However," Alewyth added as Wakuren flew Nimbus into the fortress to free the three imprisoned drow men, "you are to cease all ritual sacrifices, from this day forth. If you take up this practice again after we let you live, we will return to slay every member of your wretched tribe. Am I understood!"

It turns out she was understood only all too well, and after Wakuren had the three drow men safely inside Hesperna's lamp with Ilyraena and had returned to Nimbus's back, the heroes returned to Beetle and Robin, so they could continue on for several miles before making camp for the night. As they left earshot of the fortress, the only sounds they could hear was the squabbling among the barbarians about who among them would be the new leader, for Durdok had been slain by Zander's chain lightning spell after just having barely survived Wakuren's thunder strike spell.

Beetle was just glad these strangers had all made it out of there in one piece. He shook his head in amazement; if he got them all to the Forbidden Lands in one piece it would be a miracle!

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I made up the section of fortress wall - complete with working gates - and the stone building with the gong on it, all out of thick craft paper. The outer surface of the wall and gates had a layer of craft paper onto which I had printed parallel logs, which I cut to points at the top, so from the exterior the players all got a pretty accurate picture of what their PCs were seeing. It's nice to be able to go the extra mile like that every once in a while.

Joe was home for spring break the week earlier, so he was able to attend the session and run Zander for once. And at the end of the game session, everyone leveled up their PC to 15th.

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T-shirt worn: My red Iron Man (the superhero, not the triathlon) T-shirt, because one of his nicknames is "the Armored Avenger" and the ankylosaurus is an armored dinosaur.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 15​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 9​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 8​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 9​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 15​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 5​

Game Session Date: 13 April 2024

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Ilyraena sat perched on the back of Wakuren's pachycephalosaurus mount, Persistence, with a little bit of trepidation. Her tribe didn't domesticate dinosaurs, so riding on one was a new experience for her, but the others made it look so easy, and the mount was clearly a plant-eater, but still.... She sat uncomfortably with her legs out stiff at each side, as if afraid to make more contact with the giant reptile than was absolutely necessary. Of course, the others had made it easy for her: they'd tied Persistence's reins to the saddle of Robin's mount, so the drow woman didn't have to do anything but just sit there as her mount plodded along behind Robin's own "bonehead."

Ilyraena was actually at the very back of a double-wide line (with one exception: Wakuren sat astride his cloud-horse Nimbus, directly above Zander Quilson on his pachycephalosaurus, Pachy), all following directly behind Beetle and Yellow-Belly. The jungle had grown in close all around them as they traveled along an animal trail, with the branches arched some 20 feet or so above them, blocking much of the sun's light - which was fine with the drow woman, for her race was adapted to darkness and preferred the nocturnal hours. The other three male drow the heroes from Armaturia had rescued had opted not to return to the tribe with Ilyraena; shamed at having been captured by orcs and rescued by these strangers from another continent, they had decided to continue on their interrupted hunt so they could return to the tribe with fresh game to cook.

The day had started that morning in the usual manner, with Alewyth casting a heroes' feast spell and Wakuren joining her in the ritual casting of an endure elements spell upon Xandro and Robin as well as themselves. Ilyraena had marveled at the ease by which the food had been conjured out of thin air, but had no compunctions about sharing the meal of magical fruits, nuts, breads and pastries, and sides of thick-cut meat. Zander had cast his standard mage armor spell upon himself once they saddled up and began their day's trek to the west, off to the Forbidden Lands with a stop at the jungle drow's tribe along the way, since it was in the same direction in which they were headed.

There was some sort of commotion ahead, which Ilyraena couldn't quite see from the back of the line, but she heard the halfling call out "Swindlespitter," a word from his language with which she was familiar: it was a small dinosaur, slightly smaller than the halfling, known for robbing other dinosaurs of their eggs. She heard it hiss in surprise from somewhere beyond Beetle and Yellow-Belly, and saw the others ahead of her grab up their weapons: Xandro pulled out his wand of sound burst but was too far back in line to use it; Thurloe did the same with his bastard sword Spellslicer; while Robin pulled the lute from her back and began playing her song of inspirational courage. (The music was strange to Ilyraena, whose tribe knew only of flutes and rattles and drums, but she enjoyed the feelings of courage in inspired within her, despite not understanding any of the foreign words.)

