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D&D 5E Adventures in Middle-Earth [OOC]


For the Woodmen, the fate of a man is traced from birth: some are lucky, some are not. But the one who does not have the luck can accomplish great things and must strive to do so - until the day when he sees destiny turn against him, and when he has to die as bravely as he has lived.
At twelve, the young Woodman is already considered a man responsible for his actions. Heimdar son of Aegir was no older when he killed for the first time. He was playing on the floor of the common room with other children when his father offered him an axe, for him to keep provided that he kill a goblin during the next raid. Heimdar split the skull of the goblin saying that it was not much to do to have the axe.
A young man who, at the age of eighteen, has neither undertaken a raid nor proven himself in combat, is considered a bum. To wait peacefully for the inheritance of his father is unworthy of a son of Woodmen. Although, the greatest warriors are buried with their most precious possessions, their dogs and their horses. As for the Woodmen leaving for war, they place an axe next to their newborn son and declare: "You will have nothing by inheritance, and all that you will possess, you will have to conquer it with this blade.

This is the world in which Heimdar grew up, until this night, during the year 2946 of the Third Age when an Orcs raid burned his home and killed his family.

A gathering was held in the crowded Great Hall, the tension was palpable.
Behind a long table, were sitting the Elders. The Council was chaired by the Allthane Hierulf himself, the leader of Woodmen-Hall. Facing them, Heimdar. He was standing, alone, in the middle of the room. Along the walls, the assembly was waiting for the judgment.

"Is it what you want, Heimdar The Stoic?" asked Hierulf.
"Yes." replied the Woodman, calmly.
"You already have proven your valor. We know who you are."
"I know."
"But still you want to lead this expedition..."
"Retaliation is the only answer." replied Heimdar without showing any passion or feeling, as usual.
The old man turned towards the other elders sitting behind the table and after a few whispers and some nodding, he stood up and said:

"The Council has taken his decision. The presence of the Enemy weighs upon the hearts of most inhabitants of Woodland-Hall. It is not the first time your blood has to pay the ultimate price. Your father before you was hunted by those creatures like if they sworn to wipe out the line of Aegir. I hear you, Heimdar Aegirson. You want revenge for your family. I understand that. We - understand that. But the grievance and recklessness that dwell even in the hearts of the brave have ever been the ally of the Enemy. Valiant warriors, adventurers and kings can all stray from their path, given the right circumstances. No matter how pure they believe their motives to be, or how just the ends, giving in to their darkest desires will eventually lead them to their end. Don't forget that the Enemy has never failed to return in a new shape, even after the most resounding defeats. Woodland-Hall needs all his strengths. This is not the time for punitive and adventurous expeditions. The men will stay."

No sooner had Hierulf uttered these words than several armed warriors rose like one man, shouting incomprehensible words in protest.

"The Council has spoken!" declared Hierulf, trying to make himself heard.

But the calls for the calm of the old men could do nothing, the Great Hall had turned into a loud marketplace.

Heimdar didn't say a word. On the contrary, he quickly disappeared from the meeting without being noticed. The darkness had already invaded the town but traces of the attack were still visible. They came the night before, in a reduced band. The Orcs burned some cottages, including Heimdar's house while he was on patrol in the heart of Mirkwood. On his return, he could only resign himself and begin the mourning of his wife and his sons. But quickly the anger took over and he provoked a Council meeting to launch the village forces in their pursuit. Without success.

Exiting the village followed by Yggmir, his hound, Heimdar joined a man waiting for him in the dark.

"So?" Asked Sigwald.
"We are on our own." replied Heimdar, darkly.

The man threw him his bow and quiver. "Then let's not waste more time." Said Sigwald, before they went off.
They reached the edge of the forest where two other Woodmen were waiting for them.

"Tell me everything you know, Jorund." ordered Heimdar while checking his equipment.
"There is a track. Nineteen raiders on foot, heading North trough the woods." replied the hunter.
"So, kill the Orcs and be off before the next moon." resumed Sigwald.
"Good hunters can do that." Said Thorgrim.
"But not vengeful ones..." replied Jorund, looking worried at Heimdar.

