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CG's Dragon of Icespire Peak [OOC][FULL]


I think I'd like to play a classic character of mine, the one that gives me my name:

Fitzhugh Cavendish (Fitz) is a lovable rogue. He's a highwayman by profession, but his genuine love for everyone he meets makes it hard for him to do the wrong thing for very long. He'll happily rob a wealthy and arrogant merchant, but he's not about to take the last copper from a beggar. He's also something of a method-actor, and when he's in trouble with the law, he likes to impersonate a guard, watchman, or official. If an interesting case comes up while he's pretending to be a lawman, well, he'll do his best to solve it.

He's never been an optimal character, but he's a lot of fun.

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Steve Gorak

My character is not really a city type, so the road makes more sense. He would readily have helped anybody attacked by goblinoids, so I think that's a good hook.


Name: Bella Mulfield
Race: Halfling; Class/Level: Celestial Warlock-1; Background: Criminal (modified)
Alignment: Neutral Good; Proficiency Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Investigation: 14
Hit Dice: 1d8+1; Spent HD: None

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 16 (+3), Stealth: +5, Thieves' Tools: +5
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 13 (+1), Investigation: +3
Wisdom: 10 (+0), SAVES: +2, Perception: +2
Charisma: 16 (+3), SAVES: +5, Intimidation: +5

Speed: 25 ft
Initiative: +3
AC: 13
HP: 9/9; TEMP: 0
Spells: 1/1
Healing Pool: 2/2d6
Eldritch Blast: +5 1d10 force 120 ft
Daggers: +5 1d4 piercing 20/60 ft; finesse, light, thrown
Languages: Common, Halfling
Tools: Thieves' Tools, Playing Cards
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Background: Criminal (Blackmailer)
Skills: Perception, Stealth
Criminal Contact: I know a guy.
Race: Halfling (Lightfoot)
Abilities: +2 Dex, +1 Cha
Lucky: Reroll 1s on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
Brave: Advantage on saves versus fear.
Nimbleness: Move through creatures of Medium or greater size.
Naturally Stealthy: Can hide when hiding behind a Medium or bigger creature.
Class: Warlock (Celestial Patron)
Skills: Intimidation, Investigation
Spells: Attack: +5, DC: 13
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, light, Prestidigitation, sacred flame
Spells Known: charm person, comprehend languages, cure wounds, guiding bolt,
Spells per Rest: 1 (1st level)
Patron: The Celestial
Bonus spells:light, sacred flame, cure wounds, guiding bolt
Healing Light: 2d6 Pool of healing, heal someone within 60 feet from the pool as a bonus action (up to 3d6 at a time). Pool resets after a long rest.
Leather Armor (10 gp, 10 lb)
Light Crossbow, 20 bolts (25 gp, 5 lb)
2 Daggers (4 gp, 2 lb)
Dark common clothes, w/hood (5 sp, 3 lb)
Thieves' Tools (25 gp, 1 lb)
Deck of cards (5 sp)

40 gp
Bella grew up in a somewhat wealthy household as a middle child to her parents, Ebon and Sora Mulfield, where she studied the family business diligently under her mother and used her business acumen to start giving loans to friends of her friends, for "simple" interest. Her loan sharking eventually led her into blackmailing, though, she never blackmailed her loan victims, instead using them to give her targets for the blackmail. Her parents kicked her out when they discovered her operation. Cut off and unused to living on the "streets" (it was a forest) she prayed for help from anyone who could help. She heard a voice in the forest, and wary of fey ignored it for a while until she came upon an injured man in the forest. She rushed to pick his pockets but instead, as she touched him, a warm arcane magic flowed from her to him, healing him. Awed by what happened, she turned over a new leaf, dedicated to helping others, or is she just milking her helpers ability in trade for power?

Starting Money: 4d4*10 110


If someone wants to be the person Bella heals in the woods, that could be a good hook. Presumably, you will have saved Bella's live since that event and we consider each other even on the life debt scale.​
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Fitz could absolutely be the injured man in the woods. He's been known to get himself shot from time to time when robbing a wagon. He also tends to live it rough in the woods when he is out of funds.

I'm sure Fitz and Bella could have interesting conversations about the pros and cons of direct robbery vs blackmail and loan sharking. Although, with her patron she says she's trying to go straight so she might annoy Fitz with "what's the right thing to do?"