At the front of the line, just behind Beetle and Yellow-Belly (who quickly joined Ilyraena at the back of the procession), Zander was peering to the left side of the jungle trail - from which the swindlespitter had emerged - trying to see if there were more of the little dinosaurs following behind. He sent off Petey to investigate, the pseudodragon flying from his master's shoulder through the foliage to the left, ducking and darting between tree limbs and trunks, but telepathically reported back the swindlespitter was alone. However, much farther ahead, the pseudodragon could see a familiar tyrannosaur form hunched forward, making its way stealthily through the jungle forest. He warned his master through the link they shared as sorcerer and familiar, and Zander warned the others in a quiet but insistent voice. Thurloe shaded his eyes with his hand and peered off through the trees to the right, but couldn't see anything moving in that direction.

None of the heroes or their mounts had advanced upon the startled swindlespitter, so it took the opportunity to dart back the way it had come - these strange creatures were much larger than its normal prey! It passed below Petey, unnoticed in its haste to flee; the pseudodragon had landed on a sturdy tree branch and its scales were blending it in with the background environment.

Alewyth's keen darkvision helped her see through the shadows of the dark forest and she'd actually spotted the creeping ceratosaur before it popped out onto the jungle trail, knocking over a tree or two in its haste. The dwarf cast a hold monster spell at it and it froze up in a heartbeat, a good indicator that the spell had had its desired effect. Ten feet high in the air, Wakuren spurred Nimbus forward, intent upon charging the frozen predator and slamming it with his shield of Cal while it was immobile. But in his eagerness, he ignored the movement coming at him from the right side of the jungle trail, and a second ceratosaur smashed its way forward through toppling trees and snapped him out of his saddle, pinning the surprised half-orc between a pair of powerful jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth the size of daggers. Then, for good measure, it shook its head back and forth, tearing through Wakuren's armor and flesh with each shake. The half-orc barely got the words to a freedom of movement spell past his lips, allowing him to slide out from between the jagged teeth and fall to the ground below, leaving a flustered Nimbus to spin in place in the air and strike out at the ceratosaur's head with a front hoof.

Xandro rode forward to the rescue, but rather than travel down the path in the open, he guided Ceph off to the right, dodging around trees as he tried to catch the second ceratosaur unawares. He cast a heroism spell upon himself as they made their way between the trees, the chords of Robin's inspirational song of courage buoying him for the upcoming battle. Thurloe followed in his wake, riding his own mount, Boney, on a parallel course.

Zander, however, opted not to advance at all but still bring the fight to the ceratosaur: without really thinking it through, he cast a summon monster spell that brought forth a blazing, humanoid form from the Elemental Plane of Fire manifesting directly on the forest trail. However, the fire-creature he brought forth stood a full 32 feet tall, so its head and shoulders ignited the leaves and branches above as it brought a flaming fist crashing into the surprised carnivore, who was still wondering what had happened to the juicy morsel it had just had in its mouth mere moments before. Its primitive mind had never before considered the possibility of a creature made entirely of fire, but it knew fire was dangerous and instinctively backed away - which brought Thurloe and Boney into its field of vision. Lurching forward in their direction, it snapped at the spellsword and snatched him up in its powerful jaws, ripping him out of the saddle and flinging him about like a rag doll. Alewyth approached on her own mount, Lapis, with her trusty dwarven warhammer Sjondra in hand; she chose to head straight down the jungle path, veering to the side only as she approached the fire elemental.

Wakuren stumbled to his feet, regained his bearings, and charged the ceratosaur that had bitten him and was now on its way to swallowing up Thurloe. The side of the shield of Cal slammed into the carnivore's leg, tearing a gash between its reptilian scales. Above him, Nimbus continued striking at the dinosaur's head with its hooves. Xandro rode up and swung at the beast with his rapier Deathwhisper, but the ceratosaur stepped away out of range at the last minute - entirely accidentally, as it swung the hapless Thurloe back and forth. Zander cast a scorching ray spell at the thing, catching it with two of the three rays, as Petey returned to the elf's shoulder, reporting back that the dinosaurs they were facing were the only ones in the immediate area.

