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[Adventure] To Serve a Dragon: Act 1: A House is Not a Home (Judge: stonegod)


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The dragon Calamachia has hired the trio during their work in the Cannith creation forge.


Talos - Minotaur Fighter - http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:PC:Talos
Tock - Human Rogue - LEB:pC:Valintaquin Tock d'Tharashk (froggalpha) - ENWorld Living Eberron Wiki
Mal Voidsoul Genasi Warlord - LEB:pC:Anomaly (twilsemail) - ENWorld Living Eberron Wiki

Major Quests: TBD

Minor Quests: TBD

XP Awarded: 0 XP

Treasure Awarded: None

Date Started: 5/14/2011
Days Played:

Rules of Play:

1. Please include your quick stats in your post on the first post, on each post in combat, and on the first post where your status has changed. I can't stress this enough!

2. In combat I will track your hitpoints and status effects but I'd like you to do the same in your quick stats. After all, I am not perfect.

3. If you are using a wishlist, and it gets updated, please let me know. If you are not using a wishlist, no worries.

4. I will rarely assign treasure to an individual. It is up to you to split things as fairly as you deem.

5. I will roll initiative for all. You do not need to wait for you're turn in initiative to post your actions. Enemies will go on one initiative.

I will resolve actions in initiative order. If someone posts after you've posted actions and it changes your action, I'll allow a change to the post (but must keep the same dice rolls)

If you tie for initiative with the enemy, higher initiative modifier wins.

6. I will not post full stats for enemies. All status effects will be posted. Auras will be posted once they first take noticeable affect. HP will be posted once bloody. Defenses will be revealed individually once hit. Some familiar monsters are modified.

7. If an sblock is labeled for someone other than you, I ask you not to read it.

8. If you do not post for 2 days, and we are in a skill challenge or combat encounter, I will post for you. I will only use At-Will Powers.

9. If you have an image you'd like to use for your token, please send me the file renau1g(at)gmail.com.

10. Please use Invisible Castle or the enworld dice roller for rolls
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First Post
The creature carries you in its massive claws as it flies in the sky, any thoughts of struggling are quickly put to rest when you look down and see the altitude of the mechanical creature.

"Hang on! It's going to be a long, rough ride." the creature says without hint of emotion.

As it turns out. The dragon is not joking. He heads out over the mountains and makes for the open water of what is likely the Kraken Bay in what turns out to be the beginning of an extremely long journey. For days, the dragon beats the air and soars over thermals, catching the wind in a glide where he can. The wind rushes by the faces of the two adventurers clutched in his claws as they try desperately to keep from freezing in the endless storm clouds that seem to follow the dragon wherever he flies.

Only a diffuse remnant of the sun's light makes it through the clouds, and the trip have long since lost their bearings, giving up all hope on exactly how many days its been. Mal counts twelve times that he's managed to fall asleep in the clutches of this enormous wyrm, and those have been due to sheer exhaustion.

Presently, the beast lowers its altitude below the cloud deck, and an island looms into view. It is an island, a fair sized one at first sight.

It is to the western edge of the island that the dragon takes them, approaching from the east, he passes the western shore and circles around low over the water. You had spotted the lights of a town or villiage as it passed, but it was dark now and you had little luck in seeing any details.

As the creature lands, it drops you roughly on the ground. Your stomachs growl in protest as it has been days since your last meal.

"We are near the small city of Piritar. If you need anything, get it now. We will leave shortly. Be here in two days time." Calamachia says coldly, taking back off to the sky.

[MENTION=79628]twilsemail[/MENTION], [MENTION=62300]raion[/MENTION], [MENTION=83014]ShadRS[/MENTION] - sorry for the delay, here we go.

If you need anything here's your chance.


First Post
Mal spends as much of his time as possible trying to observe the world from this new perspective. He points out interesting cloud formations to Tock and Talos. At one point there is a pod of whales well below them and Mal trys to convey his excitement over seeing the bubble netting taking place below.

When they land he sits for a moment, pulling out a journal with the intent to sketch everything that he could remember. He looks up after just a moment and he realizes there are other duties. He sighs and says, "Two days? We'll see you then."

[sblock=OOC] No worries about the delay, R1, I'm just excited to play Mal again. I'm looking forward to seeing what you cooked up.

As always happens "I must spread the XP love around."

