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City of Tomorrow RG


Metropolis is one of the largest and most well-known cities in the United States and is the adopted hometown of Metropolis' favorite son; Superman.
Built upon the island of New Troy, which was bought from the area's natives by Swedish settlers in exchange for trinkets, the city is a skyscraper island bustling with commerce and business. The concrete and steel canyons of the city rise to dizzying heights and has become dubbed as the “City of Tomorrow”.

However Superman is not the only hero in the Big Apricot. Other, novice heroes, looking to make a name from themselves reside in Metropolis fighting the good fight. Can these heroes band together and step out of the long shadow cast from the Man of Steel?

OOC: not sure where the superhero prefixes went?
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View attachment 95254

Dex: 07 Str: 02 Bod: 05 Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Int: 05 Wil: 04 Min: 06 Occupation: Freeloader
Inf: 03 Aur: 04 Spi: 04 Resources {or Wealth}: 002
Init: 015 HP: 075
Force Field: 10E, Gravity Decrease: 10DE

Bonuses and Limitations:
Power Loss (No range, All Powers; No Gravitational Field)

Artist: 3L, Scientist 5L

Area Knowledge (Metropolis), Luck


Age (Over 18 but looks younger), Debt, Oblivious, Minor Irrational Fear (Heights), Secret Identity, Uncertainty

Alter Ego: Jacob Warscott
Height: 5'-11"
Wealth: 2APs ($2,500)
Weight: 186lbs
Group Affiliation: none
Age: 19
Base of Operations: Hometown
Eye Color: Hazel
Occupation: Freeloader
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Marital Status: single (no girlfriend either)
Known Relatives: Steven Warscott (father, scientist), Margarey Warscott (mother, homemaker), Jennifer Warscott (younger sister(15), homeschooled), Jeffrey Warscott (younger brother(9), homeschooled), Colin Warscott (uncle (father's brother), freelance columnist)

How to start this? My name is Jacob "Jake" Warscott, but the world has come to know me as 0/Gs (Zero-Gees), the youngest hero in a world of heroes. I guess I should start with how I got my powers...

It was the summer of my senior year, I had finally graduated and couldn't wait for a few months of vegging in front of the t.v. or working on another art project in my room. But my father was having none of that, he got me an internship at StarLabs to "help with my college prospects". As if sweeping floors and cleaning windows can get you college credits.

I never knew exactly what my father did for a living, he didn't talk much about his work at home and it really never came up. I found out why when I overheard a heated conversation with him and some guy (I never got a good look at) about the need for secrecy and that most of the work my father did was classified (sometimes even to him), and not to leave the building. My dad didn't want to become famous or rich, I found out he just wanted the world to benefit from the work he did and not just a few "rich cats" or senators down in the deep-state.

Take for instants the machine that gave me my powers and changed my world forever. Dubbed "Light Load" it was to be a way of effecting the gravity in a specific area to lighten the cargo of trucks, planes, and ships. Thus not only faster transportation of goods, but also consumption of less fuel. Just don't tell the suits it cost three times as much to run the Light Loader than it did to just buy more gas. I was suppose to be making sure the exhaust fans in the main conduction room were clean, and I wasn't having much fun due to them being nearly fifteen feet in the air, and the mighty overly-funded StarLabs still had an old wooden ladder from the late 50's to work with.

Now I'm sure you are aware of where this is going; rickety ladder plus wrong place equals zap instant hero, and you would be so close to the bull's eye as to win a prize. But to give you a few details (at least those I remember), yes the ladder did dump my butt right through one of the conduction coils. I fell back, broke through the thin plastic shell while whatever energy my father was working with was coursing through the tube. Fail safes and protocols immediately shut everything down, but I found out later it was to late for me. I awoke outside the tube on the floor my father and his co-workers surrounding me. I was taken to a clean room and tested the next two days (which felt like a month with no t.v. or video games), I was given a clean bill of health, the investigators believing I bounced off the tube and was never exposed to anything dangerous (Hey I wasn't going to tell them different and end up a guinea pig for life.), and I got to go home.