The huge fire elemental stepped forward, striking at the two ceratosaurs with its burning fists. The first one's scales started on fire where the elemental struck it, but even that failed to break it from its magical suspension. The other dinosaur, already wounded by the previous attacks it had suffered, toppled over at this latest attack, its jaws slackening in death and allowing Thurloe to scramble out of its mouth as it struck the jungle floor. Dizzy from all the thrashing about, he staggered back over to Boney and leaped back into the saddle, then led the beast around the dead ceratosaur to go behind the one still held by Alewyth's spell.

But before the spellsword could get into position, the first carnivore's reptilian mind managed to finally shake off the effects of the hold monster spell. It stepped forward and snapped at Nimbus but apparently didn't like the taste of a creature made of slightly solidified cloud-stuff, for it didn't pursue trying to swallow him down. For his part, Nimbus merely allowed his semisolid form to flow out of the ceratosaur's mouth and reform into its normal, horselike configuration.

Alewyth stood up in her saddle and activated her butterfly brooch, causing insectoid wings to form from her back and carry her erratically into the air - she wished to bring Sjondra to the fight, but feared letting Lapis get that close to a predatory dinosaur that no doubt found pachycephalosaurus meat to be a fine dining experience. But as she closed the gap between them, Wakuren was channeling positive energy - of the type normally used to turn undead creatures away - into his shield of Cal, and turning to face the ceratosaur who'd tried eating his cloud-steed. Nimbus kicked it in the head for its effrontery but then wisely backed away, not having enjoyed the experience of having had a chunk of cloud-stuff bitten from his midsection. Xandro was riding forward, ready to engage with Deathwhisper, while Zander and Petey were backing away, keeping as far out of harm's way as was possible. But then the elemental sent its flaming fists crashing into either side of the dinosaur's head, and that was enough to drop it to the jungle floor, dead.

The immediate threat having been taken care of, Zander dismissed his elemental before it burned down any more of the jungle (fortunately, the trees overhead were still wet from a recent rain, so the fires started by the elemental's presence were already starting to flicker out), and Wakuren cast a pair of mass cure light wounds spells in sequence to deal with the worst of the damage he, Thurloe, and Nimbus had taken. Then, everyone got back into formation and the group continued on the way they'd been heading.

Before too long, however, they stopped to move Persistence up by Yellow-Belly, for they were veering off of the jungle path and following an unseen trail known only to Ilyraena. To the others, it seemed as if they were merely wandering through the jungle, but the drow woman recognized the landmarks telling her she was nearing her tribe's location. Before too long, she put her hands to her mouth and made the sound of a bird's cry, only to be answered in kind from somewhere up ahead. "We are nearly there!" she said, and Zander translated for the benefit of those without an active tongues spell up and running. Wakuren, knowing the fear his half-orc form would likely bring to the tribe of jungle drow, used the illusory powers of his robe of blending to take on the appearance of a drow male; then, realizing a drow male would be expected to be able to speak and understand the drow language, he hastily cast a tongues spell on himself to buoy up the illusion.

A jungle drow warrior, wearing little more than a loincloth and wielding a longspear, leaped down from a tree branch up ahead, and Ilyraena greeted him by name. "Gilgaesh," she said, "these strangers are friends. They rescued me and three others after we'd been captured by a band of orcs!" She then gave him a condensed version of her recent exploits in nearly becoming the latest Bride of Kapoona.

"I welcome you to our tribe," replied Gilgaesh formally. "There is a open grove nearby, in this direction" - here he pointed off to the north - "if you wish to leave your riding beasts there. There is a brook for water and plenty of undergrowth for them to feast upon." Beetle volunteered to take Nimbus and the dinosaurs there and stay with them, as Gilgaesh led the rest of the group down a sloping, dirt-packed ramp between two large trees; a wooden door had been placed there at the bottom, and he opened it up and ushered everyone inside - where they saw they were at the bottom of a massive, 10-foot-deep pit, surrounded on all sides above by thick trees clustered closely together, their roots occasionally hanging down the walls of the pit. "The trees keep the larger beasts at bay," he explained to the newcomers, before facing Ilyraena and giving her an update on the latest news.