1. Stat block following.
3. I've got a wish list, but it's by no means set in stone.
9. I think you had one for Mal in the last adventure. I'm cool with that one if you've still got it.
10. Are you alright with the ENworld roller?

I wasn't able to retire Din before the start of this, so I'm still rolling in with the level 4 version of Mal.

[sblock=Anomaly]Anomaly—Male Genasi Warlord 4
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 22, Fort: 16, Reflex: 20, Will: 17 — Speed: 5
HP: 37/37, Bloodied: 19, Surge: 9, Surges left: 7/8
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Commander’s Strike
Direct the Strike
Powerful Warning
Provocative Order
Orchestrated Offensive
Inspiring Word
Inspiring Word (2)
Void Assumption
Knight’s Move


First Post
Talos watches the mechanical dragon fly away, and then turns in the direction of the town. "I'm so sodden hungry for a hot meal I could eat a salamander! If I ever see another piece of hardtack it will be too soon. Lets go stock up." He walks a few paces forward and then turns to look in the direction the dragon flew off.

"I suppose we should have asked what sort of situations we need to prepare for. Oh well." With that he pulls the lute from his back and begins to tune it as he slowly walks.

[sblock=Talos]Talos—Male Minotaur Fighter 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Insight: 15, Passive Perception: 17
AC: 20, Fort: 19, Reflex: 14, Will: 16 — Speed: 5
HP: 49/49, Bloodied: 24, Surge: 12, Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Knockdown Assault
Brash Strike
Pass Forward

Goring Charge
Bull Charge

Knee Breaker

LEB:pC:Talos (ShadRS) - ENWorld Living Eberron Wiki[/sblock]


First Post
Tock lays sprawled on the ground face up for a bit as the dragon flies off, then leans up and speaks as if in response to Talos. "That.. was.. so Amazing!"
Then he looks at the others, "He didn't tell us what we're doing, did he?"

[sblock=Tock]Tock - Male Human Rogue (Thief) 5
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 20, Fort: 16, Ref: 21, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6
HP: 42/42, Bloodied: 21, Surge: 10, Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Tactician's Trick
Thug's Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Heroic Effort
Vanguard Short Sword Power
Dragonclaw Leather Armor Power

http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:PC:Valintaquin_Tock_d'Tharashk_(froggalpha) [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Looking forward to this :)[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Near the impromptu landing site, the group finds the remains of an old book. It may have once been a cookbook, but it has long since faded.

To... Serve... Dragon
OOC: Judge-aroni!
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First Post
Mal nods, assuring himself he'd be able to sketch later. "Tock, did you see the arete on that mountain? Beautiful! I need to travel by dragon more often. Imagine..." He shakes himself out of his reverie and begins stretching his legs.

"We'll pick up what we need down in Piritar. Pick up a general range of supplies. We may have several missions before we can resupply." A heartbeat later he adds, under his breath, " Ours is not to reason why..."

When everyone apprears ready, the party can head to Piritar.

OOC: ready to get this stone rolling. We've got another PC en route he should be in the wiki in a day or two. I talked my flatmate into joining.


First Post
OOC: Ok, just waiting on the newcomers and we'll roll it along. Note to you three, there was some XP from Cannith Caper for you so make sure to note it on your CS


First Post
OOC: Mythra is ready to gain ultimate power by cooperating with the dragon!

Stat wise he is a controller with summoner dailies. He can't do much damage outside of his summons, but he can inflict good "control". His summons helped soak up a good amount of damage in the last encounter (besides the Iron Cohort which r1 one-shotted! :eek:).

I hope he will be a useful asset to the party. :)

Mythra Stelwart
Male Eladrin Wizard 6

Medium natural humanoid (Fey)
Initiative +8; Senses Passive Insight 20, Passive Perception 20
HP 46/46hp, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 9/9
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 20
Saving Throws +5 vs Charm Effects
Speed 6
Action Points:1

At will:
Chilling Cloud
Beguiling Strands

Ghost Sound
Mage Hand

Fey Step
Illusory Obstacles
Hypnotic Pattern

Tome of Binding
Second Wind

Summon Dretch
Summon Magma Beast
Summon Iron Cohort

Summoning Tome
Cloak of Translocation
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First Post
Tock blinks and mutters "Arete..?" Then, louder, he continues "Yeah, it looked amazing. Think they make saddles for dragons? If we're going to make a habit of this I'd rather not plan on dangling."
He stands up, stretching, and looks towards the town.

Voidrunner's Codex

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