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Chains of Asmodeus (RG)

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Name : Rendar Inlaban
Pronouns : He/Him
Race : Half-Elf
Class : Vengeance Paladin
Backstory : Many in this world are prone to jealousy and anger, whatever the source of it may be. None are truly safe from it, from strangers, to acquaintances, to even loved ones, and famillies.

Born of the union of two other half-elves, Rendar was the first of the 2 children they brought into this world, only moments after followed by his younger sister, Emalda. Unlike her brother however, she did inherit the genes of her conceivants, born instead as a full human, the first different to ever set them apart.

Growing up, the two of them were clashed in ever-present disputes and conflicts, the older sibling never truly understood the reasons of it. But of course, how could he ? He wasn't born the inferior one, touched by the luck of genetics. This simple truth has always made him the favored child, a fact he had never truly realised, and that only served to enrage Emalda even further.

In adult years, hasn't it grown for the better. What were the childish disputes turned into animosity, and one-sided hatred. One that pushed Emalda to loathing, both self and outwards. Desperate, she sought support from anywhere she could, no hand able to truly support her. Until, the unholy came to her in her darkest hour, offering her what she always desired : To become more than any mortal could ever be.


Years later, and the young Rendar hadn't heard word of her. She was avoiding him, so he thought. Perhaps could he find her, mend what they had broken ? It wasn't too late, so maybe...

But it was no use, for truth became apparent : She morphed long ago, turned into one of the devils that roam the 9 hells, a gambit made to finally surpass her sibling.

It was ever since, that he sought for the support to face her once again. First through the hellriders, then the enclave. Maybe it isn't too late...


Name: Izek Lurec
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Human
Class: Fiend-Patron Warlock (Pact of the Tome)
Lost Soul: The Infinite Treasure (Greed)

Sheet Link: https://dicecloud.com/character/2LaSYwa7spggdQ7wQ
Backstory: Izek Lurec would be the first person to tell you he's not greedy. He'd also be the only person.

Born to a pair of barristers in Baldur’s Gate Izek Lurec could have easily lived a comfortable life following their trade or honing his natural talent with the viol to become a performer. Instead, his life was changed by a single evening.

Izek’s parents were invited to the birthday party of House Vanthampur’s head Duke Thalamra and brought their teenage son along. Izek was first struck by the opulence of the Patriar’s mansion and then disgusted when he met Amrik Vanthampur. heir to the House and a spoiled brat who treated Izek with disdain solely for lacking noble blood. Izek came to the conclusion that the real difference between them was money and power. Noble blood gave the latter and often ensured the former.

Stealing a book from the Vanthampur’s library out of spite, the second defining event of Izek’s life happened. Hidden inside it was a tome on diabolic pacts, including one made by the Vanthampurs that Izek was able to claim, gaining the powers of a Warlock without selling his soul.

Seeing a path to the wealth that would bring him luxury and power Izek became an adventurer. But no matter how much gold filled his pockets Izek was never satisfied. Still, he followed the teachings of Waukeen the Goddess of merchants and traders and charged a fair price for his services while faithfully fulfilling his deals.

Izek took part in putting an end to the lycanthropic serial killer The Maned Wolf’s murder spree, threw down the Diabolist Baron Mistdal, slew the Whispering Sphinx of Myrkul’s Canyon, alongside a host of other heroic deeds.

Then came another defining event of Izek’s life. Izek and his party defeated Roium Lar the Mind-Milling Enchanter and freed his brainwashed slaves. But in a hidden room in Roium’s lair Izek came upon the evil wizard’s succubus cohort Orysa. Rather than attempt to seduce him physically, the fiend instead played on Izek’s greed, pretending to surrender in order to corrupt him.

With honeyed words Orysa pointed out that while adventuring brought riches quickly the lord who had hired the party to deal with Roium need do nothing except sit on his throne to accumulate gold in his vaults. Izek and his party had risked their lives and freedom but all they’d get for it was a one-time payment. They weren’t even supposed to loot the tower because the wealth inside it had been plundered from the locals. Didn’t they deserve more, didn’t Izek deserve more? Izek walked out of the tower loaded down with loot, not even trying to stop Orysa from escaping.

From there Izek had no more limitations. He’d take any job if it paid well, but even as he made more money than he ever had it wasn’t enough for him. Izek wanted to be royalty, and even that likely wouldn’t satisfy him. Make him a lord and he’d want to be king, make him a king and he’d want to be an emperor.

Then came the events leading to Izek’s death and the loss of his soul. Izek had temporarily left his party for his newest employer. King Nevik of Oayne was an impulsive waste of space, but he was rich. However, what Izek was really after though was the King’s throne. He had joined a conspiracy to overthrow Nevik, claiming to merely want to become the new archmage, but plotting to take the crown for himself after killing his co-conspirators.