"Ranagar has made a formal challenge for leadership of the tribe," he told her. "Vhaundalan has until midnight to face him here in the combat arena, or forfeit his position forevermore. But he sleeps in his cave, and all of our efforts to awaken him have failed." This got the heroes' interest: another victim of the dream coma? Alewyth, through the magic of a tongues spell, explained their experience in such matters and their willingness to try to awaken Chieftain Vhaundalan.

About this time, a door to the south opened up and an attractive drow woman advanced. She too wore very little: a brief skirt wrapped around her hips and strips covering each breast and meeting at the back of the head, all seemingly made from the hide of a spotted creature very much like a leopard or cheetah. She introduced herself as Alaundria, the tribe's wise-woman. She agreed to allow the heroes to try to awaken Chieftain Vhaundalan from his sleep, leading them to an opening in the pit wall to the north, where a pair of male jungle drow wielding spears stood in readiness to defend the tribe's living areas. "Lay down the shield of friendship," she commanded, and the warriors hurried to obey, placing a wooden shield as tall as they were on the ground before them, spanning a series of flat rocks laid into the dirt across the width of the cave opening. They didn't explain the reason for this custom, but the heroes suspected it was bypassing some sort of trap; sure enough, one of the "flat rocks" was the upper surface of a basidirond, buried in a narrow pit the width of its own fungoid body, such that anyone stepping upon its "head" would trigger an explosion of deadly, hallucinogenic spores. But once everyone had crossed the shield of friendship, Alaundria led the heroes through several caverns until they got to the Cave of Supplication, an open cavern with a ledge at the back some 12 feet high, upon which stood a throne made of the bones of fearsome creatures. This, explained the wise-woman, was where Chieftain Vhaundalan would hear the petitions of his people for guidance. A narrow, natural stone stairway off to the side led to this higher level, at the back of which was the chieftain's personal sleeping cave. And there, asleep on a cot, lay the leader of the jungle drow tribe.

Alewyth explained the ritual they would be performing, and after listening politely, Alaundria excused herself. "I will let you get on with it. Ilyraena, Gilgaesh, if you will remain and observe the ritual, I will be in my own quarters seeking answers through visions. Please report back to me the success or failure of our new friends." And with that, she walked back down the single-file stairwell, returning to her own quarters at the south end of the combat pit.

The five dreamwalkers dragged the cot into the middle of the chieftain's sleeping cave, then each took out their dreamstone headbands and tied them into place, Alewyth doing likewise with a spare leather headband she tied around Vhaundalan's brow, lining up the dreamstone so it sat in the center of his forehead. It seemed that Ilyraena and Gilgaesh would be watching over their sleeping forms while they entered the Dreamlands, but so would Robin, Petey, and - once activated by Zander - the living form of the jade cooshee statuette the elf sorcerer carried with him. Robin got out her lute and began playing a gentle lullaby, aiding the dreamwalkers as they settled their minds and nodded off to sleep.

Oddly enough, this time as each dreamwalker entered the Dreamlands, they went immediately into the chieftain's dreams; usually, they were each met by their moogle guide and escorted into the Corridor of Dreams, winding this way and that until they got to the one specific door out of thousands that led to the dream they sought. "Odd," remarked Xandro. But then he got a good look at the dreamscape and all concerns about why this time it was different fled his immediate attention.

