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Checking Interest in a PbP Game


Sorry things have been busier than expected this week and I'm just this side of computer illiterate so I haven't been able to steal I mean borrow the layout that the other players are using.

This should get everyone an idea of what I'm working with and I can format it some time this weekend.

Clalick Knappvep
Male Gnome
Illusionist 1/Thief 1
Str 8
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 9

Languages: Common, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, Halfling, Kobold, Thieves Cant
THAC0 20
AC 10
HP ([roll2]+[roll3]/2)
Movement 6
Age 50
Hieght 3'4"
Weight 80lbs

Spells per Day 2
Prepared - Change Self, Sleep (I can't seem to find how many spells I should know)

Thief Skills
PP 25
OL 40
F/RT 30
MS 30
HS 30
DN 30
CW 45
RL 20

Backstab Modifier x2

Saving throws
PPD 13
RSW 11
PP 12
BW 15
S 12

Weapon Proficiencies - Dagger, Quarterstaff
Non Weapon Proficiencies - Brewing, Appraising, Reading/Writing, Spellcraft

Starting GP ([roll4]+[roll5]/2*10) = 60
Current GP 5, SP 5

Clothing - belt, breeches, Cloak, Gloves, tunic, shoes, belt pouch
50' of rope
knife and knife sheath
cook kit
torches x2
flint & steel
2 flasks of oil
Thieves tools
Spell book
Writing ink
small metal mirror
2 loafs of bread

Clalick's father knew that he was a bright boy and went to great lengths to get him training in the magical arts. He was to be a child that would make his father proud.
Or at least that was the plan. The time away from home started out well enough with Clalick doing well in his studies. Then the reports started coming in. Clalick was constantly in trouble. Breaking into the wizards library, messing with dangerous spell components unsupervised, until finally he was sent home with a note saying that he could no longer study under the wizard that had been training him. Apparently it was a fairly big deal that he had messed with an ancient spell that he wasn't even supposed to have access to... And summoned an illusionary beast that he wasn't powerful enough to control and caused a massive panic in the town and nearly cost him his life.

Back at his parents he was a disappointment to his father. It is hard to say if going off to the city is really a way for the boy to try to make something of himself, or just a way for his father to get him out of his sight so that he isn't reminded of the lost opportunities and poor investments.
Mother, as mothers tend to be, was more tender. She gave him a dagger and some money to buy provisions. Telling him as he took the blade from her hands. "It's dangerous in the city alone. Take this."
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William Smith1

Nah, not dead. I have been out of town and unable to post.

I thought we had 3 players - TallIan, jmucchiello, and greenmtn. I will add an NPC to fill out the group to 4. Once we get started if there is anyone else you know that wants to play we can add them.


Voidrunner's Codex

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