So Fitz and Bella met in the woods outside of Neverwinter. In Neverwinter we probably met one (or two) of the other and someone convinced the rest of us there's money to be had in Phandalin so we decide to go there together. And then we meet up with anyone else along the way.

I didn't kit out Bella with travel stuff yet. I'll do that before we "arrive" in Phandalin.


Fitzhugh Cavendish Male Human Charlatan Rogue Level 1
Chaotic Good Diety: None

AC 14 (Leather)
HP 9/9
THP 0/0
Hit Dice: 1/1 at 1d8+1
Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 13

Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Int 11 (+0) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 14 (+2)

Saving Throws: Dexterity +5; Intelligence +2

+5 for 1d8+3p
Dagger +5 1d4+3p (Thrown 20/60) 2/2
Shortbow +5 1d6+3p (Range 80/320) Arrows 20/20

Sneak Attack +1d6 Damage

Acrobatics (Dex) +3
Animal Handling (Cha) -1
Arcana (Int) +0
Athletics (Str) +1
Deception** (Cha) +7
History (Int) +0
Insight (Wis) -1
Intimidation (Cha) +3
Investigation* (Int) +2
Medicine (Wis) -1
Nature (Int) +0
Perception** (Wis) +3
Performance* (Cha) +5
Persuasion (Cha) +3
Religion (Int) +0
Sleight of Hand* (Dex) +5
Stealth* (Dex) +5
Survival (Wis) +1

Light Armour;
Crossbow, Hand, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword, Simple Weapons;
Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Thieves' Tools;
Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant

Features & Feats
Race Features (Variant Human)
Bonus Feat (Actor):
You gain +1 CHA, you have advantage on Deception and Performance checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person, and you can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures that you have heard (for at least 1 minute).

Rogue Features
1: Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
1: Expertise: Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make for Deception and Perception (2 chosen).
1: Thieves' Cant: You have learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

Backstory: Fitzhugh Cavendish (Fitz) is a lovable rogue. He's a highwayman by profession, but his genuine love for everyone he meets makes it hard for him to do the wrong thing for very long. He'll happily rob a wealthy and arrogant merchant, but he's not about to take the last copper from a beggar. He's also something of a method-actor, and when he's in trouble with the law, he likes to impersonate a guard, watchman, or official. If an interesting case comes up while he's pretending to be a lawman, well, he'll do his best to solve it.
Background: Charlatan
Background Feature (False Identity): You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.

Leather Armour & Common Clothes
Rapier & Daggers (2)
Shortbow & Arrows (20)
Backpack& Blanket
Mess Kit, Waterskin & Rations (5 days)
Tinderbox & Candle
Hooded Lantern & Oil (2 hours)
Rope (50' Hemp) & Pitons (10)
Crowbar & Hammer
Bell & String
Ball Bearings (1000)
Disguise Kit
Thieves' Tools
Purse (15gp)


So below is the background I was actually thinking of when I posted earlier

Rorik's parents had a tumultuous marriage, each having their own view on the world and how they should raise Rorik. Both were taken away from home by their respective duties and so their relationship swung from the heights of passion to open hostility. His mother, an Archmage at court, insisted on arcane tuition. While his father, a knight commander, thought men should learn to fight not read. Both parents showed open disdain to the other's way of life and this left Rorik with a cynical outlook on the world. He embraced both teachings though and developed a style of fighting that relied on magic.

He left home in his mid teens, unwilling to deal with the hostility his parents had for the other. He has spend the last few years in the company of various mercenary groups and town guards, acquiring a few followers along the way.

I think that time spent in the city watch could account for Rorik knowing Fitz and Bella as good souls with questionable methods. Fitz and Bella convincing the young watchman that there are better things to do than stay poor enforcing other people's laws.

The mechanics from here are probably what I will go with.

Charwoman Gene

The characters posted so far seem fine, feel free to post them in the Rogues Gallery.

Here is my rough take on how you all met up.

Gimlak and Sythaeryn met when both were traveling to Phandalin and Sythaeryn was set upon by a couple of orcs. Gimlak came across the scene and drove off the orcs. The two of you then moved on to Phandalin.

Bella, FItz and Rorik left Phandalin together and were ambushed by goblins. Gimlak and Sythaeryn arrived as you were losing hope, and working together you prevailed. You decided to team up, and all of you would have just arrived in Phandalin when the story opens up.


That sounds good to me.

I'm happy to start next week but I might be a bit slow as I catch up with other PbP stuff and work. I'll Get my PC finished off soon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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