Chieftain Vhaundalan lay, naked and spreadeagled, on the dirt floor of the combat arena. Wrapped around each ankle and wrist was a serpentine figure the dreamwalkers identified immediately as a hypnalis viper, creations of the Nightmare King, whose magical venom put the dreamer into a dream coma if the snake bit the dream-version in his or her personal dreamscape. Standing before Chieftain Vhaundalan was another black-skinned drow warrior, this one wearing an elaborate headdress and wielding a spear and a wooden shield upon which was painted a coiled serpent. "This is what will happen tonight if you face me in the combat pit," the helmeted warrior - obviously Ranagar, although the heroes had yet to meet him in the Waking World - sneered, stabbing down with the point of his spear and quickly castrating the tribal leader. Chieftain Vhaundalan howled in pain as blood spurted from his wound--

--only for time to skip back a moment, with the helpless chieftain still spreadeagled and unable to resist but his body still intact. "Face me in combat, and become a eunuch!" sneered Ranagar, once more stabbing forward with the point of his spear and slicing off his leader's genitals, which plopped onto the dirt with a wet sound as blood gushed from the wound. It was quite apparent this was one of those dreams that was going to go over the same event time and time again, with Chieftain Vhaundalan getting to experience castration over and over again.

Without Robin present, Xandro took it upon himself to supply the others with the song of inspirational courage. Pulling the Dardolian Lute from his back, he started the initial words to the song, then noticed the unmoving form of a drow woman lying in the dirt along the edge of the pit. He moved over beside her, reaching down and feeling for a pulse, but there was none - Alaundria the wise-woman was quite dead in this dreamscape.

Zander stepped forward and cast a chain lighting spell, targeting one of the hypnalis vipers and arcing the electricity off to strike the other three; he wasn't sure yet what would happen if they took Ranagar out this quickly, for he seemed to be leading this dreamscape. (Was he a dreamwalker himself? the elf wondered.) The sorcerer's spell slew the initial target, the viper coiled around Chief Vhaundalan's left foot, but the drow leader was curled up in the fetal position, cradling the area where his genitals had once been.

Thurloe charged the other hypnalis viper on Vhaundalan's left side, the one coiled around his wrist. The spellsword activated his torc of the titans, adding additional strength to his swing. The blade cut deep but the viper struck back, sinking its teeth into the spellsword's shoulder and pumping him full of its venom. But Thurloe wasn't the least bit concerned, for the heroes' feast he'd partaken of that morning made him immune to all poisons, and that carried over to his dream-form when he slept. The two serpents coiled at Vhaundalan's right side swung their bodies back, ready to strike out at anyone who approached.

Alewyth cast a hold person spell at Ranagar, but she could tell at once that it had no effect. Belatedly, she recalled that drow had an inherent resistance to spell energy and wondered if that has been the cause of her spell's failure. Wakuren charged forward, leading with his shield of Cal, slamming it into the drow warrior. He could tell he'd done some damage, but not as much as he would have hoped; it seemed Ranagar had some sort of magical protection - possibly a stoneskin spell? - in effect.

Zander cast another chain lightning spell, this time making Ranagar the prime target, but it fizzled upon contact with the drow spearman. Thurloe, using up another daily charge from his magical torc, decapitated the hypnalis viper coiled around Vhaundalan's left wrist, but he was in too much shock and pain to even notice. It didn't even register when the other two vipers released his right wrist and ankle, one slithering off to attack Thurloe and the other heading towards Wakuren. Alewyth cast a sound burst spell, placed to get both Ranagar and the hypnalis viper attacking Wakuren within range; the spell slew the serpent but left the drow still up and fighting.

Wakuren, no longer threatened by a hypnalis viper, slammed his shield into Ranagar's side again. Ranagar returned the attack, but did so in a very unusual manner: rather than use the spear in his hand, he leaned forward and bit at the half-orc's neck, scratching him with unseen claws from his hands as he did so. Wakuren could feel venom coursing through his system from the neck wound, but he was also protected from all types of poisons due to that morning's heroes' feast. Ranagar snarled in irritation.

Xandro continued playing his song of inspirational courage, but after seeing Ranagar bite Wakuren he became worried the drow might actually be a vampire. He looked down at Alaundria's corpse, seeking puncture wounds on her neck, but there were none. Nor, now that he thought about it, were there any signs of how she might have been slain, for her body seemed unmarked by any type of wound.

