• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Campaigns in a nutshell. Adventures in a sentence.

Gothic horror plot loosely inspired by Peanuts and Garfield- Ravenloft adventure. A mad wizard has developed an arcane method for granting animals human intelligence. Thus method is based on combining techniques copied from lichdom rituals and familiar binding. It involves ripping out part of a person's soul and transferring it into the animal, leaving the donor a burned out husk with decreased abiloty scores and their charisma permanently reduced to one. The wizard has tested this on several unwilling people. He should probably be stopped. The concept for this was inspired by several popular long running newspaper comics such as Peanuts, Garfield, and Dilbert, wherein an unsuccessful and insecure human (who is often a self-insert of the author) is paired with a self-actualized animal mascot character.

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Golden Bee

Deathboat- Zombie virus outbreak on a cruise ship out at sea
Good news, this is the free starting adventure for spirit of 77!



Dragon Lover
Salvera - Four eclectic folk from across the multiverse crash land on a forgotten proto-world teeming with vast and strange yet familiar life that has been hidden from the gods and greater powers that long since abandoned it to ruin. There these four folk and a small yet friendly fey creature become entangled in a conflict between the god-like powers seeking to keep the world together and safe, and the great defilers that wish to harvest the lives and powers of the plane for their own cruel and twisted desires, ripping the world apart in the process. These Undecided, those who's fates have yet to be written and thus their own to forge outside of the machinations of destiny, must decide if they will stand up to the aberrant monsters seeking ruin and death, or become unwitting or even willing pawns to these dark monstrosities' goals. And along the way, they may also begin to unravel the mysteries of there own powers, forgotten pasts, and even see the heights...or depths of their potential futures.

TOON campaign where The PCs are employees of a Mythbusters-esque television show wherein the "myths" being tested tend to be either stupid bar bets ("you can't drink more than me without passing out"), health advice ("if you keep eating so much fast food you're going to have a heart attack" and then eventually the character dies of liver failure and diabetes. "myth busted!"), and places where people have used the word "can" to mean "may" ("you can't bring those TV cameras into Area 51!" and then they tunnel under the fence or somethig "So as you viewers can see, we can get TV cameras into Area 51 after all"...)

Or alternately/additionally, you could mash together several actual (but unrelated) mythbusters myths for comic effect. And so they;d wind up building things like the confederate salami rocket car*

*(confederate rocket + salami rocket + rocket car. Which I imagine as looking like a cross between the General Lee and the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile)

Big Tobacco Supernatural conspiracy set in the 1990's. Turns out that Camel Cigarettes (and their 20th century mascot Joe Camel) is a front for recruiting people into the worship of the goetic archfiend Vuall, who as described in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum "...is seene as a great and terrible dromedarie, but in humane forme..."

The Free League, Revolutionary League, and Xaositects are all having a membership crisis due to members being drawn away by a new faction of marxist-esque fake anarchists who are actually a front for the Baatezu

Assault On Gingerbread Castle
The PCs raid the home of an elf witch
This reminds me of when I had the players all be goblinoids who were sent to kill a witch (actually a young druid who was beloved by all the woodland), and when they entered her hut they triggered a curse that shrank them all down to 1 inch tall. They had to find the rune to break the curse. The boss fight was the druid's pet cat, statted out like a dragon.

The Angel of Mayhem recurring anti-villain- a powerful eladrin in the process of falling and becoming a demon. Wages an increasingly extensive, chaotic, and violent campaign against things society perceives as necessary evils. Starts with little things like letting all the animals loose. Then they let all the criminals out of prison. Then they get violent; They castrate the local horse gelder. When next encountered they're hunting a group of hunters. Later the party passes through an isolated evil-aligned nation, and this nation is undergoing a severe famine and is overgrown with poisonous vines bearing razor-sharp thorns; the eladrin has decided that since this particular nation uses slaves to work it's fields, the fields needed to be burned down and sown with supernatural weeds; most of the underclass has starved, including the slaves. The PCs catch a ride on a whaling boat and this guy is trying his damnedest to sink it and kill everyone aboard. The next time they're encountered they crash a public execution and hose down the crowd with greek fire while laughing like a maniac. etc etc etc. Eventually degrades into just killing random authority figures (ANY kind of authority figure, from a king, to a watchman, to a businessman, to somebody's parent, to a representative of the gods, to just a guy who owns an animal)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Arcane Conflux - A game set in the Realms of 4e, where the PCs have been trapoetwd to Abeir only to find a conspiracy of gods and primordials to end existence, and must return home with 5 reborn gods in tow before their presence causes sleeping primordials to wake and both worlds be destroyed.

Before The Tempest Eberron game starting on the day of morning and skipping 2 years later to a Mourning memorial event in Sharn, where the first threads of a cosmic threat are unraveled, and they must investigate, do some heists, face old demons and make new allies in order to stop a great wyrm from a dread apotheosis.

They Hung the Jerk Who Invented Work In the Big Rock Candy Mountains- For eons an ancient Baatoran lord has been imprisoned under an edenic mountain range in Ysgard; hung by the neck by a silver chain and pincushioned with blades this archfiend cannot die but must never be set free. In the past he sought to remake the multiverse to make it beholden to the power of lawful evil and is to a large part responsible for the very existence of need and finitude, as well as for many of the limitations on what magic can do and why outside the presence of magic the laws of thermodynamics hold sway. It is because of him that people don;t respawn everywhere the way that they do in Ysgard; but the forces of Ysgard defeated and bound him before he could work his will on their plane as well. In any case, deranged cultists seek to free him so he can complete his work and they must be stopped.

Voidrunner's Codex

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