I discovered my powers by accident, as is probably more common than most. The first time I knew something was wrong is when I woke up one morning to find everything in my room floating, including me. I spent the next month learning to control what I could effect in a given area. Note: I haven't had much luck, but I know I should be able to tighten my area of effect as it were. Soon summer was over and I was bound for community college, as I didn't apply to any others or look into any scholar ships. I tired using the facilities there, but after being in StarLabs it was like playing with your little brother's first chemistry set. Bad, just bad. So I found no help there and wasn't even sure why I was going, so I dropped out - and now they're hounding me for money, like because of them I went out and got a job the next day. HA! Can't get blood from a stone people, remember that.

I spent a lot of time in my room for the next two months, not wanting to face my father, and that is when 0/Gs was born. I spent time looking into heroes and why they do what they do. I read old newspaper articles, watched youtube interviews, and documentaries. What I found out in most cases is a hero takes his abilities as a great responsibility and if he didn't try and make a difference then who would. It reminded me of the argument I overheard my father having. He had the power to help and believed because he did have it that he should help those he could.

Well if your reading this dad I became 0/Gs because it is what you would have done.
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View attachment 95093
Dex: 05 Str: 06 Bod: 07 Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Int: 05 Wil: 03 Min: 03 Occupation: Professional Wrestler
Inf: 04 Aur: 04 Spi: 02 Resources {or Wealth}: 006
Init: 014 HP: 028
Growth: 05

Bonuses and Limitations:
2 APs of Growth is Always On (Reflected in Above Attributes)

Acrobatics: 07, Charisma: 05, Martial Arts: 07 (Assault, Blocking, Techniques)

Area Knowledge (Metropolis), Popularity


Limelight, Public ID

Personal Data
Character Name: Blockade
Character Type: Hero
Alter Ego: James Freeze
Occupation: Professional Wrestler
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Victor Fries (fifth cousin, twice removed)
Group Affiliation: Metropolis Wrestling Federation
Base of Operations: Metropolis
Height: 1 APs (7'4")
Weight: 4 APs (520 lbs)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Age: 22
As a child, James displayed symptoms of his gigantism very early, reaching 6'3” by age 12. At age 16, he discovered that he could grow even larger.
He has kept this power secret for the last 6 years.
Blockade has been wrestling in the MWF for 2 years now, and has established himself as one of the most popular figures in the franchise.
He plays the role of the hero in the league.
Recently, during a major televised match, there was an attempt to rob the box office. Blockade stopped it, using his powers publicly for the first time.

When in character, Blockade displays the same brash, over-the-top, personality as other professional wrestlers.[/sblock]


View attachment 95642
Dex: 06 Str: 04 Bod: 08 Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Int: 04 Wil: 04 Min: 06 Occupation: Model/Singer
Inf: 06 Aur: 05 Spi: 06 Resources {or Wealth}: 010
Init: 016 HP: 044
Energy Blast: 08L, Flight: 08, Glue: 10

Bonuses and Limitations:

Artist (Musician/Singer): 08

Attractive, Insta-Change

Entertainment Industry (Low)

Attack Vulnerability (Darkness Effects, -2 CS OV/RV), Married, Serious Irrational Fear (Slimy Things)

Hero ID:
Civilian ID:
Marital Status:
Geneva Gyre
Thrill Seeker
5'11" (180 cm) in flats
9 stone (126#, 57 kg)
Starting HP:
Attribute HP:
Powers, Skills & Wealth HP:
Advantages HP:
Initiative:+15Wealth:10 APRemaining HP:44
Geneva (JEN eh vuh) Gyreston (GIE er stun) was born in London, third child, to Gerald and Mary Gyreston. She started singing in church choir at a young age and became a soloist by her 10th birthday. In her teens, she joined a rock band, The Furies, and began her singing career. Her agent convinced her to change her name to Gyre and she had it legally changed when she turned 18. She left The Furies around the same time after breaking up with the guitarist when he didn't want her to become a page 3 girl for a London tabloid. After posing for the paper, she started a modelling career. Her modeling career allowed her to travel the world as a young adult. Eventually she was noticed singing in a small club in New York sitting in with a random band by her future agent, Sheila Skylark. Sheila got her a music deal and she recorded her first album.

