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Ceramic DM autumn '03(final judegment: new ceramic dm champ!)

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Thas' right.

Busy writing up for my halloween one-shot, so please forgive any mistakes I may exhibit. Doing all 8 characters sheets single handedly, one after the other.. my brain hurts.


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I think Clay had to do some physical labour, instead of just playing with mud, so he might be sore or tired or something :D

(just kidding, he is infinitly more in shape than I am, unless its a round shape:p)


alsih2o said:
i think i stated my case poorly, or was misunderstood. if folka wanna do pics for me, maldur and speaker i am happy to play and invite anyoen to be a judge. i hvae been making stuff for years, i am beyond having my feelings hurt by such and i think it would be fun.

i meant if siala and i took each other on in some future winter ceramic dm i would appreciate some input from previous winners as judges or pic creators rather than a whole new crew at once.

sorry if i was too brief or vague.

No sir! I think I am the one being vague. I was at work at the time and was posting quickly. (Admittedly, I just got off work after a 14 hour day, so I am probably babbling here too.)

First off, this is the first Ceramic DM I have read. As a result, I am not very familiar with judging, how judges are chosen, how pictures are chosen etc. With ignorance of any other protocol, I wanted to volunteer just to avoid having nobody else volunteer.

Secondly, I was trying to make a general statement that finding people that are willing to judge may not always be easy. After all, what if you, as a jugde, don't like something a competitor has written and they think you are personally attacking them? There are a whole slew of potential problems that make volunteering to "pass judgement" somewhat risky My statement was intended as a general reflection that finding judges might be difficult sometimes.

Now, I think most people willing to participate in a Ceramic (or Iron) DM tourney would be mature enough to handle it. So it shouldn't be a problem. If there were a lack of judges ... I would step forward and give it my best shot. However, if there are plenty of judges, I would defer to them on the grounds that I am not familiar enough with the way they are run to be qualified.


Whoo! Great, great entries!
If that ain't a worthy finale, I don't know what is :D

Well, I'd be willing to judge, should you need someone. I'm used to people hating me :)
But otoh, I'd consider entering a tourney, as well - if it's not at the same time as Iron DM. If it is, and I'd have to choose, I'd... probably run around screaming, helplessly waving my arms around. :)

anxious to congratulate to winner and belittle the loser :)
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First Post
mythago vs. piratecat, the final!


Gods this is hard!

Cyberpunk in the style of ZEN, or modern day magic.
Hacker or Wizard.
Showdown in Africa or an erzats-Africa in a skyscraper
A tragic, open end or a tragic, open end
A Great story, or a GREAT story

In the end my vote goes to mythago


Piratecat: The loss of a loved one, the entrance of a man into a world he
could never have known existed - chilling. Your protagonist makes for a
well-rounded character, with his compulsive thievery and his reactions to
that which he encounters. Your conclusion is well crafted, and your use of
dialogue throughout the tale well crafted.

Mythago: When I finished this short story, I kept dreaming, of the world
you developed and the people you populated it with. While I have a
love-hate relationship with the first person perspective you used, in this
case it just felt right. I saw what your character saw, I knew him, or
thought I did. As the tale twisted through to its beautifully tangled
conclusion, I was thoroughly immersed. This is what the Ceramic DM is all

For this, the final round of Ceramic DM, I vote for Mythago.


piratecat: i was bowled over by your use of the bride pic. the bug demon was a cool idea, and the little girl and the hawk was as funny as all get out. twisted and entertaining. your characters always resonate for me, these are no exception.

mythago: performance art, wacky nutjobs, both stories had a flower girl, whoda thunk? the ai and the actress, good stuff.

p-kitty had some wicked picture use and wrote well, but i have to go with mythago so people will remmeber i was there at the beginning when the movie comes out.

MYTHAGO is the new ceramic dm by unanimous vote!

final judges comments:
maldur- For the future, I am hoping for more Ceramic DM's that are this hard to
Great storytelling folks, Sialia is a very lucky person to game with these
great storytellers!

speaker- Well done, to every contestant, to my fellow judges. What a series of
excellent match ups. I have enjoyed myself, and enjoyed the calibre of
writing we have seen here. Thank you.

alsih2o- ceramic dm is always fun, but this one had a specail kind of magic. high quality writing and great contestants amke this so much fun. thanks to everyone who comes in just for the reading too, the buck stops with the readers afterall.


Congrats mythago! Here's the key to the porcelain potty room ;)

Hey Clay, when we get to 8 Ceramic DMs I suggest we make an all DM superfinal. How many do we have now? 4 or 5?

Well done competition all around this time. I wish I had time to participate...



First Post
Mirth said:
Congrats mythago! Here's the key to the porcelain potty room ;)

Hey Clay, when we get to 8 Ceramic DMs I suggest we make an all DM superfinal. How many do we have now? 4 or 5?

oooh! sounds fun! except some moron screwed up the math by winning the first 2 :confused:

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I expected that; Mythago's story was a lot more ambitious than mine, I think, which is just one of the many reasons I liked it so much. :D


Thank you, everyone, for making this so much fun. I may not have won but I went out swinging, and I learned a tremendous amount about short story writing. I couldn't ask for more.

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