But Heimdar kept painting his face without saying a word. For him, the hunt had began.

"Why doesn't he speak?" whispered Thorgrim?
"He's Heimdar The Stoic. He will not talk about his feelings. Those Orcs think they are untouchable but they are wrong, they are dead wrong. Because he'll never forget and never forgive.
Heimdar The Stoic is dead today, Heimdar The Avenger is born." explained Sigwald.

The group of rangers hunted the Orcs trough Mirkwood during many days and many nights. The expedition led them to the edge of Woodland Realms but when finally, the last Orc died, they realized that Heimdar will not go back.

"Heimdar stop!, They're dead, let's go home." said Sigwald, exhausted by this hunt.
"Not all of them." replied Heimdar, looking into the woods.
"There is a limit to revenge you know."
"I guess I haven't reached mine yet."
"Thogrim and Jorund have lost their lives on the trail, is this not enough for you?"

But Heimdar, already following another track, wasn't listening. Without a word, he ran trough the forest, chasing his ghosts.

What happened then, remains to be written.
Heímðar Ægirsøn
Wanderer Woodmen Hunted by The Shadow

Armor Class. 15 (Leather +2, Dex +3, Shield +2)
Hit Points. 24 (2d10)
Speed. 30 ft.
Initiative. +3
Inspiration. 1
STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 8 (-1)
Saving Throws. Str+3, Con +4
Skills. Athletics +3, Medicine +5, Intimidation +1 (Adv.), Investigation +2, Nature +2, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5
Senses. Passive Perception 15
Languages. Vale of Anduin Tongue
Background. Hunted by The Shadow

Great Bow. Range: +7 (1d8+3 piercing, 150/600)
Hand-Axe. Melee: +5 (1d6+3 slashing ; light, thrown, range 20/60)

Features & Virtues
Fighting Style. Archery
Staunching Song of the Woodmen. After you finish a short rest, you may sing this song to recover a Hit Die + your Constitution modifier’s worth of damage without expending one of your Hit Dice.
Hound of Mirkwood. Hound. Advantage Charisma(Intimidation) checks, double Proficiency, +1 Wis.
Troubling to the Wise. You often have knowledge of the lesser-known hiding places and catacombs in the castles and cities that you visit.

Ways of the Wild. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) ability checks when tracking others through the wilderness. If you act as a company’s Guide on a journey, you are considered to be assuming all vacant traveling roles.
Natural Watchfulness.When in the wilderness, your proficiency bonus for Perception is doubled, if you are proficient in Perception.
Known Lands (7). When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to a land you know, your proficiency bonus is doubled.

Western Eaves, Anduin Vales, Middle Vales, Heart of Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, Mountain of Mirkwood, Northern Mirkwood

When you are traveling in one of your Known Lands you gain the following benefits:
• If any part of a journey passes through a land you know, the DC of your personal Event tests are lowered by 2.
• If the entire journey passes through lands you know, and you act as Guide, you lower the Peril Rating of the Journey by 2.
• You have advantage when making Wisdom saving throws against Corruption caused by Blighted lands you know.
• You cannot become lost under normal circumstances.
• You know at least one place in each Known Land where you can safely take a long rest: a settlement where you have friends, perhaps, or a hidden cabin in the woods or simply a dry and defensible cavern or secret glade.
• You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) ability checks and can move stealthily at a normal pace.
• While tracking other creatures, you automatically learn their exact number, their sizes and how recently they passed through the area.​

Character Traits
Distinctive Quality. Hardened. You’ve lost so much to the Shadow already. You know that your continued existence plagues the Shadow as much as the damage they cause plagues you. You won’t let them win.
Specialty. Region-lore (choose one). You’ve spent so much time eluding the agents of Shadow in a particular place that you have acquired a lot of information about its geography.
Hope. The Shadow has strengthened me in ways that I’m certain it didn’t anticipate or desire.
Despair. No place is safe. The Shadow has eyes everywhere
Shadow Weakness. Wandering-madness