Even though the conspiracy fell apart after being betrayed by King Nevik’s chief guardsman Rylak Mitter, Izek believed he would be safe from any fallout from his scheme thanks to the contract he’d signed with Asmodeus. But he realized his folly when an assassin’s knife ended his life. Bleeding out, Izek realized he hadn’t spoken to his parents in years, that his party members were his only friends, and his gold wouldn't mourn him.

Finding himself damned to Hell rather than Waukeen’s divine domain the Marketplace Eternal Izek fell into despair. Now temporarily resurrected by the Conclave of Halruaa, Izek seeks to free his soul from Hell alongside his former party.
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Name : Damocles Siannodel
Pronouns: He / Him
Race: Hexblood
Class: Clockwork Sorcerer 11

Backstory: Some are born in burning houses, others cradled by the glint of silver spoons. But Damocles? His journey began with nothing more than a humble bucket and trowel grasped in his hands. Far as he could recollect, he'd been groundskeeping for his creator, Sorwynn the Bedlam Shepherd.

A brazen and ambitious curator of an expansive menagerie located within' the fey realm. The longer time accrued, the larger the reserve became, needing more enclosures to be built, which meant more mouths to be fed, meaning Sorwynn needed more hands. And such was the birth of Damocles Siannodel.

At first, things were simple, tasks any layman could manage whether it be filling water troughs or cleaning the enclosures. And though the tasks were simple, the creatures they'd be done around were not. See, the menagerie Sorwynn had created was like no other. She had no interest in herding cattle or collecting barn eggs. Sorwynn wished to create a home for the arduous, the burdensome. She wanted to captivate the bizarre, and any creature that'd exhibited those traits could rest assured that it'd find itself a permanent residence at the menagerie.

Years of camaraderie, wisdom, and close calls quickly passed Damocles, each year he left a little more knowledgeable, and with a little less unscathed skin. The labor wore him down, scars of his trade marked him thoroughly, scratches and bruises becoming habitual. But in his wear and tear, he found an invaluable tool, the utility the creatures offered, the same creatures he cared for day in and day out, it was endless.

The reserve continued to grow but Sorwynn had run out of land, she couldn't afford to expand further, everything around was owned by other locals. Strings would have to be pulled, ones that were perhaps too out of reach for the woman, and she'd soon go missing.



First Post
Name: Niveirn Baelavain
Pronouns: They/Them
Race: Eladrin
Class: Path of Wild Magic Barbarian 11
Niveirn bears their eladrin heritage with pride. They make no effort to hide their looks from others, with their tipped ears poking through silver-grey hair. Typically, they centre their passion to stay within the looks of a winter eladrin. Their voice is always followed by a thin zone of mist, like breath on a cold day. Light blue skin, cool to the touch, is smooth across their body; broken up by scars or bruises collected from adventures. Niveirn tends to only carry the essentials with them; a simple backpack, a single necklace they always carry, their trusty maul, and a set of half-plate to shrug off blows. When not set out on travels, their common clothes are soft linens with expansive colours.

Backstory: Niveirn always wanted for new experiences. Chief among them was growing enamoured with adventuring. Tales of heroics, helping people across the world, and the camaraderie that can only be built through mutual experiences.

Niveirn longed for it. After limited preparation, they travelled from the Feywild to the Sword Coast of the Material Plane; an adventure in itself to seek where the lines were thinnest. They soon met their mentor, an Illuskan man by the name of Storn Riverscar. He was a Luskan pirate, seeking his own glory in the world. A pirate that knew the rage of the sea.

Storn took Niveirn under his belt, teaching the eladrin how to forge themself into their own weapon. Teaching was stern and training was rough - both were constant. Niveirn learned a lot, appreciated it deeply, but the mentorship weighed heavy on them. The aggression, the constraints, taking every hit on the chin and punching back twice as hard, it wasn't what they sought.

The pair split after a heated fight. Storn went on his own, seeking to handle every fight with the aggression he perfected, while Niveirn took what they learned and ventured to help people instead. Any aid they could give, whether delving the Material Plane or travelling the Feywild, Niveirn continued to prove to Storn that there were better ways to fight.

Until the Illuskan stopped appearing, and Niveirn couldn't find any word of the man. They searched, to prove their own worth to their mentor, to make it known. But Storn would not ever be found, not when it was found out that he was bound to the Hells for foolish dealings. Niveirn was set on rescuing Storn, either out of care or proof that they aren't wrong.

Voidrunner's Codex

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