Campaign Guide: Shackled City Legacy PbP Game (Game Cancelled)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
[MENTION=2012]Knightfall[/MENTION] With my chosen classes for this character in this campaign, my character could readily be from Cauldron City, unless Elves cannot be from there.

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Okay, so I'm going to come up with a list of rumors floating around the city before I start the In Character thread. It will likely have more than 6 or 7 rumors but hopefully not more than 12. I'm going to post in here sometime today, but I am going to be out for a bit, so the In Character thread won't be put up until later in the day.

I'm going to make some assumptions about where each PC is as the game starts unless any of you have any specific ideas. [MENTION=6790669]Tellerian Hawke[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION]'s PCs are already settled in Cauldron City, but I'm assuming -- [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION], [MENTION=6855223]MacConnell[/MENTION], and [MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION] -- that your PCs are all newcomers to the city unless you say otherwise.

Actually, it would very much be to my character's advantage as an Urban Druid to either be native or at least have some experience with Cauldron so he can consider it his favored city. He's 90% done, just need to actually write up the background and description.


Is my unreactive flaw approved?

Also, does anyone know of a familiar, improved or normal, that would assist me in knowledge checks. Like a smart imp or something? Going for a knowledgeable monster hunter theme. If you want to homebrew something in [MENTION=2012]Knightfall[/MENTION] with a re-skin I don't mind. Would gladly drop the spiked chain cheese for an improved familiar.


World of Kulan DM
[MENTION=2012]Knightfall[/MENTION] With my chosen classes for this character in this campaign, my character could readily be from Cauldron City, unless Elves cannot be from there.
Elves can be from there. However, most of the elves in the dominion don't live in Cauldron City itself, but there is a district for them. (I guess that's where you'd start.) It's called the Elfwatch Ward, which has a double meaning, which you might be able to guess. Standing over the district is the newly reconstructed watch tower (often called Solitude Tower) that watches over the ruined area of Cauldron's old wall. Members of the city guard stationed at Solitude consider it prestigious but a bit lonely. Elves in the guard, however, consider it a horrible posting.

The main building in Elfwatch Ward is the House of Blades, a temple to the elven god known as Tethrin *. That temple and its followers are considered a major religion in the dominion. (The other major elven faiths in Cauldron are as follows: Rellavar, Solonor, and Tarsellis. Corellon's faith is considered a minor one in the dominion, as are a few others.)

The other major building is the inn/rowhouse known simply as Elvin House. It is run by an elven widow named Arininiia who lost her husband during the eruption 8 years ago. She is matronly but tough, especially on elven 'youngsters'. She charges either 5 Cinders (cp) or 1 Silver Lake (sp) per week depending on the type of room rented. There are few elven families who live at Elvin House year round. These locals get a special rate -- 1 Caldera (gp) per month. Elves without family in Cauldron City must pay 1 Caldera and 7 Silver Lakes. Elvin House only allows elves and local half-elves. Arininiia insists that 'this isn't about prejudice but about prioritizing elves first in the district, besides there are plenty of other fine inns for non-elves to stay'.

*Note that on Kulan the last names for the demihuman (as well as some of the monstrous) gods are typically used by average followers. Full names are used by high priests during special ceremonies and at time of great upheaval.

Actually, it would very much be to my character's advantage as an Urban Druid to either be native or at least have some experience with Cauldron so he can consider it his favored city. He's 90% done, just need to actually write up the background and description.
Riiight, urban druid! <Smacks forehead> What was I thinking. I'm thinknig he'd spend a lot of time near the water's edge of Crater Lake. There is the Lake Park near the Old Orphanage or we could have him start on Fish Street, taking in the sites and sounds. If you want o be a bit more morbid, he could be in the Graveyard making sure all the tenants are content.


World of Kulan DM
Is my unreactive flaw approved?

Also, does anyone know of a familiar, improved or normal, that would assist me in knowledge checks. Like a smart imp or something? Going for a knowledgeable monster hunter theme. If you want to homebrew something in [MENTION=2012]Knightfall[/MENTION] with a re-skin I don't mind. Would gladly drop the spiked chain cheese for an improved familiar.
Hmm, I'll get back to you on this one. Allowing +3 bonus for all Knowledge check might be too powerful. Maybe +2. I'll see what I can dig up.


World of Kulan DM

Herein is a list of rumors in the Great City of Cauldron, seat of the Realm of the Silver Hand, as of Fireday, the 22nd day of Sialic.
1. Someone has been stealing chickens and other foodstuffs from the vendors on Tent Street. The miscreant has never been seen, but it has been smelt. Whatever it is stinks horribly but can seem to sneak through the Farmers Market with canny aplomb.

2. Unknown lights seem to appear and then disappear in the windows of The Old Orphanage at night. The Gatekeeper, Eardwith Reeve, has no idea what the lights are but every time he calls in the city's guards to investigate, they find nothing.