Zander tried casting a feeblemind spell at Ranagar but came up against the drow's innate spell resistance, and it had no effect whatsoever. Thurloe had better luck with the last hypnalis viper, slaying it with a pair of deep cuts from Spellslicer. And Vhaundalan, finally noticing he was no longer bound by the coiled serpents, started crawling to the edge of the combat pit, leaving a trail of blood from his spurting wound as he did so.

Alewyth ran up to him and, wincing at the horrid wound, placed her hand upon the area and cast a cure critical wounds spell upon it. The healing energy sealed up the chieftain's wound and stopped the bleeding, but his severed organs still lay in the dirt where they'd landed after his most recent - and, it seemed, permanent - castration. He looked up at the dwarf with an expression of gratitude and eternal sorrow.

Ranagar suddenly backed up and touched a hand to his hip - and then grinned evilly as the wounds he'd sustained all healed back up instantly. Wakuren looked on in shock as he realized the drow had just somehow cast a heal spell upon himself - and it was bothering him, but he was fairly sure he'd seen that "hand to the hip" gesture somewhere recently - but where? But deciding they needed to gang up on Ranagar if they were going to take him down, he raced around the drow to get behind him, knowing he was stepping on the flat stones by the entrance of the cavern network at the north end of the pit; hopefully whatever trap the shield of friendship overcame wasn't present in this dreamscape. It apparently wasn't, for Wakuren felt no ill effects from standing on the flat stones, but the bestow curse spell he tried casting on Ranagar got him nowhere.

So, the half-orc tried a different tactic. "Xandro!" he called. "Get him!"

Xandro set the Dardolian Lute down beside Alaundria's body and ran to the drow warrior, drawing Deathwhisper from the scabbard at his hip as he did so. The magic rapier stabbed deep into the drow's torso, causing him to spill a stream of blood from his lips. Zander was right there behind the rogue, casting a spell he knew would have an effect: a haste spell encompassing all five of the dreamwalkers. The extra burst of speed allowed Thurloe to cross the combat pit and strike at Ranagar from behind, and while his bastard sword did no actual damage to the drow challenger, its mere touch allowed it to do one of its primary abilities: dispel illusions. Suddenly, standing there surrounded by heroes was no longer Ranagar, drow warrior, but a nine-foot-tall woman of obese proportions, with long, stringy hair. Wakuren immediately recalled where he'd seen the "tap and heal" maneuver performed: it was while fighting the dreamthief hag in the alternate Dreamscape where they'd each gained their spirit kaiju. This being before them, Jabissa, was another of that vile race, hags who could carve out their own "pocket dreamscapes" undetectable by even the moogles who ran the Dreamlands.

As Alewyth cast a harm spell at Jabissa - which, unfortunately, fizzled away as had so many of their spells during this battle - Wakuren recalled another fact about dreamthief hags: they brought their own physical bodies into the dreamscapes they created. That meant this wasn't just a dream-body they were fighting, it was the one and only Jabissa. If the hag managed to "kill" any of the dreamwalkers in this battle, they'd merely wake up back on the Mortal World, but if they managed to kill Jabissa here, she'd be as dead as if they'd slain her in the Material Plane.

Jabissa leaned forward and bit at Xandro, once again snarling in disappointment when her venom seemed to have no effect. But then Wakuren slammed at her again with his shield of Cal, after he'd channeled Cal's smiting energy into it, for although he could detect no telltale source of evil emanating from the hag's aura, he knew good and well she was evil as could be (and there were various ways to hide one's evil alignment from detection). She roared in pain and fury at the attack, and then once again as Xandro stabbed her in the spleen with his rapier. Zander tried another chain lightning spell on the hag, and this time he successfully got the spell past her innate resistance, dealing her a considerable amount of damage. Thurloe channeled the last daily charge of strength-enhancing power from his magical torc and brought his bastard spell cutting deep into Jabissa's side. Even Alewyth got into the action, stepping up and swinging Sjondra down onto one of the hag's kneecaps.