In New York, she gigged for a year with some session players to practice for the album. While driving to a gig, the van was driven off the road and where it landed in a pool of slimy water that caused the musicians to die from poisonous fumes. She survived and watched horrified as they dissolved into a slimy goo. She was found by EMTs on the side of the road. No sign of the musicians was found. In the hospital she discovered she could create small bubbles of light, similar to soap bubbles. When she found out she could fly, she knew she had to use any excuse to fly that she could. So she trained herself to use these light bubbles as much as she could and discovered they weren't made of light at all, but instead some kind of kinetic energy force. With her growing wealth she was able to purchase a superhero costume which can be activated with a thought.

She has no idea how she was the only survivor of the accident and sometimes feels she owes the dead musicians to use the powers she was given. (Unknown to Gen is that her father was a costumed hero many years ago, he retired when he met Mary. Gen only survived the acid pit because her father was metahuman and she inherited the potential from him.) She doesn't patrol often but she will duck out of a gig if she sees something illegal going on that requires a superhero to handle it.

Her agent contacted her shortly after that and sent her on an interview with Jason Kildare. Jason is a reporter for a lifestyle website. They immediately hit it off and eventually fell in love. They've been married for a couple years. He knows about her superpowers (the rest of the family do not). When they married, she moved to Metropolis.
Known Relatives: Jason Kildare (Husband), Gerald Gyreston (Father), Mary Gyreston (Mother), Sybil Dunning (Sister), Frank Dunning (Brother-in-Law), Terry Dunning (Niece), and John Gyreston (Brother)
Group Affiliation: Virgin Records (label artist)
Base of Operations: Metropolis​

Geneva is a stunning woman. She wears her long, blond hair down. She dresses in trendy clothes. She has a tattoo on her ankle of a heart and name Jason written on it. Her speaking voice is high pitched. She can sing across seven octaves. On stage, she varies her wardrobe between leather rock-chick chic and jeans and a tee depending on her mood.

As Bubbles, she wears a blue leotard with a white rigid top and a blue jacket over that. Her costume includes a mask and matching boots. Her powers cause her to emit small bubbles of light, similar to glowing soap bubbles, in various colors ranging in radius from 1 to 6 inches. They cling to her body and float around her. When she flies, they trail behind her for several yards before dissipating. Her blast attack causes a beam of these bubbles to stream forth at her target. Her glue attack looks similar but the bubbles cause the targets to be held in place. When she speaks as Bubbles, she uses a very high pitch, even higher than Betty Boop.

Geneva has a joie de vivre that can be infectious. She is normally flirty and loves a good joke. She will sometimes pretend to be the dumb blond if she really hates someone. She hides that she is haunted by the deaths of her bandmates beneath her positive thinking facade.
View attachment 95642
Jason Kildare
Background: Jason is a music reporter for a major lifestyle website. He was born in Boston and grew up wanting to be a musician. He started working at a local paper during college reviewing local bands and was eventually hired full time. He moved on to several different paper and websites since landing at the national website he works for now.
Known Relatives: Geneva Gyre (Wife), Martin Kildare (Father), Eleanor Kildare (Mother, deceased), Jerry Kildare (Brother)
Group Affiliation: Catco Inc (employee)
Base of Operations: Metropolis​

Description: Jason is a good looking man in his late twenties. He normally wears dress casual clothing unless he's going to see a band when he wears jeans and old touring tee-shirts.
Age: 29; Eyes: Green; Hair: Reddish Brown, shoulder length; Height: 6' 1"; Weight: 175#​

Personality: Jason is easy going and, unless he's interviewing someone, tends to let other dictate the direction of a conversation.
[table="align:left][tr][td]DEX: 3
INT: 4
INFL: 5[/td][td]STR: 2
AURA: 2[/td][td]BODY: 3
SPIRIT: 2[/td][/tr]
[/table]Artist: Writer 5, Detective: Clue Analysis 6, Thief: Stealth 5, Weaponry: Firearms 4
Sharp Eye, Area Knowledge Metropolis
Catestrophic Irrational Fear: Silence/Deafness RV 18[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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