3. Guards stationed at the Southern Barracks swear they've seen the ghost of Thifirane Rhiavadi standing in one of the broken windows of the second floor of the ruins of Rhiavadi House. However, Argo Flameheart inspected the building himself and found no presence of evil. Lady Rhiavadi was exposed as a Cagewright.

4. The clergy of the Temple of Lordly Might and the priestesses of the War Hall of Inanna are in the middle of a secret feud over who has claim over the old 'sacred' building that stands between the two temples.

5. Citizens are seeing monsters in the streets! These unknown creatures have been spotted creeping around the city at night. The next day many have seen ugly looking scrawls on many buildings. There are often lewd drawings accompanied by odd script that could be in some language other than Common. With the rainy season, the scrawls don't last long.

6. It is believed that Argo Flameheart and the other members of the Order of the Silver Hand are planning to make another attempt to liberate Mor's End from the Warlords of Flamerule. They are in seclusion at the mountain temple known as Jalivier's Stronghold.

7. Cauldron City is going to have to start turning away newcomers to the city, especially refugees from Mor's End. The city is overflowing with people and soon there won't be enough room to walk down the street. And it is believed that this year will be very hot.

8. The desperate and poor forced to live on the broken isle of Woeborourgh are in fear for their lives. Strange new diseases are appearing and not all of them are natural, it seems. The waters of the Wall Lake are becoming putrid despite the efforts of the city's clergy to purify the lake, constantly.

9. The Magma Fissure, which cuts across both Magma Avenue and the Road of Hawks is billowing out more steam than usual. People fear that the volcano is becoming active again. (Yet, the Deep-Gap Fissure remains silent.) The old wood bridges that span the Magma Fissure likely will need to be replaced, as they are starting to rot.

10. With the ten-year anniversary of The Transformation only two weeks away, people all across the Thunder Lands are getting anxious about what might happen, if some soothsayers are to be believed. In Cauldron, there are whispers of a doomsday cult working behind the scenes. Others say the Cagewrights are returning in force to finish what they started eight years ago. It hasn't helped that the city has been blanketed by fog off and on over the last three weeks.

11. The tiny islet on Crater Lake known for the old Bone Tower has always been a place for the homeless and the odd fisherman, but now there seems to be something else going on. At night, there is a blazing fire that seems to engulf half of the islet, yet when dawn comes no one can see any visible damage to the stark structure. The guards haven't had time to investigate.

12. Citizens are beginning to once again fear the Graveyard near the rebuilt Western Barracks. It is whispered that the old, once-haunted crypt (which made the guards abandon the barracks years ago) is refilling with the undead. The Lord Mayor, Hezekiah Grofus, hasn't been staying at the traditional residence for years, which makes locals think the haunting has spread into the walled residence.

13. The funds set aside to start repairing the ruined area north of Malachite Road has been stolen from the treasury in Mountain Hall! Many are blaming the Halfling Syndicate.

14. With the housing shortage, there is a movement growing to have the old, vacant noble residences of the House Crystalmantle and Lathenmire Manor re-purposed for housing those with the means to pay more for rooms. A forced decrease in housing costs would be forced on all landlords below Lava Avenue for those with less means. The landlords are not happy!

15. The Olvingrove in Elfwatch Ward is being choked with deadly plants making the copse a dangerous hazard. Strange vines with razor-like leaves are spreading fast!

16. Two of the three wizards' in residence -- who live in The Three Towers -- have gone missing! The remaining wizard is being accused of killing his 'friendly' rivals.

17. Weird things are happening in the City Library. Books seem to be moving on their own and patrons say they are seeing apparitions in the Archives building.

18. Citizens fear that a vampire is on the loose in Lake Park!

19. Rewards are being posts all over the city for adventurers willing to explore the abandoned residence known as The Blue Tower. The tower was said to once belong to an infamous wizard who lived in the city more than 100 years ago.

20. The House of Boccob will choose five outstanding youths from the Hostel of the Orphan King to become apprentices this year instead of only three. The ceremony takes place on Windday, the 30th of Sialic.


Hmm, I'll get back to you on this one. Allowing +3 bonus for all Knowledge check might be too powerful. Maybe +2. I'll see what I can dig up.

I would never expect such a thing. +2 to the main knowledge checks for monsters would be generous, but maybe still overkill. Arcana, Nature, Religion, & the planes are my main foci. I could make it my improved familar to up the cost. Thanks at least for even entertaining the idea.


World of Kulan DM
I would never expect such a thing. +2 to the main knowledge checks for monsters would be generous, but maybe still overkill. Arcana, Nature, Religion, & the planes are my main foci. I could make it my improved familar to up the cost. Thanks at least for even entertaining the idea.
Okay, thanks for the clarification. The one thing that exist in the rules already (that I thought of) is the Knowledge domain, which allows a character to take all Knowledge skills as class skills. Your improved familiar should do something similar, I think. You get all Knowledge skills as class skills and you get a +2 to two skills of your choice. That's probably the best I can do. Maybe your familar should have something to do with books or paper. A dire bookworm would be a strange familiar. Your PC could keep him in a jar and feed him old paper.

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