By this time, Jabissa had had enough of this dreamscape combat against these wretched foreigners. She hoped the tortures she'd made Chieftain Vhaundalan experience here in her hellish dreamscape would be enough to plant the fear of Ranagar into him, such that when he faced the drow challenger he'd be off his game enough to allow Ranagar to take over the tribe. Then, in her guise as Alaundria - for the real wise-woman was trapped in her own dream coma back in her sleeping chamber, a victim not of a hypnalis viper like Chieftain Vhaundalan here but having been trapped within Jabissa's book of dreams - she'd be the de facto ruler of these jungle drow, using Ranagar as her fearful puppet (for he'd well know whatever she had done to Vhaundalan could easily be done to him, if he failed to heed her every command). But all of her plans required her to continue to live, and it was looking like that wasn't a likely outcome if she hung around here with these interfering dreamwalkers. She opened a gateway through the Ethereal Plane back to the Waking World, but in doing so she opened herself up to numerous attacks from the dreamwalkers' weapons; still, she survived the cumulative assault and stepped back into Chieftain Vhaundalan's sleeping chamber, much to the surprise of those standing watch over the sleeping dreamwalkers, none of whom had expected the sudden appearance of a nine-foot-tall hag.

"We need to wake up!" cried Wakuren back in the dreamscape. calming his racing thoughts enough to focus upon waking himself back up. Beside him, the others did likewise.

Robin, who had been continuing to play the soft lullaby on her lute, immediately switched over to the song of inspirational courage as she saw her five companions starting to stir. Petey darted forward with the flapping of his little wings and stabbed at Jabissa with his tail-stinger, hitting but failing to penetrate her thick hide deep enough to inject enough of his sleep venom to make a difference. The cooshee likewise ran up to the hag and bit her, getting a good grip on her calf but unable to bring the massive bulk of the obese woman crashing to the floor. Jabissa kicked her leg out of the cooshee's mouth and slapped Petey away as if shooing a fly, before racing to the throne of bones - Gilgaesh was standing immediately before the stone stairway, which looked to be rather narrow for her use in any case - and leaped down the 12 feet to the floor below. Alewyth got a swat at her with Sjondra in passing, but it was Wakuren who was the first to rise himself from the sitting position around Chieftain Vhaundalan's cot and pursue the fleeing hag. Just as she was entering the central cavern, Wakuren got to the throne and was able to see her right arm as she ran around the corner, but that was enough for him to target her with a chain lightning spell, and that dropped her to the stone floor, quite dead.

Once the others gathered around the hag's corpse - to include Chieftain Vhaundalan, who had awakened with the heroes and was surprised to hear how long he'd been sleeping - Xandro gave her a quick pat-down. At her hip, she carried a tome of some sort in a cloth bag; pulling it out and flipping through its pages, he saw several illustrations of note: one of Ranagar castrating a bound and helpless Vhaundalan, and another a picture of Alaundria imprisoned within a cage of bones. The book was entitled simply, The Book of Dreams, but Wakuren surmised it was a variant of the dreamthief hag's standard dreamstone, into which she could imprison those she "slew" in their dreams.

"Can you take us to see Alaundria?" the half-orc, still in his guise as a drow male, asked. Ilyraena, with approval from the chieftain, led the way, filling in her leader on what all had transpired.

Alaundria lay upon her own sleeping cot in her quarters, a serpent coiled upon her stomach. Seeing it, Alewyth moved as if to attack it, but Chieftain Vhaundalan held her back. "That is Voivode," he explained. "It is her familiar, watching over her."

"Do we need to perform another dream ritual?" asked Thurloe.

"Not if this is what I think it is," Wakuren answered, holding up The Book of Dreams. He laid it upon the stone floor of the wise-woman's sleeping cave, and directed Zander to set it ablaze. One scorching ray spell later, the Book of Dreams was burning nicely and Alaundria blinked awake in confusion. What followed was a lot of explanations as to what had been going on for the last several days, starting with the heroes rescuing Ilyraena.

"This Ranagar was in league with the dreamthief hag," Alewyth finished up. "The torture you received in the dream was a ploy to break your confidence, so he'd be able to beat you in the combat arena." She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "He was cheating," she affirmed, a concept she found abhorrent - if he doubted his ability to win the combat challenge, then he had no right making the challenge in the first place!

