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Break of Dawn Part 2 [Manzanita judging] COMPLETED

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Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I think my connection issues have been resolved by MM's latest tinkering. Ally and Odno will continue to aid Mordik's actions, while Ally tries to slowly step into a position away from the newly summoned monsters, until someone has taken a bit more damage, at which point she'll start wanding)


ooc Hi all, As you can read in the GD thread I sadly have to take a break from ENworld for at least the rest of the year. Although you guys are now in somewhat of an endgame I am inclined to round up the remainder of the adventure in a summary-type mode to at least see the end of the adventure withing a short timeframe. I can tell you that there is not much adventure left and we can round up with you making the final and important decisions, I will simply cut out lengthy combat etc.

I will leave the decision to you guys. I you are willing to continue at a slow pace but with full detail I will do my best to keep this adventure moving. I cannot promise anything and I fear I cannot end this at that rate before the end of the year.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I'm okay with rounding the adventure up. If there is a chance or a choice and we wind up finding the other half, Aletheia is not inclined to bring it back to the Guardian just in case the "Guardian" actually *is* an evil thing trapped in there as well that would break free with the amulet--it seems to her that the druids kept them separate to begin with for a reason, or else they would have put them both there to start instead of putting the second half in whatever place Graven was able to find it more easily. Thus, Ally would suggesting giving the amulet to her sister Aggie, who is a more powerful priestess and can probably keep it safe ;))


First Post
((OOC: I vote for the faster wrap-up, as well. For Eanos' part, the fact that he was clearly unable to tell Graven was a big phony has him doubting his ability to read people, so he'd probably be with Ally in terms of not wanting both halves of the amulet in a single pair of hands.))


ooc three out of four. Works for me!

The fight continues. Mordik's silver sword hacks easliy through the flesh of the strange outerwordly creatures.
While Graven is distracted by the crocodile that Quarion summoned Mordik and Eanos manage to dispatch with the Lemure's without much difficulty.
Odno continues to aid the two where he can and Ally keeps the fighting section from bleeding to death.

Meanwhile the man in the cage shouts 'He is not me! That there is a devil's spawn! He took my place!"

After the lesser evils have been dealt with, you corner and confront Graven. He makes a last stand by casting a few more spells but without his aides he is quickly defeated.

On the verge of his demise, the man you know as Graven shows a wicked grin and transforms into a small devilish creature with wings and a tail. Ally is quick to point it out as an imp.
With an evil laughter it says its final words as Mordik kills it with the silver sword "Almost I had you! Next time you will not be so lucky! See you soon!"

On it's body you find half of the amulet of Dawn, as well as a keyring.
The man in the Cage yells to you "Please! you must let me out! Please, for I am the real Lord Graven!"


The Real Graven explains

After some thorough questioning even Ally and Eanos are convinced that the man in the cage is truly the real lord Graven. Dunbar also confirms that the 'other' Graven was a devil that imprisoned the real Lord and took his place.

The real Graven explains that he foolishly used the amulet to summon the imp. As graven is no magic user he was unable to control the creature without the other half of the amulet. Over the course of several years it graduately took control over his life until he improisoned the real Lord Graven two years ago.

Graven explains that he acquired the amulet about ten years ago from a merchant who didn't know what it really was. After extensive research he discovered the nature and history of the amulet of Dawn.
This half is origionally used to send evil beings back to the world from which they came and the other half is used to keep them at bay and control them. In the wrong hands both halves can be used for other things than the druids who created them had intended.

ooc: (i'll pause here for any questions, actions or anything else you want to add)

Voidrunner's Codex

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