Leather armor, Great Bow, 2 Hand-Axes, Shield, traveling cloak, traveling gear for the current season, belt dagger, a hunting trap, rope (50ft.), 2 torches

Coins Silver: 0 Copper: 6


Wolfhound of Wilderland Medium Beast

Armor Class. 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points. 8
Speed. 40 ft.
Initiative. +2
STR 13 (+1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 3 (-4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 7 (-2)
Saving Throws. Str+3, Dex +4, Con +3, Init -2, Wis +3, Cha +0
Skills. Perception +5; Intimidation +2
Senses. Passive Perception 20

Keen Hearing and Smell. The Hound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) ability checks that rely on hearing and smell.
Trained. Charisma (Intimidation).

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
If the target is a Small or Medium creature, it must succeed at a DC 11 Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on its next attack.


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3 questions for our Loremaster

My Culture gives me Survival. My Class gives me Survival. My Background gives me Survival. I suppose I can change those redundant Survivals for other skills (like in D&D5e). So for the Class choice, I took another skill in the Wanderer list and for the Background, I took Medicine (because without magic, I suppose we gonna need it).

Woodmen: Survival
Wanderer: Athletics, Nature, Perception, Investigation
Hunted by the Shadow: Stealth, Medicine
(And the Hound gives me Intimidation)

Are you ok with this?

2. Equipment: Can we buy equipment with the starting silvers? Silver: 2D6 = [3, 4] = 7
3. Known Lands: I need help to pick the 4 (3+1 because of background) regions my character knows. Maybe you could choose them for me using your foresight? ;)

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First Post
Skills are fine, yes you can purchase extra stuff to being with from your starting silver. As for regions... hmmm my suggestions would include the following (based somewhat on the map from AIME). The areas where the FIRST adventure take place in are going to be the second and third listed (the Woodland Realm makes sense as that is where you are from). Otherwise...

1.) Woodland Realm (northern Mirkwood)
2.) Middle Mountains and the Western Mirkwood (sort of the central/northern Mirkwood)
3.) the Middle Vale
4.) the Heart of Mirkwood (sort of central/southern Mirkwood)
5.) the Upper Vale
6.) the Anduin Vale
7.) the Nether Vale
8.) the Misty Mountains (at least the region on both side of the High Pass).

Other suggestions (probably no adventures this way though)...
1.) Northern Daleland
2.) the Wastes
3.) the Marchlands
4.) Southern Mirkwood


6 copper left... it hurts.

So deadly travels, mind fuxxing shadow madness, I never saw Lord of the Ring as survival horror. It's great.

Thanks for the game. Got a backstory to write. Looking forward to join you.


First Post
hehe nope as you have only just meet...

Also my idea for getting you into this adventure... I am going to use Spoilers here so for the other players to not read if possible as it will spoil something...

[sblock=for Fradar]So you need to have a reason to be traveling on the Elf-Road. This is south of the Wildlands. Somehow you were separated from your allies that you were traveling (and you DON'T remember why or even whom they were) and found yourself within the deep wood near an ancient ruined castle. You had a strong fear of this place but you also were overcome by a great weariness. You were then awoke by a panicked man screaming nearby. When you looked you saw someone vaguely human shapped encased within a spider web being dragged over the wall and the sounds of many scurrying legs. Just as this is happening a trio of two humans and a elf burst from the treeline and appear to be following a trail left by the dragged man...

We should get to this part of the adventure next week. So you can think about what you would like to say or or do when you spot the other heroes.[/sblock]


I think Ulfred hit Spider #3 for 7 dmg. Not a big deal, but you know ;)

Could Heimdar light up a torch and set the web on fire to frighten the spider? Even if it's risky for himself. The question is mostly about rules and actions, not really about safety. He really want to destroy this nest, not only save the guy.
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