"Bring Ranagar to me," ordered Chieftain Vhaundalan, and Gilgaesh ran off to comply. Returning with the challenger for tribal leadership, Gilgaesh smiled as Ranagar saw his schemes having been undone, as testified by Jabissa's cooling corpse. "Your ploy has failed," the chieftain assured him. "I will accept your challenge for leadership immediately."

As per tribal custom, Ranagar could not back out of the challenge he had proffered. The entire tribe lined up along the edges of the combat pit, some sitting on the ground between the trees and others perched in the lower branches; the heroes joined them to watch the battle unfold. They were warned against any type of magical interference, as this was to be a combat pitting one leader against another, in a fight to the death using only shield and spear. Chieftain Vhaundalan's shield held the image of the head of a great, saber-fanged cat, while Ranagar's held the image of a coiled serpent - an image he had hoped the leader, after his dream-torture, would blanche at the very sight of. But such was not the case; Vhaundalan defeated Ranagar in the deadly combat without breaking a sweat. Only then, after Ranagar had been slain, did he pull the dagger from his belt and use it to cut out his opponent's heart, lift it in triumph before the cheering crowd, and eat it raw before them. Shouting in enthusiasm, the tribesfolk leaped back down into the combat arena, some stripping Ranagar's corpse while others started a blazing fire in the middle of the pit.

"Um, what's going on?" asked Xandro nervously.

"The chieftain prepares a feast in your honor!" Ilyraena replied, after Xandro's question had been repeated to her in her own tongue. "We will devour the body of the coward Ranagar, that he may serve us in the only way he possibly can!" It took some careful diplomacy on Alewyth's part to beg off on the offer of cannibalism, but she offered up a hearty slab of dinosaur meat they had waiting inside Hesperna's lamp and added it to the impromptu feast; the heroes all ensured it was the dinosaur meat they consumed in the feast that night, and not Ranagar's seared flesh. (Not even the drow wished to consume the dreamthief hag's corpse; she was dragged off far from the tribe's lair to be consumed by carrion-eaters.)

After everyone had been sated, Alaundria offered up rewards of her own for the heroes' aid: a pile of gourds containing potions she had brewed, as well as an offer to join her in a sweat lodge ritual. Alewyth thanked her for the first, storing them in the extradimensional gnomish candy dish she carried, and after consulting with the others, readily agreed to the second as well. Stripping down to nothing, they joined Alaundria in the sweat lodge at the lowest cavern in the wise-woman's part of the lair, and they watched as she added ladles of cool water to a red-hot stone in the center of the steam-chamber. Releasing their thoughts and letting the ritual overtake them, the heroes all saw shapes begin to form in the rising steam: it was Alewyth, Sjondra in hand, swinging at a pair of tendrils that danced before her like swaying serpents. But as she batted them away, another crept up behind her and pinned her arms to the side as it lifted her in the air. Sjondra dropped from numb fingers as the dwarven priestess was lifted into the open maw of something quite like a giant Venus fly-trap, being swallowed down in an instant. A bulbous growth started expanding at the base of the massive plant, and it suddenly burst open, revealing Alewyth standing there with a face devoid of expression. Wordlessly, she bent over and picked up her dwarven warhammer, then walked forward as if eager for combat, although the lack of movement on her face betrayed no such desire.

"Well, that's something I'm not particularly looking forward to," Alewyth admitted as the ritual completed and they all put back on their clothes and armor.

"It may not occur," pointed out Zander. "These are glimpses at possible futures - not all of them are set in stone."

"How far in the future?"

"Generally, within a week or so," replied Alaundria.

"Well then, we'll find out in the following week," replied the dwarf, tugging on her boots.

- - -

That was indeed a hint at possible things to come, as the next adventure has them encountering a bodythief plant I discovered in a Pathfinder Bestiary and decided to write an adventure around. We'll see if it manages to devour Alewyth or not.

The players were glad to see another adventure taking place (at least partially) in the Dreamlands. I assured them they haven't seen the last of their dreamwalker skills being put to use in this campaign.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My Einstein shirt, as it has him smoking a pipe whose smoke turns into galaxies - it's my "go to" shirt to represent the Dreamlands.

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